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Video Madness Brand X thread
Video Madness Brand X thread
Old Thread is Old

Epic Rap Battles of History: John Wick vs John Rambo vs John McClane

Sabaton - The Red Baron Live (building blocks version)
RE: Video Madness Brand X thread
Yeah, it's an ad. But it's at least mildly amusing, and it shows how cellphone ads have become Strictly Formula.


(Noticed in this article, which discusses why you might not want to buy one just yet.)
Rob Kelk

Sticks and stones can break your bones,
But words can break your heart.
- unknown

Forever neighbours, never neighbors
Government of Canada: How to immigrate to Canada
RE: Video Madness Brand X thread
Why we need to teach geography

granted this video is 10 years old, but still...
RE: Video Madness Brand X thread
Building a complete and warm survival shelter

Miracle of Sound - 2020: A Long Year

Seemed like this song fit 2021 too
RE: Video Madness Brand X thread
(a non-comic fan) talking about part of DC's Countdown megaevent where The Pied Piper blew up the planet Apocalypse using the music of Queen

in memory of a great lady:  21 Quotes from Betty White
RE: Video Madness Brand X thread
Losing the Narrative: How far can you push the lore before it breaks? (mostly Star Wars focused discussion)

Countries scaled by Gun Ownership - Countryballs Animation
RE: Video Madness Brand X thread
Hey kids, ya know what's evil?

Exploiting under- or unpaid child labor is fucking evil.
‎noli esse culus
RE: Video Madness Brand X thread
Hey Sabaton fans! This isn't a Sabaton song. But you'll love it anyway.

Sucrose Octanitrate.

Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
RE: Video Madness Brand X thread
If fast food restaurants were people
RE: Video Madness Brand X thread
countries scaled by average college fees 
RE: Video Madness Brand X thread
small owl riding a RC tank

Celebrated too early
RE: Video Madness Brand X thread
Critical Drinker - Why Modern movies suck: The Soft Reboot

survival bunker manufacturer video looking at some of their products
RE: Video Madness Brand X thread
David Mitchell's hilarious rant on the Flat Earth Society
RE: Video Madness Brand X thread
Holderness Family - We Don't talk About Covid

20 moments you wouldn't believe if they weren't recorded
RE: Video Madness Brand X thread
a funny clip from a British game show of some sort
RE: Video Madness Brand X thread
New Order/Depeche Mode mashup -  Strange Love Triangle
RE: Video Madness Brand X thread
a bit of RPG humor

Tonga volcano eruption as seen from space

when you crit fail your sailing check
RE: Video Madness Brand X thread
-- Bob

I have been Roland, Beowulf, Achilles, Gilgamesh, Clark Kent, Mary Sue, DJ Croft, Skysaber.  I have been 
called a hundred names and will be called a thousand more before the sun grows dim and cold....
RE: Video Madness Brand X thread
This is Eggman's Crypto mine (Sonic the hedgehog humour)

The Dark Forest (a possible solution to the Fermi Paradox)
RE: Video Madness Brand X thread
Robyn Adele Anderson - Smoke on the Water 1920s cover

Acapella version of the Mortal Kombat theme

Dunkirk with Star Wars music
RE: Video Madness Brand X thread
Gone But Not Forgotten - You Can't do That on Television

Countryballs - Countries scaled by Internet speed
RE: Video Madness Brand X thread
What happens after one of the big dishes at Canberra gets rained on.

Link to Twitter
Rob Kelk

Sticks and stones can break your bones,
But words can break your heart.
- unknown

Forever neighbours, never neighbors
Government of Canada: How to immigrate to Canada
RE: Video Madness Brand X thread
Volcanic Eruptions size comparison (2021)

Countryball - Countries scaled by # of McDonald's
RE: Video Madness Brand X thread
Countryball - Countries scaled by age

We Didn't Start the Fire - Marvel version
RE: Video Madness Brand X thread
Countryballs - scaled by military victories

10 Star Wars 'Plot Holes' that really aren't

True facts about the Proboscis Monkey

Countryball - What are Countryballs scared of?

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