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RE: [I/OOC] Incidental Bits
11-20-2021, 02:50 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-20-2021, 02:55 PM by robkelk.)
While looking at the data available on the Lyrical Nanoha wiki in order to update our wiki, I noticed something that North Americans might think unusual. (Yes, I double-checked the math.) Then I came up with a possible reason for it. Arc 1:
Lindy looked her straight in the eyes. "Konori-san, when I was your age, I was married and pregnant with my son Chrono. You have a rare metahuman ability; why are you waiting to pass it along to the next generation?"
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RE: [I/OOC] Incidental Bits
11-20-2021, 04:31 PM
I don't get it.
Are we talking teen pregnancies or something?
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RE: [I/OOC] Incidental Bits
11-20-2021, 05:41 PM
Yeah, Mii is something like 16 years old, I think?
Basically, Midchilda has very liberal views about what constitutes adulthood, which is partially rooted in the old Japanism of children taking on adult responsibilities at a very early age. Hell, the official age of consent by national law is still thirteen. Though all the prefectures have superseding laws that set the age of consent at a later age, but some of these AoC laws still have that set at a pretty young age.
The funny thing is that there's more and more evidence coming out that so long as a girl has the emotional, fiscal, and moral support of her romantic partner and their families, motherhood at that age isn't really much more adverse than it is for a woman having her first child at the age of 25. If anything, we as a species seem to be geared for that kind of thing, and this thing where parents are expected to go it alone is actually a VERY new thing, sociologically speaking. The honest truth is, however, that it really does take a village to raise a child.
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RE: [I/OOC] Incidental Bits
11-20-2021, 06:38 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-20-2021, 06:40 PM by robkelk.)
(11-20-2021, 05:41 PM)Black Aeronaut Wrote: Yeah, Mii is something like 16 years old, I think?
She's either 16 or 17 - we see her in her current school uniform in a one-year flashback when Kuroko is in her final year of elementary school. I decided to give her the younger possible age.
EDIT: And note that neither Mii nor Rob are in any hurry to marry before Mii turns 18. Lindy's opinion will be given due consideration, then rejected.
(11-20-2021, 05:41 PM)Black Aeronaut Wrote: The honest truth is, however, that it really does take a village to raise a child.
Which we so rarely get in North American cities nowadays, if one doesn't count paid childcare (which few teenage mothers are likely to be able to afford).
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RE: [I/OOC] Incidental Bits
11-22-2021, 02:54 AM
There was a reason that IBM was said by its employees to stand for "I've Been Moved."
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RE: [I/OOC] Incidental Bits
11-24-2021, 05:02 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-24-2021, 05:03 PM by robkelk.)
Another snippet inspired by my adding character information to the wiki. This is definitely canon for TNB.
Glebe Collegiate, Ottawa, ON, Canada
12:06 PM, February 15, 2017
At lunchtime at school, two girls were sharing their packed lunches with each other while talking about the manga they'd been reading.
"I still can't believe they wrote a manga about us!"
Around a mouthful of food, Usagi answered, "I know! All our secrets, written down where anybody can read them!"
"At least the story makes us look good. Not like that anime, where half the monsters went after me like they were drawn by a magnet."
Usagi blinked. "Naru... half the monsters did go after you like they were drawn by a magnet."
"That's not right. I wasn't targeted any more than anyone else. And neither was my sister."
"Ano... Aren't you an only child?"
They both sat silently for a moment as the realization hit them. Then the redhead extended her hand. "Hi, I'm Naru Osaka, Nice to meet you."
"Usagi Tsukino, Nice to meet you, too." As they shook hands, Usagi added, "I wonder where my universe's Naru is?"
"And my world's Usagi, too," Naru added.
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RE: [I/OOC] Incidental Bits
11-25-2021, 07:52 AM
That is both creepy and sad at the same time. And perfectly logical.
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RE: [I/OOC] Incidental Bits
11-26-2021, 01:10 AM
Out of curiousity, which Sailor Moon continuity gave Naru a sister?
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RE: [I/OOC] Incidental Bits
11-26-2021, 07:47 AM
(11-26-2021, 01:10 AM)Norgarth Wrote: Out of curiousity, which Sailor Moon continuity gave Naru a sister?
The manga. So it was Naoko Takeuchi who gave Naru a sister.
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RE: [I/OOC] Incidental Bits
11-26-2021, 11:00 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-26-2021, 11:04 AM by Norgarth.)
ah. My main knowledge of SM is the dubbed version of the original anime. I knew about the Manga of course, as well as the Live Action and Sailor Moon Crystal versions, but my knowledge of them is even skimpier.
hmm, Is Naru's sister younger or older? and presumably she's running around somewhere too.
heh, now I'm picturing some girl (Naru's sister) spotting and waving at Usagi cheerfully, and Usagi waves back automatically because she's a friendly person even if she has no idea who the girl is.
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RE: [I/OOC] Incidental Bits
11-26-2021, 12:16 PM
Naruru is younger than Naru.
And she's living with her sister and mother, so Usagi might have seen her already, yes...
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RE: [I/OOC] Incidental Bits
11-26-2021, 01:45 PM
Naru and Naruru? If there was an older sibling would they be named Na?
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RE: [I/OOC] Incidental Bits
11-28-2021, 03:18 PM
Remember, way back when, Sailor Jupiter picked up a tanto? She's going to have to learn how to use it...
"The first thing you learn when you use a blade is that it can be taken away from you."
Makoto sighed. "Are you saying it's a bad idea to rely on a weapon?"
"No, I'm asking whether you know how to take it back after it's taken away from you." After Makoto shook her head, Miyuki continued, "I thought so. When it comes time to kill somebody, weapons are tools, and you need to keep track of your tools. So I'm going to start by teaching you techniques from Yagyū Shinkage Ryū to take a blade away from its current wielder."
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RE: [I/OOC] Incidental Bits
11-29-2021, 01:55 PM
Now I have this idea about Miyuki and someone else discussing my character's fighting style - particularly how it seems very crude, but it's one of those things where something that seems like a bug is actually a feature.
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RE: [I/OOC] Incidental Bits
12-06-2021, 03:27 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-06-2021, 03:31 PM by robkelk.)
Riffing off the idea that different worlds have different works of fiction, here's a little something for when the school ships show up.
EDIT: "Miyuki" is Takara-san, not Takamachi-san.
He looked at the ragtag group of... not experts, but they were all he had to work with. "Ben and Rob are busy with Academy City, so it's up to us to make first contact with these ships. The voicemail Rob left me said we should start with the one called Ooarai."
"'Ooarai'?" Ruiko asked. "That's where the sentai show Anko 5 was set, wasn't it?"
"I remember Ooarai being the setting for a medical drama, Ooarai Hope," Miyuki replied.
"Are we thinking of the same story?" asked Kaname. "Because the show I remember watching that was set in Ooarai was a sports story, Captain Nishizumi."
Konata shook her head as she reached for her phone. "You're all wrong. Ooarai is best-known as being the setting for Girls und Labor. I think I still have a copy of the promo image for the flashback episode."
"Ladies, while it would be fascinating to compare notes on what shows were on in each of your homeworlds, we don't have time for that right now."
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RE: [I/OOC] Incidental Bits
12-08-2021, 08:15 AM
No earlier than the middle of Arc 3:
"Sometimes I wonder whether Rob's family is just all the way at the far end of the probability curve, and sometimes I wonder whether he can even create sperm with a Y chromosome."
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RE: [I/OOC] Incidental Bits
12-08-2021, 08:37 AM
(03-10-2021, 09:15 AM)robkelk Wrote: Did somebody say "trollololols"? 
Arc 3 at the earliest, I'd expect.
It had been a ceremony unlike any other in the Metacontinuity, as far as anyone present knew. But now it was time for the reception speeches - starting with the one given by the best man.
He cleared his throat, and began. "Mawwiage. Mawwiage is wat bwings us togeder today. Mawwiage, that bwessed awwangement, that dweam wifin a dream… "
"Say 'man and wife'!" Tomo shouted. (03-10-2021, 10:26 AM)Black Aeronaut Wrote: Pfft. This would either be Ben's Big Fat Geek Wedding, or Rob's. Depending on which one, it's either Rob or Ben quoting Princess Bride with Tomo collaborating. 
It could be a double wedding... maybe officiated by Shepherd Book.
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RE: [I/OOC] Incidental Bits
12-09-2021, 05:45 PM
OOC: I just noticed: Thanks to Malleable Causality adjusting their birth years so that they were born the correct number of years ago for their age, Azusa Nakano and Subaru Mikage share not only their birthday, but also their birth date. And they're both at Douglass Gardens.
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RE: [I/OOC] Incidental Bits
12-10-2021, 11:45 AM
(This post was last modified: 12-10-2021, 11:51 AM by robkelk.)
OOC: Oh, I like this 3D-art environment - and I can customize the walls. Think I'll use it somewhere in Blossom... maybe for Mimi Hanyu's apartment's front room.
* robkelk works my discounts, including using a one-time-only coupon
Yay! Free environment!
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RE: [I/OOC] Incidental Bits
12-28-2021, 09:55 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-28-2021, 09:56 PM by robkelk.)
After watching Akane for a few more minutes, Sasami raised her hand in a "stop" gesture. "Excuse me, Tendo-san, but I can't help noticing you approach everything as if it's a martial art. You've picked the wrong martial art for the kitchen. You don't want kempo here, you want Tai Chi."
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RE: [I/OOC] Incidental Bits
01-04-2022, 08:44 PM
"It's the Muppet Show! With our special guests - Hokago Tea Time!"
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RE: [I/OOC] Incidental Bits
01-04-2022, 08:56 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-04-2022, 09:14 PM by robkelk.)
(01-04-2022, 08:44 PM)robkelk Wrote: "It's the Muppet Show! With our special guests - Hokago Tea Time!"
Featuring a drum battle: Animal vs. Ritsu... ending in both drum sets exploding.
EDIT: Also, a manzai combi with the intended roles reversed: Fozzie trying desperately to be funny and Yui being funny without trying.
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RE: [I/OOC] Incidental Bits
01-04-2022, 09:27 PM
(01-04-2022, 08:56 PM)robkelk Wrote: Featuring a drum battle: Animal vs. Ritsu... ending in both drum sets exploding.
And once Ritsu recovers from the adrenaline rush of going head-to-head with Animal like that....
....she'll turn into a blubbering mess over how her drum kit has been ruined.
At which point, we'll see a rare moment of love and compassion from Animal as he comforts Ritsu, as he'd understand her pain all too well. And probably gift her with his snare drum to help her get started on a new drum set. Because we all know how much of a softie at heart Animal really is.
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RE: [I/OOC] Incidental Bits
01-05-2022, 08:34 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-05-2022, 08:34 AM by Bob Schroeck.)
... can we include the Muppets? Just for this?
-- Bob
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RE: [I/OOC] Incidental Bits
01-05-2022, 08:52 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-05-2022, 08:58 AM by robkelk.)
That's something we discussed yesterday (and you missed). The Muppets were mentioned, and I immediately skipped past "should we include them" and asked where in the Metacontinuity the theatre is located.
We decided it's on Broadway.
EDIT: And I just thought of the running backstage subplot for this episode: Sawako being passed from Muppet to Muppet in her efforts to collect the band's appearance fee.