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The Dead Dove Locker -- "I don't know what I expected."
08-18-2023, 05:36 PM
May God forgive me. May history judge me charitably.
(06-28-2023, 09:29 PM)Once upon a time when pigs were swine, Your Humble Narrator and like droogiwoog Wrote: (I've sometimes thought of launching a thread just for fics that a forum member wants to recommend but recognizes might not be to literally anyone else's taste: a Dead Dove Locker, so to speak.)
And now, I have an excuse a reason to launch such a thread, as one such series that I follow has updated.
ErikModi Wrote:As a young girl, Sarza Zarazell was shipwrecked on an abandoned planet, only an old holocron to guide her. Now an adult, Sarza is on the cusp of completing her training as a Nue Jedi Knight.
Inspired by Haara Brightwater's D&D fanfic "Vow of Nudity." Using Fantasy Flight Games' Star Wars RPG rules.
That's the summary for Escape from the Lost World, the first part of his series The Naked Jedi (which I discovered via TheSunGodNika, creator of Bare Squadron's Pyso family, linking it from his Discord).
That's complete at five parts, and the five-part sequel, A Galaxy Exposed, launched today, as Sarza, her escape accomplished, "learns about the state of the galaxy and the Jedi Order" from a fellow Force-sensitive on the first ship she encounters.
The main series page, which is what I actually subscribed, is here:
Note: the Nue Jedi follow the "Passion, yet serenity" version of the Jedi Code, and that passion is shown in detail. Tags common to both extant stories are " Rape/Non-Con, Original Characters, LitRPG, Public Nudity, Nudism, The Force, Inappropriate Use of the Force, [...] A Girl and her Droid, Embedded Images, NSFW Art". So far, that first tag has been thankfully limited (a Force-trial entity that briefly overcame Sarza, but from which she was able to reclaim control), and the others have been within my acceptable limits, but there's a reason one labels the bag "Dead Dove: Do Not Eat" before one puts it in the fridge.
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RE: The Dead Dove Locker -- "I don't know what I expected."
08-19-2023, 04:48 PM
...So less the 'Nue Jedi' and more the 'Nude Jedi', then...
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RE: The Dead Dove Locker -- "I don't know what I expected."
08-20-2023, 04:29 PM
(08-19-2023, 04:48 PM)Vulpis Wrote: ...So less the 'Nue Jedi' and more the 'Nude Jedi', then...
Nue happens to be French for "nude", so it's a sort of pune (sic) or play on words.
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RE: The Dead Dove Locker -- "I don't know what I expected."
08-25-2023, 09:01 PM
We start with something old (it's been around for quite a while, and it's been a smaller while since it updated): Anna's Adventures.
ChocolateCookieCream Wrote:Anna is starting a new year at Disney Highschool without her older sister, Elsa, by her side. What follows is an adventure filled with smut, sin and shenanigans. G!P Anna/Harem with multiple female Disney (and potential other studios) characters. Femslash. Very M-rated. Modern Highschool AU. Slowburn Elsanna and Anna x Iduna.
(If "G!P Anna" didn't kill the dove, the spoiler bit probably will. )
Then, the reason I'm doing this, something new -- an update to A Galaxy Exposed, above, as the "Attempted Rape/Non-Con" tag goes live:
(Both have something borrowed, by the nature of fanfic, and both are working bright blue, thus completing the Holy Something Four.)
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RE: The Dead Dove Locker -- "I don't know what I expected."
09-01-2023, 05:20 PM
(This post was last modified: 09-01-2023, 05:22 PM by Mamorien.)
Two different Star Wars/nudism fics today! First, A Galaxy Exposed updates, as Sarza meets some of Kael Skywalker's colleagues:
Then, a side-story to Bare Squadron's prime universe begins, exposing the story of Phara Pyso's opposite number, and how she started down the path toward her own Rebirth of the Sith.
Travolore Wrote:Embros Zirzae has lived all her life as the Heir of House Zirzae, a powerful member of the Crimson Council rulers of the Sekki System. Her idyllic life of playing with her sister and training with her father is interrupted when strange Outsiders calling themselves Imperial arrived, claiming that the Pureblood Sith are extinct in the wider galaxy. As her the (sic) Crimson Council negotiates with them Embros wonders what they could possibly want with her...
Trav also Wrote:So while I do get roasted from time to time for how long the Mustafar Arc of Bare Squadron got, there were reasons for it. I wanted to set up a few potential antagonists for Bare Squadron that weren't Darth Vader, he who cannot be defeated by anyone next to Luke Skywalker. One of my favourite characters, for a long time, has been Embros Zirzae.
I always liked the concept of Sith Purebloods and wanted to introduce them into the modern setting. Obviously they were thought to die out millennia ago but I figured in an effort to preserve their people, the old Dark Council would have established a hidden colony out in Wild Space. It's on the Sekii System, which I have some lore for, that Embros was born.
This story will run concurrent to Bare Squadron as Embros, inspired by Phara Pyso's brazen example, seeks to carve out her own place in the galaxy and restore the Sith. I have it all plotted out and unlike Bare Squadron it will be a short mini-series. I'll be switching between the two as I go.
(Future BSq updates will be posted here, except someone specifically pipe up in favor of their return to the main update thread.)
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RE: The Dead Dove Locker -- "I don't know what I expected."
09-08-2023, 04:58 PM
More A Galaxy Exposed (Star Wars/public nudity).
ErikModi Wrote:My point here is less that the old Jedi were horrible, and more that they made mistakes, and the new Jedi are trying to learn from those mistakes and be better, the central theme of The Last Jedi. Try, make a mistake, fail, fall, get hurt. . . but then get back up and learn not to repeat the mistake. The difference between Legends Luke and New Canon Luke is that Legends Luke didn't learn enough about the old Order (because for most of Legends, the Prequels didn't exist yet) to emulate them and their mistakes until he'd already inadvertently set up his new Order to avoid most of the mistakes of the old (he went on to make bold new mistakes, but that's neither here nor there). In the new canon, Luke tried to emulate the old Order too much, resulting in him repeating their mistakes instead of avoiding them.
This is a Jedi Order with one eye firmly fixed on its history, because it refuses to let that history repeat.
Whether or not they're making their own bold new mistakes. . . well, that remains to be seen.
Plus, two instances of futanari-related program activities from a certain Kylia, presumably not to be confused with Princess Kyi-La of the Galactic Federation, whom I discovered in the G!P tag. I'll keep the details where you have to make a choice to view them.
The first of these to start, and the one that's updated least recently, is The Heroines' Waifu.
Kylia Wrote:On Earth, Rachel Cutler is dead. She never did get to finish transitioning.
But on the world of Venerais are two people that the Goddess Qylessa thinks she'd be perfect for. When given the opportunity to have the body she always wanted, and the ability to be a mother by carrying a child, Rachel jumps at the chance. Even better when it involves being sent to be the sexpet and future wife to two of the most gorgeous women she has ever seen, both of whom have long, thick cocks between their legs.
For Sirayna Voloran and her wife Ferina sav'Korvindiandar, serving as champions of Qylessa is a natural outgrowth of their own desire to protect the innocent, see justice done, and get into fights with people who deserve it. Rescuing gorgeous damsels, when they get the chance, is just a nice bonus - and anyone who spends the night with them, after a rescue or not, always leaves satisfied. But when the perfect partner seems goddess-sent and they have the chance to have the children they've always wanted with her... why the hell would anyone turn that down?
Next came Welcome to Elkerisa University, the results of a Questionable Quest.
Kylia also Wrote:Magic exists.
For Ash Gardner, this revelation is not the most insane thing to happen to her today. Abducted from college campus by portal, 'recruited' into a magical university she's never heard of and now stumbling into a world that seems to work on Hentai logic as much as anything else, the most insane part is the part where she was turned into a Futanari, because apparently that's necessary to be able to do magic.
Granted, the fact that she's trans and has the body she always hoped would happen at the end of HRT (not counting the massive cock between her legs, though she's not objecting about that either) makes the new body part of things a little easier to handle, but still -
Couldn't somebody have just *asked*?
As always, the Mgt. apologizes for any convenience this may cause.
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RE: The Dead Dove Locker -- "I don't know what I expected."
09-15-2023, 04:25 PM
A Galaxy Exposed (SW/public nudity) concludes.
ErikModi Wrote:I wanted to introduce a few of the Council members in more detail, and have them evaluate Sarza and how she'd fit with the new Jedi Order. As well as lay some groundwork for how things are in the New Empire. Some of it is foreshadowing for the overall metaplot.
I've always just really liked the idea of clones, the storytelling possibilities they offer. I even liked the 90s Spider-Man Clone Saga (for the most part). So I'm giving the Jedi a Clone Army partly to indulge that, partly as their own military force to defend themselves should worse come to worst. Are there some moral quandaries with raising essentially slave soldiers to serve you? Absolutely. Will I be addressing those? That's the plan.
Also, Kylia has inflicted given us futa-fans four new chapters of Welcome to Elkerisa University, starting here, and two installments of The Heroines' Waifu, starting here.
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RE: The Dead Dove Locker -- "I don't know what I expected."
09-22-2023, 09:18 PM
Due to circumstances beyond my control, The Naked Jedi (SW/public nudity) continues with Return To The Lost World.
ErikModi Wrote:Sarza returns to the deserted planet with Jedi Council Member Aayla Secura (no relation) to show off Master Haara's holocron, and the ways of the Nue Jedi.
Plus three more chapters of Welcome to Elkerisa University (it's like Hogwarts for futas), starting here.
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RE: The Dead Dove Locker -- "I don't know what I expected."
09-27-2023, 04:37 PM
For once, it's nothing bizarre, nothing grotesque. Just the only fanfic on AO3 for Federico García Lorca's drama about woman in the villages of Spain, La casa de Bernarda Alba (The House of Bernarda Alba).
heresy_in_fair Wrote:Bernarda Alba's daughters live in a house that is more prison than home.
The man three of them yearn for, Pepe el Romano, will kill them, but they do not know this.
If you don't know the play, el alba nunca vendrá (the dawn will never arrive) might have its impact blunted, but if you do know Bernarda and her daughters, that knowledge will (to borrow from Blood Wedding, the English version of García Lorca's Bodas de sangre) light up the waistcoat and open the buttons.
After that, a new Welcome to Elkerisa University (futa LitHRPG) chapter might well come as a relief. There's a new chapter, certainly; whether it come as a relief or not obviously depends on your own particular sense of the moral and political fitness of things.
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RE: The Dead Dove Locker -- "I don't know what I expected."
09-29-2023, 05:19 PM
(This post was last modified: 09-29-2023, 05:25 PM by Mamorien.
Edit Reason: "Now, a warning." "NOW a warning?"
New Return to the Lost World (SW LitERPG).
ErikModi Wrote:I also felt I had to address an issue head-on. Because this is an adult story, Sarza will find herself in all kinds of sexual situations, some non-consensual. But even though I want to occasionally have her be assaulted because she's walking around naked, I want to make it clear that "she's asking for it" is not a reason. So, I had Aayla advance the idea, and Sarza refute it. It is not her fault how people react to seeing her naked, she should not expect to be accosted because she chooses to go nude. She should expect to be accosted because she's in the hands of a malicious writer, there's a difference.
And, talking of malicious writers,
for some reason that I'm sure made sense at the time, possibly because I'd rather have controlled exposure than surprise myself, possibly because I hadn't depressed myself enough with the García Lorca fanfic the other day, possibly some unhallowed combination of the two, I decided to see if there were any fics for ShindoL's infamous H-manga 変身 ( Henshin, lit. "Transformation", usually translated in this case as Metamorphosis or Emergence). I've never actually read it; just reading the summary was bad enough for me, so I won't be taking this next writer's advice.
Not_You Wrote:If you are not familiar with Emergence, I would recommend looking into it first. Like, looking it up if you have a weak stomach, because it’s a seven-chapter descent into raw misery, with sexual abuse, drug addiction, and a bunch of other awful shit. It’s very fucked up in very specific ways, and I personally find it a semi-deconstruction of hentai as a thing. Horrible Horrible Consequences And Sociopathic Teenagers: The Hentai. But it’s still hentai, so I’m going to try to try and throw in some sex scenes, perhaps without my usual regard for what makes the most emotional sense. No exploiting the underage girl, though, there’s been more than enough of that.
This is yet another fix-it crossover with this famous trainwreck: Kaz is back in the homeland on business, and can't quite bring himself to turn away from a child in need.
That's the summary for Yet Another Installment Of The Constant Kazuhira Miller Blues, one of the five fix-fics I actually read among the 35 (mostly fix-it) I discovered. (I think "Kaz" is Master Miller from Metal Gear Solid, an ally {with benefits, at least in this version} of Revolver Ocelot.) It hasn't updated since December of 2021, but that still puts it ahead of The Broken Girl and the Unbreakable Diamond, which left off on June 30 of that year.
Ranuix Wrote:After all the pain and cruelty Saki Yoshida has endured in her life, she decides to end it by overdosing in a subway bathroom.
But the last thing she expected was to be saved by a man with a funny old haircut, and a big heart who shine like a diamond.
WARNING: This fanfiction has spoilers of JoJo first 6 parts and Metamorphosis/emergence.
From June of this year is Her Second Chance by Perez_K, in which Saki does succeed in overdosing, but is offered transmigration to the world of My Hero Academia with: a Quirk that's basically Crusher Creel's absorbing powers; Mineta's place at UA (because, per general opinion of him, she deserves better than having to share it with the grape-headed perv); and the promise of winning Deku's heart. I only got partway into the first chapter before the meta got too heavy, but I might try again.
CrumbusScrungus1993 Wrote:What If Kiryu happened to save Saki from her fate at the hands of her former classmates? What would happen afterward and would she happen to bump into other Yakuza characters? This series answers those questions (and maybe more I'm kind of doing this as I go so idk maybe I'll throw some hypotheticals as well with Ichiban and Ryuji maybe)
That's the summary for the Yakuza/ Ryuu ga Gotoku crossover Like a Metamorphosis, last update July 12. (A lot of these fics kind of trail off. In the case of Miller Blues, it was trying to decide on a punishment for Saki's classmates that's both proportionate to their actual offense and karmically satisfying to the reader; I suspect that's the case for a lot of them.)
Tenkura Wrote:After the death of Saki Yoshida, a private investigator is hired by a guilt-ridden mother to go down the rabbit hole of Saki’s life to apprehend the criminals responsible for her self-destructive descent. On the journey of discovering the hell Saki had to suffer before her death, guilt, rage, and revenge builds inside of the P.I. He begins to teeter on the line on the law to deliver fair justice to the criminals the law could not be counted on to provide.
Finally (for now), Metamorphosis Volume II: Promised Retribution was last updated on the 16th inst. and runs the risk of updating again at some point.
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RE: The Dead Dove Locker -- "I don't know what I expected."
10-06-2023, 04:14 PM
Time once again for a Return To The Lost World (SW/nudity) update. This time, we learn more of Master Haara's backstory (including where her pre-holocron life fits into the timeline), and Aayla advances a brutal but eminently reasonable theory on what may have happened to the original Nue Jedi.
ErikModi Wrote:"It was close enough to the Clone Wars most of the pieces were in place, or nearly so. Palpatine would have kept tabs on you as best he could, the last thing he could afford is a Jedi offshoot set up in secret, primed to undermine him as he was about to undermine the Jedi and Republic."
Haara looked sad. "You believe he tracked us here and destroyed us. Him, or his agents."
"Honestly, I'd be surprised if he didn't ."
And the two of them will have a fight on their hands to keep history from repeating.
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RE: The Dead Dove Locker -- "I don't know what I expected."
10-13-2023, 05:05 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-13-2023, 05:06 PM by Mamorien.
Edit Reason: I thought I'd closed the "spoiler" tag, not doubled it. That should make the nut.
As most things must, The Naked Jedi: Return To The Lost World (SW/nudity) comes to an end.
ErikModi Wrote:So, I never really thought about giving Sarza a padawan during all this, but then talking some things over reminded me how important a relationship that is and convinced me I shouldn't just drop it. So I got to thinking about what the opposite of Sarza might be, a complimentary contrast, and landed on a Yuuzhan Vong. Meelan Lah started to take shape shortly after that. Generating AI art for her was TOUGH. The AI doesn't know Yuuzhan Vong and there aren't other avenues for data for them, but thanks to Baldur's Gate 3 there's some Githyanki models out there that, with a lot of tweaking in the prompts and other add-ons, get close enough, I think. Sadly, getting the tattoos consistent is, near as I can tell, impossible, so either you'll only ever be getting the one picture of Meelan or her tattoos have that Rorschack thing going on.
This not only gives me an avenue to explore what I think the Vong might turn into a thousand years down the road, but some other interesting new story opportunities, some of which you'll be seeing in the next story.
Speaking of, there's been a few hiccups in getting the next story finished, so there may be a gap in updates. But be on the lookout for Sarza's fourth adventure, her first with Meelan Lah in tow, "Mystery of a Reclaimed Planet."
And on Saturday there were two more Welcome to Elkerisa University (futa magic school) chapters, starting here with what Kylia couldn't resist the temptation to call "Tubfucking".
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RE: The Dead Dove Locker -- "I don't know what I expected."
10-23-2023, 05:09 PM
(09-01-2023, 05:20 PM)A few beats back, yr. Corresp. Wrote: (Future BSq updates will be posted here, except someone specifically pipe up in favor of their return to the main update thread.)
Well, nobody's spoken up for it, so I'll report the latest Bare Squadron (SW/nudism) update here!
Travolore Wrote:Kara suggest a radical new training solution to the Treemen. In the Wen Phara and Ar'ul go about their mission unaware a bounty hunter is closing in...
Man, some times you just run head first into writer's block. I gotta tell you, it's not fun but I'm pushing through it. This chapter has been in development for a while but thanks to some words of wisdom from BlakeSkies I got over the hump and am back.
I hope you all enjoy this chapter and welcome feedback in the comments down below. After the Sylvawen Arc, I plan to change how I structure Bare Squadron from here on out. I want to start juggling less characters and focusing more on fun stories. It's just ideas right now so if you have any to share let me know.
Also, there were two new chapters of Welcome to Elkerisa University (LitFutaRPG) posted the day after the last update I inflicted on you, starting here, and a search of the 2000 AD category led me to Megacity 69.
Valentimes Wrote:Psi Judge Cassandra Anderson must keep the peace with a new partner and a new penis, courtesy of a designer drug that's taking the big Meg by storm.
The same author has also perpetrated Alien vs Futa ("A small, female crew of Weyland-Yutani scientists works on secret projects aboard a remote space station until an important Company executive pays them a visit"), The Futalorian (the title character, Blu Bahls, is actually a Force-sensitive ex-Mando who is knocking the immediate aftermath of TPM into the corner pocket), and the still-in-progress Batgirl Against Everyone ("Barbara Gordon is forced to put her costume back on as she copes with a new penis courtesy of Ivy and a slew of new threats thanks to the Batman's long absence").
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RE: The Dead Dove Locker -- "I don't know what I expected."
10-24-2023, 05:09 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-24-2023, 05:10 PM by Mamorien.
Edit Reason: Closed the spoiler tag. We apologize for any convenience this may cause.
Scientists are still figuring out what's wrong with me, but in the meantime, I inflict on give you Made in the Milling: The Sadie Miller Story, the Achewood/ Steven Universe crossover we never knew we needed and probably still don't.
KriegsaffeNo9 Wrote:You know that thing where a dying guy passes on his MacGuffin and things get really complicated? Sadie Miller just had that trope waltz into her life. She's got a ticket to the Great Outdoor Fight--three days, three acres, three thousand men, all vying to see who is the best fighter. Can she even dream of making it to the Acres, much less survive, much less win? Only one way to find out--and all of Beach City is getting in on the game.
Debatably* a feel-good story about personal achievement through ass-kicking. Definitely extremely profane and bloody. Technically an AU splitting off from when Peridot was in her "toilet goblin" phase. Crack fic? At points, literally.
*Somehow autocorrected to "detestably" even though this was posted from a computer. How..?
If you want to find out whether this is worth poking the author to pick back up, you can start here:
Plus, as if on cue, two new Welcome to Elkerisa University (Hogwarts for futas) chapters, in which, In the Heat of the Felinight, Arstea rails Ash Right into the Mattress.
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RE: The Dead Dove Locker -- "I don't know what I expected."
12-08-2023, 05:44 PM
Either I need to keep a closer eye on my AO3 notifications, or something slipped, because I don't recall getting word that The Naked Jedi: Mystery Of A Reclaimed Planet had posted its first chapter, but the second went up today.
Erik_Modi Wrote:Nue Jedi Knight Sarza Zarazell and her padawan, Meelan Lah, embark on their first mission on behalf of the Jedi Council.
Plus, in the month since I last dusted here, Kylia has done four new Welcome to Elkerisa University chapters, starting here with an interlude checking in on the headmastress, and a The Heroines' Waifu chapter in which Rachel gives Ferina and Sirayna full disclosure on her backstory.
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RE: The Dead Dove Locker -- "I don't know what I expected."
12-15-2023, 06:31 PM
The Naked Jedi: Mystery of a Reclaimed Planet (SW/gratuitous nudity) continues, as Sarza and Meelan Lah set out to investigate the trouble on Honoghr, accompanied by two Noghri, a clone trooper, and a Yuuzhan Vong warrior.
ErikModi Wrote:In "Castlevania: Curse of Darkness," one of the enemy types you face in the first area are jousting skeletons riding miniature fire-breathing tyranosaurus rexes. Since it is mathematically impossible for anything to exceed that level of coolness, I've had the idea of Yuuzhan Vong riding around small T. rexes/big velociraptors for a long time. Finally got to use it here.
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RE: The Dead Dove Locker -- "I don't know what I expected."
12-22-2023, 11:20 PM
The Naked Jedi: Mystery Of A Reclaimed Planet (SW/gratuitous nudity).
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RE: The Dead Dove Locker -- "I don't know what I expected."
12-29-2023, 06:15 PM
After earning its "Inappropriate Use of the Force" tag last time, The Naked Jedi: Mystery Of A Reclaimed Planet (SW/gratuitous nudity) takes us back to Imperial Center Coruscant for its concluding chapter.
And, in The Heroines' Waifu (original characters and setting), Sirayna, Ferina and Rachel decide not to move forward with their relationship until they get to the temple of Qylessa and have a chance to consult with the goddess.
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RE: The Dead Dove Locker -- "I don't know what I expected."
01-05-2024, 10:10 PM
The first Ravager's War (SW/nudism) chapter since I decided all future updates on Bare Squadron-related program activities would happen here, and The Dendari Family Dinner is a doozy-lulu!
To this chapter, this one was written from a...few past experiences with family and friends I've had. No editors note from DeshLune this time, they opted to skip this one. But they are well and you should sing their praises in the comment section.
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RE: The Dead Dove Locker -- "I don't know what I expected."
01-15-2024, 05:59 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-15-2024, 06:15 PM by Mamorien.
Edit Reason: A missing preposition in the hidden portion.
The first Bare Squadron (SW/nudism) chapter of 2024 is here!
Travolore Wrote:With the Treemen finally united and their operation planned, Bare Squadron celebrates. Little do they know that Mandalorian bounty hunter Jemini Linaki is ready to make her move...
Back again! Happy Nude Year everyone! Hope you're all doing well. My apologies this took a little while. As I mentioned previously I've got some new responsibilities at work and had a bit of an adjustment period. Now that's over with I have a set goal of stories I'd like to complete each month, so hopefully you'll be seeing some more stories from me.
PLUS! A lucky thirteen chapters of Batgirl Against Everyone, starting here, in which Barbara gets cured of her new appendage (a rarity for this sort of story) but continues, during her recovery, oversight of the Seed investigation carried out by Stephanie and Kate.
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RE: The Dead Dove Locker -- "I don't know what I expected."
02-28-2024, 10:32 PM
Bare Squadron: Ravager's War (SW/nudism) spins a tale Of Nights and Dreams.
BlakeSkies Wrote:Well, we're back!
This one, this one was fun to write. I'm sure you read over the editor's notes so I won't repeat what they said, let's just say that they're spot on.
(There are, as I post this, no editor's notes.)
And on a very special The Heroines' Waifu, Qylessa gives the title characters more of an explanation than many gods would, and Sirayna and Ferina subsequently decide to make up for lost time.
Kylia Wrote:Notes:
This chapter ends with sex, and next chapter will be mostly sex, but as with much of this story, I just can't seem to help myself but add more. :rofl:
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RE: The Dead Dove Locker -- "I don't know what I expected."
05-05-2024, 04:19 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-05-2024, 04:21 PM by Mamorien.
Edit Reason: Forgot to close that last "url" tag.
May the Fourth bare with you! (And bear with me having been too frazzled to post these on the day.) First, Bare Squadron: Ravager's War continues from where it left off, on The Second Morning.
DeshLune, editor, Wrote:In this chapter, Nahy and Caleb each wakes from their respective dreams, only for best girl to notice that the Jedi is covered in wounds. So she uses her Voss sorcery (I'm not well versed in Star Wars lore) to heal the boy, the two chat a bit.
And the prime BSq universe continues at last.
Trav Wrote:As Bare Squadron interrogates Jemini, the other bounty hunters on Sylvawen make their move. Yet in the chaos new allies emerge to help Bare Squadron...
May the Fourth be with you! I know this is a bit late but had some life stuff going on and it takes forever to format a story properly in DA. I hope y'all enjoy this work and I will be posting more here this month.
The Heroines' Waifu continues the scene Sirayna, Ferina and Rachel were already playing:
And I've gotten into the erotic OEX of the infamous Mortrexo, starting with Heaven, Earth, Me...
Mortrexo Wrote:Yasenia is a child born different from the rest, her mother, Tatyana, used an ancient technique she found to absorb the world's energy to get pregnant instead of normal intercourse. Her objective was to create a lover for herself since the endless years of solitude, and all the heartbreaks have made her heart be covered by eternal ice.
While pregnant, a strange soul seems to try to seize the body of her child to be reborn; a shame that Tatyana is someone not to be messed with.
In her rage, not only does she destroy the sense of self and memories leaving only a husk of the soul, but she also uses it as nourishment for Yasenia.
What Tatyana didn't know at that time was that this will change Yasenia in ways she never expected.
...and detouring into the Ascension of the Sylvan Cosmos.
Quote:Follow the story of Tianlian Liu Shu, a tree who didn't know anything at first and struggles to survive and extend her roots through the cosmos.
The World she lives in is filled with fantastic sights and strange new cultures, and there is something everybody in this World has: A system.
Moreover, even while she is a tree, she has people who will fawn over her...?
"Tiantian, does the Sun feel good on your leaves today?"
"Liu Liu, I've found this delicious compost made of natural extract~."
"Tian'er, does the wind feel good on your branches?"
Tianlian Liu Shu, a female tree, didn't really know what to do with these fawning women.
(At some point when it has enough chapters behind it on her? Patreon, Mort may start posting the HEM prequel, Rise of the Death Empress, in public. I'm only telling you this as a friend.)
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RE: The Dead Dove Locker -- "I don't know what I expected."
08-13-2024, 09:27 PM
Bare Squadron: Ravager's War (SW/nudism) Chapter Sixteen: The ARC-170.
Blake Skies Wrote:Guess who's back again. And honestly this time I'm not going to complain about the DA upload system, obviously I'm screaming into the void.
So now we bring in an old war weapon and the ship Kira'll be flying throughout this story. And saying hello to a new...associate. Please welcome @Travolore's Lanei, with a brand new style and a brand new way.
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RE: The Dead Dove Locker -- "I don't know what I expected."
09-20-2024, 10:20 PM
(09-29-2023, 05:19 PM)Earlier, I Wrote: New Return to the Lost World (SW LitERPG).
ErikModi Wrote:I also felt I had to address an issue head-on. Because this is an adult story, Sarza will find herself in all kinds of sexual situations, some non-consensual. But even though I want to occasionally have her be assaulted because she's walking around naked, I want to make it clear that "she's asking for it" is not a reason. So, I had Aayla advance the idea, and Sarza refute it. It is not her fault how people react to seeing her naked, she should not expect to be accosted because she chooses to go nude. She should expect to be accosted because she's in the hands of a malicious writer, there's a difference.
And now that malicious writer is sending The Naked Jedi: Into The Underworld.
Quote:Nue Jedi Knight Sarza Zarazell chooses the wrong place to go walking around stark naked. Or does she?
I wouldn't call it the right one, either. I may wait until this volume's complete and I can get through it in one go.
Rape, Gang Rape, Torture, I really mean it this time, Vile Villains, seriously they're the worst
On the slightly lighter side, we got a 23-chapter Batgirl Against Everyone dump the other day, concluding with Barbara losing the use of her legs (under somewhat better circumstances), deciding to get her penis back, and wrapping up this phase of her career. The fun starts here and continues to boogie 'til you puke.
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RE: The Dead Dove Locker -- "I don't know what I expected."
10-04-2024, 09:26 PM
Bare Squadron: Ravager's War (SW/nudism) Chapter Seventeen: Mandalore.
BlakeSkies Wrote:AND WE ARE BACK!
Okay so while this is being released on October 4th, the current situation as I'm writing is we just went through Hurricane Helene. We're fine just out of power and struggling to cope. But things are looking up for all matters.
Also, there have been two more chapters of The Naked Jedi: Into the Underworld, in which we learn that Sarza's capture by Loggath the Hutt was part of a wider plan. The Force, however, may have plans of its own...