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Fic Update Thread 53
RE: Fic Update Thread 53
(05-22-2024, 01:40 AM)Jinx999 Wrote:

Beware of Chicken. No chickens appear in this episode.

Also at Royal Road:

And, in Letters to the Lantern! (HP/DC), it's time to talk Of Food Additives and Offers...

tealruby Wrote:Arisia writes to her sister Lantern over an interplanetary conflict involving Earth. Hermione turns to classic cinema for resolution.
RE: Fic Update Thread 53

Ghost in the City. Don't poke the murderball.
RE: Fic Update Thread 53
To Fuel the Guttering Flame (Transformers).
Tonnage (DC/Marvel).
Cross Purposes 4 (Bionicverse).
Inner Daemons (Cross Purposes - BZG Edition, Bionicverse).
“I really hope I’m behind this convoluted mess; at least that way I’ll be able to get revenge by doing this to myself. I won’t even have to feel bad because it’ll be all my fault.” - Harry Potter, The Master of Death by Ryuugi.
RE: Fic Update Thread 53
Threads of Destiny 381: Perdition 1.

Yrsillar Wrote:"Do you have some experience with liminal combat, General Xia? The Hui must have used such arts. Do you believe I will be sufficient?" Ling Qi asked.

"The Hui could not hide where Her Grace's light fell. Her eyes dragged them from the muck they lingered in. Nor were they so subtle in the end, for all their pretensions. They tore the veil asunder, and nightmares poured out like water. Through these open sores, my blade struck easily. However, the collateral of such a strategy is unacceptable in this location. You will have to be sufficient. I trust the first apprentice's tactical judgment."

Ling Qi shuddered, trying not to see the horrors those words tried to show her. There were downsides to the eyes she was cultivating. Like the duchess herself, the general was not restrained at all. Being able to so clearly see and feel in her presence was a double-edged sword.

Meng Dan looked at her with a tight expression and then turned back to the general, bowing his head. "I will take my leave to begin my own preparations then. Lady Ling, be safe."

"I will, as much as I can."

He looked like he wanted to say something else, but left without saying anything more.

The general spoke as the door closed behind him. "Wrong. There is no safety in this action."

"There is no lie in saying I will try."
RE: Fic Update Thread 53

Beware of Chicken

Opalescent Reflections
RE: Fic Update Thread 53
(05-24-2024, 02:06 AM)Jinx999 Wrote:

Beware of Chicken

Once again also at Royal Road, and once again finding itself in the company of a Letters to the Lantern! (HP/DC), this time about A Match Made in London!

tealruby Wrote:The Green Lantern and her Plus One are invited to a very important event in her homeland’s culture. Namely, a soccer football match. The perfect way to relax after all the death traps, supervillain attacks, and near fatal injuries. Oh, and Hermione thinks it’s a good idea too.

But wait, there's more! The Shard of Darkness (Exalted/old World of Darkness) gives us the last of the same Auld Lang Syne.

Avrjoe Wrote:“Right! So, I’m nineteen years old. I graduated school just over a year early and already have an associate degree in Education. I am partnering with the programs for advanced study here at MSI. I should have all the credentials I need to open the premiere and preeminent Manifested elementary school in the world,” Sakura smiled.

“This isn’t a job interview,” Lucy said with a roll of her eyes.

Now how much would you pay?
RE: Fic Update Thread 53
Tome of the Orange Sky
RE: Fic Update Thread 53
Tonnage (DC/Marvel).
“I really hope I’m behind this convoluted mess; at least that way I’ll be able to get revenge by doing this to myself. I won’t even have to feel bad because it’ll be all my fault.” - Harry Potter, The Master of Death by Ryuugi.
RE: Fic Update Thread 53
Beware of Chicken
and the Royal Road post:

Beware of Cloud (includes checking in on The Lord Magistrate of Verdant Hill)
RE: Fic Update Thread 53

Ghost in the City. Sword Duels and Committee Meetings. Which is more tense?

Opalescent Reflections. Peace is breaking out and Natasha is familiar with a tactic called the pincer maneuver. Victor is familiar with a tactic called the boot to nads.
RE: Fic Update Thread 53
(05-27-2024, 04:36 AM)Jinx999 Wrote:

Ghost in the City. Sword Duels and Committee Meetings. Which is more tense?

Alas, "Sword Duels and Committee Meetings" does not mean that this is a Utena fic. It's Cyberpunk 2077 and Ghost in the Shell.

Also, AO3 link
Rob Kelk

Sticks and stones can break your bones,
But words can break your heart.
- unknown
RE: Fic Update Thread 53
Cross Purposes 4 (Bionicverse).
Last Sons of Krypton (Superman, part of the 'Sorrowful and Immaculate Hearts' series).
“I really hope I’m behind this convoluted mess; at least that way I’ll be able to get revenge by doing this to myself. I won’t even have to feel bad because it’ll be all my fault.” - Harry Potter, The Master of Death by Ryuugi.
RE: Fic Update Thread 53
From the standpoint of OEX, it's a Destiny-palooza! First, the side-story Tales of Destiny continues with Journey to the East 25.

Yrsillar Wrote:“Take heart, sons of the dunes. This is only pathetic artifice. This shadow is the work of the Enemy, to break wills and shatter spirits. It has no more power than you give it. You are stronger than mere trickery,”

Guo Xinhua’s rich voice reverberated in (Gu Xiulan's) ears, more than the mundane sound that would pass from a human(')s lips, it reverberated in the air, shook the nightmare desert from the earth to the sky, sending ripples through the crumbled ruins, leaving glimpses of golden dunes and a pale blue sky. Of watchtowers still standing proudly along an unbroken road. Utter surety and confidence manifest, bolstering them.

Where the dead still clawed at walls, but spears and arrows still answered them, and always burning purifying flames still lanced out.

False, false. The voice whispering despair and submission, so pathetic and repugnant, was false. The Pain in her arm was real, the fire in her veins was real. Guo Xinhua’s voice was real.

Then, the main Threads of Destiny weave chapter 382: Perdition 2.

Yrs also Wrote:A blade whispered, and Ling Qi was driven to her knees, tears burning in her eyes as she vomited into the dust beneath her. The labyrinth was split asunder, a kilometers-long canyon rent in the earth at the stroke of a blade. No concealment. No tricks. No confusion.

The Sovereign of Steel and Fire had come.
RE: Fic Update Thread 53
To Fuel the Guttering Flame (Transformers).
“I really hope I’m behind this convoluted mess; at least that way I’ll be able to get revenge by doing this to myself. I won’t even have to feel bad because it’ll be all my fault.” - Harry Potter, The Master of Death by Ryuugi.
RE: Fic Update Thread 53

Guided by the light of a (Red) Cameron Star (Battletech). Episode about immigration to Niops and their political structure.
RE: Fic Update Thread 53
Let's Hear it for the Flashkick Ace (Cross Purposes - BZG Edition, DCverse).
“I really hope I’m behind this convoluted mess; at least that way I’ll be able to get revenge by doing this to myself. I won’t even have to feel bad because it’ll be all my fault.” - Harry Potter, The Master of Death by Ryuugi.
RE: Fic Update Thread 53

Opalescent Reflections is reaching the end. When the Fire Mandrills are looking down on you, you've got a problem.
RE: Fic Update Thread 53
Beware of Chicken

To Fuel the Guttering Flame
RE: Fic Update Thread 53
(05-29-2024, 04:57 AM)Norgarth Wrote: Beware of Chicken

Also at Royal Road.
RE: Fic Update Thread 53
The Weaving Force (Worm/Star Wars) by LD1449
RE: Fic Update Thread 53

The Weaver's Web (Worm). There will be tutoring.
RE: Fic Update Thread 53
Cross Purposes 4 (Bionicverse).
“I really hope I’m behind this convoluted mess; at least that way I’ll be able to get revenge by doing this to myself. I won’t even have to feel bad because it’ll be all my fault.” - Harry Potter, The Master of Death by Ryuugi.
RE: Fic Update Thread 53
Last time on Threads of Destiny...

Yrsillar Wrote:Ling Qi flew head over heels, tossed by the apocalyptic force of the wind that roared in the wake of the Heron General’s darting blade and the skull-rattling vibrations of the enemy's roaring song.


If she had anything at all left in her stomach, she would have wretched again as she drifted like one of the million burning leaves caught up in the general's wake. It was sickening and fascinating, the images and sounds that crashed upon her.

In a lake of boiling steam, a temple complex fought with a giant of fire and steel wielding a blade which carved canyons of ossified ash in the fabric of the dreaming realm. The blade clashed with kaleidoscopic waves of color and lakes worth of water from endless depths.

She could not even perceive the sovereigns’ movements, for all that the roared arguments embodied by their clashes reached her ears with clarity. But she could feel the mountain-carving blade in its wake.


This was the Unity of Blades, the iron Law written into the fabric of the Emerald Seas.

"THE BOOK: And since this is of course an immensely frustrating and nerve-wracking moment for the narrative suddenly to switch tracks again, that is precisely what the narrative will now do." (Fit the Twelfth [Sixth of the Secondary Phase], "In which all is resolved, everyone lives happily ever after, and pigs fly.")

Quote:She was Cai Renxiang, heiress of the Emerald Seas, and it took everything in her power to not put her face into her hands and scream. This undignified urge had been coming to her with greater regularity over the last year, but rarely had it risen to the intensity that it had now.


She glanced to the side as the security formations on the room twinged in her thoughts. A paper messenger bird fluttered at the window. It resonated with the White Plumes' official qi signature. She gestured, and the wards and window alike opened to allow it through.


She let the messenger land in her hand. As their guest left and the security shut behind him, it unfolded. Her eyes scanned Ling Qi's somewhat scrawling handwriting, and she felt as if the world had gone still.

Her retainer was a madwoman.

"Lady Cai?" Gan Guangli questioned, not quite leaning over her in concern.

"Gan Guangli, go retrieve Sir Jia. I have messages to send to the other comital clans."

"What has distressed you so?"

"That girl is trying to die again," Cai Renxiang replied gruffly.

Let this not be the time that she succeeded.
RE: Fic Update Thread 53
Tonnage (DC/Marvel).
“I really hope I’m behind this convoluted mess; at least that way I’ll be able to get revenge by doing this to myself. I won’t even have to feel bad because it’ll be all my fault.” - Harry Potter, The Master of Death by Ryuugi.
RE: Fic Update Thread 53
Letters to the Lantern! (HP/DC) catches up with Ensign Granger, Star Trekkin' Across the Universe.

tealruby Wrote:The Federation's finest magical officer writes to Lantern Granger with the latest tales from aboard the USS Enterprise.

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