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Fanfic Recommendations: The Next Generation
RE: Fanfic Recommendations: The Next Generation
My Next Life as a Supervillain: All Routes Lead to Doctor Doom!

Katarina von Doom was arrogant, domineering and brilliant... until her experiment blew up in her face. Now she's scatterbrained, cheerful... and still brilliant. Along with the facial scar she got from the accident, she got a teenage Japanese westaboo's memories.

She would have been perfectly happy to couch-surf at Reed's house, hang out with Ben and do Science! But she knows the MCU and Katarina would rather be prepare. Which means the rest of the world had better prepare to be DOOMED!
RE: Fanfic Recommendations: The Next Generation
Today's episode of Star Wars Crack is brought to you by Maria vs The Jedi Cult, in which a young person finds herself arriving on Coruscant as a young force-sensitive child who is promptly turned over to the Jedi temple.  Maria is less than enthused to realize that the timing means she'll be "just in time to join the rest of the younglings in asking Master Skywalker what they were going to do because there were too many of them."

She is determined to make the most of the time she has available, and her sheer gremlin energy is beautiful.
Sucrose Octanitrate.

Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
RE: Fanfic Recommendations: The Next Generation
At the same time as I discovered The Crisis Convergence of Countless Captain Carrots!, I found literally the only other fic in the Captain Carrot and his Amazing ZOO CREW! tag. I didn't include it there because it wasn't completed, and I hadn't mentioned it here because I hadn't gotten around to it (and because it only visits Earth-C for one chapter). In light of it having updated pretty recently, I'm going to recommend Young Justice: Multiverse now.

Beepery Wrote:Wally West was supposed to die. But he didn't. Now he's lost in the multiverse, and all he wants to do is find his way home, even if he has to do it one universe at a time. But the multiverse is a big place and there are a lot of universes.
While back home things are escaping the Speed Force, and according to an old speedster, it all has to do with their dead friend, who may not be so dead.

At the end of the latest chapter, Beepery solicits reader suggestions for universes YJ!Wally should visit next, and I'm here to tell you, I'm wrestling with the temptation to suggest a Hermione's New Job collab with tealruby. While we weigh the pros and cons thereof, you can check it out:
RE: Fanfic Recommendations: The Next Generation
Winter of Widows

Once more, we're uplifting the primitive savages of Westeros through a Self Insert. But this one's eminently readable and far less - extreme - than others. Set during the Dance of Dragons, Ursula Mires tries to use her knowledge that this year's winter will be six years long to get as many of her people through.

But Westeros is not a nice place. With Dragons. And Ironborn. And Sexism. And Nobles. And the Dance of Dragons has not been kind to House Mires.

I love the smell of rotaries in the morning. You know one time, I got to work early, before the rush hour. I walked through the empty carpark, I didn't see one bloody Prius or Golf. And that smell, you know that gasoline smell, the whole carpark, smelled like.... ....speed.

One day they're going to ban them.
RE: Fanfic Recommendations: The Next Generation
I thought I'd found out about the soft animal of your body on these very fora, but when an update to now that you're choosing this (see below) reminded me of it after years of silence, the searches I would have expected to turn it up have come to nought, so I'm recommending it now.

Vorpal_Sword Wrote:Leverage Daemon AU.

Title from Wild Geese, by Mary Oliver:

You do not have to be good.
You do not have to walk on your knees
for a hundred miles through the desert, repenting.
You only have to let the soft animal of your body
love what it loves.

This series is currently in the order in which I wrote them. In chronological order, they are:
-nothing on earth can silence (settling fic, various times pre-Leverage)
-now that you're choosing this (backstory fic, various times pre-Leverage)
-no matter how lonely (Season 1: Episode 1, the Nigerian Job)
-the stars began to burn (post-Season 1 finale)
-the place you fight cruelty (The Big Bang Job/Season 3 finale)
-all history's a winter sport or three (Season 4: Episode 1, the Long Way Down Job)
-an elegant accessory for a more civilized daemon (unspecified, early in Season 4)
-if you ever catch your breath (Season 4: Episode 7, the Grave Danger Job)
-your place in the family of things (Season 5: Episode 9, the Rundown Job)

And here's the start of the story that poked me. Second chapter to follow in updates.

Quote:Before Bering Aerospace, before Leverage, each member of the team shocked and, sometimes, devastated, their loved ones by abandoning the path laid out for them in favor of the road that would eventually lead them to each other. Except for Parker. Until Leverage, no one cared about Parker enough to be shocked or devastated by her choices. She did manage to surprise Archie a time or two, though.

These are those stories.

Title and chapter titles from Defying Gravity, from Wicked.

This chapter contains a brief homophobic and misogynist comment and a longer discussion of homophobia, including Don't Ask Don't Tell, as well as some internalized biphobia, and discussion of past character death.

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