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Fic Update Thread 54: Find a spot out on the floor!
RE: Fic Update Thread 54: Find a spot out on the floor!
(07-21-2024, 01:24 AM)Norgarth Wrote: Beware of Chicken (original flavour)

And, of course, Royal Road.
RE: Fic Update Thread 54: Find a spot out on the floor!
Wednesday Potter & Enid Reveal Some Secrets at Hogwarts. (Wednesday/Potter/Multi), new chapter

I Was Isekaied Into Ginny Weasley?! (Potter), chapter 4
-- Bob

I have been Roland, Beowulf, Achilles, Gilgamesh, Clark Kent, Mary Sue, DJ Croft, Skysaber.  I have been 
called a hundred names and will be called a thousand more before the sun grows dim and cold....
RE: Fic Update Thread 54: Find a spot out on the floor!
Shadows: The Horror Movie Heroes (My Hero Academia, complete).
“I really hope I’m behind this convoluted mess; at least that way I’ll be able to get revenge by doing this to myself. I won’t even have to feel bad because it’ll be all my fault.” - Harry Potter, The Master of Death by Ryuugi.
RE: Fic Update Thread 54: Find a spot out on the floor!
Tonnage (DC/Marvel).
Aegis (Buffy/DC/other).
“I really hope I’m behind this convoluted mess; at least that way I’ll be able to get revenge by doing this to myself. I won’t even have to feel bad because it’ll be all my fault.” - Harry Potter, The Master of Death by Ryuugi.
RE: Fic Update Thread 54: Find a spot out on the floor!
The Song of Ruin (Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss).
Cross Purposes 4 (Buffyverse).
“I really hope I’m behind this convoluted mess; at least that way I’ll be able to get revenge by doing this to myself. I won’t even have to feel bad because it’ll be all my fault.” - Harry Potter, The Master of Death by Ryuugi.
RE: Fic Update Thread 54: Find a spot out on the floor!
Tales of Destiny (OEX gaiden) gives us a Journey to the east Intermission!

Yrsillar Wrote:When the men of the Golden Fields had come here, chasing tales of the gathering Dead, they had found them surely enough. Great mobs of ashen hunger, lashing out at all within reach. And yet, they had found something else as well. Towers, towers built all across the rolling hills of the furthest east, of white and blue mortared stone and brick, blooming with life and braziers of smokeless white fire.

There had been confusion. Words shouted between high walls manned by stern and dusky men and the fish scaled giants which walked among them, and the suspicious horse-borne lords of the Fields and their glittering banners.

But the Dead abounded, and so contact was brief. The lords wheeled their steeds and charged down the mobs of the Dead, the men of the towers descended on wings of fire and light and reaped great tolls with sun-fletched arrows.

And yet where men are, quarrels emerge. Once, twice, thrice, and more they clashed, scouts captured, fire exchanged, rituals interrupted and besmirched.

Behind towers, in warded camps, men spoke in two different tongues of expelling the barbarians.

But the Dead hunger. Always, they hunger. They are empty, and what remains to them is no patient thing.

For that all must be thankful.

For the legion which marched from the Grave of the Sun cared not for petty squabbles, and underneath the tread of countless millions of the Dead, all thoughts of living enemies were erased.
RE: Fic Update Thread 54: Find a spot out on the floor!
Wildlife (A Teraverse story by batzulger).
“I really hope I’m behind this convoluted mess; at least that way I’ll be able to get revenge by doing this to myself. I won’t even have to feel bad because it’ll be all my fault.” - Harry Potter, The Master of Death by Ryuugi.
RE: Fic Update Thread 54: Find a spot out on the floor!
Threads of Destiny (OEX) 392-New Peace 3.

The next day, Yrsillar Wrote:Cai Renxiang's brush made its final flourish as she completed her signature and straightened up. It was the second time she had laid her mark to paper, each of them marking a copy of the treaty. Jaromila finished her signatures a moment later.

"To everyone who has been part of this, I offer my most effusive thanks," Cai Renxiang addressed. "What we have set in motion here today is momentous. This, I promise."

Jaromila stepped up beside her. "The fate of the mountains, north and south, has been written here. We have set a precedent here that the Polar Nation and the Celestial Empire may coexist and live well as neighbors."

Ling Qi did not begrudge Cai Renxiang her role. She was the face of their efforts, and Ling Qi, for all her own work, was happy enough for it to be so. She was coming to terms with being a leader of sorts, the head of her clan, but this was where Cai Renxiang shone.

"Despite setbacks and disagreement, we have forged forward. Today, we show that the Emerald Seas is a united province, a strong province, one which may stand beside all others. In war and peace, I am proud of the foresight and wisdom of my people in supporting this effort. With our new neighbors, I look forward to a future of peace in the south and an end to the days of raiding and ruin."

"And we look forward to the peaceful exchange between our peoples." Jaromila made her speech in turn. "Knowledge is sharpened by knowledge. Plenty averts strife. We will see these mountains at peace, through our projects and efforts."

One way or the other, the old status quo was gone. In the flying palace city, under imperial boots, or in the warcamps of the Twelve Stars, the tribes of the mountains would change, too. The old way of endless war, tribes raiding and killing and burning settlements, armies marching out to retaliate and exterminate tribes… This, too, was ending. She would reduce the pain of it where she could, to deny the vision of the nightmares she had seen in her liminal adventure with Xuan Shi to the White Sky, but she would not stop.
RE: Fic Update Thread 54: Find a spot out on the floor!
Beware of Chicken (original flavour)
RE: Fic Update Thread 54: Find a spot out on the floor!

The Weaving Force (Worm/SW- Pseudo Post GM)

Guided by the light of a (Red) Cameron Star (Battletech)
RE: Fic Update Thread 54: Find a spot out on the floor!
(07-23-2024, 04:47 AM)Norgarth Wrote: Beware of Chicken (original flavour)

Plus Royal Road.

And, as long as I'm here, First Times (HP/DC): First Overlord.

tealruby Wrote:He’s not Hermione Granger’s arch enemy; Hermione already has an arch enemy. This one is Green Lantern’s. And he’s tired of non-lethal tactics.

“She threatens our rightful moment. This cannot be allowed.”
RE: Fic Update Thread 54: Find a spot out on the floor!
Tonnage (DC/Marvel).
“I really hope I’m behind this convoluted mess; at least that way I’ll be able to get revenge by doing this to myself. I won’t even have to feel bad because it’ll be all my fault.” - Harry Potter, The Master of Death by Ryuugi.
RE: Fic Update Thread 54: Find a spot out on the floor!
Beware of Cloud (Beware of Chick fanfic)

To Fuel the Guttering Flame (Transformers SI)
RE: Fic Update Thread 54: Find a spot out on the floor!
First Times: First Overlord
Quote:He’s not Hermione Granger’s arch enemy; Hermione already has an arch enemy. This one is Green Lantern’s. And he’s tired of non-lethal tactics.

She threatens our rightful moment. This cannot be allowed.

Also an announcement:
tealruby Wrote:We broke 10,000 hits! Huzzah!

Thank you all so much for supporting the story. Sincerely. If you like the series, there’s lots more to come as we fly towards the big hundredth issue of First Times, and then on to the graphic novels!
“We can never undo what we have done. We can never go back in time. We write history with our decisions and our actions. But we also write history with our responses to those actions. We can leave the pain and the damage in our wake, unattended, or we can do the work of acknowledging and fixing, to whatever extent possible, the harm that we have caused.”

— On Repentance and Repair: Making Amends in an Unapologetic World by Danya Ruttenberg
RE: Fic Update Thread 54: Find a spot out on the floor!
Wildlife (A Teraverse story by batzulger).
“I really hope I’m behind this convoluted mess; at least that way I’ll be able to get revenge by doing this to myself. I won’t even have to feel bad because it’ll be all my fault.” - Harry Potter, The Master of Death by Ryuugi.
RE: Fic Update Thread 54: Find a spot out on the floor!
Beware of Cloud (BoC fanfic) sidestory pt 4
RE: Fic Update Thread 54: Find a spot out on the floor!
Danger Zone Brockton (Worm/Trinity Continuum: Aberrant): New Tidings.

Avrjoe Wrote:
Cauldron Headquarters

“(...)I'll save you some time on denials, you handle Cauldron's money so you can contact them.”

“I handle a lot of people's money. I don't take side however so if this is some attack-”

“No - no nothing like that. I want to buy one of their power vials to be administered to a person of my choosing no if, and, or buts. They can administer it themselves but I want to be there when it happens.”





”You know the cooler has the Gatorade logo on it but I’m pretty sure this is generic sports drink powder they are mixing up.” Clockblocker complained.

Grateful for the change of subject Weild (sicer) shook his head “No they get it at cost as long as they use these coolers the company uses it as free publicity. I couldn’t tell you why the taste is off.”

“I can.” Shadow Stalker started. She stopped and thought about something. “Hey, as far as you can remember you’ve never tasted anything.”

“That’s right,” Wield (sic) admitted.

“So if someone made some tinker tech that lets you taste things and you found them familiar it would be things you had tasted before you lost your memories”



Sudan Near

Bir Tawil


Dust was examining the body. Her power would be the issue. Dust had the power to manipulate fine particles with a form of telekinesis. She made loose clouds of any light particles that might serve as camouflage. It was worlds less useful than Grue's effect back in the Bay. It was the secondary effect they wanted. Anytime she touched a parahuman corpse her dust would replay the events of their death.

Echo's power to provide the sound that properly accompanied any video she watched. It would give them a transcript. It would be rough Dust’s low resolution would make Echo's audio off in some way. It would be garbled, static-filled, or have a weird reverberation.
RE: Fic Update Thread 54: Find a spot out on the floor!
Tonnage (DC/Marvel).
Cross Purposes 4 (Buffyverse).
“I really hope I’m behind this convoluted mess; at least that way I’ll be able to get revenge by doing this to myself. I won’t even have to feel bad because it’ll be all my fault.” - Harry Potter, The Master of Death by Ryuugi.
RE: Fic Update Thread 54: Find a spot out on the floor!
A Young Warrior's Imperial Ascension (Youjo Senki/Star Trek: Deep Space 9).

This chapter has a very good take on Federation politics as they pertain to the Cardassians.
“I really hope I’m behind this convoluted mess; at least that way I’ll be able to get revenge by doing this to myself. I won’t even have to feel bad because it’ll be all my fault.” - Harry Potter, The Master of Death by Ryuugi.
RE: Fic Update Thread 54: Find a spot out on the floor!

Halkegenia Online. Communication technology affects plotting.
RE: Fic Update Thread 54: Find a spot out on the floor!
Beware of Chicken (original flavour)
T minus 3...2...1...

Maverick Solutions: Crime Doesn't Pay (Enough)
RE: Fic Update Thread 54: Find a spot out on the floor!
Harry the Hufflepuff 5 (Potter, complete).
“I really hope I’m behind this convoluted mess; at least that way I’ll be able to get revenge by doing this to myself. I won’t even have to feel bad because it’ll be all my fault.” - Harry Potter, The Master of Death by Ryuugi.
RE: Fic Update Thread 54: Find a spot out on the floor!
(07-26-2024, 05:11 AM)Norgarth Wrote: Beware of Chicken (original flavour)
T minus 3...2...1...

It's the secret!
It's the moment
When everything happens..."

And, in Letters to the Lantern! (HP/DC), a crossover (sort of) character says "Honey, We Need To Talk About Your Shoes!"

tealruby Wrote:Betsy Taylor of Minnesota, self-styled Queen of Fashion, has blunt sartorial advice for Green Lantern.
RE: Fic Update Thread 54: Find a spot out on the floor!
Beware of Cloud (BoC fanfic)
RE: Fic Update Thread 54: Find a spot out on the floor!
kathryn518's Innocence Lost has updated after a rather long gap. It's an X-Men/Harry Potter cross, in which Vernon sells young Harry off to the iteration of Weapon-X that produced X-23 aka Awkward Teen Girl Wolverine. It's been long enough that I don't rmember specifics of the plot or technical quality, jus ttha tit was at least tolerably amusing and had potential in the premise.

58k words in three chapters

m.FFn link Yay muffins!
www.FFn link Boo oatmeal raisin script-clogged meadow muffins, out in the wawawa grass!
‎noli esse culus

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