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Why the hell was chapter 11 of DW2 the fifth most-viewed page on my website in May?  554 hits -- almost the same as the site's top page.  And none of the other chapters come even close.
There must have been something people were looking for last month that pulled up that page on search results by mistake.  That's the only thing I can think of.
Apropos of nothing, looking at the rest of the list of most-viewed pages is amusing for the large number of obviously automated attempts made to find files and directories  that could be hacked but which simply don't exist on the site.  Stuff like "signup.php", "registration_rules.asp", "/member/reg.php", "/user/password" and "wp-login.php".  Keep tryin', boys, maybe one of them will spontaneously evolve out of random electrons and you'll be rewarded for all your honest effort. 
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
... and at the very bottom of the list, with one solitary hit: someone desperately seeking a Valdemar fic tried to manually find dw1-01.shtml.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
I think a copyright troll hasn't quite gotten that memo from the desk of Mercedes Lackey just yet.

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