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Another n00b...
Another n00b...
Been lurking since... um... whenever it was. (Probably somewhen around DW2 chapter 5 or 6).
Anyway, I've read all of DW2 & 5 so far, not to mention most of the stuff from "Other Peoples' Fanfiction", with the exception of the Naruto stuff - on the ground I haven't seen _any_ of it, so have no feel for the characterisation.
I'm introducing myself for a couple reasons - one of which is it is probably time I de-lurked. The other is so I can get a little feedback on a fanfic plot-bunny I had, which I'll introduce over at OPF assuming I don't get hounded off stage (rotten fruit 'n veg optional).
Outside of that, as my profile says I am English, and may be available for Brit-picking depending on who is asking.
Anyway, that's me.
Re: Another n00b...
Don't worry about being hounded over on OPF - if they'll tolerate my writing, they'll tolerate anybody's...
Seriously, one of the best things about this board is the fact that the vast majority of criticism offered is constructive; anybody who wants to write better fiction gets quite a bit of help there. Flames are practically unknown here outside of the "Politics..." area.

-Rob Kelk
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Re: Another n00b...
Welcome to the forum, sam! I guess if you've been lurking I don't need to give you the whole "feel free to post anywhere" spiel, but regardless, I'm glad you've decided to surface and join the fun.
Don't worry about hounding over in OPF. We're very friendly.
-- Bob
...The President is on the line
As ninety-nine crab rangoons go by...

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