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Re: Growth
Dear Logan Darklighter,
While admittedly people stop growing in the teens this isn't always the case. You can get the rare individual that grows after that point. Take me for example: Due to medicine side-effects my growth was slightly stunted and delayed. We were told I'd keep growing until 21-25yrs of age. While I haven't had a 'growth spurt' recently, over the last year or so, I've gotten several centimetres taller. And I'm now 22, and rapidly reaching 5'10" to 6' in height. While it's not common, it can happen.
It just make Nene that more special!
Micro Hue
PS: And if it sounds like a good idea to be growing after 18, trust me, it anit! I'm still in the 'never fill my stomach' phase of growing up - much to my parent's regret. And to my sister and mother's dismay, I'm 'thin as a beanstalk', can eat what I want and as much as I want and not put any weight on. *big cheesy slightly evil grin*
Nene's age
I stand corrected. Smile Doing some quick research shows that Nene was 19 during 2032. So she's 24 at this point, and somewhat older than I thought she was. Hmmm. Most people reach their full growth by the early twenties, so I don't know if I can justify the byplay about her reaching her maturity. Ah well. We'll see.
Growth Spurt
Just read Micro Hue's post! Maybe it can be justified. But if medication was to blame, what delayed *her*? Hmmm. Needs more thinking out. I think. Wink
Re: Growth Spurt
My cousin, while on cancer chemotherapy, went from 6'2" to 6'8" in his mid-20s.
Re: Growth Spurt
Maybe being that close to certain high powered radiations reactivated her putitary gland.
The orbital laser strike that nailed Largo, the time near the nuclear reactor, and let's not foregt all the funny energies that her own hardsuit gives off.
Tom Mathews aka Disruptor
Re: Growth Spurt
Come to think of it, after all that we're lucky she doesn't turn green and quadruple in size when she gets angry...

-- Bob
There's no wrong way to eat a Rhesus.
Nene Smash
Having recently started reading the webcomic "Sparkling Generation Valkyrie Yuuki", that's funnier than you realize. Smile
If you're interested:
(I can just see Nene in a Valkyrie outfit now... She'd die of embarassment, and Mackie would be found the next day with a large hammer print in his forehead...)
Re: Nene Smash
I'll check that out after I get home from work tonight. Thanks!

-- Bob
There's no wrong way to eat a Rhesus.
Re: Nene Smash
(jiggle == bad.)
(The comic rocks.)Brazil has decided you're cute.
Re: Nene Smash
(jiggle == bad.)
*squish squish*
Blessed be,
(been a fan for a while)

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
Quote: Bob Schroeck wrote:

Quote: Quote:

You know, it occurs to me that Genom STILL has Doug's DNA samples, and it's not mentioned that Madigan had them destroyed...

Having been directed to this by someone elsewhere....

All I can say is "and you wondered where all the Dougs in the Staggers came from...."
"Oh, silver blade, forged in the depths of the beyond. Heed my summons and purge those who stand in my way. Lay
Might I also suggest looking at Dead Bang for other possibilities?

-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.

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