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Instead of a teaser...
Instead of a teaser...
#1 omake for the end of chapter 11. Enjoy.
-- Bob

"I'm going to stop you, Pink. It's that simple."

"Yeah, right," Pink snarled. "You and what army?"

I smiled and shook my head. "No army. I don't *need* an army.
Just me."

* * *

Daley gaped as the massive, familiar saurian head rose above the
MegaTokyo skyline, opened its mouth, and bellowed a distinctive
roar that echoed back and forth across the city. The plates
running along the creature's spine began to glow. Then it opened
its mouth once more and belched forth a jet of radioactive fire.

"We're gonna need bigger guns," said Leon calmly.

-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Re: Instead of a teaser...
Marvellous. I'd like to see that song actually used sometime... though I realize that's unlikely, both because of the extensive collateral damage which would probably result and because you really need to be in Tokyo to do it.
Re: Instead of a teaser...
Nice one. Even if do like "Godzilla" by Blue Osyter Cult for my monster summoning actions. Smile It even has all the actions that he might do. Of course control might be an issue at points.

Shawn Earl
Re: Instead of a teaser...
[Image: Aleh.jpg]
Re: Instead of a teaser...
Very nice! Smile
Of course, it'd be the kind of spell only an *evil* Doug would want to use. Godzilla has been subjected to various means of control in movies past, and has always broken away and inflicted massive damage on Tokyo in revenge. This time would be no different.
Just had an evil thought.... I'm thinking about the movie "I'm gonna git you sucka!" where the hero meets the older hero, who has a half-dozen people behind him with instruments. They start to play, the young hero looks at them and asks who they are, and the older one says, "There my theme music. Every good hero needs his own theme music!"
So what song would summon *Doug's* theme music? And would it play on, for the duration of his theme music *after* the original song ended?
Re: Instead of a teaser...
I'm so sorry Bob. I couldn't help myself
"I'm going to stop you, Pink. It's that simple."
"Yeah, right," Pink snarled. "You and what army?"
I smiled and shook my head. "No army. I don't *need* an army.
Just me. "
* * *
Daley gaped as the massive, familiar saurian head rose above the MegaTokyo skyline, opened its mouth, and bellowed a distinctive laugh that echoed back and forth across the city. The green spots running along the creature's purple back began to glow. Then it opened its mouth once more and belched forth a jet of soul searing music.
"We're gonna need bigger guns," said Leon calmly.
"And earplugs," Daley added.---------------
"A billion robot lives are about to be extinguished. Oh the Jedi are gonna feel this one."
-Professor Farnsworth
"And that must have caused my dad's brain to break in half, replaced by a purely mechanical engine of revenge!"
Re: Instead of a teaser...
I'm so sorry Bob. I couldn't help myself
That's it! *tweet* You! Yeah, you - the one who mentioned the Great Purple Anti-Christ! Out of the pool! You're done for today - come back tomorrow if you can behave yourself.
*goes back to cringing at the mental image*
Offsides (no, this is _not_ an official statement)Drunkard's Walk Forum Moderator and Prereader At LargeDrunkard's Walk Forum Moderator and Prereader At Large
Re: Instead of a teaser...

-- Bob
There is no spork.
there are worse things than purple lizards
Doug shut his apartment door and leaned against it shivering, he didn't know what those things had been but the White Knight had matched his purple dinosaur and raised it by at least three.
She had beat him fair and square and only the effect the holographic images had on the other Knights and police had allowed him to crawl off his purple menace popped like a cheap balloon.
Gaining strength Doug staggered over to his bed and dropped laying himself out flat, trying to rid himself of the horrific sounds and images that had bypassed all his defenses striking straight into his mind.
Finally allowing himself to relax Doug again shivered if you had asked him before the white Knights holographic reply to the purple dinosaur he would have said being forced to sit through 24 hours of the purple dinosaur had prepared him for any form of sonic and visual torture, but those those THINGS emitting babyish gibberish while they projected images on there middles were beyond his worst nightmare.
He would never tell another living soul, at home, but there were things worse than purple lizards.
God bless
Sorry I couldn't resist, my brothers oldest boy was crazy about the purple dinosaur and now his youngest child is being shown those horrors with the silver screens in their middles, I had thought the dinosaur was unbeatable.
Re: there are worse things than purple lizards
You are talking about Teletubbies,right?
The horror,the horror......
Only the badger comes close..."There's only one kind of monster that uses bullets""There's only one kind of monster that uses bullets"
Re: there are worse things than purple lizards
Yes I was thinking of them.
Why did you have to print thier true name?
Now look what you have done, anytime someone does a search (shiver) for the T*e*l*e*t*u*b*b*i*e*s they will also turn up "Drunkards Walk" in the search list.
Never mention these shows true names in your fanfic, if you do the fiction will forever be linked to those shows in all search engines. Wink
The only way it could be worse now if someone actually mentioned Barn....... the purple lizard's true name.
howard melton
God bless

I'm sure Bob will eventually forgive you for getting one of internets greatest fanfics linked to the T*e*l*e*t*u*b*b*i*e*s. ^_^;
At least you have the consolation of knowing someone else has already printed the true name and linked "Drunkards Walk" to the b*a*d*g*e*r, worse yet they provided links.
We don't need no steenking b*a*d*g*e*r*s!
Big Grin
''We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat
them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.''

-- James Nicoll
Re: Mwahahaha
Okay, I think we'll have to end this thread before I'm forced to make a Leo Rosten reference.
(I'll bet that only Offsides gets that...)

-- Bob
There is no spork.
Re: Mwahahaha
I don't, and I'm pretty sure I don't want to.
I'm not sure I get it unless your refering to a polish writer.
Either way I'm also pretty sure I don't want to get it.

howard melton
Re: Mwahahaha
Actually, I'm not getting it, though I feel like I _should_ be (and the name is very familiar). 'Course, I'm rather crispy right now after a 11+ hour day, so that could be a factor as well Smile
Edit: One google search later, I am enlighened as to why I should (and now do) get the reference, though I'm not sure which quote would be most appropriate SmileDrunkard's Walk Forum Moderator and Prereader At LargeDrunkard's Walk Forum Moderator and Prereader At Large
Re: Mwahahaha
Well, I didn't have a particular quote in mind, just how the character wrote his name on the paper.

-- Bob
There is no spork.
Re: Mwahahaha
Hmm. Might as well do a third one about Walk like a Dinosaur.
Nene held her head, as shelooked up at the sky. "I haver been in so much pain. I will never forget that humanoid setgasour's voice going 'PUT OUT THE KNIGHT SABER! PUT OUT THE KNIGHTSABER!'
When there's troube call DW.
Tom Mathews aka Disruptor
Re: Mwahahaha
Okay, I must be missing something. That made no sense to me.
But then again, this entire thread is just rambling. I think it's time we shut it down.

-- Bob
There is no spork.

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