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The Deal With Quincy
The Deal With Quincy
This is beginning to prey on my poor tired brain... surely between us we DW-fanboys can put it together...?
OK, what do we know?

-The Loon's name is Douglas Q. Sangnoir; Genom's CEO is James D. Quincy (see ch. 12). Doug used the alias "Quincy Black" when calling the cops shortly after his arrival. The "Black" clearly comes from Sangnoir ("black blood").
So far as I can tell from a search of the extant chapters, we have never been told what the Q. stands for (I don't think Bob's told us in the forum either). It is a short step from here to assume that Doug's middle name is Quincy, and Quincy's is Douglas... but those are only assumptions.
-Quincy knows a great deal about the Warriors--at absolute minimum, their real names, powers, and personalities--but has never seen at least one of them (Kat). If Warriors' World existed in some published fictional form in the BGC world, it seems likely that various people's searches would have turned this up by now--by accident if nothing else. But again, that's an assumption.
-Discussing a costume worn by Wetter Hexe, Quincy mentions designs by someone named "Elizabeth" (I can't find mention of this name in regard to the Warriors).
-In his youth (or, at least, earlier in his life), Quincy's attitude toward Doug's arrival would have been quite different:
"Why now?" he muttered to himself. "Fifty years ago, even forty
years ago, I would have welcomed you. Why do you finally have to
come now?"
The "finally" part might--MIGHT--imply that Quincy was expecting this to happen sooner or later.
Again, the only explanation I can come up with that makes any sense at all is that Quincy was a V&V gamer in his younger years, and Doug was his character. (Or fill in "fanfic writer," or other such silliness.) But this fails to satisfy for dramatic and concrete reasons: dramatic because we know Doug won't discover the truth of the transfictional multiverse for some time yet and therefore he couldn't be allowed to have a nifty confrontation with his "creator," concrete because Bob, Ed, and Valles are guffawing at the idea. (Of course, Bob could have instructed his prereaders to laugh it off... damn I'm getting paranoid.)
If Quincy was from Warriors' World, surely he'd have known them by sight on top of everything else...
Then there's the question of his extreme health in semi-advanced age. Of course he might be a boomer, there's always been that theory (whether independent or remote-controlled by the ailing "real" Quincy). And his height. Tall, vigorous, charismatic... doubtful he's been Servant-Factored, his attitude toward Doug would probably be much different. (I imagine the programming there is more than just blind obedience to Manley; if that were the case, it'd be safe to let his pawns out of prison now that he isn't there to give them orders.)
I take it on faith that, this late in the game, enough clues are available to put it together properly. Maybe we're simply not recognizing some of them as clues...
--Sam Ashley
"Blood covers The City like a big red afghan."
Re: The Deal With Quincy
Then there's the question of his extreme health in semi-advanced age.
Don't forget that Doug mentions that metahumans typically have an extended lifespan... at least in the Walk.-------------------
*No,* Sachiel replied.
*Aww, come on,* I answered.
*Absolutely not,* he insisted.
*What's so bad about my idea?*
*While I have no problem with withdrawing and allowing you to handle the situation, I have... issues with your plan to tell the Lillim that you are the "3.14th Angel, Auwhotda'ell".*
[Image: Aleh.jpg]
Re: The Deal With Quincy
Now, if this follows the rules of a conventional detective story...
1) Quincy must be a character that we have already been introduced to in some way.
2) Quincy should be a character that we have considered, but dismissed for some reason.
3) Quincy should have some attributes, or his environment should, that should allow us to determine who he is.
Now, does any of that help, in any way? [grin]

BTW, I suspect that if you can work out what the reference to "Elizabeth" means, it will give a big clue.
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind
Re: The Deal With Quincy
2) Quincy should be a character that we have considered, but dismissed for some reason.
Because it's not just a river in Egypt!
Blessed be.
(I'd cackle, but my roommate's trying to sleep.)

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
Re: The Deal With Quincy
Perhaps someone who has dealt with the Warriors in the past?
- Grumpy Uncle Gearhead
Re: The Deal With Quincy
It is very simple!
Quincy is ...
She is in a male body, because she made a Wish, to become able to see, so she could see Doug.
However, wish granters being who they are, she got dumped in a sighted male body, in another universe, where she has waited many years for Doug to turn up.
Explains why she did not know what the Warriors looked like, knew so much about them, and had been waiting for Doug's arrival, for so long.
Of course, this may well be _a_ Shadowwalker, not Doug's one.
See, easy! [grin]
(No, I don't think this is the answer, either.)
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind
Re: Quincy is Shadowwalker?
You should see the face Peggy made at that suggestion.
Or maybe not...

-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Re: Quincy is ???
Bah, you're all wrong! 'Quincy' is actually one of those control-feak-uberbitch fanfic Sailor Plutos using a magical disguise after her native senshi got wise to her game and tossed her out on her ear. Either that, or King Vegita, having been swallowed by a dimensional anamoly just in time for it to look like Freeza's fireball killed him, tossed across the multiverses in such way that he absorbed a fair amount of info from a few of the ones he passed through, and building up BGC Earth's tech base as a means of developing a combination dimensional portal / time machine so he can go back and kick the little lizard's ass but good this time. The lower levels of Genom Tower have a gravity room where he trains against Dobermans and and the types of buma Largo highjacked three of and rebuilt to be his minions in Crash, and you can tell he's been SSJ2 in there recently because those are the shots where the whole tower has that yellow-green glow from the energy dissipation system.
Why are you looking at me like that?
- CD
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
Re: Quincy is ???
He's a Chicken I tell ya!!! A Giant Chicken!

But seriously, folks.
The clues all lead to a person either from the Warriors World, or one familar with it. Given that Doug isn't supposed to latch on to transfictionality per say until later in the walk, my position is that said given elminates the second option.
Which leaves us with the premise that this person is from the Warrior's World.
Of whom, there has only been one person mentioned to date that is not effectively an ally of Doug's. Add in the mention of the OverMind System in chapter 12, and then look at Doug's ruminations about Arcanyum's Servant Factor virus.
Personally, I find the similarities rather... Striking. And the Warriors never found out just what happened to Arcanum.
And we have Bob's own half joking comments that DW 2 IS sort of a self insert... but Doug isn't the SI? That leaves one roll open at this point, Quincy. We've seen the proof of that already. That only leaves the question of just who was Quincy before he became Quincy?
Personally, I remain convinced that the clues to this point indcate Arcanum. Just who is right and who is wrong will have to remain unanswered until such a time as Bob completes chapters 14 and 15.
Yes, 15. For some reason I have a feeling about this, a sometimes intuative grasp of plotlines at times. Doug *is* going to find himself in Quincy's office, that scene being the cliff-hanger end of 14... With a final line something along the lines of "YOU!!!"
And whoever You is remains as a tangible wonder until Bob picks it up again at the start of Chapter 15, with quincy going "Yes, it is I....""I was an Otaku before those kids came along and changed the meaning of the word."
-- HM "Howling Mad" Wilson to more than one team-mate.
Hear that thunder rolling till it seems to split the sky?
That's every ship in Grayson's Navy taking up the cry-

-- "No Quarter", by Echo's Children
Re: Quincy is Shadowwalker?
> You should see the face Peggy made at that suggestion.
Domo arigato. [deep bow]
But, I wanted to come up with a _really silly_ suggestion, that still seemed to fit most of the facts! [grin]
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind
Re: Quincy is ???
Personally, I find the similarities rather... Striking. And the Warriors never found out just what happened to Arcanum.

Doug *is* going to find himself in Quincy's office, that scene being the cliff-hanger end of 14... With a final line something along the lines of "YOU!!!"
And whoever You is remains as a tangible wonder until Bob picks it up again at the start of Chapter 15, with quincy going "Yes, it is I...."

My guess is that it's that former Warrior who retired because he got old or something (Silverbolt?) and somehow got transported to this universe... After all, Arcanum wouldn't have welcomed Doug 50 years ago...
But we'll just have to wait and see...
< Edit: fix formatting -Z >-Z, Post-reader at Medium
If architects built buildings the way programmers write programs, the first woodpecker to come along would destroy civilization.
Re: Quincy is ???
Quote:After all, Arcanum wouldn't have welcomed Doug 50 years ago...
I interpreted that comment to mean that Quincy is stuck in the BGC-World and would have welcomed Doug as his ticket home (even as a prisoner), but now he has built himself an empire and does no longer want to leave. The other way you could read it would mean considering Quincy to have been a fallen hero or at least a good guy at heart who now no longer shares the ideals of his youth and might even be ashamed of what Doug will see in him.
On the overall interpretation I am not giving up on my time-travel theory. (Quincy could not possibly be from 50 years in Doug's homeworld past.) If Quincy is not an older Doug himself, he might still be somebody who Doug still has to meet on his Journey. A future traveling companion that Doug has told a lot about himself, a side-effect of Dougs magic at some point in the past or future or even, his newly built bike after having gained sentinence far along the Journey.
As long as Quincy does not tell him "I am your father, Doug." in the voice of James Earl Jones I wont complain.
Re: Quincy is ???
Wait a minute...
He knows of the Warriors...
He's got a horde of mindless minions...
...and he hangs out in a giant pyramid.
"Ancient spirits of evil, transform this well-preserved form... to MUMM-RA THE EVER-LIVING!"
...Why are you all looking at me like that? n.n;
--Sam Ashley
"The filth must flow, and reach the virgin sea."
Re: Quincy is ???
"Ancient spirits of evil, transform this well-preserved form... to MUMM-RA THE EVER-LIVING!"
Well, I've heard worse theories....
The thought occurs... Quincy has extensive knowledge of the Warriors, names, powers, but hasn't apparently had much in experience in the way of field observation. That would seem to disallow the Arcanum hypothesis (You'd think a quintessential Evil Overlord like that would have plenty of surveillance tapes.) but...
What if, and just roll with this, our boy Quincy is from Warriors' World, but he wasn't a "name" hero or villian when he left. A general nonenitiy, perhaps. Somebody with a small metagift and a lot of dreams. Somebody who admired the UN superteam... A Warriors fanboy.
Could be wrong, and probably am. Regardless, I think whichever scenario turns out to be right hinges on one thing: finding out who the hell "Elizabeth" is. Figure that one out, and you've got the solution.
--Mr. F, wheels are turning...
Mr. Fnord interdimensional man of mystery

FenWiki - Your One-Stop Shop for Fenspace Information

"I. Drink. Your. NERDRAGE!"
Re: Quincy is ???
Clues on that front are skimpy. Essentially nonexistent, far as I can tell.
A text search of DW2 turned up Elisabeth Vanette (who spells her name with an s, not a z, and is ... colossaly unlikely? I need a bigger adjective), and, oddly, Liza Broadbank (in many ways, even less likely). Hexe's player in the real world, Helen Imre, isn't named anything that could reasonably be mutated into Elizabeth (unless it's her middle name). Same goes for the other WW players we've been told of, and their characters' real names.
I suspect more clues will be forthcoming before the final chapter...
--Sam Ashley
"Dating a supervillain is trouble with a capital Troub!"
Re: Quincy is ???
and, oddly, Liza Broadbank
I put Liza Broadbank in DW2? Where? I don't remember that at all!

-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Re: Quincy is ???
> > "Ancient spirits of evil, transform this well-preserved form... to MUMM-RA THE EVER-LIVING!"
> Well, I've heard worse theories....
>The thought occurs... Quincy has extensive knowledge of the
> Warriors, names, powers, but hasn't apparently had much in
> experience in the way of field observation. That would seem to
> disallow the Arcanum hypothesis (You'd think a
> quintessential Evil Overlord like that would have plenty of
> surveillance tapes.) but...
Hmm. Who else might know about WW, but only indirectly, and go in for universe hopping?
You don't think it is supposed to be a fanfic author, such as one of the UF crew, or something? After all, we just met Skyknight and Yumeko! [grin]
((More unlikely suggestions!))
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind
"Liza Broadbank"
I put Liza Broadbank in DW2? Where? I don't remember that at all!
A quick grep says that actually you didn't; there's someone of that name in the prereaders list at the end of Chapter 11, at least in my copy.
Re: "Liza Broadbank"
there's someone of that name in the prereaders list at the end of Chapter 11, at least in my copy.
Oh, yeah, now I remember. I did that mainly as a gag, to see how many EPU readers were reading DW. It took this long for someone to notice. I guess none of you read the credits at the end of the chapters...

-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Re: "Liza Broadbank"
I guess none of you read the credits at the end of the chapters...
I, for one, do... they just don't stick in my memory very well.-------------------
*No,* Sachiel replied.
*Aww, come on,* I answered.
*Absolutely not,* he insisted.
*What's so bad about my idea?*
*While I have no problem with withdrawing and allowing you to handle the situation, I have... issues with your plan to tell the Lillim that you are the "3.14th Angel, Auwhotda'ell".*
[Image: Aleh.jpg]
Re: "Liza Broadbank"
I guess none of you read the credits at the end of the chapters...
I usually read such things, though I don't recall whether or not I've been doing so with DWII; however, at the time I hadn't read that far into UF, so the name wouldn't have rung a bell with me anyway.
Re: Elizabeth
Anyway, you can all stop searching. Quincy's mention of her is the first appearance of "Elizabeth" in the story. And yes, understanding the reference is part of the key to understanding The Deal With Quincy.
Further deponent sayeth not.

-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Re: Elizabeth
that's making my forehead bulgy-vein stick out.
I guess I'll just have to exercize my patience circuit and wait for 14 and 15.

so long as Quincy isn't Sam Beckett, I'm happy... ; )Wire Geek - Burning the weak and trampling the dead since 1979

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