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Re: Chapter 13 Is Now Available!
Re: Chapter 13 Is Now Available!
Great Chapter! But, over so soon. I want more !
minor-nitpick: Didn't Doug already discover the "KS" signature a few chapters ago?
Re: Quincy's relation to Loon.
I hadn't thought that Quincy might only have had second-hand knowledge of Doug before like it know appears. I like the explanation of Quincy having had contact with a fictional version of Dougs world.
And I already had myself convinced that Quincy was an older or alternate version of the dimension lost Doug. But I guess the part with Doug spontaneously calling himself Quincy Black upon arrival was some sort of red-herring.
Just out of curiosity what does the "Q" In Douglas Q. Sangnoir stand for, if not Quincy?
Re: Chapter 13 Is Now Available!
minor-nitpick: Didn't Doug already discover the "KS" signature a few chapters ago?
Ack. Chapter 11, you're right. I apparently had the note in two different places in my outline.
You've got to remember, I wrote chapter 11 two years ago! I forgot that it was in there!

I guess I have to edit it out of 13 now.
Maybe I'll recycle the scene and put it into 11.

-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Re: Chapter 13 Is Now Available!
while you're editting... i thought you were going to replace 'irregardless' from the linna/nene phone conversation scene-Z, Post-reader at Medium
If architects built buildings the way programmers write programs, the first woodpecker to come along would destroy civilization.
Re: Chapter 13 Is Now Available!
I thought I had, dammit.

-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
another nitpick
I just read the concordance for the newest chapter, and came across the part with the Bladerunner reference. If something like the events of the movie are supposed to have happened in Doug's homeworld, you got another problem as Doug already mentioned knowing the Movie when he first heard of 'Priss & The Replicants'. Unless of course Bladerunner was based on a true story in Warrior's world.
Oh, and while I am at it. Trying to find the Bladerunner reference in older chapters I came across a really minor extremly pendatic thing to nitpick about: Sony changed from being a Genom company to being a competitor during the early chapters.
Re: another nitpick
If something like the events of the movie are supposed to have happened in Doug's homeworld
They didn't. Pris the android that Doug knew was named for the Bladerunner character, partly because her general design and look was inspired by Daryl Hannah. (It was that, or name her "Madison". And she didn't have the parts for that.)
came across a really minor extremly pendatic thing to nitpick about: Sony changed from being a Genom company to being a competitor during the early chapters.
Yeah, I know; I stumbled on this some time back and never did anything about it because I hoped no one would notice. This is a case of me whipping up background details out of wholecloth and not keeping good track of them.

-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Re: another (very minor) nitpick
> Sylia took her cigarette from her lips and blew out another cloud
> of smoke. Time her for her own contribution.
I assume that should be "Time here for her own..." ?
Pedant: one who steps on ants.
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind
Re: another (very minor) nitpick
No, a duplicate "her".
I'll be fixing all these shortly and putting up a revised version. Look for it in a day or two.

-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Re: yet another (very minor) nitpick
Mint tea hasn't got caffeine -- it's herbal.
You probably mean green tea, the usual Japanese version of tea. It's made from the same plant (Camellia sinensis) as black tea, but with non-oxidized leaves.
Re: yet another (very minor) nitpick
Mint tea hasn't got caffeine -- it's herbal.
Actually, Mint Tea does have caffeine, by definition. All Tea does, since tea leaves have caffeine. You can decaffinate teas, but it's not a given. Most "herbal teas" out there are really "teaseinnes" (spelled wrong, but I've never seen it spelled Smile), which are tea-like infusions and don't have caffeine.
Drunkard's Walk Forum Moderator and Prereader At Large
Re: yet another (very minor) nitpick
And just to add my authorial 2 cents' worth:
When I drink a mint tea, I usually drink a pekoe-cut black tea laced with spearmint. (Although the pure-herbal stuff you can get from Celestial Seasonings is great, too -- I put 2 Equals into it, and it's like drinking chewing gum. ).

-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Re: yet another (very minor) nitpick
> > Mint tea hasn't got caffeine -- it's herbal.
Technically, the tea plant is a herb as well...
> Actually, Mint Tea does have caffeine, by definition. All Tea
> does, since tea leaves have caffeine. You can decaffinate
> teas, but it's not a given. Most "herbal teas" out there are
> really "teaseinnes" (spelled wrong, but I've never seen it
> spelled Smile), which are tea-like infusions and don't have caffeine.
I drink Rooibosch Tea (redbush tea) which is "caffeine free", and also claims to be low tannin.
Maybe you are refering to a "tisane", which is (I think) from the French, where as "tea" is from the Chinese (maybe via the Dutch). You guessed I have an interest in etymology, didn't you? [grin]
(Me, pedantic? Noooo.)
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind
Ack. Chapter 11, you're right. I apparently had the note in two different places in my outline.
You've got to remember, I wrote chapter 11 two years ago! I forgot that it was in there!

I guess I have to edit it out of 13 now.
Maybe I'll recycle the scene and put it into 11.

Random suggestion: Why not just edit the bit in c13 to be something like "There was that 'KS' inscription again." and elaborate a bit from there...
Look people.
Bob is right, here. In order for something to be a genuine *tea*, it has to actually have tea leaves in it.
If it doesn't have tea leaves, it isn't a real tea. They can call it that if they want, but what they're really selling is an infusion.
Re: Tea
I think we've pretty much exhausted this avenue of discussion. If you really want to talk tea, let's do it over in General/General.
Oh, and I'm doing what I hope is the last round of fixes to chapter 13 prior to reposting it here and in other venues, so if there are any more trivial fiddly bits you want to see corrected, tell me now!

-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Random suggestion: Why not just edit the bit in c13 to be something like "There was that 'KS' inscription again." and elaborate a bit from there...
"Not to mention that there was a KS pattern in the wallpaper at IDEC, that if viewed from the right angle the broad plaza in front of the tower formed a large KS, and that the 'GENOM New Employee Audio Orientation Guide,' if played backwards, periodically included someone saying 'KS.' Whoever this guy was, he was one hell of a renaissance man."
Re: ....SK....SK....SK....
Good chapter, Bob. Lots of talking, but good talking.
Oh, and it's tisane.
Ebony the Black Dragon
Senior Editor, Living Room Games
Ebony the Black Dragon

"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."
Re: ....SK....SK....SK....
Thanks, Ebony. We needed a little wind-down from and reaction to the events of chapter 12 -- but don't worry, the action gears back up by the end of 14, and then we plunge right into the thrill-packed climax in 15.

-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.

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