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Other LT(tm Warner Bros.) references.
Other LT(tm Warner Bros.) references.
Hello all, long time no post, but this bit of mayhem has been cross-checking around inside my head and finally found a way out.
I was raised on Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies(which gives you an idea of my normal mental state) and a few of these references parsed themselves against my will when I re-read DWII:
"Ho, ho, ho. Doug-Hunters is da cwaziest peoples." (I do believe I've found a .sig for this board)
"Ahhhh, yes! Frustrating, isn't it?"
(Bogart from 'The African Queen' strides into frame. Any part of the series.) "Pardon me, sir, but could you help out a fellow American who's down on his luck?"
"Katherine Madigan. Soooooooper Geeeeeenius!"
Doug pauses as he is about to administer some righteous self-defense to the beginning pack of 'crunchies' and, breaking the fourth wall, notices the audience. He stretches a hand upward out-of-frame and pulls down a black window shade with the word 'CENSORED' proudly stenciled in yellow on its surface. Sounds of violence ensue, rattling the window shade.
How about you guys?
"Ho, ho, ho. Doug-Hunters is da cwaziest peoples."
Re: Other LT(tm Warner Bros.) references.
Hmm. Note to self. Check to make sure you're in the right fourm before you post. This was meant for DWII. Oh, well, not the first time I failed a perception check.

"Ho, ho, ho. Doug-Hunters is da cwaziest peoples."
Re: Other LT(tm Warner Bros.) references.
Don't worry, I'll move it.

-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Re: Other LT(tm Warner Bros.) references.
(Next morning, when I can think...)

Oh, I've got a whole list of stuff that I wanted to use and didn't, simply because I couldn't find good places to fit it in. The one I regret the most didn't go in because I didn't have a good place for it, but because I remembered it way, way too late: "And whomsoever art thou, in thine cast-iron tuxedo?"

Lessee, I ought to have the list of lines handy... oh yeah, here it is. This comes from my master notes'n'stuff file for DW2, but a lot of these are slated for use in other Steps, if opportunity presents:

You don't have to be crazy to do this, but it sure helps!

"Didn't expect to see me again, eh, Svengali?" -- Bugs Bunny

"I do this kind of thing to him all through the picture."

"Gruesome, isn't it?"

"If I dood it, I gets a whippin'. ... I dood it!"

So round, so firm, so fully packed, so free and easy on the draw.Don't ever dooo that!

Greetings, Gate -- let's osculate!

Aaah! Something new has been added!

He don't know me vewy well, do he?

You bwoke my widdle head!

I'm a baaad boy!

Gee, ain't I a stinker?

It's a possibility!

Mmmmmmmm -- could be!

What's all the hubbub, bub?

I like him -- he's silly!

The rabbits are coming, hooray, hooray!

Do you min it?

Well, now, I wouldn't say that!

Which way did he go, George, which way did he go?

I'm gonna hold him and squeeze him and name him George!

Tain't funny, McGee!

Pardon me, but could you help out a fellow American who's down on his luck?

I wish my brother George was here!

Agony! AAA-go-neee!

This looks like the beginning of a beautiful friendship!

Didja ever get the feelin' you wuz bein' watched?

Think fast, rabbit.

My, he's a big one!

Welp, here I am!

It's the Masked Marauder!

I'll do it, but I'll probably hate myself in the morning.

I've got a million of'em.

Is you is, or is you ain't, my baby?

Oh, you and your old shotgun, you crazy! -- The Unruly Hare (Tashlin, 1945) (imitation of Joe Besser)

So long, screwy, see you in St. Louie!

Isn't he a trusting soul?

Tsktsktsk. Too bad...Do you have dizzy spells? Do you see spots before your eyes?
Do your ears ring? Are you subject to fits?
So am I! Maybe that's what's the matter with me! (laughs)

And don't think it hasn't been a little piece of heaven --because it hasn't!

What's the hassle, schmassle?

"What a maroon."

"That boy's about as sharp as five pounds of wet leather."

"The kid's about as sharp as a sackful of dead mice."

"I may be a craven coward, but I'm a greedy little cravencoward."

"Nobody's going to pull one over on this little black duck."

"That boy's about as sharp as a bowling ball."

"That's a joke, son. Joke, I say."

"Welcome to my shop, let me cut your mop, let me shave your crop...
Daaaiiintily, daaaiiintily."

Daffy Duck: "Aaaaaaaaaaaagnes!!" ::pounds on door::"Aaaaaaaaaaaagnes!!!"

(quizmaster) Daffy: "I'm sorry... you must pay the penalty."

"Fortunately, I always keep my feathers numbered for just such an emergency."

"This is gonna cause more ruckus than a mouse in a burlesque show."

I knew I should have made that left turn at Albuquerque.

Say, is any of this penetratin' that little ol' bonnet of yours?

First time someone else shot my mouth off!

I like a sneaky, conniving little weasel like you!

Son, she's about as helpless as a porcupine in a nudist camp. Sheesh!

Daffy: "It was either him, or me, and it obviously couldn't be ME. I'm not like other people. I can't stand pain. It hurts me."

"I'm rich! I'm rich! I'm wealthy! I'm financially secure! I'm comftorably well-off! I'm a happy miser!"

"Excuse me, sir, but is this the way to the Coachella Valley, and the Carrot Festival, therein?"

"I do like the way that rolls off the tongue. Wiley Coyote, SuperGenius."

"Please, doc, I'm in a transom."

"Go ahead! Shoot me again! I love the smell of burnt feathers! And gunpowder! And cordite! Look, I'm an elk! It's elk season!I'm a fiddler crab! It's fiddler crab season!"

"Voila! The trick, she is done."

"Abra-ca-pocus! Hocus-ca-dabra!"

Dragons is SO stupid.

"What for you bury me in the cold, cold ground?"

Sylvester: "Firtht, I am happy, for I am to marry the fair Meliththa. Then, I am furiouth, for I dethpithe the Thcarlet Puh-Puh- Pumpernickel.

"I refuse to look up any more reference because you talk mean to me. Say you're sorry.

Ho! Ha-ha! Guard! Turn! Parry! Thrust! Spin!

"Awfully sporting of the little black duck, eh?"

One side, one side, let a rabbit through!

Penguins is practically chickens. (Gotta use this in the Eva Step. -- Bob)

"My stars...if an iiinnnteresting monster can't have an iiinnnteresting hairdo, I don't know what the world is coming to, bobbypins please."

"It's stupendous, it's colossal! Why one might even go so far asto say ... it's mediocre." Daffy

"Where's the kaboom? There was supposed to be an earth-shattering kaboom!"

"On second thought, I better not look. I just might be in there!"

"Odds fish. The very air abounds in kings."

"I pierce you with the 'ack-ack' of love, powderpuff"

"I would like...(aside) I would like? I would like a trip to Europe. I would like to introduce myself!"

"Put down that comic relief! Give me the parade! Give me...giveme...give me one dozen roses."

"I'm here, I'm here...It's too good to be true, but I'm here! Three cheers and a tiger for me..." -- Jim Backus as the genie in "A Lad in His Lamp" (McKimson, 1948)

"Slight pause whilst I adjust my accoutrements."

"Hey Spike! Whattaya wanna do? Huh Spike? Ya wanna chase cars? Huh? Wanna chase cars, Spike? Do ya? Huh?"
WHAP! "Shaddap."
"No,you wouldn't wanna do that, Spike. Of course not. Spike's my Hero!"

"Whoops. What the?" He feels the point with his thumb.
"Yipe!" He peeks out from under the hairdryer and sees a knight in armor glaring down at him.
Bugs takes a bite of his carrot. "Eh, what'sup, duke?"

"Surrender, varlet. Thou art the prisoner of me lance."
"I art? And whomsoever art thou, in thy cast iron tuxedo?"
"I, knave, am Sir O of K, Earl of Watercress, Sir Osis ofLiver, Knight of the Garter..." He has a garter around his leg."...and Baron of Worcesterchestershistershire. Shire."
"My. He's a big one. Hey, uh, look, pressure cooker. I bet you know a lot of my friends. Ooh!" Bugs accidentally pricks his finger with the tip of the lance. "Like, uh, Duke of Ellington, Count of Basie, Earl of Hines, Cab of Calloway, Satchmo of Armstrong."
"Upstarts and rogues. Never heard of them."
"Rogues, eh? Upstarts, eh? Look, Sir Rup of Figs, don't go around insultin' my friends or I shall get me a can opener and open thee up like a can of solid packed tomahtoes."
"What? Wouldst tilt with me?"
"Tilt with thee I will, and I won't wilt. Just lend me a weapon. That's all. That's all."

Daddy! You're back from Peru! We thought you got run over by a elevator! (Rabbit's Feat, 1960)

Confidentially-I AM a wabbit! (A Wild Hare-1940)

Well whaddya expect in an opera, a happy ending? (What's Opera Doc, 1957)

Sir Loin of Beef, Earl of Cloves, Baron of Munchausen, Milk of Magnesia, Quarter of Ten. . . (Rabbit Hood, 1949)

Ya know, some day scientists are gonna invent something that will outsmart a rabbit. (Robot Rabbit, 1953)

Ask me to weave? What about you? Where's your ticket? (Box Office Bunny, 1990)

Be vewwy vewwy quiet, We're hunting Elmers. (Rabbit Fire, 1951)

No use changn' all the history books just forlil' ol' me! (Hare We Go, 1951)

I know lotsa things. I know that two and two is four, that George Washington was the foist president, that Carson City is the capital of Nevada. (Bugs and Thugs, 1954)

The fun you can have with a bunch of old rocks and a can of yellow paint. (Bonzana Bunny, 1959)

You moight, Rabbit, you moight. (Bugs and Thugs,1954)

So long, Sammy! See you in Miami! (Bugs Bunny Rides Again, 1947)

Next! (The Rabbit of Seville, 1951)

Indubitably, because there's no one who knows his way around outer space like DUCK DODGERS IN THE 24 1/2 CENTURY!

Provided the accident occurs as a result of a stampede of wild elephants in our own home between 3:55 and 4:00pm on the Fourth of July during a hailstorm! (Fool Coverage, 1952)

I'm a Dirty Skunk!? (Duck! Rabbit! Duck!, 1953)

This is a close-up? (Duck Amuck, 1953)

He doesn't have to shoot me now! (Rabbit Seasoning, 1952)

Not the wed one! Don't EVER touch the wed one! (Design for Leaving 1954)

You got thirty-two teeth, would you like to try for sixteen? (The Ducksters, 1950)

On account of I am greedy. (Beanstalk Bunny, 1955)

Blanks he says! (People are Bunny, 1959)

Us good guys always win. -- Speedy Gonzales (The Spy Swatter, 1967)

I think he means to do us bodily harm! -- Goofy Gophers (Mac 'n' Tosh) (Pests for Guests, 1955)

"¡Ándale! ¡Ándale! ¡Arriba! ¡Arriba! Yeeha!" -- Speedy Gonzales

-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Re: Other LT(tm Warner Bros.) references.
Dragons is SO stupid.
I see Doug saying this, having just weaseled his way out of a continued, ah, moral discussion with the Sabers...
Followed immediately by Sylia clamping a hand around his shoulder and leaning on him a bit, and saying
Didja ever get the feelin' you wuz bein' watched?
Blessed be.

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
Re: Other LT(tm Warner Bros.) references.
Didja ever get the feelin' you wuz bein' watched?
Oops, I shoulda stripped that one out, since I used it as a chapter title...

-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Re: Other LT(tm Warner Bros.) references.
Don't think you've used, "Watch that first step. It's a lulu!" yet.
The frightening thing is that I could identify the speakers on almost every one of those that wasn't identified. Insidious meme, those cartoons ....
Ebony the Black Dragon
Senior Editor, Living Room Games
Ebony the Black Dragon

"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."
Re: Other LT(tm Warner Bros.) references.
Ah, thanks for the move. *peers at list*
Another reference just popped in. It has no quotes, per se, but its a running gag that I find funny as hell.
The toon in mind is that adorable, fun-seeking, lucky, and SNEAKY-as-hell puppy who has the uncanny ability of Superleap, Usable Against Others. Not sure if he had a name, but I remember the fall-cat being named Claude.
And another quote Foghorn Leghorn: "WHAAM-a-Doodle! She done jumped off!"
Obscure enough?
"Ho, ho, ho. Doug-Hunters is da cwaziest peoples."
Curse Netscape.
It killed my post a little while ago...
Here's what I came up with for ones you didn't list.
"Ehhh, your brother blows bubblegum!" -Bugs
"Hey... I am scared... I'm terrified. I'm panic stricken! AHHH EAHHI! eeer! Shriek shriek, scream scream." *continue screaming fit* -Bugs
(aside to audience) "Got lots of stamina." -Bugs
"She was an acrobat's daughter, she swung by her teeth from a noose. Then one matinee her bridgework gave way, and she flew through the air like a goose!" -Daffy
"Thanks fer the sour persimmons, cousin." -Daffy
"HASSAN CHOP!" -Hassan
"He's about as helpless as a porpcupine in a nudist colony!" -Sylvester
"Happy B-b-b-birthday, you thing from another world, you." -Porky
"Now be a coopertive little bunny, and let me have your brain."
"Sorry doc, but I need what little I've got." -The Mad Scientist and Bugs
Re: Other LT(tm Warner Bros.) references.
more quotes... possibly for use in DWII... who knows....
[pointing at robot] "Heh. Mechanical." *SMOOOOOCH* "So she's mechanical!" [follows robot off-screen] - Bugs and robotic female bunny

-Z, Post-reader at Medium
If architects built buildings the way programmers write programs, the first woodpecker to come along would destroy civilization.
Re: Other LT(tm Warner Bros.) references.
Actually, I'm using that one in an omake I wrote a few years back...

-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Re: Other LT(tm Warner Bros.) references.
Daffy: "I know what you need! You need a house to go with this doorknob!"
Not Really Foghorn Leghorn: "Would y'all, I say, would y'all care to flip a -coin?-" (J. Ford, "How Much for Just the Planet?" ...and Direidi would be a mightily amusing place for a Step.)
...Doug should meet Garibaldi sometime...
"Raafgle razzum *rabbit sandwich.*"
Re: Other LT(tm Warner Bros.) references.
Daffy: "I know what you need! You need a house to go with this doorknob!"
"Not the wed one! Don't ever press the wed one!"
...Doug should meet Garibaldi sometime...
If I ever do a B5 Step, trust me, it'll be there.

-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Re: Other LT(tm Warner Bros.) references.
"My stars...if an iiinnnteresting monster can't have an
iiinnnteresting hairdo, I don't know what the world is coming to, bobbypins please"
It must be the weird time in the morning. That "Oh my god what am I doing up this latening" that the EPU guys talk about. But...
Why, oh why... when I read that quote, do I see Doug doing Gendo's hair? O_O
Re: Other LT(tm Warner Bros.) references.
"On second thought, I better not look. I just might be in there!"
AGH!!! Rei, in the clone chamber...
Re: Other LT(tm Warner Bros.) references.
Ho! Ha-ha! Guard! Turn! Parry! Thrust! Spin!
Asuka vs. the 9th Angel (the one that splits in two)... Ouch...

"Well whaddya expect in an opera, a happy
ending?" (What's Opera Doc, 1957)
What I _wish_ Shinji had said at the end of End of Evangelion.

The fun you can have with a bunch of old
rocks and a can of yellow paint. (Bonzana
Bunny, 1959)
LCL!! There's just GOTTA be an LCL joke in there SOMEWHERE!!!

"I do like the way that rolls off the tongue. Wiley Coyote, Super Genius."
Yup. My brain is definitely broken, seeing a maniacal version of Gendo saying that line...

(Edited because I realized I kept having these weird ideas and needed to string them into one post...)
Re: Other LT(tm Warner Bros.) references.
Why, oh why... when I read that quote, do I see Doug doing Gendo's hair? O_O
I always wanted to work up the whole scene with a boomer in DW2 -- maybe one of those female assassin types that took out Irene -- but I never found the right place to put it.
Hm. When I'm done with the book and DW2, I ought to polish as many of those "wish I coulda" ideas as I can and give them a webpage.

-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
"I do this kind of thing to him all through the picture."
You know, I read this one and the FIRST thing that came to my brain was Gendo. With a lemon cream pie smeared across his face.
I like that image.

Ja Ne!
Re: Mmmm....pie.....
You're not the only one.

-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.

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