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Latest on Chapter 12
Latest on Chapter 12
Today is the one-year anniversary of the release of chapter 11. I had hoped to release chapter 12 by today, but that is not to be. However, you'll be glad to know that it is almost complete. Right now (in between tasks for the Book From Hell) I'm doing final polishing, and hopefully I'll be able to release it either by this weekend or if not, then next.

-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Latest on Chapter 12
Yay! *jumps up ten feet, hits the roof, and comes down with a sore head*
Re: Latest on Chapter 12
... and there was much rejoicing.
If architects built buildings the way programmers write programms, the first woodpecker to come along would destroy civilization.
-Z, Post-reader at Medium
If architects built buildings the way programmers write programs, the first woodpecker to come along would destroy civilization.
Re: Latest on Chapter 12
Just be aware... what I'll be releasing is actually only half of the original intended content of chapter 12. The second, partly-written, half has become chapter 13, which makes the final chapter now 14...
Yes, if you didn't know it already, we're that close to the end.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Re: Latest on Chapter 12
That will be all.
Blessed be.
(Sabers fanboy - and you'll se why that matters when you see the chapter.)

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
Re: Latest on Chapter 12
This is gonna be so cool...

Gir - "I love this show."
Re: Latest on Chapter 12
Yesss. Cool indeed.
I think there wouldn't be any thing cooler on, unless someother good ficwriter e.g. Kenko puts out something.

Re: Latest on Chapter 12
Nice indeed. Just one thing, please don't make us this long for the last two chapters.
Re: Latest on Chapter 12
...please don't make us this long for the last two chapters.

"That's a rather personal question, isn't it?"
(Eric Idle during the Lifeboat Sketch - Monty Python)

Oh! You mean - make us wait this long! Ah...

Sorry, It had to be done. ^_^
Re: Latest on Chapter 12
unless someother good ficwriter e.g. Kenko puts out something.
Just as sudden tangent, I think I may have found out last night where Rob Haynie got his nickname. Peg and I went out to dinner at this great little Japanese place that's hidden away in hall of shops outside the entrance of an Asian grocery store on Route 18 in East Brunswick. (East Hana. Highly recommended. Get the negimaki dinner.) Anyway, afterwards we ducked in to get Peggy some mochi (she's addicted to it). While looking through the fridged case for the mochi she likes, I came across squeeze bottles of mayonnaise. Now, one is a brand I've seen before -- "Kewpie", which apparently licenses the name because there's a picture of an honest-to-god Kewpie doll on it. But the other is a brand I've never seen before: "Kenko". My eye brushes over it -- it's not mochi, I don't care -- then the linguistic processing catches up and says, hey, look at that again. Yup. "Kenko". And now I'm thinking, what kind of guy nicknames himself after mayonnaise?
(I haven't gone and looked it up -- it probably means something perfectly fine for either brand name. But still...)

-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Re: Latest on Chapter 12
Nice indeed. Just one thing, please don't make us this long for the last two chapters.
Sorry, but I can't promise anything on that front. While by rough count I already have about 30% of 13 and 14 already written -- including much of the climactic scene and the epilogues -- I have no control over the muse. I have been spectacularly lucky in this regard over the past four years, and I'm hoping it continues, but there are no guarantees. I will finish DW2, I promise you that -- I just won't commit to a schedule.

-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Re: Latest on Chapter 12
Schedules are evil. They are the work of the devil. They have such blasphemous things as deadlines in them.
Re: Latest on Chapter 12
hopefully I'll be able to release it either by this weekend or if not, then next.
Well, it's Sunday. If we don't see it by tonight, then I guess we're shooting for next weekend...

Not chomping at the bit. No, not a bit. Not really. No seriously, take your time, Bob...

(This moment of over the top pathetic fanboy comedy brought to you buy Jolt cola and the number 10.)
Re: Latest on Chapter 12
(This moment of over the top pathetic fanboy comedy brought to you buy Jolt cola and the number 10.)
And the Rabid Crack Weasels of Bob.
Well, one part of my previous post came true. Gryphon released something: Road Trip to Naboo pt. 3, when people were probably expecting new Symphony.

The FFML miniarchive had nothing I was jonesing for.
And TMFFA... Horosha posted a chapter a month back so we won't see him for six, and Hospitaller lost chapters of his stories there and at, add in the fact that he's currently stationed in Korea... it'll be about the same or longer.
So, I'll just be around waiting and watching.
Currently on Winamp: 'I'm a Pioneer' - Tenchi Muyo! soundtrack
"The next con I'm at, I might end up singing it at the karaoke session."
Oh? So you don't like Kenko's 'Girl Days'? He just posted an update on chapter 18
D for Drakensis

You're only young once, but immaturity is forever.
Oh? So you don't like Kenko's 'Girl Days'? He just posted an update on chapter 18
*Xenoproctologist wets himself in joy and scrabbles franticly at his FFML inbox.

Holy shit. A new chapter of Macho Caballo as well, for the first time in eons. I wonder if everyone's getting together to shame Bob into releasing the next Drunkards Walk chapter... [Image: tongue.gif]
Dang tarnation it. Miniarch was down again. Didn't feel like going through the monthly anifics FFML archive. Plus, gotta remember Time Zones. Annoying things they are to those without access to artifacts/equipment that manipulate the space/time continum.
Oh? So you don't like Kenko's 'Girl Days'? He just posted an update on chapter 18
"Would I play with the Time Gate, hell yeah! There's some cricket matches I want the scores for."
Re: Latest on Chapter 12
And the Rabid Crack Weasels of Bob.
Surely we can come up with an image of drooling fanboyism unique to this little community, can't we? I'd hate to be poaching on EPU's trademarks, as much as they dislike them.

-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
I wonder if everyone's getting together to shame Bob into releasing the next Drunkards Walk chapter...
I wouldn't know whether to be frightened or honored by that...

-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Nah, this is nothing to worry about.
But if Zen manages to release the next part of Long and Winding Road before you... Well.
Mr. Fnord, a shining beacon of hope. Really. Quit laughing, dammit!
Mr. Fnord interdimensional man of mystery

FenWiki - Your One-Stop Shop for Fenspace Information

"I. Drink. Your. NERDRAGE!"
Re: Latest on Chapter 12
And the Rabid Crack Weasels of Bob.
Surely we can come up with an image of drooling fanboyism unique to this little community, can't we? I'd hate to be poaching on EPU's trademarks, as much as they dislike them.
OK, how about the Schizoid Heroin Platypi? (Coyotes are too obvious [Image: smile.gif] )
Drunkard's Walk Forum Moderator and Prereader At Large
Re: Latest on Chapter 12
I will finish DW2, I promise you that -- I just won't commit to a schedule.
Presumably we should apply the EPU Rules One and Two for Bob. "It'll be out when it's done."
(It's an interesting question whether Rule Three applies, and if not, whether it indicates somewhere else interesting to send Doug...but that's a subject for a separate part of the board.)
Re: Gryphon's Rule Three
Bob likes it -- too much to mess it up by putting Doug in the middle of the fun.

-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Re: Gryphon's Rule Three
Aww. It would be _fun_ to see him there. Even if only for the way people would react to him. Besides, I think the characters in that world could really use a bit of fun in their lives. I think Doug would say, "These guys take themselves _way_ too seriously," at least at first.
Doug in UF
It'll be very very unlikely to happen, after all there is only a extreme few that get to play there.
Besides, imagine the effect of Doug coming across a novel or TPB written by Bob detailing his adventures upon arrival in UF. (plus 'So, you're from another dimension' would tell him where to go for help getting home)
--Rod.H (who should really be getting back to watching his R4 Robotech box)
"...but first I must kill that -darn- cat!"

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