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Teaser 3 For Chapter 2
Teaser 3 For Chapter 2
The first thing she saw was Belldandy, singing along sweetly with
the rock-and-roll song as she led a line of dancing auto parts
across the yard and into one of the outlying sheds. She spied
Megumi, waved, and returned her attention to herding her metallic
flock. Megumi weakly returned the wave.

Beyond Belldandy, Urd was making cursory shooing motions with her
hands that seemed to be sweeping a small pile of metallic scrap
along behind the middle sister. In between, Keiichi and Chris
resorted to simple muscle power as they manhandled some of the
mid-sized pieces across the flagstones.

Skuld was on the other side of the yard, a gleaming white device
about the size and shape of a shirtbox in her hands; a beam of
glowing red light shot from it to a pile of engine blocks that
floated, quite unlike engine blocks ought to, a meter or so off
the ground. With tiny movements of the box she seemed to be
nudging the heavy masses of metal along; Megumi noticed that
everyone else was careful to keep from wandering too close to the
levitating cargo.

After watching that with wide eyes, it took Megumi a moment more
to notice that the rock-and-roll music emanated not from the
house's radio but from a motorcycle helmet sitting unattended on
the engawa; with a flash of recognition, she realized that it was
the one that had been worn by the mysterious stranger of the
previous day. Its owner, dressed simply in jeans and a T-shirt,
carried a greasy cardboard box into the shed as a calf-deep river
of parts flowed past him with a bubbling, chuckling sound. Then
Megumi took a second look, blinked and swore softly. The parts
weren't just floating past him, they were being carried -- by
tiny men with pointed red hats and long beards, who laughed and
chortled as they bore their burdens.

"<...Ha ha ha, hee hee hee
I'm a laughing gnome
And you can't catch me...>"

Megumi's English was pretty good in her opinion, and she had
almost no problem understanding the song. She wondered what the
connection between the song and the tiny men was; she was sure
that it couldn't be mere coincidence.

"Well!" Belldandy's announcement from the shed door captured
Megumi's attention before she could boggle any further. "Now
that Megumi's here I do believe it's time for lunch." As the
others ceased their efforts, the goddess turned and bowed to the
army of tiny men streaming back out of the shed. "Thank you ever
so much for your help," she said to them.

Somehow it did not surprise Megumi when the little men -- now no
longer bearing their loads or suffused with laughter -- as one
silently doffed their red hats and returned the bow with a deep
obeisance of their own. Standing straight again, they replaced
their hats on their heads and vanished with a soft "pop!" at the
moment the music stopped.

-- Bob
Chaos isn't really chaos if it isn't Lawful part of the time.
Re: Teaser 3 For Chapter 2
Skuld was on the other side of the yard, a gleaming white device about the size and shape of a shirtbox in her hands; a beam of glowing red light shot from it to a pile of engine blocks that floated, quite unlike engine blocks ought to, a meter or so off the ground. much the same way that bricks don't.

I see that Doug and Paradox have, if not made peace with each other, at least put their differences aside. Yay!
-Rob Kelk
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Little men are falling on my head.
I wonder what fun tricks and pranks Doug can do with those little gnomes...?
*Evil laughter ensues**********
I am a very sensitive person! I can go from laughing to crying with just a kick to the face.
- Dave Attell
Re:Teaser 3 For Chapter 2
"<...Ha ha ha, hee hee hee
I'm a laughing gnome
And you can't catch me...>"
Hmmm...sounds familiar, but I can't place it.
Into terror!,  Into valour!
Charge ahead! No! Never turn
Yes, it's into the fire we fly
And the devil will burn!
- Scarlett Pimpernell
Re: Re:Teaser 3 For Chapter 2
*grin* Fun song, that - heard it on Dr. Demento before.
It's The Laughing Gnome by....David Bowie!
Fun scene, guys. Thanks for the teaser.
Male bonding
Qouth Rob Kelk:
I see that Doug and Paradox have, if not made peace with each other, at least put their differences aside. Yay!
It's cars, man. Nothing brings men (at least, MANLY Men ("men in tiiiiiiiiights")) together like working side-by-side on things mechanical, particularly cars.
Hmm... another DW Step, another Douglas Adams ref. Is this a pattern I see before me?
Bell... rock&roll... so... damn... BEAUTIFUL!
Re: Male bonding
Is this a pattern I see before me?
Nah. You'll know the pattern when you see it.
Bell... rock&roll... so... damn... BEAUTIFUL!
Wait until Doug gets her singing Metallica... -- Bob
Chaos isn't really chaos if it isn't Lawful part of the time.
Re: Male bonding
Wait until Doug gets her singing Metallica...
Who does he think she is - Pat Boone?
-Rob Kelk
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Re: Teaser 3 For Chapter 2
Step 1: Remove and gather auto parts
Step 2:
Step 3: Profit---------------
If you want a competition to see who is best at rezoning aqueducts, prepare to be whipped little lady. When it comes to choosing accommodation for hell machines, Id be grateful for a little slack.
-Mayor of Tackleford: Scary Go Round
"And that must have caused my dad's brain to break in half, replaced by a purely mechanical engine of revenge!"
Master of Muppets
Wait until Doug gets her singing Metallica...
If you do that, I will love you forever and shower an infinite number of virtual chocolate cakes upon you.*********
I am a very sensitive person! I can go from laughing to crying with just a kick to the face.
- Dave Attell
Re: Male bonding
Bell... rock&roll... so... damn... BEAUTIFUL!
Yeah, I saw that video...
-Rob Kelk
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Re: Male bonding
Who does he think she is - Pat Boone?
There are some superficial similarities, you know. -- Bob
Chaos isn't really chaos if it isn't Lawful part of the time.
Re: Teaser 3 For Chapter 2
Somewhere in the development of this chapter, Bob and I started to channel Douglas Adams.
Could be worse, we could be channeling Pratchet.--
Christopher Angel, aka JPublic
The Works of Christopher Angel
[Image: Con.gif]
Re: Teaser 3 For Chapter 2
Pardon me while I channel Zim:
Worse...? Or better? Smile
"The blood of Invaders marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants!"
Re: Teaser 3 For Chapter 2
Somewhere in the development of this chapter, Bob and I started to channel Douglas Adams.
In particular, I started something based on a bit of trivia that I don't think most American fans know about one HHGTTG character's name...-- Bob
Chaos isn't really chaos if it isn't Lawful part of the time.
Re: Teaser 3 For Chapter 2
Because it's just such a nicely inconspicuous little car.

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
Re: Teaser 3 For Chapter 2
I thought he was talking about this nightclub...
-Rob Kelk
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Re: Teaser 3 For Chapter 2
Wrong part of Canada for this story. -- Bob
Chaos isn't really chaos if it isn't Lawful part of the time.
Re: Teaser 3 For Chapter 2
Although I have been there.
I wonder what it's like now that the smoking ban has been in for a while.--
Christopher Angel, aka JPublic
The Works of Christopher Angel
[Image: Con.gif]
The pub at the end of the Universe
Y'know... It is entirely appropriate that Zaphod should lend his name to a pub. Entirely appropriate indeed.
But... they say they make Pan-Galactic Gargle Blasters?
Where the heck are they going to get that old Janx spirit, eh? Pretty hard to come by on Earth, don't you think?
I wonder if Douglas Adams ever paid them a visit?
Re: The pub at the end of the Universe
blaaaaah white text on whit background with yellow highlights is NOT cute.... XS _____________________________
JAYNE: "You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with until you understand who's in ruttin' command here!"
Take Your Candle, Go Light Your World.
Re: The pub at the end of the Universe
Are you talking about the Zaphod Beeblebrox site? Cause if you are, there's something amiss. Because I see the site with a black background. -Logan
"Because Science DEMANDS it!!"
Re: The pub at the end of the Universe
I was.. but now that i check it again... it is now black background... thats fascinating_____________________________
JAYNE: "You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with until you understand who's in ruttin' command here!"
Take Your Candle, Go Light Your World.
Re: The pub at the end of the Universe
Where the heck are they going to get that old Janx spirit, eh?
They just might try to substitute it with Stroh Rum 80% ...
Re: The pub at the end of the Universe
They just might try to substitute it with Stroh Rum 80% ...
Alternatively I have a spirit with 50% on the shelf that makes your eyes water and your throat go home. If you actually manage to down 1cl of that stuff I'm willing to pay to see your face afterwards ... ;-)
-- Cal

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