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Random Snippets from DW-EVA, 13 May 2003
05-13-2003, 02:26 PM
These aren't really teasers, at least not in the sense of the larger passages I've posted before. They're pretty much extended one-liners, intended as hints and suggestions. To be fair, let me tell you that many of them currently exist in isolation in my notes, attached to an as-yet unwritten scene; their appearance in the final product is not guaranteed. But they do give me something fun to share with you as I continue to wrestle with my writer's block.
-- Bob
"I'm older than I look, Misato-san. I'm probably old enough tobe your father." * * *I had a bird's-eye view of the action, provided the bird was on the ground. * * *"Violet Pattern confirmed on the man in the helmet," Mayaannounced. "Violet Pattern, sempai?""A Transcendant Human?" Ritsuko whispered. "Here? Now? Buthow...?" * * *"I've been training longer than you've been alive, Asuka.Fifteen years of intense training with experts in almost everyknown weapon, as part of my duty cycle, before I was ejectedfrom my home world. I normally fight hand-to-hand or with mymetagift, but if I have to I can pick up anything from a Daisy BBgun to a Bell and Howell L224 man-portable maser array and killwith it." * * *"You're a snarky little bitch, Asuka, but we like you anyway," Isaid.Rei looked predictably puzzled. "I do not understand," she saidin her near-whisper. "What is 'sunaruki'?" * * *Gendo watched impassively as Kaji frowned and ran a hand through his hair. "He's a pro," the agent said, shaking his head. "I saw it all in his eyes. He sized me up, specced me out and dismissed me as inconsequential. He knew I was carrying -- I saw his eyes tag *every* gun I had on me, and most of my knives. He was unarmed. I'm sure of it. And he *still* was certain he could take me down, and take me down *hard*. Dammit, who *is* he? Who is he working for?" * * *"Well, Lion, I could look in my wizard's bag for a medal, but Idon't think that would do the trick for you.""Huh?" said Shinji. * * *"Look," I said. "Do trust your father?""No," he admitted softly."Do you understand how he thinks?"Shinji hesitated, then nodded. "I think so. Some of the time."I sat back. "Well, then. Look at the situation and decide whatyour father would do. Then do the exact moral and ethicalopposite." * * *"This is something Father did *not* brief me on." * * *"I have never had a family before, Shinji-kun, and I... I want more. I have never wanted anything for myself before, but I want this." She blushed and returned her gaze to the floor. "Will you let me call you... brother? Please?""Rei...?""Because you *are*," she whispered with a fierce intensity thatstunned him as much as her words. "They showed me. I am half-Angel, Shinji, half a creature of the heavens... but the otherhalf came from your... *our* mother. I am as much the child ofYui Ikari as you, and knowing this gives me such joy that Icannot express it." * * *"Remember this! The fundamental force that gives shape to theuniverse is willpower. If your will is strong enough, theuniverse will do what you want. If that sounds like magic,that's only because it is." * * *"What *are* you, Doug?""I'm mortal, I'm human. I'm just not... local." * * *She tilted her head head, and her eyes grew distant. "It is a curious paradox. In trying to control me, Gendo Ikari freed me. He called me 'Zero', to make me think I was nothing, but the rest of you put the lie to that and showed me that I was instead 'Spirit', beyond his ability to hold." She smiled as if at a private joke. * * *
(And finally, a snippet not from the story, but from a "Bonus Theatre" segment that may or may not ever get written.)
"Man, we *done* this fuckin' shit once already, at that fuckin' church in fuckin' Red Bank! Why does She always call on *us* to deal with fuckin' angels throwin' fuckin' hissy fits?"
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
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Re: Random Snippets from DW-EVA, 13 May 2003
05-13-2003, 04:47 PM
I know I've seen it all before, but it's still fun to read
Drunkard's Walk Forum Moderator and Prereader At Large
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RE: snippets
05-13-2003, 07:44 PM
Quote: I had a bird's-eye view of the action, provided the bird was on
the ground.
Yay Pen-pen!
That is all.
- CD
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The Jersey connection
05-14-2003, 03:04 AM
"Man, we *done* this fuckin' shit once already, at that fuckin'
church in fuckin' Red Bank! Why does She always call on *us* to
deal with fuckin' angels throwin' fuckin' hissy fits?"
LOL Go Jay.
I think I may like that "Bonus Theater" segment.
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Re: The Jersey connection
05-14-2003, 04:10 AM
I was wondering if anyone would get that.
Did I ever mention that I'm not that far from prime Kevin Smith territory? Attila Imre and I (and a couple other guys) made a pilgrimage to Leonardo, NJ to find the Quick Stop from Clerks a few years ago. We had charted a very careful systematic course through the town, using a careful zigzag pattern, and got bored after a while and gave up. There's a divided 4-lane highway running through the town which had been our route in and would be our route back out. So we basically ran down to the next jughandle, got in the lane waiting for the light to change so we could go westbound again, and there across the damn highway from us was the place. So we went in, nosed about, bought a few things, and left.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
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Re: Random Snippets from DW-EVA, 13 May 2003
05-14-2003, 07:33 AM
Quote: "Well, Lion, I could look in my wizard's bag for a medal, but I
don't think that would do the trick for you."
"Huh?" said Shinji.
Shamefull, the way kids grow up ignerint of the classics these days/"I was an Otaku before those kids came along and changed the meaning of the word."
-- HM "Howling Mad" Wilson to more than one team-mate.
Hear that thunder rolling till it seems to split the sky?
That's every ship in Grayson's Navy taking up the cry-
-- "No Quarter", by Echo's Children
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Re^2: The Jersey connection
05-14-2003, 12:59 PM
Quote: I was wondering if anyone would get that.
Well it helps if you've seen the totality of the Jersey Trilogy *cough* Quintet, plus I've still got the Dogma .QT trailer somewhere on my HD.
Currently Winampin': Origa - "Inner Universe"
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Re: Re^2: The Jersey connection
05-14-2003, 02:39 PM
Quote: Well it helps if you've seen the totality of the Jersey Trilogy *cough* Quintet,
All you really need is Dogma...
-Z, Post-reader at Medium
If architects built buildings the way programmers write programs, the first woodpecker to come along would destroy civilization.
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Re: Re^2: The Jersey connection
05-14-2003, 07:00 PM
I know it's my fault, but we're getting a bit off topic. I wouldn't mind discussing Kevin Smith's films, but let's do it over in General/General, okay?
In the mean time, does no one have any speculations or curiosity about any of the other snippets above?
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
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Other speculation
05-14-2003, 09:59 PM
Quote: In the mean time, does no one have any speculations or curiosity about any of the other snippets above?
All I know about EVA, I learned from NXE, so most of the source references go right over my head...-Z, Post-reader at Medium
If architects built buildings the way programmers write programs, the first woodpecker to come along would destroy civilization.
cpt kangarooski
Bell and Howell makes man-portable maser guns? Are those for classroom use?
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Re: B+H
05-15-2003, 03:01 AM
Quote: Bell and Howell makes man-portable maser guns? Are those for classroom use?
Nah, they're the main infantry weapon of the Japanese Monster Defence Force.
--Mr. F
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smart-aleck replies
05-15-2003, 11:02 AM
Quote: "I've been training longer than you've been alive, Asuka. Fifteen years of intense training with experts in almost every known weapon, as part of my duty cycle, before I was ejected from my home world. I normally fight hand-to-hand or with my metagift, but if I have to I can pick up anything from a Daisy BB gun to a Bell and Howell L224 man-portable maser array and kill with it."
He can probably make a fire without matches too.
Quote: "You're a snarky little bitch, Asuka, but we like you anyway," I said.
Rei looked predictably puzzled. "I do not understand," she said in her near-whisper. "What is 'sunaruki'?"
Who is this WE, white man?
Quote: Gendo watched impassively as Kaji frowned and ran a hand through his hair. "He's a pro," the agent said, shaking his head. "I saw it all in his eyes. He sized me up, specced me out and dismissed me as inconsequential. He knew I was carrying -- I saw his eyes tag *every* gun I had on me, and most of my knives. He was unarmed. I'm sure of it. And he *still* was certain he could take me down, and take me down *hard*. Dammit, who *is* he? Who is he working for?"
"It could be the Beansprout Liberation Army! Or ACROSS! British Library Special Forces! Knights Templar! Perhaps he's a Bane Sidhe agent! The Kolat! Autobot Intelligence! The RED Ribbon Army! The Four Sisters!"
"Perhaps he's SAFE?"
"Now you're just being silly... Oh shit! Do you think he might be working for..."
"Us? Hmmmm. It's possible..."
Quote: "Look," I said. "Do trust your father?"
"No," he admitted softly.
"Do you understand how he thinks?"
Shinji hesitated, then nodded. "I think so. Some of the time."
I sat back. "Well, then. Look at the situation and decide what your father would do. Then do the exact moral and ethical opposite."
Learning from example doesn't require a GOOD example after all.
Quote: "This is something Father did *not* brief me on."
Gendo is many things, a giver of comprehensive briefings he is not. Why is this a cause for surprise?
Quote: "I have never had a family before, Shinji-kun, and I... I want more. I have never wanted anything for myself before, but I want this." She blushed and returned her gaze to the floor. "Will you let me call you... brother? Please?"
"Because you *are*," she whispered with a fierce intensity that stunned him as much as her words. "They showed me. I am half-Angel, Shinji, half a creature of the heavens... but the other half came from your... *our* mother. I am as much the child of Yui Ikari as you, and knowing this gives me such joy that I
cannot express it."
A_a. How sweet.
Quote: "Remember this! The fundamental force that gives shape to the universe is willpower. If your will is strong enough, the universe will do what you want. If that sounds like magic, that's only because it is."
Where are they? Ceiphiro? (Sorry, watching MGR off and on for the last few weeks)
Quote: "What *are* you, Doug?"
"I'm mortal, I'm human. I'm just not... local."
Shades of Sign of the Unicorn here, where Bill asks Corwin if he's human. The reply goes: "I don't know. I-I like to think so. But I don't really - Of course I am! That's a silly... Oh hell! You really mean it, don't you? And I said I'd be honest... I don't think so."
And then Bill comes back: "Neither do I. It doesn't make any real difference to me, but I thought it might to you - to know that someone knows you are different and doesn't care."
Quote: She tilted her head head, and her eyes grew distant. "It is a curious paradox. In trying to control me, Gendo Ikari freed me. He called me 'Zero', to make me think I was nothing, but the rest of you put the lie to that and showed me that I was instead 'Spirit', beyond his ability to hold." She smiled as if at a private joke.
That was a bit of a slip wasn't it, on the part of Gendo.
D for Drakensis
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AT fields
05-15-2003, 11:38 AM
Quote: "Violet Pattern confirmed on the man in the helmet," Maya
announced. "Violet Pattern, sempai?"
"A Transcendant Human?" Ritsuko whispered. "Here? Now? But
Why violet? I've seen purple to designate OMG! deities and black for their opposite counterparts, and I'm thinking of using green to indicate a temporal protection field/Norn's Blessing. So why violet?
And what is sunaruki?
"Purple!" "Green!" "Purple!" "Airlock!"
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Re: AT fields
05-15-2003, 02:29 PM
Quote: So why violet?
No conscious reason. There's no explanation of the "patterns" in Eva, although I remember some vague reference to blood and/or DNA, but by the end of the series it seems like a simple "sensor reading". If they had chosen a color at one end of the spectrum or another, I would have tried to extrapolate a scale and picked a color in the appropriate place, but Blue is more or less in the middle of ROY G. BIV, which didn't give me much to work on. I just liked the sound of "Violet Pattern", much along the lines of the various oddly colored "alerts" from the EPU UF Core stories.
And all the other colors you cite are specific to their fics, not EVA canon. So I don't feel particularly constrained to use them...
Quote: And what is sunaruki?
That's a rough transliteration of how a native Japanese speaker would say and spell out "snarky". Remember, Japanese has almost no dipthongs, and "u"'s are frequently silent.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
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Re: smart-aleck replies
05-15-2003, 11:28 PM
Quote: "It could be the Beansprout Liberation Army! Or ACROSS! British Library Special Forces! Knights Templar! Perhaps he's a Bane Sidhe agent! The Kolat! Autobot Intelligence! The RED Ribbon Army! The Four Sisters!"
"Perhaps he's SAFE?"
What about the People's Liberation Front of Judea?
Ebony the Black Dragon
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Ebony the Black Dragon
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Re: smart-aleck replies
05-16-2003, 12:45 AM
Nah, it's the Judean People's Liberation Front.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
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05-16-2003, 11:04 AM
I prefer the Crunchy Peanut Butter Brigade, myself, if only because they have a bomber filled with peanuts to be dropped on peanut butter factories.
- CD, who is fairly sure they were Disney cartoon villains, but can't recall if it was Darkwing Duck or Bonkers T. Bobcat. If neither, it was probably The Tick.
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Re: Bah!
05-16-2003, 05:52 PM
Gendo watched impassively as Kaji frowned and ran a hand through his hair. "He's a pro," the agent said, shaking his head. "I saw it all in his eyes. He sized me up, specced me out and dismissed me as inconsequential. He knew I was carrying -- I saw his eyes tag *every* gun I had on me, and most of my knives. He was unarmed. I'm sure of it. And he *still* was certain he could take me down, and take me down *hard*. Dammit, who *is* he? Who is he working for?"
"It could be the Beansprout Liberation Army! Or ACROSS! British Library Special Forces! Knights Templar! Perhaps he's a Bane Sidhe agent! The Kolat! Autobot Intelligence! The RED Ribbon Army! The Four Sisters!"
"Perhaps he's SAFE?"
"Now you're just being silly... Oh shit! Do you think he might be working for..."
"Us? Hmmmm. It's possible..."
Damnitall, where did I leave that clip of Gryphon's secret-agencies-rant-list-spew from Warrior's Legacy...
Ahhh, here we are:
"What do you mean?"
"Well, so the OSI is basically history. Poof, gone. But! There are plenty of other agencies out there with black budgets. After all, they have to pay people like me. I'm sure I can help find you a position with one of them. If you're interested, of course."
I knew what Zoner was interested in. I shouldn't say that -- to be fair, he can be a fairly altruistic person -- but you didn't have to be Sherlock Holmes to tell he had an interest in her. Then again, she didn't seem to mind, and I couldn't particularly fault him for it.
He looked at me as if he expected me to join in, so I did. "Sure, let's see. There's NSA, CIA, MI-5, MI-6, IMF, FBI, ATF, Mossad, SAS, SBS, Secret Service, GSG9, Spectrum, Interpol, UNIT, UNCLE, CONTROL, DEA, NASA, NACA... " I was starting to build up steam.
"...TVA, WPA, SSA, FCC, FAA, NTSB, ICC, MBTA, BART, PBS, CBS, AFL-CIO, AT&T, ITT, MCI, IBM... " I seemed out of control by this time, but I knew what I was doing. "...NBC, ABC, OSS, MTV, VH-1, A&E, TLC, KFC, KLF, NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL, NHRA, CART, NASCAR, W3O, OSF, FSF, SCO, Ext2, HPFS, CCITT, ITU-T, IETF, BGP(4)... " Now I was just being silly.
"...RIPv2, OSPF, ISIS, VLSM, BRI, PRI, SPID, TEI, B8ZS, AMI, TCP, UDP, ICMP, SPX, NCSA, RADIUS, TACACS, ACP... " Zoner was gasping for air and waving for me to stop. Meg looked both amused and confused. "...EIEIO."
Sucrose Octanitrate.
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Re: Bah!
05-16-2003, 07:08 PM
... M.O.U.S.E. ...
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
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Re: smart-aleck replies
05-16-2003, 07:13 PM
Quote: Nah, it's the Judean People's Liberation Front.
So, you gonna do a Life of Brian Step?
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Re: smart-aleck replies
05-16-2003, 07:17 PM
Drakensis, I didn't mean to ignore you, but somehow I overlooked your entire message yesterday. I can only plead massive brain dysfunction, as I can come up with no other reasonable explanation.
My response(s), equally smart-alecky...
Quote: He can probably make a fire without matches too.
Even without his powers!
It's this cool lighter he's got, you see...
Quote: Who is this WE, white man?
I'm so tempted to use that.
Quote: "It could be the Beansprout Liberation Army! Or ACROSS! British Library Special Forces! Knights Templar! Perhaps he's a Bane Sidhe agent! The Kolat! Autobot Intelligence! The RED Ribbon Army! The Four Sisters!"
"Perhaps he's SAFE?"
"Now you're just being silly... Oh shit! Do you think he might be working for..."
"Us? Hmmmm. It's possible..."
If I could afford to let the story slip into major silly territory, I'd steal this in an instant.
Quote: Learning from example doesn't require a GOOD example after all.
Correct. The only thing keeping me from definitely including this scene is concern about whether Shinji ever really would think he could understand the way his father thinks.
Quote: Gendo is many things, a giver of comprehensive briefings he is not. Why is this a cause for surprise?
Quote: A_a. How sweet.
I like and pity Rei, and I think she got royally shafted in the source material. If Heinlein's right, I'm going to be guaranteeing another universe where she's happy, as opposed to a 50-mile-long corpse.
Quote: Where are they? Ceiphiro? (Sorry, watching MGR off and on for the last few weeks)
Josh currently has our copy. Hey, if you're watching DVD, did you ever get the Omake entry on the menu to work?
Anyway, this is part of a training session which I will probably nuke, since even for Doug, magic isn't solely a matter of will. It just sounded good when I wrote it.
Quote: That was a bit of a slip wasn't it, on the part of Gendo.
Well, Gendo likes symbolism a bit too much than is good for him. But as I recall, Rei was the name Shinji would have gotten had he been born a girl... so it was appropriate to give it to Yui's "daughter".
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
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more digression than reply
05-16-2003, 08:49 PM
Well, Gendo likes symbolism a bit too much than is good for him. But as I recall, Rei was the name Shinji would have gotten had he been born a girl... so it was appropriate to give it to Yui's "daughter".
(snort) On Shinji, or at least canon-Shinji, 'Zero' would fit.
Somewhere while thinking this, the line from _Tron_, "Move it, nul-unit!" wandered across my brain, looking for something to connect itself with. "Yellow" being occupied with "M&M", it had a nice little menage a trois with "neon" and "cyberjunk", leading to the mental image of a Production Model Eva having a memory disk dual with Tron in front of MCP Keele's shield cylinder...
Mmmm, M&M. What was I talking about?
- CD
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Re: smart-aleck replies
05-17-2003, 11:17 AM
>Drakensis, I didn't mean to ignore you, but somehow I overlooked your entire message yesterday. I can only plead massive brain dysfunction, as I can come up with no other reasonable explanation.<
*shrug* I wasn't exactly sitting around sulking to the tones of the world's smallest violin. You do have other things to do than cater to my already infalted ego ;-)
> If I could afford to let the story slip into major silly territory, I'd steal this in an instant.<
glad you like it.
>Josh currently has our copy. Hey, if you're watching DVD, did you ever get the Omake entry on the menu to work?<
Nah, I picked up the boxed set of dubbed VHS tapes for some outrageously low price when I was in Toronto a month back. Virtually every other anime they had was hentai (I've never seen so many copies of La Blue Girl in one place before or since). Naturally my mom was trailing around with me at the time...
D for Drakensis
You're only young once, but immaturity is forever.
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Re: smart-aleck replies
05-18-2003, 02:28 AM
Quote: You do have other things to do than cater to my already infalted ego ;-)
I just don't like people to think I'm snubbing them, that's all.
Quote: Nah, I picked up the boxed set of dubbed VHS tapes for some outrageously low price when I was in Toronto a month back.
Ah, oh well.
Quote: Virtually every other anime they had was hentai (I've never seen so many copies of La Blue Girl in one place before or since). Naturally my mom was trailing around with me at the time...
Murphy's law strikes again!
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.