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An Obsolete GGG Snippet
An Obsolete GGG Snippet
I wrote this bit a year or two back, as one of the "flavor" pieces to help me visualize how all the characters in "Girls Girls Girls" might interact. However, once I finalized the structure of the Walk, it became obsolete, as many of the worlds they come from are either relegated to the "Drunkard's Vacation" series, or have been abandoned entirely. And in at least one case, I changed my mind about who was going to represent her world.

So I figured, what the hell, might as well share this, because even though it's now "apocryphal", it might still be entertaining. It has been edited, though, to remove some material that is spoilericious for as-yet unwritten Steps.


As the other members of the Parigumi dashed down the hall toward
the staging room, Ohgami barked, "You stay here in the theatre
where you'll be safe!" At his side, Erica gave a worried nod
before the two of them rushed to join their companions.

The great wooden doors at the end of the hallway slammed shut,
and the sound of bolts and latches being thrown by the theatre's
automatic systems echoed back along the wood-panelled passage. A
moment later, the alarm bells cut out, and a faint, almost
audible vibration shook the floor under their feet.

Lisa looked around at her compatriots and raised an eyebrow.

"Demon attack?" Minako repeated with a slightly manic grin.

"Stay *here*?" Peggy sounded more than a little insulted.

"Where it's *safe*?" Skuld ground out, already throttling the
grip of her hammer.

"You know what Doug would say in this situation?" Lisa asked, a
sly smile playing across her lips. "'He don' know me vewy well,
do he?'" She whirled. "Dee -- we need a scout and forward

The Herald saluted, grinning. "On it!" She turned and ran for
the front door. *Sylvath!* The telepathic call for her
Companion rang in the minds of the psi-sensitives among the other

Lisa shifted targets. "Mirai!"

The big-eyed brunette nodded crisply. "Right. I'll get a fix on
them with my sensors and coordinate with Dee so we can lead you
to them. Just give me a moment to change!" She ran back down
the hall to the first unoccupied office.

"Right." Lisa turned and swept her gaze over the rest of their
number. "Everyone else -- front steps, ready for action, now!"

As they streamed through the lobby and outside, Minako nudged her
with an elbow. "You make a good leader, Lisa-chan," she

Suddenly embarrassed at her audacity, Lisa cringed. "Sorry..."

Behind them, a shrill cry of "Metamorforce!" could be faintly
heard. A flood of green light briefly washed through the
hallway, accompanied by a roar of unleashed energy. A moment
later, a glowing pink streak shot harmlessly through the roof of
the Chattes Noires and into the sky over Paris.

Minako clapped her on the back. "Why apologize? Do you see
anyone complaining? C'mon, let's get this shoe on the toad!"

Lisa rolled her eyes. "You do that on purpose, don't you?"

The beribboned blonde was pure innocence as they burst out into
the sunlight. "Do what?"

"Never mind," Lisa growled. One of these days she'd catch Minako
out. Raising one hand to shield her eyes from the bright light,
she looked around at most of her remaining companions. Towering
over them at the rear was the bulky, tanklike form of Mecha-
RinRin. "Ready?"

A chorus of confirmations and a rippling wave of nods answered

"Okay," she said, steeling herself. "Let's do it!" She thrust
her right hand into the air. "SAILOR POWER..."

Beside her, Minako posed and swept her hands through a series of
complicated gestures. "VENUS LUMINA POWER..."

"...MAKE UP!" they chorused together, and light exploded from
them both. A moment later, Sailor Loon and the glowing form of
Sailor Venus stood back-to-back in mirroring poses of combat

"What was with all the funky hand movements?" Lisa muttered out
of the side of her mouth.

"Something I saw on TV that I thought was cool," Venus replied

"Riiiight," Lisa replied.

A burst of wind and a yellow blur resolved itself into Sana in
her golden bodysuit, jittering in place on the steps before the
two senshi. With a crack of displaced air, she saluted Lisa (who
winced when she momentarily imagined the supersonic gesture *not*
stopping mere millimeters in front of the younger girl's
forehead). "The beautiful and talented Sana Kurata, Codename
Hikari no Hayasa, present and ready to go!" the auburn-haired
girl piped breathlessly.

"MechaRinRin Transform! Battlesuit mode!" shouted RinRin. "Go!"
The great, blocky robot unfolded along previously-invisible
seams, opening up like a flower. RinRin pulled her goggles down
over her eyes, leapt into the pilot's seat thus revealed, and
belted herself in as the robot reformed itself around her.

Skuld and Rei looked at each other, and nodded. With a sound
like canvas flapping in a heavy wind, great feathered wings burst
from their shoulders. Rei's were a pale silver-blue that matched
her hair; Skuld's were a brilliant, pure white.

As Rei drew forth from nowhere the spiraling ribbon-like shape of
the Spear of Destiny, diamond fire raced across her form, seemingly
burning off her clothes and leaving behind white samite and
gleaming plate armor chased in gold filigree. Skuld knelt and
slammed the butt of her hammer against the ground. There was a
crack of thunder, and red gauntlets appeared on her hands.
Scales of white metal emerged from their cuffs to race up her
arms and across her body, jingling like a basket of coins poured
down a stairwell. She rose, completely covered in red and white
mail save for head and wings.

Slinging her hammer onto her shoulder, Skuld turned to face Lisa.
"The Goddess of the Future awaits your command," she declared
with a jaunty grin.

"As does the Angel of Heroes," added Rei in her softer voice, the
Spear in her hands held at parade rest.

"Show-offs," muttered Lina grumpily, and next to her, Willow

"It's not like we're not showy ourselves," Phoebe pointed out,
swirling her rich blue cape with its thread-of-gold embroidery
around herself.

The alien rumble of its gasoline engine echoing off the buildings
around them, Peggy pulled up to the steps of the Imperial Theater
on her motorcycle. The brilliant sunshine glinted off the golden
back-to-back "BB" emblems that emblazoned the bike's fuel tank
and fenders. She wore her leather jacket with her katana slung
on her back over it, and her twin automatic pistols rode low on
her gunbelt. Behind her on the cycle sat Chalotte; a web of
belts and bandoliers encased the blonde Borrible, placing dozens
of knives at her fingertips. Strapped across her back in exactly
the same manner as Peggy's katana was her Rumblestick, its steel
point glittering in the sun.

Peggy turned a dead ringer for her father's famous "business
face" to the others. "Are we ready to rock?"

"Almost!" Suu replied, leaping to the curb. "I just have to do
this!" She held her left wrist up to her mouth; strapped there
was a heavy black and silver watch she hadn't had a few moments
before. "Big T!" she bellowed into it. "It's *showtime!*"

Underfoot, the earth began to shake. As Suu stood on the curb
and laughed maniacally, several of the girls took to the air
while others staggered to find some solid object to hold on to.
As the vibrations grew in intensity, the street before them
cracked and then began to fall away, revealing a broad, deep hole
out of which a hulking form of metal lifted itself.

It was a monstrous robotic turtle, standing on its hind legs and
easily a hundred meters tall.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" shrieked Suu, capering wildly at the edge of
the hole. "Mecha-Tama Mark *Forty*!"

"Suu!" Lisa called from her telekinetic hover ten yards above the
ground. "I *know* you didn't have that... that... *thing* when
we came through the gate. How the hell -- *when* the hell -- did
you build it?"

Kaolla Suu stopped stock still in surprise. "Build it? I didn't
build it. I *made* it... just now!"

Lisa blinked at the response, and briefly pondered its
implications. "Well," she muttered, "*that* certainly answers a
lot of questions."

(ETA: Fixed Yuku-spawned lack of linewrap after browsing into this topic months later.)

-- Bob
...The President is on the line
As ninety-nine crab rangoons go by...
Re: An Obsolete GGG Snippet
"You do that on purpose, don't you?"
The beribboned blonde was pure innocence as they burst out into the sunlight. "Do what?"
I'm going to have to steal this for my game.
"Big T!" she bellowed into it. "It's *showtime!*"
Oh, dear Lord... And just who let her watch "Big O"? (She'd likely turn one of her apartment-mates into a Dorothy clone...)

-Rob Kelk
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Whether it'd be a literal transformation or a mecha(insert Hinata Sou resident name here,) it would be fun.
R. Motoko Waynewright: You are a louse, Keitaro Urashima.
''We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat
them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.''

-- James Nicoll
Re: hehe
(daffy voice) medic! (/daffy voice)"I was an Otaku before those kids came along and changed the meaning of the word."
-- HM "Howling Mad" Wilson to more than one team-mate.
Hear that thunder rolling till it seems to split the sky?
That's every ship in Grayson's Navy taking up the cry-

-- "No Quarter", by Echo's Children
strange visual
I see Suu crying when she brings in her Big T just like Dirk Anger from Nextwave.
Also, who is this "Peggy" you speak of . . . as if we didn't already know.
"Widdle cuddly bears . . . of death?"
Nextwave is love
Peggy MUST be Doug and Shadowwalker's daughter.
the twin "BB" on her bike? Bugs Bunny (or Babs Bunny) naturally.
''We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat
them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.''

-- James Nicoll
Re: hm
Peggy's motorcycle is marked with
back-to-back "BB" emblems
That, to me, says there's a connection with Buckaroo Banzai. What is that connection?
"Oh, well, as to that...."
"I have not the least idea in the world, I assure you."
Big Brother is watching you.  And damn, you are so bloody BORING.
Re: hm
Peggy is Margaret Sandra Banzai, daughter of Buckaroo Banzai and Penny Priddy, named for Peggy Banzai (Buckaroo's first wife and Penny's twin sister) and Buckaroo's mother.
Come on, who else would ride a cycle emblazoned with "BB", carrying a katana and a pair of pistols?
She's about 18 or so here, I think; she's actually met Doug, but she was only two or three at the time -- his sojourn in BB's world is set a few years after the movie. She knows him more through the stories her parents and the Cavaliers have told her, along with all the documentary footage they have on him.
-- Bob
...The President is on the line
As ninety-nine crab rangoons go by...
Something's out of balance here.
It looks like from this snippet (granted it's obsolete), you got two magical girls, 3 mad scientist types, a herald (is she a mage?) and one melee combat specialist. I don't see anyone who is the angstsy or clumsy type either.
I'm for replacing one of the mad scientist types with a girl named Testerossa. Either Fate or Teletha would do.
Into terror!,  Into valour!
Charge ahead! No! Never turn
Yes, it's into the fire we fly
And the devil will burn!
- Scarlett Pimpernell
Re: Something's out of balance here.
As I noted above, one reason I posted this segment is that it's obsolete now. There's been one definite cast change from a Step that's still in the Walk; there's another change I think I'm likely to make, but I'm still musing on it; and at least two of the girls are from worlds that are no longer in the Walk. Plus this was written without regard to the order in which Doug visited the various worlds, which I have always intended on the girls reproducing, simply by virtue of trying to track his movements.
ETA: Oh, and I edited one girl out completely as I couldn't leave her in without massive spoilers for the Step she comes from...
-- Bob
...The President is on the line
As ninety-nine crab rangoons go by...
Re: Something's out of balance here.
Oh, and I edited one girl out completely as I couldn't leave her in without massive spoilers for the Step she comes from...
If she's from the Evangelion Step, then the fact she survives is a massive spoiler in and of itself. If she's from some other Step, well... I'm in the dark.
-Rob Kelk
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012

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