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Steel Angel Kurumi and Steel Angel Kurumi S2
02-28-2004, 11:55 PM
Either of these could work as a Step destination picking up near or at the ends, and if it came after the Utena step Doug might well wonder how (or perhaps why, given that Utena seems to have teleported with planetary range in the opening scene that got posted) she came with him and why she's in that fanservice getup, at least until Kurumi opens her mouth. Even better if it's directly after the Eva step, and he shows up for one of the episodes where her feathery wings appear (No spoiler there, they're in the opening sequence).
The original setting, somewhere around 1927, is probably the better story from a dramatic perspective, but harder to do something useful in without taking over fo the main characters in the way that Bob has said he doesn't want to do (Standard SI behavior, IOW) but there are a few places to put him there - probably best would be to show up at the Academy, where they'd likely detect his magic/mystic potential and want him to help recapture Kurumi. Coming straight from Eva, he'd probably be primed to accept their story (Which is more of an interpretation than a lie - they absolutely believe it to be the truth) but would have to be out of the loop if the thing with Mikhail and Nakhito is still pulled off as in the original. Doug would NOT want to be in the fights, though, the top Acadamy steel angel could probably hold her own with Radditz, TV's Ifurita, or one-gem OVA Ryoko. Whoa, sudden bad mental image, El-Hazard Lost Science Theater 3000, with Jinnai and TV's Ifurita as the Mads, Makoto and the princesses on the Ai of God...
Moving right along, S2 Kurumi is set 75 years later and is basically a remake of Project A-Ko with the latent shojo-ai themes played up, from the rich rival for the super-girl over the friend, to roof-hopping to school, to mecha battles over the friend at school, all the way to a battle bikini by the show's end. It has a punched-up version of the theme song that I like better, the blonde Steel Angel's costume is better but her hairstyle makes her look like a six year old, and instead of the 24-part plot with four character-focus epilogues like the original it's pretty much episodic eye-candy with a cute animal mascot, and only the occasional reference to the first season backstory to give some semblance of a plot besides fighting over who gets to be the Friend's main squeeze. Oh, and there are three recurring male characters in the entire cast, one is the rich daddy, one is the cello teacher who maintains a proper student relationship without visible effort, and one is the grandfather that the main character never meets. I did mention that the shojo-ai had been played up, yes? THere are also a few times when the animation frame rate is noticeably low, repeated battle footage, and stills in dramatic action poses instead of extended combat, so I suspect the budget per episode was also reduced. While I don't know, I'd guess that the first 24 eps of the first season followed a manga, the remaining four were written by the manga-ka to fill out the seaons, and the second series was some studio hack riding out the popularity of the franchise... if I'm wrong, well, it has been known to happen, from time ti time, but that's certainly the impression I get.
- CD, who DL'd the series before it was licensed, but only got around to watching it now, after seeing a couple of eps at a freind's. Gods, that dub is a crime against humanity...
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
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Re: Steel Angel Kurumi and Steel Angel Kurumi S2
02-29-2004, 01:31 AM
I've seen both, CD, and believe me, I've been considering them. If I understood the concept as expressed in the original series clearly enough, the Steel Angels are all going to register on his mystic senses as robots with celestial souls, which would interest him no end.
Quote: Doug would NOT want to be in the fights, though, the top Acadamy steel angel could probably hold her own with Radditz, TV's Ifurita, or one-gem OVA Ryoko.
Hell, at the end there, both Mikhail and Kurumi could hold their own one-on-one with Hexe, and if they teamed up, might take her out. Yes, major agreement, Doug does not want to be caught in the crossfire of those later battles. Earlier ones, he would acquit himself rather well in -- helping Kurumi against Karinka, for instance. (Other than that fight, I think Doug would really like Karinka; in case no one's noticed, he gets along well with feisty women. And Karinka's definitely the most feisty of the bunch. Love the scene where she's cussin' up a blue streak; Hilary Haag must have had a lot of fun doing the dub for that...)
Quote: Whoa, sudden bad mental image, El-Hazard Lost Science Theater 3000, with Jinnai and TV's Ifurita as the Mads, Makoto and the princesses on the Ai of God...
In a not-too-distant timeline
A place called El-Hazard
Makoto Mizuhara
Got dumped in their back yard...
Harem roll-call!
Nanami (How much?)
Afura (Badger slash!)
Miz Mishtal (A civil servant!)
Shayla (What a hot-head), I'll have to work on it, I think. I was coming up with a verse about him "working for Rune-Venus/as a double for her sister/except for his..."
... but enough about that.
Quote: the blonde Steel Angel's costume is better but her hairstyle makes her look like a six year old,
It makes her look like Cindy Brady, is what it does. And call me a dirty old man, but I liked the original Karinka's outfit.
Quote: Gods, that dub is a crime against humanity...
Let us agree to disagree here... and not discuss relative merits etc.
I have, as I noted above, toyed with the idea of dropping Doug into this story world, most recently into season 2 (which I agree shows a remarkable drop in almost all qualities from the first). The choice of season 2 is simply because there is nothing in it worth worrying about when it comes to disturbing the plot development. The main thing I envisioned Doug doing is trying to keep the dimwit girl from next door ("Didn't you ever want to hurt a cute thing simply because it's cute?"??? The girl needs some serious slapping around. "Hey, I think you're really cute. Check out this baseball bat!") and Kurumi away from the recital hall. (Which has to have the world's best soundproofing, you realize... no one inside noticed all the explosions happening right outside the front door...) But so far, that's really all that I've bothered coming up with. That, and spanking that brat. Several times.
(Oh, and did you realize that Grandpa has to be Nakahito's son? And why does Mom look like Trixie from "Speed Racer"? All these and other questions won't get answered in our next episode... )
-- Bob
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Re: Steel Angel Kurumi and Steel Angel Kurumi S2
02-29-2004, 06:37 AM
Quote: (Karinka's S2 hair) makes her look like Cindy Brady, is what it does. And call me a dirty old man, but I liked the original Karinka's outfit.
My only problem with it is asymetry of coverage top to bottom - either all battle bikini or all band uniform (like the second) would have been fine with me, but combining the two just feels clashy. I have to admit, she's generally my favorite of the recurring characters too, though the one I kept pausing things for screenshots of was the Acadamy one with bright green hair, blue bodysuit, and metal shoulderbits with brown leather straps making up the rest of the trim. She's not even on camera being eliminated in the last episode, but she can be seen several times after the first round standing around in the crowd. That or the blue haired one from the team of three that are the first Academy kotetsutenshi we meet, before Karinka is activated. The entire premise of that episode, thoguh... I thought the other angels knew about MkII hearts and that Kurumi and Mikhail had them, and that Kirinka had two MkI hearts and still wasn't as tough, so why would they think that a kiss from Nakahito would get their single MkIs to produce that kind of output?
For that matter, the angels in general seemed very much like Meltrandi, even Kurumi who had to be restrained from killing whatsisname the punk just for picking on Nakahito, and not espescially physically at that.
As to the dub.. okay, maybe it's not quite as bad as I made out, but it could well have been better. Then again, maybe I've just been spoiled by the excellence of Excel's dub voice, which completely carries that show with how she's just as manic as the original. I agree that it's better not to rehash the purity-of-sub-vs-acessibility-of-dub holy war here, however.
As for the 'pick on a cute thing just because it's cute' I think it was just a continuation of the writer trying to show that she was the agressive, butch side of that particular relationship, as with the immediately preceeding flashback scenes of her acting like a little boy teasing a girl he likes. Of course, that doesn't mean she don't need a whuppin', I strongly doubt anyone has ever told her 'no' and made it stick in her entire life, with the possible exception of her mother if the woman was around long enough.
Grandpa and his relation to Nakahito... I'm more inclined to think Grandpa is from the main branch and Nakahito is from the same side branch as Nako, since at one point there is reference to th emain family having accuired one of the MarkII's. Then again, that may be because of the episode where Gramps and his three henchwenches do the whole ninja-fast-appearance bit, which combined with the way they do spirit jutsu has me seeing them as a Naruto style mystic ninja clan, with the ability for a single person to out do hundreds at firing up angel hearts as a bloodline limit of the branch family that the main family hasn't recognised. Mom looking like Trixie... well, we never do find out anything about Nako's father except that Mom married him at 18, so you never do know. That would have been about right if they were sixteen or so in the early seventies, and monkeys are almost as cute as corgis.
Going toe to toe with Hexe, I get the impression that should impress me, but I don't really have a clear feel for how much of a combat monster she is, thus the comparisons I did make.
I will note that the scene where Mikhail introduces himself had me saying "Hey, it's Tabris!" which turned out to be all too true, both from the 'actually an angel' perspective and that it's fighting with Mikhail that sets off the immenent-apocalypse endgame of the main plot. If that hair was a little more wavy Mikhail could be Ifurita's double, assuming you took the energy globes (one large, one smaller) out of the key staff and implanted them in Ifurita like the Angel Hearts are. There's even the whole 'centuries in stasis' thing, at least potentially for Mikhail since there's no sign of h being awakened in S2.
- CD
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
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Re: Steel Angel Kurumi and Steel Angel Kurumi S2
03-01-2004, 04:57 PM
Quote: Of course, that doesn't mean she don't need a whuppin', I strongly doubt anyone has ever told her 'no' and made it stick in her entire life, with the possible exception of her mother if the woman was around long enough.
Dad's certainly no help on that front -- Mr. "I can boss around the Prime Minister, but I go to pieces if my daughter stops smiling, so I'll give her all manner of high-powered weaponry to use in nearby populated areas."
This, class, is a dysfunctional family. Please take notes, this will be on the exam.
Quote: Mom looking like Trixie... well, we never do find out anything about Nako's father except that Mom married him at 18, so you never do know. That would have been about right if they were sixteen or so in the early seventies, and monkeys are almost as cute as corgis.
So Spridle is the true heir to Nakahito, then. Which explains Steel Monkey Chim-chim...
Quote: Going toe to toe with Hexe, I get the impression that should impress me, but I don't really have a clear feel for how much of a combat monster she is, thus the comparisons I did make.
Don't worry about it. That's just me measuring things in the units that are handy to me.
Quote: I will note that the scene where Mikhail introduces himself had me saying "Hey, it's Tabris!" which turned out to be all too true, both from the 'actually an angel' perspective and that it's fighting with Mikhail that sets off the immenent-apocalypse endgame of the main plot.
Hm. I never looked at it from that angle, yeah, you're right. Weird. I wonder if that were an intentional parallel...
-- Bob
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Re: Steel Angel Kurumi and Steel Angel Kurumi S2
03-02-2004, 06:59 AM
Quote: (me)I will note that the scene where Mikhail introduces himself had me saying "Hey, it's Tabris!" which turned out to be all too true, both from the 'actually an angel' perspective and that it's fighting with Mikhail that sets off the immenent-apocalypse endgame of the main plot.
(Bob)Hm. I never looked at it from that angle, yeah, you're right. Weird. I wonder if that were an intentional parallel...
"Never go home with wierd albino kids who appear on a rock when you're depressed at the beach. It never leads to anything good."
- CD
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
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Re: Steel Angel Kurumi and Steel Angel Kurumi S2
03-02-2004, 08:34 AM
Words of wisdom, class. Please take notes, this will be on the exam.
-- Bob
There's no wrong way to eat a Rhesus.
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Steel Angel Kurumi Manga
10-04-2005, 07:12 AM
Now, why didn't anyone tell me this....
There's translated manga for sale here in the states..up to 9 volumes to boot so far!
Damm, I wished they had a season 3 or 4 of the anime based on this.
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And the devil will burn!
- Scarlett Pimpernell
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10-04-2005, 11:50 AM
Quote: Whoa, sudden bad mental image, El-Hazard Lost Science Theater 3000, with Jinnai and TV's Ifurita as the Mads, Makoto and the princesses on the Ai of God...
Ow... brain... hurting...
In a not-too-distant timeline
A place called El-Hazard
Makoto Mizuhara
Got dumped in their back yard...
Harem roll-call!
Nanami (How much?)
Afura (Badger slash!)
Miz Mishtal (A civil servant!)
Shayla (What a hot-head), I'll have to work on it, I think. I was coming up with a verse about him "working for Rune-Venus/as a double for her sister/except for his..."
... but enough about that.
"The goggles, they do NOTHING!!!"
Actually, I got quite the chuckle out of this entire concept. I think someone should try it for real!
Ever see that one MSTing that had Belldandy join the Crew to review bad fanfics? I have it on my harddrive. It's freaking hilarious.-Logan
"Because Science DEMANDS it!!"
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10-04-2005, 02:15 PM
Quote: Ever see that one MSTing that had Belldandy join the Crew to review bad fanfics? I have it on my harddrive. It's freaking hilarious.
I haven't, and I'm curious...
-- Bob
It's a "magical" land. I think "magical" is ancient Greek for "pain in the butt". -- Bun-Bun, Sluggy Freelance, 11/9/03
10-04-2005, 02:19 PM
Quote: Ever see that one MSTing that had Belldandy join the Crew to review bad fanfics? I have it on my harddrive. It's freaking hilarious.
I'd be very curious to see that one - I am having trouble finding GOOD MST'ed fanfic (no, not the original fanfic being good, the MST being good!)...
In my case, that refers to having (mostly) the "real" crew, with stories that aren't part of some huge, multi-part story that doesn't make any sense unless you read part 3 and 15...
(Not a specific example in mind, just getting tired of reading MSTs with wierd characters and in-jokes that don't make sense.)
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RE: El-Hazard 3000
10-04-2005, 05:25 PM
And here I thought Ifurita would classify as 'robot friend'...
- Grumpy Uncle Gearhead
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10-04-2005, 07:16 PM
Quote: I haven't, and I'm curious...
I'm thinking of posting it here then. In sections. It's a tad long for a single post. Or I could post it somewhere else and link it? -Logan
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10-04-2005, 07:18 PM
Quote: In my case, that refers to having (mostly) the "real" crew, with stories that aren't part of some huge, multi-part story that doesn't make any sense unless you read part 3 and 15...
Then you're in luck, because this is PRECISELY what this is. The only "outside" element is having Mike Nelson accidentally reach the Goddess relief office when trying to find a Chinese food place that delievers to geo-synchronous orbit. You can guess where that goes from there. ^_^
EDIT: In fact, here's the opener, just to tease. ^_^
(Just to be clear, the following was NOT written by me, but by Mark Sachs.)
In the not-too-distant future...
[We open on the Satellite of Love. Mike is sitting there; before him is a pile of menus from take-out restaurants. He's dialing a phone but having little luck reaching anyone. Propped unobtrusively in one corner of the set is a mirror.]
[Enter Crow.]
CROW: So, Mike, how's the dinner plans?
MIKE: Not so good, Crow. Hardly any of the take-out places will deliver to geosynchronous orbit. And the ones that will are either closed or not taking dinner orders until 6:00 PM. I'm down to this
last one.
CROW: [craning his neck to read it] Hmm? I dunno if I'm up for Japanese. Oh well, I'll be in the load pan bay with Servo if you need me.
[Crow wanders off. Mike dials the number.]
PHONE: Hello, this is the Relief Goddess Office Technical Support Line.
MIKE: Huh? I'm sorry, I wanted Fujishima's Takeout --
PHONE: We will have one of our technical support representatives over to you right away to handle your request. [click]
MIKE: Uh... [stares at phone] Hello? Hello?
[Suddenly there is a whoosh and roar of brilliant special effects, and from the mirror emerges a startlingly beautiful, elaborately dressed brown-haired and big-eyed woman...]
MIKE: Yaah! Who are you?
BELLDANDY: I am the Goddess Belldandy. You called for the Relief Goddess Office for help. Well, here I am.
MIKE: Goddess?
BELLDANDY: [bowing] At your service. My job is to assist people in dire need, such as yourself. I can grant you one wish.
MIKE: Is this one of those "Twilight Zone" situations where I wish for something and its most awful consequence comes down and destroys me?
BELLDANDY: Of course not! As a Goddess, I cannot lie or trick you.
MIKE: I can wish for anything?
BELLDANDY: Anything your heart desires.
MIKE: All right! Okay, here I go. I wish you would take this satellite back down to Ear --
[Enter Tom and Crow.]
TOM: Hey Mike, we plugged up that leak in the air intake with all of your old socks, but -- Say, who's the new girl?
BELLDANDY: [smiling] Hello!
MIKE: Uh, hi Tom, hi Crow, this is Belldandy. She's... er...
BELLDANDY: [brightly] A goddess.
CROW: You're a goddess?
BELLDANDY: Yes. I work for the Lord, in Technical Support.
TOM: Gee. What's the Lord really like?
BELLDANDY: He's just like Bill Gates.
CROW: Wow.
[Commercial Sign light flashes.]
CROW: Hey, we got commercial sign.
MIKE: Gates willing, we'll be right back.
[**** Commercial Break ****]
"Because Science DEMANDS it!!"
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10-04-2005, 07:22 PM
Quote: BELLDANDY: Yes. I work for the Lord, in Technical Support.
TOM: Gee. What's the Lord really like?
BELLDANDY: He's just like Bill Gates.
-- Bob
It's a "magical" land. I think "magical" is ancient Greek for "pain in the butt". -- Bun-Bun, Sluggy Freelance, 11/9/03
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10-04-2005, 07:52 PM
Think I'll move this somewhere else. Talk about thread hijack! Sorry 'bout that!
Look for the rest in the "Other People's Fanfic" section.-Logan
"Because Science DEMANDS it!!"
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10-04-2005, 09:52 PM
Quote: Then again, maybe I've just been spoiled by the excellence of Excel's dub voice, which completely carries that show with how she's just as manic as the original.
First or second dub voice? They had to change, as the first dub voice destroyed the VA's throat to the point she had to take a YEAR off of voice acting afterwards. Brazil has decided you're cute.Brazil has decided you're cute.
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10-04-2005, 10:48 PM
Quote: First or second dub voice? They had to change, as the first dub voice destroyed the VA's throat to the point she had to take a YEAR off of voice acting afterwards.
Yeah. Heard about that. Ouchie... -Logan
"Because Science DEMANDS it!!"
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10-05-2005, 06:49 AM
That would be the first voice - IIRC the swich hadn't yet been made when I posted that. At the very least, copies of that volume hadn't made it to my corner of the woods.
- CDThat which does not kill us... has made its last mistake.
SERVO: Loook *deeeeply* into my eyes... Tell me, what do you see?
CROW: (hypnotized) A twisted man who wants to inflict his pain upon others.
" It's crazy to try to spell out all the mega-nooks and hyper-crannies of a Borg contrivance." - Doug Drexler
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
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10-05-2005, 06:53 PM
The name y'all're looking for is Jessica Calvello -- who also wanted to be Sana Kurata until the butchers over at Funimation got their hands on Kodomo no Omocha.
-- Bob
It's a "magical" land. I think "magical" is ancient Greek for "pain in the butt". -- Bun-Bun, Sluggy Freelance, 11/9/03
The Wanderer
10-06-2005, 04:08 PM
She's been recommended to me as a good candidate to voice Usagi, in the event that I find myself with sufficient funds[1] to get hold of the rights and re-release (which includes "re-dub") Sailor Moon anytime in the next couple of decades[2]. I've never actually heard her voice, so I'm not sure how good the recommendation is, but Jessica Calvello is one of the very few American voice actors whose name I'd recognize.
[1] At a guess, roughly $400 million, depending on things like production costs.
[2] Yes, I'm serious about this. No, I don't expect it to happen anytime soon.
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A possible insertion point
10-09-2005, 06:42 AM
ADV has released volumes 1-9 of the manga...and it's totally different plot in most aspects than the anime. What I find interesting is that Nakahito, Kurumi, Saki, Karinka and KAGA were transported 100 years forward (2027?) in order to save Nakahito's life from a malignant curse.
So is SAK season 2 some sort of AU where Nakahito and company never came back to 1927?
One technical detail about the Angels. It seems that Karinka does not need to be bonded to a mystic to attain her full poetential, due to her twin hearts. However, the feelings that a Steel Angel has for her partner are true and deep. The fact that Karinka has chosen to stay by Nakahito's side is proof of that.
There are also hints that Nakahito will one day be stronger than his brother in terms of mytical ability. The fact that 4 angels bonded with him is proof of that.
Into terror!, Into valour!
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And the devil will burn!
- Scarlett Pimpernell
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Re: A possible insertion point
10-10-2005, 07:11 PM
Quote: So is SAK season 2 some sort of AU where Nakahito and company never came back to 1927?
Not by a long shot! I think we discussed it up above, if you want to look. All I'll say here is that it involves the Mark II versions of Kurumi, Saki and Karinka, in or around the year 2000.
-- Bob
It's a "magical" land. I think "magical" is ancient Greek for "pain in the butt". -- Bun-Bun, Sluggy Freelance, 11/9/03
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Re: A possible insertion point
01-07-2006, 07:12 PM
Quote: Not by a long shot! I think we discussed it up above, if you want to look. All I'll say here is that it involves the Mark II versions of Kurumi, Saki and Karinka, in or around the year 2000.
True, but why would Mark II versions be made?
Into terror!, Into valour!
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Yes, it's into the fire we fly
And the devil will burn!
- Scarlett Pimpernell
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Re: A possible insertion point
01-08-2006, 12:55 AM
I think theyt wee supposed to be upgraded, thoguh the only real difference I can think of is the corgi jetpack and costume changes.
- CDThat which does not kill us... has made its last mistake.
SERVO: Loook *deeeeply* into my eyes... Tell me, what do you see?
CROW: (hypnotized) A twisted man who wants to inflict his pain upon others.
" It's crazy to try to spell out all the mega-nooks and hyper-crannies of a Borg contrivance." - Doug Drexler
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
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Re: A possible insertion point
01-09-2006, 05:13 PM
Quote: True, but why would Mark II versions be made?
So the animation studio could market a sequel.
There's no real explanation, especially why they were put into hibernation for 80 years or so. I agree, there is little sense to be made here.
-- Bob
For Jor-El so loved the Earth, he sent his only begotten son...