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Really *weird* places for a Step...
Re: Kenny
Besides, the song is about what the singer learned from the gambler, not really about the gambler himself...
True, although the gambler was no help at all with regards to the oft-encountered problem of banana trapezes.
Re: Not Weird in the "totally off the wall" sense.
Mokona might get respected by Doug. It allows itself to get abused so much and just laughs it off.
There are two other universes that have dieties that might cause Doug to lose part of his god-hatred.
Magma Tsai/Ambassador Magma-Urth and the planet Earth itself
Space Firebird-The Phoenix
The Osamu Tezuka dieties are powerful, but they keep pointing out that humans are a part of the circle of life.
Tezuka was an enviromentalist and anti-war.
Tom Mathews aka Disruptor
Re: Not Weird in the "totally off the wall" sense.
As for the dub. Bleh. I'm not surprised you weren't able to watch it for long, Bob. That is an atrocious nightmare.
Any idea where I might be able to get my hands on the non-dubbed version, whether subtitled or raw (subs preferred but I can fake it if necessary)? I've heard good things before about that version of the series, but I've been unable to track down anything but the dub, barring a few raw clips which looked quite interesting.
Yu-Gi-Oh! is one of several shows for which I've had that problem - the dub is somewhere from poor to atrocious, the original looks to be somewhere from slightly to much better, but there's no official non-dubbed release (and likely never will be) and the dub's prevalence means the original can't be tracked down online. Quite annoying.
To keep this from being *totally* offtopic, a setting for a Step: Bob, have I previously suggested the world of the Coldfire Trilogy, by C. S. Friedman? I thought I had, but searching the forums finds nothing.
Re: Not Weird in the "totally off the wall" sense.
I've tried to watch Yu-Gi-Oh! and quite honestly, I couldn't. It affects me much like Pokemon does -- which is to say, I'd rather switch to Jerry Springer or Dr. Phil. (Bleccch.) Now, the manga may be radically different, and not bug the hell out of me, but I have no idea. I suppose I ought to look for it next time I'm in Borders or Kinokuniya, as I seem to recall spotting an English-language version.
The translated manga is up to volume 4 in the US; which kinda sorta overlaps with the first episode of the dubbed anime. (In the manga, it's a rematch with Kaiba, which he makes Yugi really work for with a series of deathtrap games.) The first four, possibly five volumes establish the main characters and why we should root for them. They also showcase just how ruthless "the Yugi within Yugi" is.
I've been running twisted synopses of the manga chapters on my Livejournal that might amuse some readers. There's only a tiny bit of card games so far.

Not to mention coming up with a theme deck for him.
Ah, well, there I'm clueless.

There's the "Toon World" card of course, but in the manga/anime it's a "broken" card owned only by one player. (Fortunately, he's the man who designed the modern-day version of the card game, so he can declare the card legal for his tournament.)
Re: Not Weird in the "totally off the wall" sense.
Any idea where I might be able to get my hands on the non-dubbed version, whether subtitled or raw (subs preferred but I can fake it if necessary)? I've heard good things before about that version of the series, but I've been unable to track down anything but the dub, barring a few raw clips which looked quite interesting.
The only place I know of, offhand, to find Raw episodes of Yu-Gi-Oh! is the bittorrent site, He has the most recent raw episodes. And, you can find clips from earlier stuff at think that's right.) Has an english section, since it is a foreign site. The media has a few clips from episodes going back to just after where the dub is right now. All clips are raw, that I know of. Sadly, the show got a bad rap due to the mostly atrocious dub(there are a few moments where the dub is decent, but never for very long.) and thus, is unlikely to be subbed by anyone, given that it is a closing on 200 episode series.(and still going).
"This hand of mine glows with an awesome power. Its burning grip tells me to defeat you....
Shining FINGER!" -Domon Kashuu, Mobile Fighter G Gundam
Re: Yu-Gi-Oh!
Well, as it turns out, I'm heading to Mitsuwa in Edgewater, NJ on Saturday. I'll look for the English YGO! manga while I'm there, and if it's there I'll buy a couple issues. No promises, though, okay? What I've seen and what's been posted here suggests it's not exactly a good setting for Doug's particular style.

-- Bob
There's no wrong way to eat a Rhesus.
Re: Yu-Gi-Oh!
*nod* That's fine, Bob. I was more intent on clearing up some of the misconceptions the dub has produced(as well as misconceptions in general about it). It likely won't be suitable fodder for a Step, but without actually knowing what it is about, one can never know.
(does that sound pompous or what?)
"This hand of mine glows with an awesome power. Its burning grip tells me to defeat you....
Shining FINGER!" -Domon Kashuu, Mobile Fighter G Gundam
Re: Yu-Gi-Oh!
Nah, not pompous at all.
But then, you're asking me.

-- Bob
There's no wrong way to eat a Rhesus.
Re: Yu-Gi-Oh!
They do have it there, Bob. I'll point it out to you.Brazil has decided you're cute.
Re: Yu-Gi-Oh!
I've got a good idea where it would be, Geoff, but if it'll save me a couple of minutes of poking around trying to find it, lead on!

-- Bob
There's no wrong way to eat a Rhesus.
The early manga doesn't, I think, really have much room for Sangnoir. Yugi or one of his friends is treated badly by a bullly (often beaten up), and the Yugi within Yugi uses a game to exact rough justice. Lather, rinse, repeat.
The one story I can see our protagonist making a big difference in is "American Hero" in volume three. Yugi's even wimpier classmate Hanasaki is a big fan of American superhero comics, especially "Zombire" (a Spawn homage.) His indulgent father gives Hanasaki a Zombire costume, which apparently gives the boy the ability to take on multiple criminals twice his size.
Having a "real" superhero there to give Hanasaki some pointers (and maybe even real powers!) could make a big difference.
Weird. Is there anything unusual about the costume, or is it "normal" for it to let him do something like that?

-- Bob
There's no wrong way to eat a Rhesus.
SPOILER for YGO manga chapter: American Hero
Hanasaki's father is paying the thugs to take a dive. This backfires later, of course, and "Yugi within Yugi" has to bail the kid out.
Re: SPOILER for YGO manga chapter: American Hero
Ah... that old gag.

-- Bob
There's no wrong way to eat a Rhesus.
May I have the temerity to suggest...
Miller and Lee's 'Liaden' universe, a rather pleasant space-opera with incredibly wealthy merchant-soldiers, mercenaries, giant walking millenia-old turtles, a sentient empathic Tree, and an interesting take on Honor and the Necessities of the Clan...
Re: May I have the temerity to suggest...
Something else new to me... You know, since I stopped going to bookstores on a weekly basis, I think I've lost track of all the new writers out there. I mean, the last time I bought up a bunch of books by a new writer, it was someone I knew in college whose name I spotted in the "new members" section of the SFWA Bulletin... (or was it the Forum? I forget now.) (Oh, and for those who inevitably will want to know, it was Mindy Klasky, whom I didn't even know was into SF/F when we were in college together...)

-- Bob
There's no wrong way to eat a Rhesus.
Re: May I have the temerity to suggest...
Sharon Lee was (may still be, I can't recall) president of the SFWA...
The books are being reprinted by Ace, so you can find them in stores again, or in e-book form from Embiid if you want that.
A quote I've occasionally used as a .sig line:
"In choosing an ally, considerations of allegiance, clan, race, et cetera, are irrelevant. There are only two concerns:
1. Can he shoot?
2. Will he aim at your enemy?"
Re: Really *weird* places for a Step...
Well, it would certainly be an interesting place for Doug to go to, and I don't -think- I've seen it suggested here, and since this seems to be a catch-all topic, I'll throw it.
El-Hazard: The Magnificent World

Not any of the offshoots, but the original, one, only 7 ova series. Demon-Gods, Priestesses, and Eye of God that would -definitely- interest Doug.
Plus, it'd be interesting to see if Ifurita could copy his abilities
"This hand of mine glows with an awesome power. Its burning grip tells me to defeat you....
Shining FINGER!" -Domon Kashuu, Mobile Fighter G Gundam
the El
>Not any of the offshoots, but the original, one, only 7 ova series. Demon-Gods, Priestesses, and Eye of God that would -definitely- interest Doug.<
I can almost see him saying:
"No, no, no, no, no! You have to have more _stamina_ for the roaring bitch laugh, better lung capacity ... and the appropriate gender. Trust me kid, you're not cut out to be a villain. Don't quit your day job."
"But ... that is my day job."
>Plus, it'd be interesting to see if Ifurita could copy his abilities<
She'd likely be able to copy the _effects_, or emulate those that are directly offensive or defensive. I don't think she'd be able to understand his mage-gift, especially as weird and specific as it is, enough to copy it.

going back to lurking now
When tact is required, use brute force. When force is required, use greater force.
When the greatest force is required, use your head. Surprise is everything. - The Book of Cataclysm
Re: the El
She'd likely be able to copy the _effects_, or emulate those that are directly offensive or defensive. I don't think she'd be able to understand his mage-gift, especially as weird and specific as it is, enough to copy it.

Likely not, but it would definitely give her a massive boost in her repertoire, since anything he uses against her she can copy and throw back. Smile *has always found Ifurita's abilities to be particularly fascinating*
"This hand of mine glows with an awesome power. Its burning grip tells me to defeat you....
Shining FINGER!" -Domon Kashuu, Mobile Fighter G Gundam
Back to Yu-Gi-Oh...
Okay, I bought vol 1 of the manga on Saturday, after Talienas basically put it in my hands at the Kinokuniya at Mitsuwa. I really haven't gotten very far in it, though, having had (as I think I've mentioned) a somewhat busy weekend.
Anyway, I was thinking on some of the ideas about the card-based game that seems to be central to the story, and the following nasty little idea came to my mind (and a nice extra bit got inspired by a running gag in a thread in another area).
Doug gets into one of these challenges, somehow, and someone lends him a deck. Far as I can tell, the decks are magical in some way; the magic of the deck and Doug's field interact, reshaping the deck in unexpected ways... the creatures it now summons are all cartoon characters. The image I came up with was Doug playing The Rabbit, which then did the "my stars! Monsters are such innnnnnteresting people" hairdresser bit against the opponent's creature.
And the extra? Doug plays The Fudd, who looks like he's going to get creamed by the opposition -- until Doug augments him with the Spear and Magic Helmet...

-- Bob
There's no wrong way to eat a Rhesus.
Re: Back to Yu-Gi-Oh...
Doug gets into one of these challenges, somehow, and someone lends him a deck. Far as I can tell, the decks are magical in some way; the magic of the deck and Doug's field interact, reshaping the deck in unexpected ways... the creatures it now summons are all cartoon characters. The image I came up with was Doug playing The Rabbit, which then did the "my stars! Monsters are such innnnnnteresting people" hairdresser bit against the opponent's creature.
That's about the size of it. The monsters -are- real. But, for most people, they never appear as anything more than holograms. It is only a select few that can ever step things beyond that level. Usually Yugi and his friends/enemies. Kaiba is one to note, and is, bar none, the best card player in the entire game. (he doesn't need Yugi's special tricks or magic to pull off his strategies, which, all in all, makes him the superior player.(never mind that Kaiba is a genius at pretty much any game)
And the extra? Doug plays The Fudd, who looks like he's going to get creamed by the opposition -- until Doug augments him with the Spear and Magic Helmet...
That...actually sounds like something that would happen in game. Certainly bizarre enough to fit in among the duels of that world.
"This hand of mine glows with an awesome power. Its burning grip tells me to defeat you....
Shining FINGER!" -Domon Kashuu, Mobile Fighter G Gundam
Re: Really *weird* places for a Step...
The trouble with using Spider's setting is that you'll never be able to post it. Spider smacks down fanfiction set in Callahan's Place almost as fast as Mercedes Lackey does with Valdemar.
The ironic thing about it is that he hates doing it, SAYS so repeatedly, and is often rumored as having said that if the copyright laws in Canada change to match the digital media laws, he'll open up Callahan's Place the way Ann McCaffrey has Pern. (IE, strict rules on what characters you can use, how you can use them, his characters have to stay IN character [no sudden, unexplained changes in sexual orientation, for example], and so on.)
The bit about the copyright laws? Well, I know our Canadian readers are already familiar with it, but for those of us who aren't, I'm told the laws in the Great White North impose a tax per blank tape, blank CD or DVD and so on, over and above the normal sales tax. This tax goes into a fund that supposedly compensates artists for any financial losses incurred by people making home copies of music or movies.
(I've probably screwed up the details, but the general idea is pretty obvious, as are the flaws inherent to the system..)
Getting back to the subject, I've seen at least one story by a favorite author of mine, a Gargoyles author who was contacted directly by Spider, and politely asked to take down one of her stories where one of the Gargoyles drops by Callahan's.
Sad, really, as she was one of the two authors who most encouraged me to start writing Pagliacci as a way of dealing with my mother's death.
Ironically, tho she did as asked and removed the story, I'm told she's still quite happy, as she got to speak with Spider himself.
I'll have to find the page.. she still has the LISTING of the story up, but no link and a notation where the link was, explaining why the story's gone, as it was part of a series and she wanted her fans to understand why there was a hole in the overarching plotline.
other places...
First, since I for some reason had a most difficult time getting logged onto this board, and lost some of my original post,
I've greatly enjoyed Drunkard's Walk since I first ran across it.
*mock-grumbles* most of my suggestions have already been taken... but I do have these left
The Castle Perilous series by John deChancie (I think it's a dead series - I've not run across any new ones for a number of years). The setting is a gigantinormous castle (miles on a side) that's the transformed body of a demon that contains gates to 143,999 worlds within - however, with a few exceptions, the gates are unstable as all get out - they roam randomly through the castle and their dimensions they connect to. The castle is populated by the various people that stumble in (of various species) and they generate 1 unique magical ability while there because of the ambient background. Most of the books were various dealing with invasions from different dimensions and the general chaos of the castle.
Doug might be looking to find if one of the gates goes back to his universe or not, or caught in the chaos of an invasion there.
The second... well, it's just because I'd like to a superhero type having to deal with what needs to be done to save the world - "Villians by Necessity" by Eve Forward.
Re: Back to Yu-Gi-Oh...
Doug gets into one of these challenges, somehow, and someone lends him a deck. Far as I can tell, the decks are magical in some way; the magic of the deck and Doug's field interact, reshaping the deck in unexpected ways... the creatures it now summons are all cartoon characters. The image I came up with was Doug playing The Rabbit, which then did the "my stars! Monsters are such innnnnnteresting people" hairdresser bit against the opponent's creature.
That'd be the Toon World card, which turns monsters into "toon" versions of themselves. To get that, Doug would have to meet Pegasus, former owner of the Millenium Eye, who is either dead or recovering in a remote location depending on whether you go by the manga or anime by the time of Battle City. I'd go with the dead version, as I can definitely see a spooky scene with Pegasus' ghost still bound to his castle, ironically unable to rejoin his wife in the afterlife.
Hmm, there's Inaba the White Rabbit, a "spirit monster" card that allows you to bypass your opponent's monsters, and any of the low-level warrior cards would easily fill in for Fudd. Several penguin cards, no coyote or ducks that I remember. (But then I haven't seen at least half the cards.)

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