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There's been a few suggestions for settings that might merit a scene or two as Doug interacts with the inhabitants, but not a full step. Well, I just thought of another: The Spelljammer setting from AD&D2E.
Specifically, I think he should pop in abourd a Gnomish Dreadnever, their five-year mission a Moby Dick-esque hunt for Furry Norman, the Giant Intelligent Phase Space Hamster of Ill Omen (and to seek out ideas and new grand inventions)... Mainly because I can't imagine a doubletake wild enough for his reaction to the traditional space hamster hunting chant (Spaham, spaham, SPAHAM, spaham, SPAHAMMITY SPAHAM! SPAHAMITY SPAHAM!) and the service anthem of the Gnomish Space Marines, the chorus of which was noted in a sidebar. A reconstruction of the entirety follows, thoguh the last verse is less than certain.
In the town where I was born
lived a gnome with a flying machine
and he told us of his life
in the Gnomish Space Marines
So we sailed into the sun
on flapping wings driven by steam
and we lived in Wildspace
in our gnomish sky machine
We're all part of the Gnomish Space Marines
Gnomish Space Marines
Gnomish Space Marines
We're all part of the Gnomish Space Marines
Gnomish Space Marines
Gnomish Space Marines
Lots of gnomes are here on board
building daily inventions galore
Hamsters replace steam today
Full speed ahead, now!
Ready the Speciallymodifiedhighpenetrationautomaticallyrelaodingdualballistarequiringonlyonegnomeforoperation!
Aye aye, sir! Fire!
Workshop! Workshop!
As we live a life that's free
Every one of us (every gnome ingeniuslyinventiveandmechanicallybrilliant of us)
has all we need (has a completeexpandedtoolkitincludingmetalandwoodcraftingtoolsnottomentionstonecuttingandtextileequipmentavailableonrequestandaholdfullofpartsandmaterialsforalltoaccess--)
Phlogiston (--experimentscontinuewithfindingamethodtocontainthegasoutsideCrystalSpheresforuseasafuelorpropellantliketheKlik'lik'klakshipsdespite--)
and in the Spheres (--althoughsofarnomethodshavebeendeterminedforworkingwiththematerialcomposingthesesphereswhichsurround--)
in the Gnomish (--andofcoursenoonewouldeverwanttousesuchaphlogistonbombexceptforreallyevilpeopleofcoursebutitstheGnomishSpaceMarines'jobtobe--)
Space Marines (--andsowehavetobepreparedtomakesurethattheonlyoneslaughingoverthefallenremainsoffoesisusthoguhofcoursewewouldn'treallylaughunlesstheyhadsomefunnylastwordsbutthentheyprobablywouldn'thavebeen--)
(... chorus)
(poke the spoken-part gnome to remind him the song is over)
- CD
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
Re: Side-Steps
That was... very odd.
If only I hadn't needed a wide-screen monitor to read it...

-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Re: Side-Steps
That was... very odd.
If only I hadn't needed a wide-screen monitor to read it...

I know, I know, but that's how Minoi gnomes talk, and I couldn't edit it after seeing how it messed up the formatting. Besides, having the comments trail off the side of the screen is as good a representation of the effect I was after as anything else I can do without two assistants and audio recording gear.
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows

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