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NanoSteps -- the brainstorming thread
05-13-2011, 08:12 PM
I've mentioned this once or twice before -- a file/page of tiny-to-short vignettes suggesting other places Doug has been.
Well.. here's a first generation version. It includes a couple things actually written by folks here in the forums, and some bits I posted years ago while weighing the possibility of doing the various settings as full Steps. But there's some new stuff here too. The settings are not explicitly identified, but they should be obvious to anyone familiar with them.
ETA: (5/14) Updated and expanded with new material by both me and you guys.
ETA: (5/17) The same, again.
ETA: (5/22) All the NanoSteps were Raptured yesterday, so they're not here any more.
Seriously, they've been moved to their own locked, sticky thread, per HoagieOfDoom's suggestion; use this thread to throw new ideas out -- or to claim any of the existing ideas as a seed for a full story, if you so desire (with, of course, the permission of the one who came up with it).
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
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05-14-2011, 12:47 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-30-2017, 10:35 AM by Bob Schroeck.)
I recognize six out of nine (five out of eight, if you exclude the one I wrote). Not too shabby, if I say so myself...
Edit: Found another one that I wrote over in General DW Chatter...
Quote:Just what was it about Sakaki-san, anyway? The curiosity might kill me, but I suppose there was only one way to find out for sure. I'd already used I'll Play for You to limit the effect to myself, so... "System, load song Everybody Wants To Be A Cat. Play song."
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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I got 4, possibly 5.... if that's the Rose I think it is.
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?
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This is awesome. Love it. Just wish I knew where some of these are from. Like the one with Louie and three girls. And the one with Rose... Dr. Who?
EDIT: Really, got all but the two I mentioned above.
- Lensman Series
- Pretty Cure
- Read or Die
- Dr. Who (Maybe?)
- Poirot
- Dresden Universe
- Firefly
- ?????
- PROFIT! (No, actually I mean Charmed.)
05-14-2011, 01:48 AM
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Glidergun Wrote:Pretty sure Number 8 is
And on the off-chance somebody doesn't recognize the one I added, it's --
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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For some reason I am always mistaking Sakaki's name for Saiki Misaki, the main character from Ghost Talker's Daydream. But damn, wouldn't that make for a helluva step for Doug? I mean, dealing with the issues of an albino dominatrix who is also stuck being a necromancer? (Crazy part? She's actually a virgin!)
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Quote:Recognizing the uniforms before me, I snapped to attention and fired off a quick salute. Well, technically they should have saluted me, but I doubted the two Captains before me would recognize my rank of Colonel as anything more serious than the courtesy rank bestowed on fried-chicken restaurateurs.
My glib opening remark was cut off as they looked at my motorcycle, looked at each other, and then the Air Force captain turned towards the back of the house.
''We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat
them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.''
-- James Nicoll
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Hey folks. Yes, the spoilers are correct. And Rob, Foxboy, I'm adding those with appropriate attributions to the main file. Sooner or later I'll put it up on the site. (I'm a bit behind on putting stuff up, including Mark Skarr's renders and the chapter 7 of Dead Bang, so don't hold your breaths.)
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
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The mood in the inn was getting downright grim, but I stood my ground as I placed myself between the crowd and the girl they'd been about to try to lynch. Without some pretty fair evidence that she'd committed more crimes than just 'being a meta', I wasn't about to let them drag her out for god-knows-what sort of punishment they had in mind, and the language they were using to describe her made it pretty clear that it was going to be downright ugly.
That's when the Big Guy came in. "And just what might be going on here?" he demanded as he looked over the situation. He stood head and shoulders above everyone there, including me - I'd peg him as nearly eight feet tall, easily - built like a bruiser. The sort who could pick up the whole inn and toss it at someone, if he had a mind to. What really got my attention were the big fox-like ears poking up from his head, a match for those on the girl I'd been protecting. After listening to the various stories the crowd was feeding him, he came over to me, hitched his hands in his belt, and waited. Fortunately, the crowd seemed inclined to let him handle the situation.
I drew myself up to my tallest, looked him in the eyes, and smiled, warm and friendly. "I'm not too terribly fond of lynch mobs," I said, and he smiled back and nodded.
"Neither am I," he said in return. "So, you're the one Himself is after havin' me keep an eye on, hm? I'm beginning to be thinking this won't be too terribly much of a chore after all."
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
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Have another...
Quote:"I doubt this comes as a surprise," I said from below the desk, "but the telephone is hard-wired into the wall. There's no jack for you to plug into."
"That's all right, Doug," Eimi replied, in that somewhat-distracted way she speaks when large file transfers have her attention. "I'm using the wi-fi connection in the apartment next door. It's okay - I have permission."
Wait a minute ... A wi-fi connection? In 1969? The local technology didn't look that different from the same time back home.
"And the neighbors say they want to meet us ... but not right now. Beta-5 said something about that damned ship being back."
In case you need the spoiler... Star Trek. Specifically, "Assignment: Earth" and "Tomorrow Is Yesterday" - Doug and Eimi just moved in next door to Gary Seven. --
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Here's one from me
The guy had to be a Meta of some kind. Unnaturally tall, fast, strong... All were signs pointing in that direction. And he'd even managed to surprise me, which was no mean feat.
But he'd be the first I'd seen in this place.
He turned towards me, his eyes still closed, his expression unreadable.
"Good day, mister. My name is... Konishi. I am... Pleased to meet you."
-People may die, but ideas are forever. Je suis Charlie.
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One more:
Quote:Damn it.
Damn it.
I could help those girls. At the least, I could fix their cybernetics so they don't kill the girls.
I might even have a song in my collection to bring back their old memories.
But then I'd be condemning them to live, with the knowledge of having done what they've been brainwashed into doing.
Damn it!
And damn me, for whichever choice I make...
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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Wow. This is ... running out of control in a way I never expected, but which I'm certainly enjoying. I just came to post an updated version, and now it's going to be even more updated...
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
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Try something a little different. It's probably not so good, but I thought I'd chip my hat into the ring.
Quote:I was flying just outside Barstow, if the geography here was still the same, right at the beginning of the desert. The road was long, straight and isolated, perfect for a landing to get my bearings. A single red Chevrolet convertible was snaking drunkenly down the road, pulling well over a hundred and sixty kph. Maybe they were heaving trouble?
I swung low to get a better look, angling in for a landing just ahead of the speeding Chevy.
Passenger and driver were in the throws of a panic, swatting at the air. As I peeled away to avoid causing an accident, I swore I heard one of them screaming something about Bats.
Inspired by:
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas Wrote:We were somewhere around Barstow on the edge of the desert when the drugs began to take hold. I remember saying something like "I feel a bit lightheaded; maybe you should drive..." And suddenly there was a terrible roar all around us and the sky was full of what looked like huge bats, all swooping and screeching and diving around the car, which was going about a hundred miles an hour with the top down to Las Vegas. And a voice was screaming: "Holy Jesus! What are these goddamn animals?" ________________________________
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?
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"So this is... what, a 'lost episode?'"
"It's legendary. They say the director went nuts for a couple of weeks and insisted it be made according to his script, then came out of it and had no idea what he'd been doing. It was never aired, didn't even make it into the compilations until they found the negatives in a backlot shack a couple of years ago."
The auditorium was nearly full now, the last few stragglers jockeying for position. The ship's Chief Science Officer looked up as a tall maintenance engineer struggled through the rows.
"Pardon me, Chief Hoshino, is this seat taken?"
"...Go ahead."
The lights dimmed, a hush fell over the crowd, and the camera rolled...
"Akara! Our sensors have detected a growing flaw in the universal fabric! Some alien force is about to break through from another world -- in the deserts of Earth! Such a power MUST belong to the Kyo'akk Empire!"
"Joe! Ken! Akira! We must prevent the enemy from stealing this power at all costs!"
The stranger doffed his odd helmet, revealing a ruffled mop of blond hair. "Yeah, I've seen enough. It's pretty damn clear who the bad guys are around here."
"You would defy the massed forces of the Kyo'akk?! Who do you think you are, fool?"
A crooked smile flashed across his face. "I'm a rambler, a gambler, and a long, long way from home. But here and now, you can call me... SONIC SOLDIER, LOONY TOONS!"
Mayhem erupted.
"You're really leaving?"
"Kid, I've been trying to get home longer than you'd believe. Your crew don't need my help, and with the next gate already open, I don't want to hang around and get fought over."
"All right then, Colonel. It's been an honor..."
"That was seriously weird. What was the point if he was just going to move on?"
"No one knows. Like I said, the director claimed he didn't remember that whole two weeks..."
Entertained but puzzled, the crew of the Nadesico filtered out of the auditorium and returned to duty... all but two.
The maintenance engineer shook his head. "Okay, that was unnecessarily weird."
He became aware of a cold, flat stare boring into him. "...Something wrong, Chief?"
"Did that... actually happen?"
"Pretty much. The animation style's nothing like what it really looked like, mind you..."
"...'Sonic Soldier Loony Toons?' Seriously?"
"When in Rome, do as the Romans do."
"...I'm surrounded by idiots."
Disclaimer: I've never actually seen Martian Successor Nadesico. But from what I understand of the show, this seemed like the obvious thing to do with Doug. 
"I didn't want to have to do this... I mean I really didn't want to have to do this...!"
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Okay, as of Bob's may 11 update, I'd go with:
1) My first thought had been the time 'machine'/stone portal from one of the old Trek eps, but based on some of the other comments, I think I was wrong.
2) ?
3) Read or Die
4) Doctor Who (the 'ears' comment suggests #9)
5) The Inspector Poirot mysteries
6) The Dresden Files novels by Jim Butcher
7) Firefly
8) Rune Soldier Louie
9) Charmed
10) an anime series whose title I'm blanking on, but one character keeps getting attack by cats.
11) I dream of Jeanie
12) The Addams Family
13) ?
14) Don Quixote
15) a fantasy series by David Weber (the series' title is eluding me)
16) ?
17) ?
18) Gunslinger Girls (?)
"I've always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific." - George Carlin
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Timote Wrote:Okay, as of Bob's may 11 update, I'd go with:
1) My first thought had been the time 'machine'/stone portal from one of the old Trek eps, but based on some of the other comments, I think I was wrong. Yes, this is from a series somewhat older than Star Trek. "Mentor of Arisia" is the patron of the Galactic Patrol in E.E. "Doc" Smith's Lensman novels. Timote Wrote:16) ? This one, however, is Star Trek. Click on the plus-sign beside the word "Spoiler" in my post for details.
Edit: Here's a ... 5-Computer]Poser model of Beta-5, which might jog your memory.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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Evil Midnight Lurker Wrote:Disclaimer: I've never actually seen Martian Successor Nadesico. But from what I understand of the show, this seemed like the obvious thing to do with Doug.  You're pretty close - the Nadesico doesn't have a science officer (it being a warship), so Ruri Hoshio is the Operations Officer. And her scene-ending tagline is just the one word "baka" instead of the phrase. But those were the only errors I spotted...
And Nadesico is well worth seeing - it's a lovely deconstruction of the genre. (The movie suffers a bit in comparison to the TV series, though.)
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
I left mine open to see if anyone would get it, but...
Spoiler [+]
Elf princess Rane
-People may die, but ideas are forever. Je suis Charlie.
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Sorry, can't help myself.... (^_^
Date Unknown, Time Unknown...
Previous experience has taught me that as long as I sense no immediate danger then it's safe to take my time with this part. I've never been all that much of a morning person, after all, especially after a bad landing. However, nothing felt out of place - no soreness, no nothing. In fact, this place even felt... oddly familiar.
I opened my eyes and took note of my surroundings. The room was typically Japanese, but that meant little. What truly drew my attention were the people in the room.
There was the girls. A platinum blonde with gray eyes wearing what looked like an officer's duty-khakis; a girl in a tiger-stripe bikini and matching knee-high boots, green hair and little yellow horns; a girl with short brown hair, green eyes behind large, wire-rim glasses, and with two kodachi in her belt that clashed with her normal street clothes; another girl skin darker than the boy's wearing jean shorty-shorts and a strapless twist-top; a girl in black that exuded an absolutely poisonous atmosphere; another platinum blonde with a somewhat blank stare and odd devices covering her ears; .... and most shockingly, someone else I knew: a girl in a dark-colored sailor-uniform with long black hair.
"Rei? Is that you? Who are all these people?"
"Well, that settles it then. He's gotta be a slider if he knows your name." I looked to the new voice. It belonged to a boy it unruly black hair and the most unusual black marks under his eyes. "I apologize if your being here wasn't planned. Raven has a nasty tendency to throw me curve balls to deal with."
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blackaeronaut Wrote:"Well, that settles it then. He's gotta be a slider if he knows your name." I looked to the new voice. It belonged to a boy it unruly black hair and the most unusual black marks under his eyes. "I apologize if your being here wasn't planned. Raven has a nasty tendency to throw me curve balls to deal with." I smiled ruefully. "Thanks, kid, but I'm a screwball."
''We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat
them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.''
-- James Nicoll
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Foxboy Wrote:blackaeronaut Wrote:"Well, that settles it then. He's gotta be a slider if he knows your name." I looked to the new voice. It belonged to a boy it unruly black hair and the most unusual black marks under his eyes. "I apologize if your being here wasn't planned. Raven has a nasty tendency to throw me curve balls to deal with." I smiled ruefully. "Thanks, kid, but I'm a screwball." The kid grinned back. "Hah! Then I guess that makes me the floater that was disguised as a fastball." He then offer me his right hand, saying, "Ezekiel Darkwood, Avatar, 2nd Class, Unlimited. Friends just call me Zeke or Zii-kun."
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"Raven, huh? Met the guy once. Great to hang with, but never let him arrange your social calendar."
All good new stuff, although Lurker's is a bit longer than I had in mind for a NanoStep.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
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Two more for you...
First, something short and somewhat silly: Quote:As soon as I heard about this lab, I knew I wanted to visit it. Their research just might help me get a better handle on the gateways I open to move between worlds, so of course I wanted to at least take a look at what they were doing. They didn't need to promise me cake.
Next, something slightly less silly: Quote:That's the trouble with worlds that need magic just to exist - they're like living in the middle of a node. And this one was a big one. I had to do something to get my runaway magic back under control before I could start looking for a song to open the next gateway on my way home.
At least the locals recognized the importance of learning. From the size of this school's library, they had an impressive amount of magical knowledge contained in their walls.
Once I was inside, I looked around. Then I motioned to one of the locals, who stopped and said, "If you need some help, ask the librarian. I'm busy."
"That's the problem," I replied. "I was told by some students that the librarian was a monkey, but I only see an orangutan behind the desk."
These should be obvious, but just in case... Portal and Discworld, respectively --
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012