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NanoSteps -- the brainstorming thread
The first one is "Zardoz." I'm fairly sure. The second one, I know I've seen part of. It involves a time machine in Tower Bridge that sends the hero back to WWI to meet, as the excerpt indicates, Biggles. *wikis* "Biggles: Adventures in Time."
Ebony the Black Dragon

"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."
Ebony Wrote:The first one is "Zardoz." I'm fairly sure. The second one, I know I've seen part of. It involves a time machine in Tower Bridge that sends the hero back to WWI to meet, as the excerpt indicates, Biggles. *wikis* "Biggles: Adventures in Time."
Yes, the first one is Zardoz.
It wasn't a time machine (though the hawk-faced man is Doctor Who from the movies; and Grand Moff Tarkin--Peter Cushing), it's about a "hole" in time that links James Furgeson and James Bigglesworth and a sound weapon in World War I.  When either one of their lives are in danger the other appears in a position to help.  Yep: Biggles: Adventures in Time.  One of my favorite movies.
And since nobody's identified HoagieOfDoom's entry yet, I'll mention that it's one of my two favourite Junichi Sato anime ever (and I like every anime directed by Junichi Sato that I've seen). But I've always been a sucker for a good faerie tale...
Here's a NanoStagger (a "Stumble"?) set in the other of my two favourite Junichi Sato anime ever...

It's a lovely city, don't get me wrong. But once you've seen all the sights, it's boring. Except during Carnivale, apparently, but I'd missed that.

So I'd taken to spending an afternoon each week taking a guided tour just to pass the time, when I wasn't using my bike on antigrav mode to work as a delivery man. (It's a living.) One of the guys at work recommended a small tour company that I hadn't heard of before - while I wasn't getting my hopes up, I wondered whether the Aria Company would show me any new sights.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
If Doug weren't married I'm sure he'd be spending less time looking around Neo-Venezia (New Venice) and more time staring at Alicia and Akira.
Or, maybe that's just me . . ..
No, it's not just you staring at Alicia...
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Mmmmmm.  Alicia.  Sorry.
And I'm sorry for this, as well.  If anyone needs help figuring this one out . . ..  I'm actually surprised we'd gone this long without this reference:
“Not so fast, gentlemen,” I quipped glancing down the
The demon-sorcerer was holding a fairly wicked-looking needle
in his hand. The big guy was holding Miao Yin. The trio looked at me, somewhat
surprised by my announcement.
“Is it too much to ask, Thunder?” The demon-sorcerer pointed
the needle in my direction. “Kill him! For me!”
He took Miao Yin away from Thunder and stepped back, down the
hall. Thunder turned and flared his cape dramatically. He strode to meet me at
the entrance to the hall.
"Lets think about that ‘Dave.’” I sauntered past the Buddha
statues to meet Thunder head on. “Too many people around here been droppin’
like flies already. And where’s that gettin’ us? Huh? Nowhere. Fast. Ah,
you know what ol’ Doug Sangnoir says at a time like this?”
The big guy didn’t look very impressed.
“Doug Sangnoir! Me!”
ETA:  I have a horrible, horrible idea for a very funny one.  It would only be four words . . . but I think Bob would kill me for using it.  It's a cheap shot, but utterly appropriate to the source material.
"I've got your nose?" Wink


"System: Play 'Mortal Kombat'"
''We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat
them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.''

-- James Nicoll
ahh, big trouble in little china. The movie with so much camp and fun they reference it in CoH
"so listen up boy, or pornography starring your mother will be the second worst thing to happen to you today"
TF2: Spy
Foxboy Wrote:"I've got your nose?" Wink


"System: Play 'Mortal Kombat'"
Nope.  I'll wait to see if Bob want's me to post it.  It's no worse than anything else I've posted . . . maybe.  But it is wrong.
Oh, go ahead. The worst that can happen is that I say, "Naaaaaaah".
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Me, I'm waiting for Doug to discover crossover fanfic. Smile
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
Bob Schroeck Wrote:Oh, go ahead. The worst that can happen is that I say, "Naaaaaaah".
At first I was like... -,-, but then I
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?

-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Bob Schroeck Wrote:Hm.
Neither surprised nor put off.
But, did you laugh?
At first, I thought I was looping back on myself. I mean, I'd seen this place before.

"Hey, Misato, great to see you again."

But then I started to notice the subtle little differences.

"That pendant new?"

And the not-so-subtle ones.

Misato held up the strangely twisted star that hung from a silver chain around her neck and looked at it. "No, this is the same one I always wear. Just who are you, anyway?"
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
MonkeyFist requested this one:

Quote:The two guys looked like they’d been fighting for quite a while.  As I stood at the end of the alley, watching, I couldn’t figure out what they were on about.  When the white guy grabbed a two-by-four and swung it at the black guy I started down the alley.  A brawl I could deal with, but this just jumped to assault.

I got to the parking area they were fighting in when the white guy smashed out the back glass of a maroon car.  The black guy had an unbroken bottle in his hand.  The smashing of the window seemed to snap the white guy out of what he was doing and he threw the board away, laughing.  This just enraged the black man who smashed his bottle a little too well.  He threw it down and tackled the white guy and they continued brawling.

Finally, the white guy got an arm lock on the black guy and pulled him away from the cars.  “Put the glasses on!  Put ‘em on!”  He shouted dragging the guy away.

“No!”  Was all the black guy would shout.

“Children, stop!”  I shouted and jumped the twenty feet between us to break them up.  “Back down and tell me what the hell is going on!”

The white guy pulled on a pair of Ray Ban sunglasses and looked me up and down.  He picked up another pair of sunglasses and offered them to me.  “Put these on, and you’ll understand.” 

“That’s what this is about?”  I asked, taking the glasses from the guy.  “A pair of sunglasses?”  That’s me, Douglas Quincy Sangnoir, shooting my mouth off.  I put the glasses on and noticed that the world didn’t get any darker . . . it did however go into black and white.  “Not cool,” I growled and looked around.  At the end of the alley were a pair of zombie-looking people watching the fracas.

“Brother,” the white guy stated.  “Life’s a bitch, and she’s back in heat.”
Tensing error correction  
I glowered at the ship's commander. "Explain to me exactly why you think it's a good idea for eight-year-old children to be on the front lines of a combat."

"Their ability -"

"Doesn't matter! They're children! A civilized society does not send children out to do its fighting! In fact, it's illegal on this world!"

"It's okay, Sangnoir-san," I heard from the monitor. "We volunteered for this."

"It's not okay. You can't possibly have any idea what you're doing to yourself. If you did, you wouldn't be using up so much of your magical potential when you're still so young."

"I've tried telling her that, but she won't listen," remarked the captain.

"Then that's a second reason to keep her off the front lines, until she will listen. Think of her future! Think of both their futures!"

"Their futures depend on us surviving the present."

I didn't have a good comeback to that one. "Still, there must be some other way that they can help. What happens if one of them ends up dead? What will you tell their mothers?"

"Colonel Sangnoir, I am Fate's mother."

[size=smaller](This is a thread for NanohaSteps, right? )[/size]
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Ah, They Live. That was the best brawl scene ever.
I've harvested what I think may be all of the older NanoSteps from the threads in this forum, save for The Melancholy of Douglas Sangnoir and others that are too long to be proper NanoSteps. Links to the original threads are embedded in the writers' credits.

The Loon is having a very very very bad day.

This isn't a good place to be if you're an out-of-towner. It's not even good for the -natives-, but if they knew Doug's true nature... well, they'd probably misinterpret it, but even if not he'd be in horrible danger.

Then again, he's in horrible danger NOW.

With extremely careful use of Lightning's Hand, he's managed to forge a local identity--not high enough social status to draw attention, but not low enough to be casually killed. He hopes. Further use of LH is not a good idea--with the (literally) insane tech level, it'd get noticed. It may have BEEN noticed.

It can't last. Sooner or later, someone will catch on and THEY will be after him. Who's THEY? Who isn't?

And it's such a damned hideous world, too. Danger is everywhere, everyone is afraid of everyone else, and disregard for human life isn't just standard--it's practically mandatory. Many things are mandatory around here, but that one sticks out.

And the worst part--the absolute ultimate WORST part--

--Doug's pretty sure that if he saw this world from Outside, as a movie or a game or something, he'd be laughing his ass off. But from down here in the corridors, it isn't funny at all.

Someone's probably laughing at him right now...

He's got to find a gate song fast, before this place gets under his skin and never -ever- leaves.

Because Citizen Loon-Y-TNS-6 is developing a classic case of... PARANOIA.](by Evil Midnight Lurker)

Dorothy narrowed her optics in the expression that her interaction subroutine suggested for annoyance. "You are a nutbar, Douglas Sangnoir." ... ing?page=2](by Foxboy)

Doug shook his head as the disorientation of gate travel started to fade. Then he looked at the object his bike had crashed into. It was large, blocky, and metallic, and shaped rather vaguely like a ... foot?

He paused, looked up, and then looked up... taking in the vaguely vulture-like hunched shape of the thing, the heavy cannon resting over its shoulder, and the massive club-like arms that looked to end in yet more bits and bobs of heavy artillery. One of which seemed to be pointing in his direction, and boy didn't that barrel look big from way down here...

"Oh boy." ... eps?page=3](by ECSNorway)

I was baffled. In all my time jumping from world to world, I'd seen a lot of things, met a lot of people, and ended up hipdeep in a lot of weirdness. But this ... this didn't make any sense.

"Kermit," I said to the emcee, "I don't like to admit it, but I'm totally kerfuzzled on this. By all theories of physics, he shouldn't be able to do that. It shouldn't be possible. But there he is, doing it."

The frog nodded. "It's his act. Believe it or not, he's got something of a following. It's like two or three people, just as weird as he is, but they show up every week, just to see him do it. Even the Grumps think it's pretty amazing," he motioned with one webbed hand up to the balcony where the resident hecklers camped out at every show. "They still heckle, but you can tell."

"But how does he do it?!"

Kermit shrugged. "I dunno. Lew?"

The little man in the ruffled collar and the cheezy moustache turned toward us at the unspoken question. He had just pulled another one from the cooler he used to transport his tools. A speckled trout, it looked like. With an effort clearly born of long practice, he spun the trout out over the theater. It flew out across the empty space and then, impossibly, spun back towards the stage where Lew stood and smacked into his outstretched hand. Lew Zealand looked at us again and grinned. "'S all in the wrist." ... le-thought](by Ebony)

"Douglas Q. Sangnoir, Colonel, United Nations Metahuman Peacekeeping Force Warriors Alpha. My serial number is... 12."

"Twelve?" The nervous young man in OD Green mouthed, behind the moustachioed man currently holding a stethoscope to various portions of my upper anatomy.

"Well, Mr. Twelve, you happen to be in one of the finest O.R.s in Korea, and while we can't technically _require_ you to give more than name, rank, and serial number, we are kinda curious."

"Ahhh, curious about what?" I said, stalling for time while my brain spooled up from unconsciousness.

"Well, where you came from, and what you were running from, and Rizzo kinda wants to know why there's 'some unholy crossbreed of a jet engine and a hamster wheel' in your motorcycle."

I closed my eyes, considering the difference between the questions asked and the compassionate tone.

"But right now, I'm just concerned about how you're feeling. I'm B.J. Hunnicut. Who are you when you're not at home?" ... petstagger](by Kokuten)

"What do I want, Mr. Morden? I want to go home, back to the universe where I was born, free of any claims on my soul by gods other than my Commanding Officer. Can you do that? No? Go bother someone else, then." ... n-the-dark](by Bob Schroeck)

"Jeeze, Harry, it's not your magic that's screwing up your life. I mean, you hang with someone named Murphy, and she's a representative of the Law! Apply some basic Symbology here!" ... te-Council](by Bob Schroeck)

"Colonel Sangnoir... we're needed."

"Coming, Mrs. Peel." ... ime-worlds](by Ebony)

"Just because I carry a katana doesn't mean I'm immortal, damn it!" ... lds?page=2](by Rob Kelk)

In the grim darkness of the far future there is only war- war and the Loon. The two things in the grim darkness of the far future are war, the Loon, and ruthless efficiency. The three things in the grim darkness of the far future are war, the Loon, ruthless efficiency, and a more-than-fanatical devotion to the Emperor... ... he-hurting](by Bluemage)

West: "You work for the United Who?"
Doug: "The United Nations."
Gordon: "There's no such thing."
Doug: "And you guys are supposed to only be chasing down counterfeiters. What's your point?" ... eps?page=2](by Ebony)

The guy wore leather, and a lot of it. The kind that you wear because you remember that in ancient times they used to boil the stuff and use it as armor, not the kind that goes with whips and bedrooms.

Okay, fair enough, even in Key West.

He was riding a motorcycle - poolside, yet.

Weird, weird enough to be one of ours, but not too far beyond the pale.

Being presumably of the safety concious type, he still had his helmet on.

And it was a doozy, like a flowerpot to fit your head, with a hold cut in one side. It didn't have a visor, though, just a pair of heavy duty goggles, and on the sides a couple of lumps like hemispherical eggtimers.

Well, -that- I'd never seen before.

The motorcycle, now that it was bringing itself to a complete stop, had a jet engine.

I say, bringing -itself- because the guy on top seemed to be making friends with Morpheus, or at least in a state of drunk at which even so much a contemplating driving is no longer an option - that is to say, down for the count.

But none of those were the weirdest thing.

"Hey, Jake," says Fast Eddie.


"'Dis guy just popped outta da wall, right?"

"Looked like it."

"Oh. 'Kay."

And with that exchange finished, I came out from behind the bar to look him over. ... eps?page=3](by Valles with a couple of changes suggested by others)

I juked to the side, and paused to catch my breath as Frank Zappa's cover of You've Gotta Be a Football Hero finished playing. The Warriors football jersey emblazoned with "6 7/8" faded from existence. The enemy mech leveled its Vulcan cannon at me.

An angry voice blared from its external speakers, *Unless you want to be a serving of chunky salsa, I suggest you hand over the micro-Lambda driver.*

I gave the old Bronx Cheer and prepared to load another song when I realized something. I'd heard the cannons running dry as I'd made like Joe Montana and Deion Sanders.

I stood firm and crossed my arms across my chest. "You may fire when ready, Gridley!"

The Vulcans began rotating, and the mech put its arm forward to fire.


*What? I'm out of bullets?*

I raised an eyebrow and made a show of being surprised. "No more buwwets? Hey, Laughing Boy," I turned to where Sagara crouched behind a wrecked car and pointed slyly at the mech, "no. More. Bullets."

The kid took the hint and yanked the civilian girl he was supposed to be watching out of the combat zone. ... Panic-Step](by Foxboy)

"May I humbly ask your name, divine one."

"Uh-what? I'm Loony Toons... why'd you call me 'divine one'?"

"Forgive me! I did not mean offense!"

"I forgive you! I forgive you! Now stop kissing my boots okay?! I was just asking why you called me that."

"But you are a god!"


"Though I am not familiar with your name, your Aspect is most puissant and we are all honored that you would exert your Attribute on our humble behalf."

"..." -What the FUCK!?- ... eps?page=2](by drakensis)

"You don't scare me, you old crank! My CO's a goddess and she's ten times scarier than you!"

Wayne just stared.

"Okay. Maybe you scare me a little." ... man-Beyond](by Ebony)

"You don't want to see what's inside my head, Judge Anderson."

"I had the spirit of Judge Death in my head for a year, Sangnoir. Spare me the hubris." ... a-City-One](by Offsides and Ebony)

"Are you the ghost in the machine?"

"No. I'm the ghost using the machine." ... ell?page=2](by Bob Schroeck)
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Quote:(This is a thread for NanohaSteps, right? )
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
And a new one...

Hey! I just washed that! "Get your hands off my bike, you damned dirty apes!"
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Thanks for going through all that effort, Rob. Wow, we've been doing this kind of thing a lot more than I thought...

I've added those all to the file, but I think I'm going to stop updating the top post -- it's just getting too damned big.

Except maybe for new ones by me, of which I've got three I want to do when I get a few minutes free.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Why not make a locked sticky solely for storing the NanoSteps? This thread then turns into the "brainstorming room".


I hopped off of my bike and set the kickstand before trotting over to the kid I'd hit. Tanned skin, dressed in leathers, vaguely Hispanic looking, he lay on the New York City asphalt with a dazed expression on his face. His eyes were looking far-away and nowhere at all, which probably meant that his brain was still rebooting after the sudden rendezvous with the pavement. I hoped I hadn't smacked him too hard.

"Christ, kid, sorry about that. I wasn't paying attention and you just jumped out of nowhere straight in front of me. You all right?"

Blinking, his eyes focused on me before he sat up, groaning. I met him halfway up with my hand and he grabbed it, hauling himself back to vertical and dusting himself off.

"Yeah man, I'm fine," he said with a trace of a Latino accent. "I wasn't looking where I was going. Probably deserve that for walkin' into traffic without looking. I, uh, got a lot on my mind. My brother John is missing."

I gave him another look over. He looked fine, so I guess he hadn't hit the ground too hard after being hit by my bike. Still...

"Well listen. I'm awfully sorry about that, so if there's anything I can do for you to make it up, tell me."

The kid seemed taken aback by my generosity.

"That's real nice of you, mister. Most city people wouldn't go that far. I don't need anythin' right now, but..."

He stuck his tongue in the corner in of his mouth for a moment, considering, before blurting out, "If you see my brother John, can you let him know I'm looking for him?" He rushed on, "He looks a lot like me, about an inch taller with the same color eyes and longer hair, wearing a jacket like mine. I realize that's not much to go on, but..."

No kidding it wasn't much to go on. But I'd offered my help, and I don't go back on things like that.

I nodded. "Sure thing, kid. If I see him, I'll let him know. Who should I say is asking?"

The kid replied, "Rael. My name is Rael."

EDIT: Grammar fixes.
EDIT2: Towns cannot fit into people's mouths, nanostep source added.
He stuck his town in the corner in of his mouth

That's a mighty big mouth.

Please, scan document for Contextual Errors.

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