A Dresden Files fen who goes by the name David Ripley.
He primed a batch of Wavium using copies of the novels, DVDs of the TV series, and the comics miniseries. Then he waved various items resulting in:
- a hockey stick/staff that can create/control windgusts
- a drumstick/blasting rod that shoots blasts of fire (mostly slapstick. The blasts pack a punch and feel hot, but actual damage is limited to scorching of
inanimate materials and a bad sunburn to flesh)
- A silver pentacle that he can make glow like a lantern
- A bracelet that might stop bullets (he hasn't been willing to test it yet)
Additionally, when he went to wave his car he accidentally grabbed the Dresden strain of wavium instead of the standard batch he had set aside for the job.
After he finished coating his car, he went to bed and woke up to discover his 4 door sedan had morphed into an old VW Beetle.
Blue Beetle quirks
- 'faster going downhill': The Beetle is slower than would be expected from it's size (top speed of 0.07c). It can reach higher speeds (0.09c)
when going 'downhill' into a gravity well.
- 'I'm not dead yet!': the Beetle seems to be constantly on the verge of dying. Unpleasant sounds from the engine, puddles of miscellanious fluids
forming within a hour of being parked, ect.
- 'roomier than you'd expect': It seems a somewhat larger on the inside that the outside, a liitle more space behind the seats and you can cram a
bit more into the trunk than would seem possible.
David makes a living as a Private Investigator based out of B.5 (I'm thinking of having him partnered with a Noir/detective story fen).
Not sure how he should get along with Potterites
suggestions? comments?
"I've always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific." - George Carlin
He primed a batch of Wavium using copies of the novels, DVDs of the TV series, and the comics miniseries. Then he waved various items resulting in:
- a hockey stick/staff that can create/control windgusts
- a drumstick/blasting rod that shoots blasts of fire (mostly slapstick. The blasts pack a punch and feel hot, but actual damage is limited to scorching of
inanimate materials and a bad sunburn to flesh)
- A silver pentacle that he can make glow like a lantern
- A bracelet that might stop bullets (he hasn't been willing to test it yet)
Additionally, when he went to wave his car he accidentally grabbed the Dresden strain of wavium instead of the standard batch he had set aside for the job.
After he finished coating his car, he went to bed and woke up to discover his 4 door sedan had morphed into an old VW Beetle.
Blue Beetle quirks
- 'faster going downhill': The Beetle is slower than would be expected from it's size (top speed of 0.07c). It can reach higher speeds (0.09c)
when going 'downhill' into a gravity well.
- 'I'm not dead yet!': the Beetle seems to be constantly on the verge of dying. Unpleasant sounds from the engine, puddles of miscellanious fluids
forming within a hour of being parked, ect.
- 'roomier than you'd expect': It seems a somewhat larger on the inside that the outside, a liitle more space behind the seats and you can cram a
bit more into the trunk than would seem possible.
David makes a living as a Private Investigator based out of B.5 (I'm thinking of having him partnered with a Noir/detective story fen).
Not sure how he should get along with Potterites
suggestions? comments?
"I've always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific." - George Carlin