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[RFC] [Sports] The Port Phobos Invitational
Ohhh. Don't mind me then! ^_^;;;;
Okie dokie, then we can say that Tom took out the battlemover en route to the base. The "post it" was a waved compressed cellulose sponge. By tearing
off a corner, Tom set it up to absorb air and/or water vapor, making it a huge sponge attached to the knee of the 'mover.

Whoever writes the final assault, feel free to add Tom in. I haven't got more than a sketch of her personality written anyway, so you can't wreck her
''We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat
them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.''

-- James Nicoll
Kohran limped into the Stallion's airlock. "Would somebody help me get out of this thing, please?"

Noah held up his broken arm. "Not for another half-hour, according to A.C. If you would, ladies...?" But Kagome and Greenpeace were already cutting the sponge away from Kohran's mecha's leg. "Thanks. Now, Kohran, what did you learn from this?"

She sighed. "That you were right and the suit was too bulky for real-world use."

"Well, maybe, but that wasn't what I was thinking. What I expected you to say was 'never send a mech out without a covering escort.'"

"But you were all out of the game!"

Kagome looked around. "Really? When did Kasumi and Andy get taken out?"

Kohran sighed.

Noah held up his free hand to stop the discussion. "Enough. Who gets the free stay at Hotel Stellvia?"

"Oh, right. I'm pretty sure it was Tom Dodds who got me..."
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
If Eddie were given to maniacal laughter, which he wasn't, he'd be running for the Mad Scientist laugh of 2015 at this point. His patience was about to
pay off.

(It should be noted that patience is a trait all Information-based sapients have, merely because their lives are so fast. To even the slowest Infomorph, a
minute to us is a millennium to them. Even Trigon, arguably the LEAST patient AI ever, has the equivalent patience of a Saint when taken in that respect.)

Over the course of several hours Eddie had been working on this scheme. Through the surreptitious use of cracked comms, hijacked drones, Lebia's control of
the Phobos datanet, several miles of silly string, a couple barrels of custard, two dozen assorted silly-tech grenades, half a tapioca pudding, and one
slightly bruised herring (plus whatever else was handy), and via several other encounters on the way he had finally arranged for the last Stormtrooper platoon
and the regrouped remains of the Starfleet Marines to be facing each other. All it needed was a spark.

To both groups horror, the most dreaded object this side of Barney appeared out of the junk lining the hallway, banging its drum.

"It keeps going, and going, and going..."

They tried to resist, they really did, but the urge to KILL was too strong.

The Energiser Bunny disintegrated under the combined fire of the two groups, which then turned on each other.

All the while Eddie watched in electronic glee. With these groups whittled down, there was no longer any single organised group capable of overwhelming his
team. The US Marines were pretty much out at this point thanks to the Rockhound/Roughriders/Jason group.
*insert maniacle, demented laughter here*

NICE touch with the Energizer Bunny! I would have taken it a step further, however, if I had come up with the idea first...


"It's coming now sir!!!"


"Did we get it!?"

*boomp-boOMP-BOOMP-BOOMP!* "Still going! Nothing outlasts the Energizer Bunny(c)! It keeps going and going and..."



"Today in Fenspace, Monster Asteroid recently accepted a new creature to its confines. The Energizer Bunny(c) will serve as an indestructable target for
the creatures kept there to vent their rage upon, as it seems that nothing can stop the Energizer Bunny(c). At the very least, it can be contained."
It's been a little while, but here's what some of us have been up to...

"Bleh," said Benjamin all the sudden.
"I dunno about you guys, but I need to take a little safety break. I'll be over here in this restaurant for the next few

Everyone gave Gina and the Jess's confused
looks. The Jess closest to Gina shrugged at her and said, "Might as well tell them what's going on. He never said it was classified or

Gina sighed in annoyance. "Yeah, right.
You guys know that Ben's been using his Shell Bullet attacks a lot recently, right? Well, thing is that while his transformation is fueled by whatever
non-living matter is available in the area, the attacks are fueled directly by him."

"Wait, you mean..."

"Yep," chimed in Jess, casting a
worried look in the direction of the restaurant. "He's probably running dangerously low on blood sugar right now."

"The dumkopf," grumbled Gina.
"He knows he's supposed to replenish his blood sugar after every round of attacks but he gets hyper-focused on things to the point of exclusion of all
else. Especially himself."

While they waited, Chris was getting hungry as
well. Using the 'trixie transformation cost some personal energy, too. "He reminds me a lot of me," to which Rei nodded in

"I, too, am growing hungry," Rei
added, quietly. As always for her.

Amy grinned and nudged Chris/Asuka in the ribs.
"Well? You heard her."

"Oh, alright," and a cellphone was
produced. "Who's up for NinjaBurger? And what does Ben like on his?"

"He likes the Bacon Ranch Deluxe,"
said Gina. "And I'll have the Mushroom Swiss Special."

Then, a Jess approached with a slip of paper
with a large order on it. "I'll have this," she said as she handed it to Asuka/Chris. "Tell them to put it on my tab. They'll know it
was me."

Chris eyed the suddenly hungry looking troop of
Jesses. "Somehow, I don't doubt it."

Amy's and Rei's orders were dutifully
taken (teriyaki-swiss and the tofuburger, respectively), requests were taken from Lufy's troops and the Jason, and the group retired to a convenient lounge

With NinjaBurger's usual aplomb, the meals
were already laid out and waiting for the crowd when they arrived.

Benjamin finally exited the restaurant at that
point. When he did, he was carrying a two-and-a-half gallon bag-in-box of 7-Up syrup. He had it fitted with a tube that was mated to the BIB's fitting
and was sucking away at it like a kid with his favorite juice-drink.

"You gonna be long with that, dumkopf?" said Gina without much
rancor in her voice.

"I'm already half-way done with it," he replied around the
tube. That statement took everyone else by surprise.

"That thing's two-and-a-half gallons! How can you drink all that
and still stand?"

Benjamin shrugged. "I think it's a quirk. Makes sense that the
Wave would make it so I could rapidly recharge this way. The other alternative would be something like Espresso."

"Which he is never touching if I'm around to stop him," said
Gina suddenly in a tone that made it clear that she meant it.

Benjamin shrugged again and added, "We have no idea what it'll do
to me since I'm prone to hyperactivity anyways."

"You? Hyperactive?" said Gina

"Yeah. You should have seen me when I was a kid. You'd never get
me out of the trees."

The Jason looked over at Ben and Gina, and snickered softly. "You
sound like my daughters, Gina. They HAVE seen me on an Expresso high once. They described me as being worse than a two-year-old that had been force-fed Pixie
sticks and twice-brewed coffee for three days." He pulled a tiny vial out of his beltpouch, one that had just a few drops of dark brown fluid in the
bottom. "Brought this along for an emergency boost. I'd been considering it recently, but they talked me out of it." He chuckled wryly.
"For SOME reason...."

Gina snorted at that. Finally, Benjamin sucked
the bag-in-box dry and went to stuff it into garbage can. "All done! And I'm feeling much better!"

"You sure you can handle another go at this?" said Gina. Her
voice held the tone of challenge, but the look on her face was laced with concern.

"I'll need a few days off after this, but I'll be

Jess rolled her eyes. "More work for us to
do," she said, referring to Gina and herself. "At least the War is over. Stick around, Boss. We ordered Ninja Burger for you,

"Bacon Ranch?" asked Ben with a hopeful look in his

"Psshht!" scoffed Gina. "As if we, your ever dependable
assistants, would forget something as simple as that!"

"My Lady has my gratitude," said Ben as he bowed, taking her hand
and laying a kiss on it. The odd part was that Ben did not seem one bit sarcastic at all.

Gina went pink. "Dumkopf! Knock it off with the Romeo act!"
Any other person she would have pummeled (with restraint, of course, since there was no need to kill anyone), but not Ben. This only added fuel to the
debate (sometimes flame war) on the Senshi networks of whether or not the two were an item.

Ben said nothing, but his eyes twinkled with mischievous delight as he
stood back up.

Meanwhile, The Jason practically inhaled his own
food - three large teriyaki burgers with grilled onions and swiss - and sat back with a sigh. He was still staying as far away from the females in the group as

"Guys? If we're going to be going up against a base, I might want
to up the flexibility of what I can do. While we're here, let me charge something up." He was already fumbling in the pouch on his belt, pulling out
a small... jeweler's box? It appeared to be so, since he opened it and slipped a ring onto his good hand. He glanced around the room, and then gave a
small grin, holding his fist out in front of him just above the table.

"In brightest day... in blackest night..." The air seemed to
thicken in front of his fist, revealing a large glowing emerald lantern. " evil shall escape my sight. Let those who worship evil's might,
beware my power: Green Lantern's light!" There was a flare of green light, and the lantern vanished, leaving the ring on the Jason's hand
shining with a bright green aura. The front of his orange gi, which had been plain before, now bore a green-bordered white circle with a stylized green
lantern on it in the place where Son Goku wore the mark of his master.

He turned a shit-eating grin on the others, and a beam came out of the
ring, turning into a hand giving a huge thumb's up. "You like?"

Benjamin only blinked for a moment, then said,
"Okay, we're putting you on frontal assault."

Two people in a vacant hallway were setting up a tennis ball launcher. Occasional glimpses could be made out of the pair as their Camo-Tape Ponchos would shift
and slip, revealing a pair of white mouslike ears, on the shorter one, the outlines of a guitar across the back of the other. The mouse was programing the
launcher to fire every 10 seconds, then shift the angle of the launch in a random manner. The one with the Guitar was filling the hopper with 30 glowing tennis
balls with silly faces drawn on them.

Finishing with the Programming task, the Mouse looked over at her friend and said, in an exited manner, "Ready."

"Steady," The person with the guitar responded as he loaded the last of the Balls into the machine.

The two looked at each other, adjusted their ponchos, and one started a 30 second delay timer, as both said "Go!", and dashed down the hallway.

The shortly, after the two had left the hallway, the machine began firing it's payload of Happy-Fun Balls. Each ball as it rebounded down the hallway,
would make a silly noise, and maintain its speed, as it shifted direction towards a doorway, or person as they they were encountered.

Once the machine was empty, it shut itself down.


Just adding to the Chaos.

Happy-Fun Ball: A 'waved tennis ball with a silly face. The HFB will continue to bounce randomly until caught, maintaining its previous speed. As it
bounces around the ball makes a random silly noise. The face on the ball will remain oriented in the direction of travel.

The HFB does not hit hard, but it will knock things over and trip light switches as it connects.

The HFB may be caught by hand, or by hook-tape (Velcro).
Quote:Happy-Fun Ball: A 'waved tennis ball with a silly face. The HFB will continue to bounce randomly until caught, maintaining its previous speed. As it bounces around the ball makes a random silly noise. The face on the ball will remain oriented in the direction of travel.

The HFB does not hit hard, but it will knock things over and trip light switches as it connects.

The HFB may be caught by hand, or by hook-tape (Velcro).
What happens if you taunt it?

(C'mon, we all know that somebody's going to Taunt Happy Fun Ball...)
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
It goes faster, and starts ranting.
That is hilarious! I like it. BTW: who're those two guys? They don't look familiar to me.
Just a pair of TSAB "Rogue" Agents ....
Someone else more familiar with the series will need to make the "Prince of Tennis" homage....
Ebony the Black Dragon

"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."
The incident has already inspired me, but not in the way of PoT. Manytales... Could someone insult an HFB to the point where it self-destructs? I had a very
fun idea about dealing with the Marine encampment and I clearly remember in the original material for the HFB something about people needing to flee for their
lives if one were to start smoking.
I wonder if this will have any ultimate connection to the "Unfortunate Tennis Ball Incident" that I made up without details for the glossary entry on
"Death Star"...
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
*Insert demented laughter here*
Quote: Could someone insult an HFB to the point where it self-destructs?
I had considered making it so that insulting a Happy Fun Ball would cause it to multiply (initialy expanding in size to about three times its
volume then exploding leaving two(2) HFB's behind, but decided not to go there. (Still a possibility, but should take time, care, and be Very hard to do)
as that would make the HFB a form of 'Handwavium in it's own right.

Three possibilities:

1.) It becomes "Mentaly" agitated enough to burst into flames, and explode in a cloud of randomly colored smoke, and unpleasant Smell.

2.) As it gains speed it should begin to fragment on impact.

3.) Depending on the type of insults, it could also under go a "'Wave out", and return to being a normal tennis ball with a silly face drawn on
Option one sounds good enough for me. ^_^ By the time it gets to that stage, the Marine camp should be one helluva sorry-ass mess.

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