But of course, fire away! ^_^
And the bunnies keep on hopping...
-- Rob Kelk "Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of the same sovereign, servants of the same law." - Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Notice: I don't bother with taking uber-detailed notes with timestamps - that's just too much work for my liking. I prefer to simply put down my
thoughts and any important details I notice while the show is playing. If I need to I'll pause it, but no more than that. Akane Miura - hinted by one of Yukari's friends to be something of a loner. Not surprising given that she's a first year student AND a prodigy. Does Nasuda have a whole lot of rocket lighters, or just one with a myriad of ways of lighting up? Nasuda: "Those who rule outer space rule the world." Nice to know that he has the right idea. Too bad he was a bit late in the implementation. Probably because as things for his company began to move, Handwavium hit the big scene, thus changing the whole space thing altogether. Nasuda would probably then put the brakes on to see where things were going and how best to take advantage of it. He would realize, I believe, that NASA, JAXA, and the others would only take an agency based on hard-tech seriously. Yukari's mother must have a pretty nice job. Not only does Yukari go to an expensive looking private school, but I know for a fact that her apartment is pretty damn cushy by Japanese standards. Not to mention the fact that Yukari's going to the Solomons at the drop of a hat, more or less. Axio Island - Location of the SSA. Restaurant owner has a salesman's persona. We don't know his or his daughter's name yet. His daughter seems very nice - the friendly and accommodating persona of a hostess. Yasukawa, the original pilot, hates his training regimen and wants to go back to Chitose. Apparently the LS-5 models had several redundant systems that were removed to lighten the overall weight. One of Yukari's friend's names is Arisa. Yukari is headstrong to a fault. She got into that LAV, without permission, despite the fact that Yasukawa was pissed at her for being in the way. The primeval male in me notes that as an adult she'd be a handful, but a manageable one as long as you know what buttons to push. Nasuda's pretty desperate to be firing rockets like that. Probably why he went to the Fen for help in the first place. Restaurant owner is Chang. He seems to also be a bit of a busy-body type. Yukari's father left while her parents were honeymooning in Guadalcanal. How far is that from the Solomons? Satsuki is scary-accurate in judging people's measurements.
Something that's been on my mind for a little bit has been combat armor and counterweights.
Benjamin's Shell Bullet Arm, when active, is much more massive than his seemingly normal left arm. Granted, his musculo-skeletal system has been enhanced to cope with the changes in Ben's physiology, but the simple matter is that he does not have the mass to balance that monster out properly. Until the Boskonian War, Benjamin never really had any reason to go looking for trouble, as it was. That aside, most of the operations he partook in required him to be in the pilot's seat of the Magnificent Midnight. However, just because you never know, he did construct a sort of battle armor. The armor is not really meant to be protective - that comes as a side affect of being made of armor steel plate. The primary goal was to provide a means to counterbalance his right arm. Thus, it consists of a breast plate with a pauldron and heavy armor for his left arm. Typical coloration is a Lunar camo-pattern (various shades of gull gray) or black. If they have time before going into the battle field, Gina will help Ben apply camouflage to his right arm as well using canned spray paint. Of course, that is only a basic configuration. With time, the armor will change and new features will be added. It is a slow process, of course, and at the time of Mayonaka's decanting he was only on the second revision, which included a battle-steel heavy-blade weapon for his right arm and a 9mm automatic rifle and 40mm grenade launcher incorporated into the left arm. An integral shield provides additional protection as well as mounting points for the weapons. Thoughts? Overkill? Stupidity?
Dang… the music here just screams 'quirky.'
And Yukari just now realizes what it is they do here. "Oh really! In that case, I'll take five minutes to cram that its operation into your head. When I'm done with you, you'll never be able to use a regular calculator again. Prepare yourself." The look on Yukari's face at this point is absolutely priceless. And I think I found a new quote for my signature. Note: Motoko Mihara is a closet pervert. Colt Government? *looks it up* Holy spazz! A little thing like her with a beast like that? Skuld's sake, man! Start her off with a nice little nine-mil! Anything but .45 ACP! Imagery for the curious: http://home.comcast.net/~...ovt_Left_Slim_Grips2.jpg FAN SERVICE! There's that lighter again. Revelation: Yukari's father is the Chieftan. How the hell did that happen? That dude's trippy as all hell. Okay. You're a Japanese schoolgirl, playing at being an astronaut, and you just parachuted into a strange village of natives while wearing a skin-tight space suit. What to do, what to do? Oh, and enter Matsuri. YAY! Note: she is of the Tariho tribe. Love how she drops the bomb here. "Wanna meet Hiroshi Morita?" Hiroshi has more than a few wives. Possibly more children as well. If we're gonna get more pilots, I think we just found the pool to draw from. Wives mentioned: Toto (Matsuri's mother), Onike, Babaito, Lunja, plus ten others. Hiroko is the name of Yukari's mother. Matsuri and her father have the same eyes. Yukari must get hers from her mother. We never really discover why her dad ran off like that. Might be something worthwhile to explore… Or just make a throw-away gag out of. This scene with the gun is great. Yukari is pure dead calm and her dad is just all kinds of wigged out. And of course, it is her Dad grasping at straws that convinces her to stick with the space program: "But that would be a waste! There are many people who can only dream of being an astronaut!" You just gotta adore Matsuri for how she attaches herself to Yukari as her little sister, even though she just pulled a gun on their dad. Nature Girl proves her worth right away by getting Yukari back to base in a half day - a new record for the base. And then Nasuda lays eyes on Matsuri. Her fate is sealed as Satsuki gives out Matsuri's measurements flawlessly. Interesting note: we do not yet know Matsuri's age. I think it is safe to assume that she is at least two years Yukari's junior. Of course, with Islander genetics, she looks nothing like it. In short, unless she gets wave-jobbed to stay at that size, she's gonna sprout like a weed and will not be able to carry out any missions in Coconut. Additional Goodies: Went to the Japanese website and what did I find? Biographies for our three young astronauts! Thank God for Google Language Tools. The translations may not be best, but it's better than nothing. I'll come back later when I can better decodify the translations. Morita Yukari Age: 16 Height: 153 cm Weight: 38 Kg B:80 cm W:54 H:82 2 NERISU highborn girls high school girl. AKUSHIO visited the island in the Solomon Islands is looking for a missing father, To fit the astronaut job? "Normally the best!" Look like a fool, was actually quite active in bold. Obstinacy is competitive, and have a maid for part of the skin. Very healthy. Matsuri of Tariho Age: 16 Height: 153 cm Weight: 38.5 Kg B: 85 W: 53 H: 84 Sherman's daughter and chief of the tribe TARIHO AKUSHIO Island. National Space Society of Astronauts and the Solomon Yukari And the role of associated backup crew. Reinforce the intuition associated with the edge of Sherman because of the nature and upbeat. Basically natural defocusing. Big Tits from Yukari. Miura Akane Age: 15 Height: 153 cm Weight: 36 Kg B: 74 W: 52 H: 75 Students attending high school girls high school associated with NERISU. Which is associated with a junior year. Excellent results Of good conduct and exemplary student, and favorite of the principal Enter. Yukari and persist as an astronaut's Meeting, where the heart gradually moving… Biology Department Belongs. Quietly, the girl shrinking violet. Okay, so Yukari and Matsuri are roughly the same age. WTF? Daddy would have had to have been getting busy with Toto pretty damn quickly for those their birthdays to be so close. Quote:If they have time before going into the battle field, Gina will help Ben apply camouflage to his right arm as well using canned spray paint. Has anyone done this yet? Goop + Spray Paint = Spray-on camoflage. As in, it sprays on in the multi-colored patterns, just like the paintbrush in the old Wile E Coyote cartoons. ![]() -- Sucrose Octanitrate. Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode. Quote: Goop + Spray Paint = Spray-on camoflage. As in, it sprays on in the multi-colored patterns, just like the paintbrush in the old Wile E Coyote cartoons.It also extrudes various extensions and shapes appropriate to the kind of camouflage, in order to break up the silhouette of whatever's being painted. -- Bob --------- Then the horns kicked in... ...and my shoes began to squeak. Quote: Bob Schroeck wrote:And when painted on walls, it makes doors or tunnel entrances, as appropriate. Quote: blackaeronaut wrote:As someone who uses both, if I didn't have a .22 to teach someone to shoot with, I'd much rather try to teach someone to shoot a .45 than a 9mm. Recoil on the .45 is slower and much less difficult to control than the sharp, quick impulse of the 9mm, at least for me. Quote: Duane Peters wrote:In that case, then I'd probably start out Yukari and the rest of the girls with a Calico M110 Pistol. This is from a practical standpoint: Calicos are known for handling recoil capably due to their design characteristics. Also, the M110 Pistol is chambered for .22 LR, so it won't send poor Yukari flying. From there, we can graduate to the M950, the M110's 9mm cousin, so Yukari can get a feel for the heavier ammo before finally upgrading to Calico's planned-on .40 chambered weapons. I'm choosing Calico Pistols for several reasons. For one, there is the possibility of dealing with hostiles in space. All is not wine and roses up there, even after the primary boskonian threat has been dealt with. Also, as I mentioned before, the Calicos are good at managing recoil. Finally, more gun - Calicos have very large magazine capacities: 50 or 100 round mags. And we all know that the person that wins a gun fight is usually the one with more ammo (given a roughly equal proficiency in marksmanship). To keep the weight down, I'd send them up with the pistol model with two 50 round mags (to keep it compact and so they have a better idea of how screwed they are, which is pretty bad if you gotta use the other mag). For safety's sake, the weapons will be carried in Condition 4 (safety on, magazine not in place, bolt lacked to rear, chamber empty). If the possibility for trouble exists, then the girls will be instructed to place their weapons in Condition 3 (safety on, magzine in place, bolt forward, chamber emtpy). At the first sign of trouble, though, Condition 1 will be ordered (safety on, magazine in place, bolt forward, round in chamber). In addition to marksmanship training, I feel that the girls will also need training in free-fall combat so that they will be well aware of how firing a gun affects them in orbit and some basic hand-to-hand techniques. Panzer Kunst will be indispensible here as all Panzer Kunst training begins in null-G Quote: Duane Peters wrote:I like the idea of this. We should include it in everybody's emergency kits. What are the quirks, or should this be relatively quirk free? blackaeronaut Wrote:Quote:Duane Peters wrote:I like the idea of this. We should include it in everybody's emergency kits. What are the quirks, or should this be relatively quirk free? It's ONLY good for camouflage, as otherwise you get things like blue and florescent pink checks with silver poker-doted neon green stars. And dumping it on people tends to make clowns out of them. Literally. Duane Peters Wrote:And when painted on walls, it makes doors or tunnel entrances, as appropriate.I think the possibility of making holes in walls while in space is a nasty enough quirk by itself. -- Bob --------- Then the horns kicked in... ...and my shoes began to squeak.
*grin* Actual holes would be....but how about painted illusions that look so perfectly real, you THINK it's an actual hole. Or a doorway that leads
someplace else. Sort of like the paintjob on the Fateful Lightning, where it's perfectly realistic and the figures move.
Spray it on paper airplanes for a "non lethal" weapon. (Origami Aircraft work better for this.) The resulting color Combinations don't really
matter, as the "aircraft" gain self mobility, and "Bird/Bat" level of intelligence (Avoidance/Flocking behavior, ramming attack)
I don't think that'd really work. The most you'd get out of wave-camo-paint on paper airplanes is either feather patterns or fighter jet designs,
dependant on what you're thinking at the time. Quote:I was thinking of Waving Things like http://www.giladorigami.com/BO_AwesomeAircraft.html]theseSo that somebody other than Yomiko would be able to get them to fly... -- Rob Kelk "Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of the same sovereign, servants of the same law." - Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Fly, yes. But they certainly would not even have dumb-AIs. For that you'd need -something- more, like having the planes be made of circuit-paper or
something. Even so, I think that the planes would only be controllable by whoever made them. Quote: blackaeronaut wrote:Oops. I made a mistake; I left out one word in my sentence. (I would have thought Bob would spot the reference, but...) The sentence should read "And when painted on walls, it makes *fake* doors or tunnel entrances, as appropriate." On the Calicos: Bad idea for spaceborne use, unless they're 'waved. They're mostly plastic, you see, including the *entire* outer shell of the magazine. Too much exposure to vacuum and cold cycling, and they'll *shatter*. Also, 100 rounds of .22, unless you're talking *immensely* well-trained marksmen, is an invitation to a funeral. If you really want to use a .22 gun, I'd suggest the American 180: http://world.guns.ru/smg/smg62-e.htm. I've seen a video (not available on the net more's the pity,) where they used one of these to saw a Volkswagen in half. Really, though, the .22 LR is a *lousy* round for this purpose; if you really want them armed with small-caliber weapons, even the .32 used in the Skorpion machine pistol is much better. The only thing I would use a .22 rifle/pistol for, other than just target shooting and squirrel hunting, is very basic marksmanship training, for people who haven't *ever* fired a weapon before. Edited to add: Found this clip on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/wa...52NQ&feature=related Fun gun to play with... Quote: Duane Peters wrote:Ah yes. So some poor sap can go "SPLAT!" (^_^) I like it. Of course, the Calicos would be... enhanced. ATM, IRL, the company is in receivership (or at least that's the word going around on their site's message boards). So, I don't think that it would be farfetched to say that maybe some enterprising fen (wink-wink, nudge-nudge) got ahold of the casts, dies, and whatnot, and started cranking out wave-enhanced hard-tech Calicos. Also, the .22 LR is just training wheels, as will be the 9mm cartridge. Calico's been working on models chambered for .40 cal, but nothing's come of it for a while. Still, nothing too dificult for an enterprising fen to crank out as long as they had the right tools, eh? ![]() I couldn't access the link because my ISP here on the Navy Base doesn't like .ru sites. Wonder why? ![]() chambered for .40 (or something with a little more punch, maybe?) with two 50 rnd mags seems like a good tradeoff for fire-power-to-weight. Also accurate as all hell - lot of people talking about how they use these pistols to drill targets like you wouldn't believe. I can do no better than what this person said on the Calico forums about his Liberty III Pistol: Quote: So I took my Liberty III pistol to the range today to unwind and let out some stress. I was dubious. I dropped about a grand so IBonus points for the cognitive disconnect the gun, all by itself, causes. Reviews like this one are fairly typical. The only gripes are about how long it takes to reload the mags, but that's where Calico's speed loader comes in handy. ![]()
Hrm… Motoko is a pyromaniacal fiend who seems to rival Li Kohran.
I wonder why they got them on such strict diets. Really, they haven't finished growing yet. Maybe they're intentionally trying to stunt their growth? The Cafeteria lady reminded me of the Headmistress from Yukari's school at first, but then she turns absolutely grandmotherly. Matsuri action! This scene where she licks the ketchup off Yukari's face is priceless. Talk about fanservice! Matsuri has no idea about what barriers are, but she picks up on it soon enough, however she sticks to her guns on spraying everything down with ketchup, mayonnaise and mustard. School time! And here we learn astrogation basics! Matsuri's a heck of a lot smarter than she initially lets on here. Gotta love the deadpan delivery on the part of both Matsuri and Kinoshita here. How did Matsuri cut that chute open? And now the Mother knows. And she could be happier. Be very afraid, Yukari-chan. ![]() Father? Most red-blooded women that I know would be out for blood once they found out about this guy's travails. I also wonder about what the head mechanic's beef is with Yukari. Is it simply because she's not only a girl, but also underage? Oh, okay. She say's, "He's just that kind of person. I gave up on him a long time ago." Wonder who Matsuri is waving to in the background? "What kind of parents do I have?" says Yukari after her mom hangs up. Yukari-chan, people only usually figure that out until they have kids themselves, and even then… Satsuki sums up Yukari pretty well at this stage. Yukari has a strong sense of responsibility, but the confusion caused by the appearance of her half sister (and her Father for that matter), combined with her hatred of failure and her inherent stubbornness, allows her emotions to run away with her. She definitely has what it takes to be an astronaut, however. She just needs a bit of guidance. And now she figures that she doesn't have to go - after all, Matsuri is there as backup. Ya know, I'm pretty sure that by this time, Ben or someone else will have taken Yukari up to the moon or something, just so she can get a taste of what's out there. Nifty factoid I decided to make-up: 90% of Fen-danes willingly remain in space because they like the view. Roughrider's own Brownwynne Foulkes is a shining example. Ah yes, the Chinese food Banquet. AH-HAH! The waitress girl's name is Han Li! She seems a bit taller that Yukari. Maybe she's a bit older? 18 or so? Also wondering about her last name. Han Li Chang sounds about right. And thus begins the plot for Yukari to get dropped for gaining too much weight. Once again, Matsuri shows just how sharp she is. She knows that Yukari is trying to get dropped because she can smell the Chinese food on her every morning. Enter Kinoshita. He tells them about when he saw Lance Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin on the moon in 1969 and how it seemed like a dream back then. He wanted to become an astronaut, but became a salaryman instead. He thought that the SSA would be his ticket, though, but it was discovered that he has cardiac arrhythmia. It had never posed a threat in his daily life, but it effectively destroyed his dream. "When the responsibility becomes too heavy for you to bear, just let yourself be carried by everyone's dreams. This is not a duty. Everyone is carrying you on their shoulders." End of the episode, and still with the big boom-booms at the testing site. Quote: Cobalt Greywalker wrote:*grin* This is perfect. Go for it. Also, should it be certified biomod-free? ![]() If it is, Rockhounds would market it. ![]() When it comes to guns... well, okay, I know little, not having any real experience with them yet. But I've gotta love the P-90. I mean, what Fen wouldn't? Greenwood Security Service standard-issue is P-90, "Zat", and a Colt 1911A1 .45 pistol. -- Sucrose Octanitrate. Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
P-90 is a nice little gun, and the 1911, to my knowledge, is the Government, or at least a variant thereof. It is also a nice little gun. Zat is useful, but I
figure that it would be more of a deterrent if the weapons being toted had a habit of turning things into Swiss cheese in space. How hard do you think it would be to make an effective AP round in a .40 cartridge? I'm thinking high velocity, rocket assisted (like a tracer, but with punch), and either Teflon-coated tungsten-carbide, or going from broke with depleted uranium? Another option I just thought of is synthetic-diamond penetrators - ultra-hardness plus ultra-sharpness in a light-weight, safe-to-handle package. Hmmm... HVRASDHP - High Velocity Rocket Assisted Synthetic Diamond Head Penetrators.
The Zats would be for when you're somewhere that you DON'T want to risk creating hullbreaches.
___________________________ "I've always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific." - George Carlin
Indeed. Zat-gun as secondary weapon - check. Fortunately they're pretty small as well... Still... Trade off by dropping the second 50-round mag for the
Calico. |
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