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Subject: RE: [smof-politics] Thought for solving two housing crises, but is the cost too high?
From: "Yayoi Fujisawa" (mamabear@stellvia.lib)
Date: 2014/2/12 09:26
To: "Regina Langely" (redrider@roughriders.fen)
Gina, I saw your post on the SMOF-Politics ML. I think maybe you, me, and Sora had better get together and talk face-to-face about the men in our lives, before somebody says something she can't take back. Let's chat offline, okay?
I can come see you when I take Leda to see A.C. the day after tomorrow; hope you aren't busy then. Sora, can you make it, too?
OOC: This is, of course, an attempt by Yayoi to keep the peace; it's up to Gina whether she wants to take Yayoi up on her offer. And the results of that trip on the 14th that Leda is taking to see A.C. are revealed ... ation-Ring, in case anyone needed a refresher.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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Subject: RE: [smof-politics] Thought for solving two housing crises, but is the cost too high?
From: "Benjamin Rhodes" ( )
Reply-To: smof-politics@smofcon.fen
Date: 2014/2/12 09:32
To: undisclosed-recipients
Okay, nobody worry. Gina's calmed down now... but really, please try not to bring her into this like that again. It's not good for our stress levels over here.
Haruhi wrote:
>Don't want the job. Doesn't sound like it's any fun.
Never thought I'd ever see/hear those words from her...
And don't look at me. I've got enough logistics on my plate to deal with right now. Plus it'd look kinda silly for a military commander to take lead on a deal like this. Mal, what about you since you've not elected to contribute anything?
Roughriders of 36 Atalante
Would you like blind, broke, or bedlam?
Subject: RE: [smof-politics] Thought for solving two housing crises, but is the cost too high?
From: "Regina Langely" ([url=mailto:redrider@roughriders.fen)
Reply-To: smof-politics@smofcon.fen
Date: 2014/2/12 09:32
To: "Yayoi Fujisawa" ([url=mailto:mamabear@stellvia.lib[/url])
Thank you ever so much! As much as I love Benjamin, I would also dearly love a girl's night out that didn't involve people that are supposed to be my subordinates. Don't worry, he's been trying to get me to go out and have some fun, even to the point of trying to take on some of my workload! But you know me and my tendency to throw myself into things.
Anyhow, Ben and Jes should be able to keep a lid on things for a while. Let me know when you'll swing by, okay?
-Regina Langely
Executive Officer, Rougriders Command
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OOC: A little bit more gas on the fire. Not too much, jussa smidgen...
Subject: Re: [smof-politics] Thought for solving two housing crises, but
is the cost too high?
From: "Gen. Mal Fnord, VVS" (fnord@sovietairforce.fen)
Reply-To: smof-politics@smofcon.fen
Date: 2014/2/12 09:45
To: undisclosed-recipients
> Stop trying to pick a fight. Ben won't strike first and niether will
> I (as much as I'd like to). But if you do... Skuld help you
> because it will drag just about everybody into it. This ends now.
Listen and understand, Langley: I'm not one of your myrmidons. You do
not *command* me to do anything. As for the rest of your threats, if you
*really* want to start a civil war in Fenspace over a fucking *email
message* then come ahead. But know that if you do, I will take my army
and I will beat you.
Meanwhile, at Korolev...
Mal sighed as he sent the message. "GLaDOS," he said. "Be a dear and take Ms. Regina Langely off the guest list for the foreseeable future, and put her on the Special Friend list."
"By your command, O magnificent one," snarked GLaDOS. "What level should I put the reception committee down for?"
"Um, something nonlethal, but crank the humiliation factor to max. I want to make sure it gets through her thick skull that charging in is a bad idea."
"Ooh, does this mean I can be... creative?"
Mal considered this, realized it was a bad idea but in the end was a little too irked to care. "Yeah, sure, knock yourself out!"
"You're the best boss ever, Mr. Boss Person!"
Subject: Re: [smof-politics] Thought for solving two housing crises, but
is the cost too high?
From: "Gen. Mal Fnord, VVS" (fnord@sovietairforce.fen)
Reply-To: smof-politics@smofcon.fen
Date: 2014/2/12 09:50
To: undisclosed-recipients
> I hope the Federation Assembly, Repubic Senate, and Ministry of Magic
> do vote "yes" to provide funding for this project; it'll go a lot
> faster that way than if the seed capital was coming out of my own
> pocket. (I might technically be a billionaire - just barely - but
> most of my wealth is tied up in businesses and foundations; things
> that are keeping hundreds if not thousands of people healthy and
> employed and, I hope, happy. I can't just write a check for fifty
> million dollars without causing a lot of other people some hardship.
> The Big Six factions, however, can write checks that big without
> blinking.)
Well, the Ministry probably won't vote; they'll put it up for discussion and waffle on endlessly while not managing to come to a consensus one way or the other. They do a distressingly good job of getting into character sometimes.
The Council will vote for it - it's a project that suits their public-works goals nicely. I don't know about the Senate; they've got a lot tied up in the Republic Navy and the Mimas project. But if the big dog says yes, and they probably will, then it'll be a Convention project de facto if not de jure.
> Mal, what about you since you've not elected to contribute anything?
Oh, *goddammit.*
Get me a vote and I'll arrange a meeting with the Taoiseach and the mayor of Belfast within 72 hours.
Mr. Fnord interdimensional man of mystery
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Subject: Re: [smof-politics] Thought for solving two housing crises, but
is the cost too high?
From: "Noah Scott" (bigcheese@stellvia.lib)
Reply-To: smof-politics@smofcon.fen
Date: 2014/2/12 10:23
To: undisclosed-recipients
> Get me a vote and I'll arrange a meeting with the Taoiseach and the
> mayor of Belfast within 72 hours.
If you're serious about that, you want to talk to the National Asset Management Agency, not the mayor of Dublin. NAMA owns properties all over Ireland that would be ideal for this project. I'll email you the particulars under separate cover.
(Yes, of course I've already done some research about this. Why wouldn't I have?)
Noah Scott, of station Stellvia
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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Subject: Re: [smof-politics] Thought for solving two housing crises, but is the cost too high?[br]
From: "Jeph Antilles" (lordandmaster@jmc.fen)[br]
Reply-To: smof-politics@smofcon.fen[br]
Date: 2014/2/12 09:59[br]
To: undisclosed-recipients[br]
Noah Scott wrote:[br]
>(Yes, I was thinking of setting them up just in Port Lowell, but that's[br]
>because I was thinking "unreal estate", which can't easily be broken[br]
>up, and then I was thinking "ship them on a freight train", which [br]
>doesn't currently have landing facilities away from Earth, the Island,[br]
>and Port Phobos. But it looks like we've got heavy-lift capability from[br]
>the Jupiter Mining Corporation and the Roughriders promised for this[br]
>project, so that concern disappears with the morning dew.)[br]
What it does mean on my end is that we can make sure the new line of Blue Midgets gets a damned proper run-in too. My only current logistical concern right now is getting the rest of the fleet refit in time to maximize the heavy lifting capability for this. It's already in the plans, in fact, #4 and #15 were just sent back out from their refits for the expanded cargo options, but that means we have quite a few that are still scheduled for runs in the foreseeable future.[br]
>When you suggested last night that the cis-Jovians be involved in this,
>I thought you meant that they should help pay for it and not see anything
>for their contribution, which I think is wrong. It's obvious now that I
>misunderstood what you meant.
I know a couple of people here who are more or less leaders in Serenity Valley would salivate over a few of the homes. And there's the couple of new domes further over that they're starting to excavate.
>As I see it, we are now waiting for the Big Boys And Girls to pass judgment
>on this idea of mine. If they don't like it, then it's back in our laps to figure
>out how to solve this mess that I dumped onto the list yesterday. (And since
>it is my mess, I'd damned well better figure out how to clean it up. Somehow.)
Well, guaranteed that my mop will still be available regardless of Convention outcome, Noah. Oh, and commiserations on your new duties there, Mal.
Jeph leaned back in the control seat of Starbug 1, and rubbed the heels of his hands on his eyes. "Nene, can you get in touch with HQ, see how long #6 and #7 are in for refit, and contact the shipyard for a timeframe on the new order?"
"Sure thing, chief." She popped her head in the cockpit area. "Wow. You look like you've been seeing Rule 34 images again. Need coffee?"
Jeph thought for a moment. "Yeah. But not that stuff we got from Mal's group... not with this one. I really, really need to be calm, taking that after reading some rather heated discussion after Mal stuck his foot in his mouth... I need to be on this side, if I flip over to other gender like that stuff makes me do, we might as well write off my doing any other work today. Including that negotiation with Discovery Channel to get Mike Rowe's show up." He grimaced. "I really don't need to be bitchy for half the day."
Nene grimaced. "That bad?"
Jeph nodded. "I hope it doesn't get worse, but we'll see what happens in a few hours. Mal's in some sort of mood again."[br]
OOC: Jeph's gonna try to stay out of the firestorm that's trying to brew, partly because he'd rather not deal with it, and partly because it's going to combine with his biomod... changing into a woman because of an email thread practically ensures the JMC head staff will get to deal with Post Mail Sniping girl Jeph. And that's not a good thing for anyone.
"You know how parents tell you everything's going to fine, but you know they're lying to make you feel better? Everything's going to be fine." - The Doctor
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Subject: Re: [smof-politics] Thought for solving two housing crises, but is the cost too high?
From: "Gen. Mal Fnord, VVS" (fnord@sovietairforce.fen)
Reply-To: smof-politics@smofcon.fen
Date: 2014/2/12 10:30
To: undisclosed-recipients
> If you're serious about that, you want to talk to the National Asset
> Management Agency, not the mayor of Dublin. NAMA owns properties all
> over Ireland that would be ideal for this project. I'll email you the
> particulars under separate cover.
Got it, thanks. And it's been a long day already if I'm confusing Ireland with NI and yet still remember Taoiseach. Sheesh.
Mr. Fnord interdimensional man of mystery
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Groaning slightly as the world intruded on her sleep, Grey pulled her pillow over her face and tried to ignore the rhythmic thumping sound that had woken her. She gave up after a minute and pulled open the curtains isolating her bunk from the rest of the small cabin. F was sitting at the tiny desk, in front of his laptop, beating his head against the bulkhead.
"Damn it, if you're going to wake me up like that couldn't it at least be 'cause you've finally gotten a booty call," she grumbled.
F twitched slightly and sat up in the chair. "Good morning to you too," he said. "Cola's in the locker under your bunk."
Swinging out of the narrow bunk, Grey groped for and managed to open the locker, fishing out a one liter bottle. She glared at the generic brand label a moment before sighing and twisting the cap off.
"So what's the cause of this latest case of self abuse?"
F turned the laptop so she could see the screen, and gestured at the contents. "SMOF list. Scott and Fnord are having a conversation again."
Grey almost choked on the cola before fighting her laughter down enough to finish her drink properly. "How bad is it?" she asked.
"Internet Drama at the moment, but they've managed to drag Regina Langely into it," F said. His grimace of distaste mirroring Grey's. "I'm starting to think my plan to lock both of them in a room with a pair of half bricks has some actual merit."
Grey grinned at him, ears and whiskers twitching. "Somehow I think there being only one of them left might make things worse," she said.
"Who said anything about one of them? Steps two through four are to weld the door shut, slap on an FTL drive and aim the thing at Andromeda."
That got him a pillow bounced off his head. Grey sighed, and began screwing the cap back on the bottle of cola. "You know, this brings up something I've been meaning to ask you. How did you get subscribed to the SMOF-ML anyway?"
F shrugged. "I have no idea. I always figured it was Ari' trying to get some non-specific revenge." F turned the laptop back towards himself and began shutting it down. "We'd better get dressed, Captain called earlier, our ETA for Crystal Kyoto is three quarters of an hour."
Grey stood and stretched, a silly smile forming on her face. "Yeah. You know, for some reason, I think this trip's going to be a lot of fun," she said.
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OOC: Funny thing is, aside from the snipe about capitalist oppressors, Mal and Noah have been quite civil in their discussion. It's Fnord and Rhodes - well, Fnord and Langely, which is close enough - who're at each others throats. 
Oh, and this is the trip referred to in Mystery, ja?
Mr. Fnord interdimensional man of mystery
FenWiki - Your One-Stop Shop for Fenspace Information
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OOC: F's reasoning is that it was the snipe that set it off, and he may be slightly biased. But only slightly.
And yes it's the trip referred to in Mystery, assuming I've read the dates on the emails right (and since Rob is a fellow Canuck I'm assuming he's using a rational date order)
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Subject: Re: [smof-politics] Thought for solving two housing crises, but is the cost too high?
From: "Q" (
Reply-To: smof-politics@smofcon.fen
Date: 2014/2/11
To: undisclosed-recipients
People, when all you have is a hammer all problems begin to look like nails. That's something those proposing asking the BNF who've done massive landlifts for assistance have appeared to forget. Now while Ireland may have surplus houses, they would most definatly want to keep the ground it was built on. I'm surprised that as a population that probably has the Hitler (sorry History - for the Germans) Channel, NatGeo or Discovery running on a screen or screenwall knowing how some would setup a CIC. Let alone collections of NatGeo magazine have missed the idea of structure relocation ( after all that's how the Abu Simbel temples ( at Aswan Dam were saved, NatGeo covered it at the time - we've probably got that issue in the library if not I'll requisition it. I'm meandering. Still, how in the age of TIVO could Monster Moves have been missed. ... otive.aspx
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Quote:"Internet Drama at the moment, but they've managed to drag Regina Langely into it," F said. His grimace of distaste mirroring Grey's.
Somehow, this makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside with a side order of giggles. Really, Gina's sig should read, "Meddle not in the affairs of dragons, for thou art crunchy and taste good with barbeque sauce."
Mal, you do realize that if GlaDOS even attempts something that she'll be having a tough time of it for the next week or so, right? Or is that just you playing the Agent of Chaos again?
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Subject: Re: [smof-politics] Thought for solving two housing crises, but is the cost too high?
From:"Noah Scott" (bigcheese@stellvia.lib)
Reply-To: smof-politics@smofcon.fen
Date: 2014/2/12 10:41
To: undisclosed-recipients
> And it's been a long day already if I'm confusing Ireland with NI and
> yet still remember Taoiseach. Sheesh.
It's still a long day, Mal - I'm the one who made that mistake, not you.
Noah Scott, of station Stellvia
Re: Mal & Noah being civil - Noah knows that he has to get along with Mal for Sora's sake. (She's his first and favourite daughter; he spoils her somewhat... luckily, she knows it and takes countermeasures.) Besides, this is taking place between the fall of Boskone Prime and the Big Wedding - Noah and Leda are not stressed out at all (), so Noah's more willing than usual to be reasonable.
Re: rational date format - of course it is! It's "Year/Month/Day Hour:Minute:Second", to be precise.
Re: Gina vs. GlaDOS - Ms. Langley may be tough, but she'd be going up against the resources of an entire paramilitary base. I could only see that as a self-induced [url=
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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Subject: Re: [smof-politics] Thought for solving two housing crises, but is the cost too high?
From:"Noah Scott" (bigcheese@stellvia.lib)
Reply-To: smof-politics@smofcon.fen
Date: 2014/2/12 10:57
To: undisclosed-recipients
> Also folks there's some interesting choices of temp or permanent
> accommodation if you look, abandoned hot springs in japan, inner
> suburban Detroit, soviet-block train cars, the inter-modal ISO container
> overstock, disused 1950's Victorian portable schoolrooms & schools,
> closed US Armed Forces Bases.
I understood that houses on decommissioned Armed Forces bases are supposed to go to veterans first. Was I misinformed?
While ISO containers would work (and do work in Port Ceres), I have another use for them - portable emergency housing for disaster relief. The Blue Blazers and StellviaCorp have a project on the go that "eats" intermodals like they were candy: the Nikaido Foundation buys containers, beds, chairs, tables, cabinets, old airliner galley ovens, solar power panels, and radios, and the Banzai Institute builds the housing modules and deploys them where they're needed. We're still working out sanitation, but that's because disaster areas usually don't have water to provide to us. (The best we've got there is communal-shower modules 'waved for efficient water recycling. However, some 'daneside governments outright refuse anything that's been 'waved.)
Old rail cars have a certain romance to them, and both cabooses and first-class sleeper cars already have plumbing installed. If someone can find some for sale, I'll hire the '999 to run a train of them to Port Phobos, where the Port Lowell council can take them off our hands. (Heck, toss a few dozen old boxcars into the order - a lot of WWII-surplus boxcars got turned into roadside diners in the 1950s, and I see no reason why we can't do that again. At worst, they're portable, small warehouses.)
> Hmm... 58 Lustrons are apparently somewhere in Delaware ready to go,
> some panelbeating might be required.
That would be a good test of the process. Send me the particulars, please - I'll buy them and get JMC to ship them to the new dome in Serenity Valley (may as well make it a long trip for the test), assuming one of those Blue Midgets is ready to go within a week. I'll keep five as a point-of-presence for StellviaCorp (office and corporate housing - we'll need something in cis-Jovian space sooner or later, and the Action Girls or Warsies can borrow them until StellviaCorp needs them); the other 53 will be up for grabs, assuming they're in decent shape.
Noah Scott, of station Stellvia
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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Subject: Re: [smof-politics] Thought for solving two housing crises, but is the cost too high?
From:"Noah Scott" (bigcheese@stellvia.lib)
Reply-To: smof-politics@smofcon.fen
Date: 2014/2/12 11:03
To: undisclosed-recipients
Before Mal asks whether this:
> the other 53 will be up for grabs, assuming they're in decent shape.
means "sell" or "give away" the houses... I'm hoping I can swing a trade with the good burghers of Serenity Valley. If they'll give me enough domed land with water and power hookups for five houses, I'll give them the other fifty-three to do with as they see fit.
Noah Scott, of station Stellvia
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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Subject: Re: [smof-politics] Thought for solving two housing crises, but is the cost too high?
From:"Jeph Antilles" (lordandmaster@jmc.fen)
Reply-To: smof-politics@smofcon.fen
Date: 2014/2/12 12:12
To: undisclosed-recipients
Noah Scott wrote:
>That would be a good test of the process. Send me the particulars,
>please - I'll buy them and get JMC to ship them to the new dome in
>Serenity Valley (may as well make it a long trip for the test), assuming
>one of those Blue Midgets is ready to go within a week. I'll keep five
>as a point-of-presence for StellviaCorp (office and corporate housing -
>we'll need something in cis-Jovian space sooner or later, and the Action
>Girls or Warsies can borrow them until StellviaCorp needs them); the
>other 53 will be up for grabs, assuming they're in decent shape.
We can get a couple out there, we've actually gotten the first two in and undergoing a final fitout on the Moon, as well as two of our regular Blue Midgets from the first run retrofit to the new design over at our Valley facility. Nene told me that the two new ones will be ready to go in about 4 days. The refit ones have a stop at Haphaestus for a pickup to take to New Kandor, then they'll be available as well.
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Subject: RE: [smof-politics] Thought for solving two housing crises, but is the cost too high?
From: "Jessica Ayanami" ([url=mailto:blue_angel@roughriders.fen[/url])
Reply-To: smof-politics@smofcon.fen
Date: 2014/2/12 12:45
To: undisclosed-recipients
Hey guys, the boss sends his apologies, but there's been a massive loss of handwavium containment over here at 36 Atalante - Ben and Gina are gonna be occupied over the next couple of days here.
Nonononononono... Don't send anyone to help! At this point that'll just make matters worse. We've pretty much got it all contained now, we're just now going through the cleanup... and that's to say nothing about figuring out what in Osamu Tezuka's name happened here. However, once we do get things straightened out... AC? If you're reading this, Ben wants you to swing by to make a house call. Your the only one he'll trust with this much 'Wave on the loose. His whole damn family (including the dog) somehow got mixed up in this mess and he wants the expert's opinion on how bad it is.
Jess Ayanami
Wondergirl of Mystery and Intrigue
Roughriders, 36 Atalante
Don't call us, we'll call you.
OOC: Truth be told, I am pretty busy ATM. Navy life, ya know? But really, it suddenly came to me that this would be the perfect moment to slot this bit of Roughriders lore into the big picture.
Mal, should we make this GLaDOS's fault? You did pretty much give her free reign.
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OOC: Wow, get a couple hours of sleep and all sorts of stuff happens.
Ben: In re: Gina v. GLaDOS, GLaDOS isn't allowed to be proactive off-base. She's the administrative and security mainframe for Korolev, so that's where her talents (and focus) lie. The whole thing was basically a precaution against Gina turning up yelling about blood & souls for her lord Benjamin. If that happens, well, GLaDOS will get to run a few new experiments with a very durable guinea pig. So it's probably in her best interests that she stays the hell away from Korolev for the next couple of weeks.
Mr. Fnord interdimensional man of mystery
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OOC: Oooooh, okay then.
In that case... No, Gina's not like that at all and Mal shouldn't worry. The only time he'll need to worry is if he happens to be in her presence and then says something disparaging. And then all bets are off. (^_^ Of course, I'm pretty sure he knows better... Right? (o_o)
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OOC: Oh, of course, of course. Though what *Mal* thinks of as disparaging may not always line up with Lil' Miss Defensive's definition of disparaging, so there will be some... tension, no doubt.
Mr. Fnord interdimensional man of mystery
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OOC: Working the timeline here:
- Leda was originally scheduled to see A.C. on the 14th.
- The big spill on 36 Atalante on the 12th will be keeping A.C. busy for a few days, and she'll need to decontaminate herself after that.
- Leda does see A.C. no later than the morning of the 20th, because midday on the 20th is when Noah hears the results of the tests A.C. performs on Leda.
Allowing for travel from Prometheus Forge to 36 Atalante (so A.C. can inspect the problem and diagnose the people affected), 36 Atalante to Prometheus Forge (so A.C. can decontaminate herself properly and pick up a new medical kit), and 36 Atalante to Stellvia (for Leda's checkup), that gives A.C. six days with the Roughriders (13-18 February). Plenty of time, for her... but she might need to call another expert for help. I wonder what The Jason is doing at this time?[/i]
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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OOC: While I didn't see this until far too far along, I might point out that, in addition to Belfast, Detroit also has a large number of unoccupied houses that could easily be snagged and repaired (or it did as of about a year ago). So, if the Fen have problems getting buildings out of Ireland, the U.S. has plenty as well. And removing houses allows for the land to be redeveloped. Some of those capitalists that Mal has a problem with would be happy for that little bit of assistance.
As for the Cavaliers....
Subject: RE: [smof-politics] Thought for solving two housing crises, but is the cost too high?
From: "Blackstone" (
Reply-To: smof-politics@smofcon.fen
Date: 2014/2/14 13:17
To: undisclosed-recipients
Wow. I take a few days off to write some music and deal with a human trafficking problem, and everybody decides to have a knife fight without me. How's about we take deep breaths, count to 17, and then try to have something approximating a civil discussion? That way, we don't end up proving the conservatives downside that they're right about us. Because, you know, that would suck.
Anyhoo, I've checked with Buckaroo and we've got the gang on standby. We're gonna need to do a serious number of repairs on these buildings if we're going to move them. Mac says that there's a pretty regular indigent population as well. I suggest we consider them as well. Of course, if they're willing and able to work, then perhaps Port Lowell can use the extra population to go with the buildings. If not, then the Institute will find someplace for them.
As for the buildings themselves, as I said, there's a lot of work that'll need to be done. I've spoken with the Port Lowell Blazers; they're talking about laying preliminary piping for water and sewage, plus power lines, on a universal connector. If we can sever the lines where they leave the buildings, we probably can get a u-socket on the bottom of each building when it gets loaded onto the Express (assuming that's still on the table). Then when we off-load, clickclackclunk and we've got the buildings connected to the Port's infrastructure. I'll leave it to the Port Lowell Post Office to fix the street numbers. Or not, if they want to create New Belfast. Might be good for tourism....
One other thing. Don Tracey and Tico have been hunched over the CAD table, doing unspeakable things to Thunderbird-1's design. They've got this design for a 'wavium dispersal device, to paint down the buildings as they're uprooted. Don's pretty jazzed about it, and Tico just grins, which would be worrisome if he was building another mass driver or trying to make another killer teddy bear, but since this is a non-combat device (or so he assures me), I can only conclude that it's as solid and foolproof a delivery device as we've ever had for the Goop. Give us a holler when you want to see a test run. Fenris' dad wants us to get rid of an old grain silo that's cluttering up his land.
BBI #14
Banzai Institute of Strategic Information and Biomedical Research
P.S.: If anyone needs to get in contact with me, I'll be at the Roadhouse, cooking dinner. Be warned; after about 19:00, I'll be ... occupied. Happy Valentine's Day, y'all.
"Love is like oxygen. You get too much you get too high; not enough and you're gonna die. Love gets you high." - Andy Scott
Ebony the Black Dragon
"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."
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robkelk Wrote:OOC: Working the timeline here:
- Leda was originally scheduled to see A.C. on the 14th.
- The big spill on 36 Atalante on the 12th will be keeping A.C. busy for a few days, and she'll need to decontaminate herself after that.
- Leda does see A.C. no later than the morning of the 20th, because midday on the 20th is when Noah hears the results of the tests A.C. performs on Leda.
Allowing for travel from Prometheus Forge to 36 Atalante (so A.C. can inspect the problem and diagnose the people affected), 36 Atalante to Prometheus Forge (so A.C. can decontaminate herself properly and pick up a new medical kit), and 36 Atalante to Stellvia (for Leda's checkup), that gives A.C. six days with the Roughriders (13-18 February). Plenty of time, for her... but she might need to call another expert for help. I wonder what The Jason is doing at this time?[/i] OOC: Yeah, A.C. may need a little help. On the other hand, given I can't remember the extent of the Roughriders mods at the moment, she'd probably pack them all into the Stallion and head back to the Forge to do the analysis. This also allows the remaining personnel on 36 Atalante to do clean up without all the fuss of everyone else being around and trying to get a grip on things.
It DOES mean that Leda will probably have to stay on the Forge a few days given the amount of work needed (and for secrecy purposes it could be explained as Leda helping out).
That work any better for people?
Oh, and 'wave decon isn't really a problem when you're 2.5 tonnes of the stuff. All she'd need is a quick shower.
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OOC:Quote:It DOES mean that Leda will probably have to stay on the Forge a few days given the amount of work needed (and for secrecy purposes it could be explained as Leda helping out).
Considering that Leda's a biogeneticist with a specialization in biomodification analysis, she'd probably help out in reality. Whatever works, as long as she and A.C. are on Stellvia on the 20th.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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Subject: RE: [smof-politics] Thought for solving two housing crises, but is the cost too high?
From: "Jeph Antilles" (lordandmaster@jmc.fen)
Reply-To: smof-politics@smofcon.fen
Date: 2014/2/14 13:34
To: undisclosed-recipients
Blackstone wrote:
>As for the buildings themselves, as I said, there's a lot of work that'll need to be done.
>I've spoken with the Port Lowell Blazers; they're talking about laying preliminary piping
>for water and sewage, plus power lines, on a universal connector. If we can sever the
>lines where they leave the buildings, we probably can get a u-socket on the bottom of
>each building when it gets loaded onto the Express (assuming that's still on the table).
>Then when we off-load, clickclackclunk and we've got the buildings connected to the
>Port's infrastructure. I'll leave it to the Port Lowell Post Office to fix the street numbers.
>Or not, if they want to create New Belfast. Might be good for tourism....
Let me know how big those are. The Blue Midgets might be able to deliver quite a few to the sites for the extraction work when they go for the first pickups.
>One other thing. Don Tracey and Tico have been hunched over the CAD table, doing
>unspeakable things to Thunderbird-1's design. They've got this design for a 'wavium
>dispersal device, to paint down the buildings as they're uprooted. Don's pretty jazzed
>about it, and Tico just grins, which would be worrisome if he was building another mass
>driver or trying to make another killer teddy bear, but since this is a non-combat device
>(or so he assures me), I can only conclude that it's as solid and foolproof a delivery
>device as we've ever had for the Goop. Give us a holler when you want to see a test run.
>Fenris' dad wants us to get rid of an old grain silo that's cluttering up his land.
Myk read that over my shoulder, he just came aboard for the trip back to Serenity Valley. He's interested in seeing the test, but I sense a *LOT* of skepticism from him about being able to deliver 'wavium without a lot of contamination of the surrounding countryside. Yes, he's paranoid and cynical, but you have to be when you train people to handle Goop without accidentally getting a biomod in the process, and still manage to get at least two biomods per class because the students don't listen.
OK, so maybe I'm a bit cynical. But I can watch without having to worry about protective gear these days. Expect to see him in a getup that would be at home in the Andromeda Strain movie, though.
"You know how parents tell you everything's going to fine, but you know they're lying to make you feel better? Everything's going to be fine." - The Doctor
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Subject: RE: [smof-politics] Thought for solving two housing crises, but is the cost too high?
From: "Noah Scott" (bigcheese@stellvia.lib)
Reply-To: smof-politics@smofcon.fen
Date: 2014/2/14 15:51
To: undisclosed-recipients
I've heard back from Delaware and Serenity Valley. That load of 57 Lustrons is a go! (Two are damaged, but we can make a "Frankenhouse" out of the parts that are still good, so we're only down one.) Jeph, I'll be in touch offline to set up the pickup particulars and payment schedule.
Anybody want the bits of not-ready-for-primetime prefab that we're not shipping to Ganymede? They might be salvageable with a wavejob, but if we're going that route then I wouldn't want to sell/rent/give it to somebody who doesn't already have a biomod. First come, first served; one only.
Blackstone wrote:
> on the bottom of each building when it gets loaded onto the Express
> (assuming that's still on the table).
From the informal reports that Leda is sending me from the scene (she's a geneticist trained in biomodification, already has a biomod, and was visiting Prometheus Forge anyway; of course A.C. co-opted her), it sounds like the Roughriders aren't in any shape to fly a cargo mission this month. I'll be happy if I'm wrong, but I think we're relying on JMC for moving the first batch of houses.
Jeph Antilles wrote:
> Yes, he's paranoid and cynical, but you have to be when you train people
> to handle Goop without accidentally getting a biomod in the process, and
> still manage to get at least two biomods per class because the students
> don't listen.
> OK, so maybe I'm a bit cynical. But I can watch without having to worry
> about protective gear these days. Expect to see him in a getup that
> would be at home in the Andromeda Strain movie, though.
Do you folks want a well-used-but-well-maintained set of waldoes (manipulators and control station) for your classroom? Kohran just upgraded her lab, so we've got a set that don't look pretty but still work. (She's been using them for explosives work; they don't meet her perfectionist standards any more, but I can and have used them recently to bake a cake, so in my layman's opinion they're probably still good.) If you don't want them, I'll offer them to the Vesta Institute of Robotics, but they've already got a couple-dozen sets of waldoes...
Noah Scott, of station Stellvia
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012