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TV Tropes in FENSPACE!!!
TV Tropes in FENSPACE!!!
I have to dump this out, to try and stop it taking over my BRAIN.

Given that TV Tropes exists in Fenspace, how would the Fen-squared describe the Fen? (Note, I'm talking about the fans of the BNFs and others tropifying them in universe.)

For an incomplete list for A.C. (getting it out of my brain remember, so the below is probably not correct TV Tropes markup):

*ActionGirl/ActionMom - Built a BadassFamily.
**Two actually.
***With bunches of Badass cousins hanging around. Which, given her day job isn’t surprising.
*ArtificialLimbs - Is a total conversion HollywoodCyborg.
*BadassLongcoat - Including BadassLabcoat even! HelloNurse!
*EvenTheGirlsWantHer - Senshi, we're looking at you mostly but DAMN...
*Fanservice/FetishFuelStationAttendant - Do we really need to say this? Her biomod [[CursedWithAwesome forces her] to be like this, to [[Stripperiffic ridiculous levels] levels at times, technically making her an InnocentFanserviceGirl.
**Note that she can be fully covered and STILL have people DistractedByTheSexy.
*FemmeFatale/LadyInRed/WomanInBlack - There's enough overlap to be really confused about this.
*GenderBender - Is genetically Male, despite her Fanservice looks.
*GuileHero/[[MagnificentBastard Magnificent Bitch] - See Femme Fatale entry above.
*HotChickWithASword/GirlsWithGuns-GunsAkimbo version.
*ImpossiblyCoolWeapon - Her trademark is her [[AbsurdlySharpBlade monomolecular] [[WhipSword ribbon sword].
*MamaBear - Hurt someone she cares for and you're so doomed.
*NinjaPirateZombieRobot – Or Hyper-Intelligent Mad Scientist Combat Cyborg Sexy Super Spy
*Ojou - The Senshi believe fervently in this.
*RedBaron - The Scarlet Angel.
*WhipItGood - Oh can she ever...
.... Awesome.
It would really, really help if TVTropes was at all organized... (No, listing the trope names doesn't count as "organized", considering how few of their trope names are meaningful to people who don't already know what they are.)

Guess the Stellvian - it shouldn't be difficult:

* AdultChild
* BadassAdorable
* ChineseGirl
* FloralThemeNaming
* GadgeteerGenius
* GenkiGirl
* {{Kawaiiko}}
* MadBomber - To a certain extent
* MadScientist - with {{Steampunk}}!
* {{Meganekko}}
* TheMessiah - Kind and loving to man and machine alike.
* MoeMoe
* NeutralGood
* [[NiceGuy Nice Girl]
* RobotGirl
* WideEyedIdealist - Believes in a universe where man and machine may march forwards to a future of friendship and prosperity.

(No, this isn't an exact copy from the relevant Characters page. A couple of tropes from that writeup were removed, and a couple of others added...)
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Cobalt Greywalker Wrote:*ActionGirl/ActionMom - Built a BadassFamily.
**Two actually.
***One straight {{Badass}}, the other BadassAdorable.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
robkelk Wrote:It would really, really help if TVTropes was at all organized... (No, listing the trope names doesn't count as "organized", considering how few of their trope names are meaningful to people who don't already know what they are.)

Guess the Stellvian - it shouldn't be difficult:

* AdultChild

* BadassAdorable

* ChineseGirl

* FloralThemeNaming

* GadgeteerGenius

* GenkiGirl

* {{Kawaiiko}}

* MadBomber - To a certain extent

* MadScientist - with {{Steampunk}}!

* {{Meganekko}}

* TheMessiah - Kind and loving to man and machine alike.

* MoeMoe

* NeutralGood

* [[NiceGuy Nice Girl]

* RobotGirl

* WideEyedIdealist - Believes in a universe where man and machine may march forwards to a future of friendship and prosperity.

(No, this isn't an exact copy from the relevant Characters page. A couple of tropes from that writeup were removed, and a couple of others added...)
If that isn't R. Li Kohran, I'm turning in my steampunk goggles.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
You get to keep your goggles...

Who's next for the TVTropes treatment?
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
I'd like to see Fenspace!Benjamin if you don't mind.

Or if you do mind, then how about Gina? She'd be fun, I imagine. Wink
EDIT: Rob, Chinese Girl and Mad Bomber in combination was a dead giveaway, and Li is the only one of the Stelvian Girls whose source character, IIRC, is Chinese.

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