Cortana takes a surprised look at Sieben, but doesn't say anything... AIs that cannot multitask at least two things are not that common.
"Do you think it will be much trouble for musicians from the US to come up here to give a concert?"
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"Johnny B. wanted to keep things under wraps, Cortana," says Buckaroo. "It's been in the works for about 14 months or so. He's working on a full studio as well. We've already had some inquiries from a few bands. Not Al, but Brandon Smalls says that Nathan Explosion might be interested." He pauses for a moment. "We'll have to reinforce the walls of the studio for that one, I think."
"And it shouldn't be much trouble," he adds, turning to Sieben. "Johnny's setting up some transportation, and he's already got arrangements for aftershow entertainment for the bands. And a smaller venue as well, for more intimate gigs. Jonathan Coulton will be playing the opening gig for that, probably around the same time. We're still waiting to hear back."
Buckaroo sips at his tea for a moment, then adds, "The Reverb Syndicate sounds perfect. Nothing beats some nice surf guitar. I'll let Johnny know."
Ebony the Black Dragon
"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."
"Not raising too much noise while the project is still is not finished. Makes it less likely that someone tries to stop it early. I am looking forward for the result, send an email out when you can release some more data about it.
Jonathan Coulton? Hey, that sounds like we might a special live version of 'Still alive' there... I bet Glados will want a ticket for this."
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Sieben's expression at this point is somewhat reminiscent of the Mac spinning beachball, trying to parse what buckaroo just said. What shouldn't be too much trouble, she wondered? Though she doesn't say a word.... The data she's been waiting on comes back.
"Oh... that's who he his,"
The expression of general bewilderment doesn't fade, despite her best attempts to hide it.
At this stage, Sieben's about 34 days old.... and is technically one of the weakest sapient AI's in Fenspace. That doesn't stop them from being preternaturally sharp at times, but they just can't think as fast as anyone else in the room. Sometimes they cheat by not thinking, and just guessing. Useful for a combat droid where no answer is the worst answer, not so nice on a Yudkowsky test which measures rationality and speed of reasoning that penalises wrong answers far worse than late or no-answers.
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?
"Sieben, you might want to work on your google-fu..." Cortana said blinking to Sieben.
"Had to google him myself I have to admit."
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Sieben scowled at Cortana. "I don't practice google-fu, I practice Panzer Kunst. Care for a demonstration?" The super-deformed Avatar grinned, baring her teeth, obviously mistaking a colloguial term for search-engine use for a form of martial arts....
Why can't I stop laughing? I've been knocking up too many Red-Bulls today.
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"How good are you?" Yoriko asked. "I brought my pistol, but I don't want to really hurt you..."
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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Sieben's avatar seems to inflate a little, "It's what I do. I spar with the trainees to train them.... it's why I was built," she smirks, before dropping into a usual pout, "But my avatar doesn't handle combat. My hardware's..." thinks for a second, remembering exactly what she'd been told ".... too dedicated to handle the abstractions of a virtual environment."
Chances are, Daisuke just didn't want them starting fights.
"Would you like to meet to spar sometime? In the metal?"
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?
Cortona raised her hands and laughed.
"Please no combat, that is a prototype software... I am happy that it is not disintegrating on its own like the first too...
It was just a common Interwave joke, nothing more... getting good search results out of Google can be a pain today, too much spammers around that poison the results. So when someone is talking about 'Google-Fu', she means the ability to choose key words wisely on a Google search to get good results... it's not that difficult after you know the basic tricks.
"Hmm... maybe someone should write a few additional utility programs for you so you can use some of your martial arts capabilities in cyberspace. I had some more defensive coding for this Avatar planned too."
EditRemoved the quotes (stupid in a story thread)
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"I'm not really a good fighter in the metal, Sieben." Yoriko almost looked sad. "I'm lucky, not skilled, so if I don't win in the first shot, I don't win at all. You wouldn't have a good fight if we sparred. I'm sorry." She actually bowed to the martial artist.
Noticing the looks everyone else was giving them, Yoriko looked cross. "What? Noah's the one who doesn't like Ninja, not me."
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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Gina shrugged. "I wish I could offer you a match. Right now the plan is to move me into a bigger system when we upgrade our ship, but a body in the IRL isn't in the plans. The upgrades are gonna be expensive enough as it is."
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Sieben seems to calm down. "It's good to be lucky, Yoriko. Skill can be gained with training, luck can't." She turns to Gina with a smile. "I've three bodies. It's easy to shift my chip between them,"
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?
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"Luck," says Buckaroo, "is the best ally a warrior can have, as well as one of the most unreliable. No matter the battlefield. And most fights are done in the first minute. Ask Blackstone about his first fistfight sometime; he found it very educational." He smiles. "Of course, that's a fight, not sparring. Same tools, different goals."
In the space between nanoseconds, a message drops into Sieben's mailbox. A link to and a brief note: Another ally is knowledge. You may find this helpful. - BB
Ebony the Black Dragon
"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."
Cortana looked to Buckaroo.
"Don't you know anyone who has already experimented with translating simulated VR combat into hacking attacks? It would be very funny to see if it can be done..."
She nodded to Sieben.
"Hacking is just a hobby of mine, not that much chances to do more than to dabble a little bit around with it... but VR space is not ruled by the same laws than the real world... so I am not sure a physical attack in this enviroment would do damage... or how much."
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Sieben appears to have stopped moving entirely for the briefest of intervals... for a human being it'd be a fraction of an instant... like she's a flash video that's stopped to buffer. A reply appears in Buckaroo's inbox after a few moments. [/i]Thanks. Being new is hard[/i]
The avatar's expression snaps to a smile for a moment.
"I don't think my hardware could handle it. But Dai-kun says the Yudkowsky scale is biased anyway."
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?
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Yoriko smiles. "Sieben, part of real intelligence is knowing your strengths and limitations. Never mind what some stupid test says - if you're bad at taking tests, then the tests don't matter!"
Then she blushes. "Me, I always get lucky when I take tests. So the tests don't matter to me either."
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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HRogge Wrote:Cortana looked to Buckaroo.
"Don't you know anyone who has already experimented with translating simulated VR combat into hacking attacks? It would be very funny to see if it can be done..."
"Probably. The idea has existed since Stephenson, Vinge, and Gibson started talking about it, which is certainly long enough to imprint itself onto the collective cultural subconscious of the Fen." Buckaroo pauses for a moment, accessing some parallel process. "There were several ideas on the Big Boards about 'developing a keyboardless interface for accessing the Internet.'" He pauses, then adds, "One of which proposed using a Wii, wired into a router. Interesting...."
Ebony the Black Dragon
"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."
(removed until i can work out a larger this was too short)