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[Gadget] Squish-bot
[Gadget] Squish-bot
Squish-bot - 12/Jun/2012
This is a slightly weird gadget, which has gone through three stages of development.  Each stage was done by a different person.
Stage One
An unused plastic inflatable sex doll, of either gender, is taken and waved.  This produces something which looks pretty human and feels like human skin to the touch, with human hair, and even breathes, but is obviously full of air rather than human flesh and organs.  The body remains unconscious.  When deflated by either puncture or (hidden) valve this dies and just becomes a plastic sex doll again, and dies anyway after about a week.  After death re-waving does nothing except make the plastic dissolve into a rather nasty mess.  If left alone then after a few months the plastic slowly decays, anyway.
Stage Two
As Stage One, but the body, after filling with air, has body-temperature water mixed with 'essential salts', which match the composition of the chemical elements in the human body, poured into the mouth.  The body is then injected with "uisce beatha" (water of life) made from waved whisky in a special (creation) ritual; strangely chemical tests show the same results for this 'water' as insulin, though insulin wont do.  The water gels into flesh, bones and organs.  In almost all respects this acts as an (unconscious) human body, including to genetic analysis, and has unique things like finger prints.  After about seven days the body dies, and you've got a salty water-filled sex doll.  Killing the body (as you'd kill a human) leaves a doll.  An injection of "uisce beatha" 'kills' the doll.  The process cannot be repeated on the same doll, but if carefully washed-out and kept the doll does not decay, as long as the doll was 'killed' by a second injection.
Stage Three
As Stage Two, but the salts are held within a special container instead of mixed with the water.  Pure water (warmed UK tap water will do) of about body temperature is used, and the initial injection causes the salts to mix with the water and become flesh, the second separates the salts back into the container leaving pure water.  If the paired injection process is used then the doll can be used (by the same person) repeatedly.  Death of the body by other means leaves a salty water-filled sex doll.  Its unclear what using the second injection on a significantly injured body would do, particularly one with a wound in the skin.

Stage One is quite well known in some circles, Stage Two is known to a smaller group, probably no more than a dozen.  These are all mystics who have created handwavium-based rituals.  Stage Three was developed by Brains, and he also added the belly pouch to include a half brain, as used by his design of robots to backup themselves.  Brains hasn't (late 2008) informed anyone else about the Stage Three process.
Brains has used Stage Three bots to give his design of robot temporary use of the closest thing to living human bodies as they're likely to get.  He has put some effort into customising bodies to their requirements; the Kei and Yuri bots may strike terror into some hearts.

Why do the squish-bots (Uran chose this name) die?  One mystic theory, not known to Brains (or associates), is it's because they have no souls.  Starvation and dehydration likely don't help; smart people would treat them like the persistently unconscious.  If this is true then one with a half brain in it has a soul, and might go on living indefinitely.  Though, after three days half brains need resynchronising again by a backup, so that is an issue as well.  But, maybe a manageable one...
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind
META "Squish-bot"

These are for your entertainment. I couldn't possibly guess what purpose these might be put to, but they'd probably do for some sorts of virgin sacrifice. They are 'open source', certainly Stage One and Stage Two, if anyone sees a use for them.

I think these probably go in the 'R' rated section of the equipment catalog...
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind
It occurs to me to wonder if you could biomod a squish-bot?

I could see arguments either way.


If one was biomoded, could you revert it to a plastic skin? If the plastic skin was re-used would it have the biomod?
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind
[Gadget] Squish-bot Questions
Squish-bot Questions about Stage Two or Three: ((13/Jun/2012))
What can you do with a squish-bot?  (Almost) anything you could do with an unconscious normal human body which has not been biomodded.
Can you biomod a squish-bot?  Yes, as long as the mod is principally physical, as opposed to mental, behavioural or 'spiritual'; even those might be allowed if someone was 'living' in the squish-bot.
Do wavium abilities and quirks carry over into a squish-bot?  Yes, but only if they are principally mental, behavioural or 'spiritual' (i.e. not those rooted in the physical structure of the body); this only applies while that particular person is 'living' in the squish-bot, and they go away when they leave (they take them with them), even if the body had been made a perfect duplicate of their handwavium-created or biomodded one.
Where is the handwavium?  There is a very small amount of highly specialised locked-purpose handwavium, tied-up in the bones, and particularly the skull; there is none anywhere else in the body; this self-destructs if the squish-bot reverts to a doll or otherwise dies.
Can you use a squish-bot as a blood donor?  Yes, as long as you don't take enough blood to kill them - they follow the same distribution of blood types as the general population, unless they've been carefully made to resemble a particular person, when they'll have that persons blood type (unless the blood type is something weird as a result of a biomod).
Can you use a squish-bot as an organ donor?  Yes, as long as you don't kill them by harvesting the organ - taking one of paired organs works best; organ tissue types follow the same distribution as the general population, unless they've been carefully made to resemble a particular person, when they'll have that persons type (unless the tissue type is something weird as a result of a biomod).
Does anything strange happen if you keep a squish-bot alive for a long time? Yes, though even total life support in an ICU wont extend their basic seven day life span; if you somehow extracted all the handwavium tied-up in the bones then you'd have a normal human body that you could keep alive indefinitely (biomodding has this extraction effect, getting one pregnant doesn't) - if someone 'lived' in a squish-bot at least 98% of the time for at least seven months then this destroys the handwavium, leaving only a normal human body.
Can you use a squish-bot for biomodding research?  Yes, but seeing as the squish-bot hasn't any personal intentions (unless someone's 'living' in there) the range of biomods tends to be rather limited, and mostly related to healing any injuries - be careful as some biomodded squish-bots suddenly wake-up with full personalities (and souls?) and typically take a very dim view of being involved in medical experimentation (though one Mad supposed acquired an Igor this way).
Are there any problems with using squish-bots?  There aren't any obvious ethical problems, as there is 'noone there' - but you might be wise to look out for the lynch mobs.
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind
Well, first, I think we all know how and why Stage One was discovered, and the reason it is so well known. Let's not go there.

Stage two? That's creepy. Really creepy. Mystical+creepy point to one city, so I am certain than more than half of those few than know Stage Two are necromancers and vodoo priests in Marduk

I am not sure about the biomods -the whole body cunts a a biomod by itself, so I think it should only biomod if you purposely pattern it to copy a biomoded person, or if your ritual is quirked somehow (for instance, when and if Oscar Vykos ever learns the ritual, he still has the quirk than he needs to mix blood in any liquid wavium: Any Squish-bot of his would be vampiric like himself). I omes either normal or already biomodded, so to say.

Now than gives me an idea: There is no single ritual; The basic uisce beatha creates a normal body (unless your own quirk prevents it, like Oscar) , but by altering with the essential salts or the uisce beatha, you can creace different biomods.

It may be a way to safely experiment with diferent mods, or for heavily biomoded people to rememebr what is was to ne a plain human.

Wich gets me to the second question: If have not noticed a way for the person to inhabit the new body. How do you od it? Do you have to preinstall a receptor in the head of the doll?

Last, the duration. I do not have any problem with the week, but I will say than the first thing than came to me when I read "ritual" was "full moon". You may consider to have the bots last a full lunar month, and the ritual can only be used in the full or dark moon (well, for most people using it, it would be full or dark Earth

I think Oscar Vykos will not be the ones who discover the ritual, but unless Brains is going to keep it for himself he will get told it, at least until stage two, some day while gossiping with Brains when he is lookin for a humanoid body his his AI -that will be around 2011-ish
Ace Dreamer Wrote:Squish-bot Questions about Stage Two or Three: ((13/Jun/2012))
What can you do with a squish-bot?  (Almost) anything you could do with an unconscious normal human body which has not been biomodded.
I'm just gonna leave that one there. *shuddergrin*
Quote:Can you biomod a squish-bot?  Yes, as long as the mod is principally physical, as opposed to mental, behavioural or 'spiritual'; even those might be allowed if someone was 'living' in the squish-bot.
Do wavium abilities and quirks carry over into a squish-bot?  Yes, but only if they are principally mental, behavioural or 'spiritual' (i.e. not those rooted in the physical structure of the body); this only applies while that particular person is 'living' in the squish-bot, and they go away when they leave (they take them with them), even if the body had been made a perfect duplicate of their handwavium-created or biomodded one.
I'd expect that the resultant "biomod" is merely from the additional handwavium... the process of activation alone is essentially a form of biomod, and you usually don't get two biomods on the same individual without some serious risk. It can be done, but it's reserved for medical emergencies.
Quote:Where is the handwavium?  There is a very small amount of highly specialised locked-purpose handwavium, tied-up in the bones, and particularly the skull; there is none anywhere else in the body; this self-destructs if the squish-bot reverts to a doll or otherwise dies.
Given the activation process, I highly doubt that the handwavium would concentrate quite so neatly. Yes, the vast majority of it may be locked up in the "bones" of the "guts", but some of it would probably remain in the soft tissues.
Quote:Can you use a squish-bot as a blood donor?  Yes, as long as you don't take enough blood to kill them - they follow the same distribution of blood types as the general population, unless they've been carefully made to resemble a particular person, when they'll have that persons blood type (unless the blood type is something weird as a result of a biomod).
Can you use a squish-bot as an organ donor?  Yes, as long as you don't kill them by harvesting the organ - taking one of paired organs works best; organ tissue types follow the same distribution as the general population, unless they've been carefully made to resemble a particular person, when they'll have that persons type (unless the tissue type is something weird as a result of a biomod).
I would expect that, while it might well work, there might actually be enough handwavium "contanimation" involved to induce a biomod in the recipient, regardless of the intent.
Quote:Does anything strange happen if you keep a squish-bot alive for a long time? Yes, though even total life support in an ICU wont extend their basic seven day life span; if you somehow extracted all the handwavium tied-up in the bones then you'd have a normal human body that you could keep alive indefinitely (biomodding has this extraction effect, getting one pregnant doesn't) - if someone 'lived' in a squish-bot at least 98% of the time for at least seven months then this destroys the handwavium, leaving only a normal human body.
I do have a problem with this part... it might be "theoretically" possible, but for the foreseeable future, my understanding is that once something is 'waved, you really can't extract the handwavium from it.
Quote:Can you use a squish-bot for biomodding research?  Yes, but seeing as the squish-bot hasn't any personal intentions (unless someone's 'living' in there) the range of biomods tends to be rather limited, and mostly related to healing any injuries - be careful as some biomodded squish-bots suddenly wake-up with full personalities (and souls?) and typically take a very dim view of being involved in medical experimentation (though one Mad supposed acquired an Igor this way).
It might be useful just from the result of getting a living, breathing body that's only good for seven days... how does it do that.
Dane biologists would go unhappily Mad trying to explain it.
Quote:Are there any problems with using squish-bots?  There aren't any obvious ethical problems, as there is 'noone there' - but you might be wise to look out for the lynch mobs.
Something of a "creepy" factor would certainly be there, at least for someone watching the deactivation process. Watching anyone who looked normal suddenly deflating into a rubber sex doll would squick many well-traveled Fen, to say nothing of Danes.

"You know how parents tell you everything's going to fine, but you know they're lying to make you feel better? Everything's going to be fine." - The Doctor
Quote:Stage two? That's creepy. Really creepy. Mystical+creepy point to one
city, so I am certain than more than half of those few that know Stage
Two are necromancers and voodoo priests in Marduk.
Given some of the ingredients I'd suspect some of the more creepy druids and witches (or wannabees) in the UK were involved.  It also smells to me of some of the stranger Hermetic stuff, or maybe Alchemy (homonculi).  If you want a load of these mystics to be in Marduk, feel at liberty!
Quote:I am not sure about the biomods -the whole body counts a a biomod by itself...
You might think that, but...  This process starts with something non-living, and no blood or other living matter is a necessary part of the (standard) ritual.  It produces something living.  Biomods occur when you take something already living and mess with them using handwavium.  So, no biomod has occured by the end of a Stage Two (standard) ritual.
Now, if once you have your living body you want to biomod it, then, that is up to you.  But, that is a different process.
Quote:Which gets me to the second question: I've have not noticed a way for the
person to inhabit the new body. How do you do it? Do you have to
preinstall a receptor in the head of the doll?
That is left as an exercise for the student! [grin]
The Stage Two process just leaves you with a living (empty) body.  If you want to get someone into there then that is a totally different task.  Hard tech brain surgery isn't up to doing a brain transplant and giving you a working spinal cord afterwards.  You could do the transplant to a exact tissue-match body then try a radical biomod to fix everything at the end, with I think quite a good chance of success (try Heinlein's "I Will Fear No Evil" to help the process).
The head of the body includes a perfectly normal (adult) human brain, but with 'nobody home'.  If you want to stuff memories into there, or do a high tech 'personality transplant' from a non-AI, I'd suggest a Mad would find this a 'fascinating project'.  Anything which makes large scale alterations to the structure of the brain, 'burning' a lifetime's worth of memories into it, isn't likely to be subtle.  An AI that is used to moving their mind around is in a slightly better position.  But, how they download themselves into the body is unclear.  Seriously hacked direct brain feed Virtual Reality kit?  That is why Brains 'Stage Three' (luck and the 'Pinochio Effect' was one thing that helped) is such a major innovation on Stage Two.
Quote:Last, the duration. I do not have any problem with the week, but I will
say that the first thing that came to me when I read "ritual" was "full
moon". You may consider to have the bots last a full lunar month, and
the ritual can only be used in the full or dark moon (well, for most
people using it, it would be full or dark Earth.
You could have a Lunar Blood Stage Two where the body will live to the next full/dark moon, i.e. about two weeks, sustained by the power of the Moon working on the blood.  A week was based on how long a soul-less body might reasonably linger, with some bits about souls leaving bodies after death, or hanging around.  I see no reason why you couldn't have a different Stage Two ritual, particularly if it sometimes gives you blood-thirsty or flesh-eating ghouls.
Brains, or more likely, one of his agents might mention the Stage Two ritual if the conversation turns to how people are mixing mysticism with waving.  And how rituals are developing, from crude beginnings.  If Oscar said he wanted to know more, it's likely he'd be put in contact with a UK mystic willing to discuss it further.  They might even be willing to demonstrate the full ritual for him, given how rich and powerful I think he looks to be even at that early date.  Though they might be unhappy about the idea of mixing blood in, and want to be a long way away when he starts trying that.
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind
Ace Dreamer Wrote:That is left as an exercise for the student!

The Stage Two process just leaves you with a living (empty) body. If you want to get someone into there then that is a totally different task. Hard tech brain surgery isn't up to doing a brain transplant and giving you a working spinal cord afterwards.

I am somehow a little bit scared what happens if this idea is combined with the result of a story line I have been working on for Catgirl Industries...
Quote:Can you biomod a squish-bot?  Yes, as long as the mod is
principally physical, as opposed to mental, behavioural or 'spiritual';
even those might be allowed if someone was 'living' in the squish-bot.
wavium abilities and quirks carry over into a squish-bot?  Yes, but
only if they are principally mental, behavioural or 'spiritual' (i.e.
not those rooted in the physical structure of the body); this only
applies while that particular person is 'living' in the squish-bot, and
they go away when they leave (they take them with them), even if the
body had been made a perfect duplicate of their handwavium-created or
biomodded one.
I'd expect that the resultant "biomod" is
merely from the additional handwavium... the process of activation
alone is essentially a form of biomod, and you usually don't get two
biomods on the same individual without some serious risk. It can be
done, but it's reserved for medical emergencies.
Activation arguably isn't a biomod, because before activation there isn't a living creature to biomod.
Quote:Where is the handwavium?  There is a very small amount of
highly specialised locked-purpose handwavium, tied-up in the bones, and
particularly the skull; there is none anywhere else in the body; this
self-destructs if the squish-bot reverts to a doll or otherwise dies.
the activation process, I highly doubt that the handwavium would
concentrate quite so neatly. Yes, the vast majority of it may be locked
up in the "bones" of the "guts", but some of it would probably remain in
the soft tissues.
The handwavium is applied to the plastic skin of the sex doll, there is no handwavium in the water, and a minute amount in the injection.  The injection causes a change that sucks any residual handwavium from the skin into the core of the now-living body - the bones.  If some doesn't get into the bones then it is likely in the cartilage, then the tendons, then in somewhere like the liver.  Extra handwavium is most likely if you used more than necessary. [grin]
Quote:I would expect that, while it might well work, there might actually be
enough handwavium "contanimation" involved to induce a biomod in the
recipient, regardless of the intent.
There shouldn't be any handwavium in the blood unless something has gone really badly wrong.  It would be unwise to use any bone tissue.  The liver is not a 'paired organ'.  Yes, if someone is splashing handwavium around during the ritual things could go really badly wrong.
Quote:Does anything strange happen if you keep a squish-bot alive
for a long time? Yes, though even total life support in an ICU wont
extend their basic seven day life span; if you somehow extracted all the
handwavium tied-up in the bones then you'd have a normal human body
that you could keep alive indefinitely (biomodding has this extraction
effect, getting one pregnant doesn't) - if someone 'lived' in a
squish-bot at least 98% of the time for at least seven months then this
destroys the handwavium, leaving only a normal human body.
do have a problem with this part... it might be "theoretically"
possible, but for the foreseeable future, my understanding is that once
something is 'waved, you really can't extract the handwavium from it.
In a living body biological processes slowly turn-over tissue.  The handwavium in question isn't actually doing anything to keep the body functioning, the body is running on standard human biology.  It is just sitting there on a trigger waiting to clean-up if the body dies.  So, if you remove that trigger then there is no clean-up if the body dies.
Hopefully that clarifies things.  But, if dramatic whatever requires it, you could have handwavium do all sorts of things.  Wooops! [grin]
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind
Quote:That is left as an exercise for the student!

The Stage Two process just leaves you with a living (empty) body. If you
want to get someone into there then that is a totally different task.
Hard tech brain surgery isn't up to doing a brain transplant and giving
you a working spinal cord afterwards.
I am somehow a little bit scared what happens if this idea is combined
with the result of a story line I have been working on for Catgirl
I could see someone who was really desperate to reverse being 'catgirled', or some other biomod, messing around with this.  I could also see Catgirl Industries getting mixed-in, and people potentially getting very upset.

Quite a few people would take being a catgirl or a biomod over being in a wheelchair or paralysed.  Then have second thoughts after it was too late.  I'm sure some Mads would be all too happy to help.
I'd be quite willing to discuss this in more detail, with you or others.
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind
Ace Dreamer Wrote:I could see someone who was really desperate to reverse being 'catgirled', or some other biomod, messing around with this. I could also see Catgirl Industries getting mixed-in, and people potentially getting very upset.

Quite a few people would take being a catgirl or a biomod over being in a wheelchair or paralysed. Then have second thoughts after it was too late. I'm sure some Mads would be all too happy to help. I'd be quite willing to discuss this in more detail, with you or others.

Okay, time for some story time... ... /master/1/
[Gadget] Squish-bot (second draft)
Squish-bot - 13/Jun/2012
This is a slightly weird gadget, alternatively named 'bio-bot', which has gone through three stages of development.  Each stage was done by a different person.
Stage One
An unused plastic inflatable sex doll, of either gender, is taken and waved.  This produces something which looks pretty human and feels like human skin to the touch, with human hair, and even breathes, but is obviously full of air rather than human flesh and organs.  The body remains unconscious.  When deflated by either puncture or (hidden) valve this dies and just becomes a plastic sex doll again, and dies anyway after about a week.  After death re-waving does nothing except make the plastic dissolve into a rather nasty mess.  If left alone then after a few months the plastic slowly decays, anyway.
Stage Two
As Stage One, but the body, after filling with air, has body-temperature water mixed with 'essential salts', which match the composition of the chemical elements in the human body, poured into the mouth.  The body is then injected with "uisce beatha" (water of life) made from waved whisky in a special (creation) ritual; strangely chemical tests show the same results for this 'water' as insulin, though insulin wont do.  The water gels into flesh, bones and organs.  In almost all respects this acts as an (unconscious) human body, including to genetic analysis, and has unique things like finger prints.  After about seven days the body dies, and you've got a salty water-filled sex doll.  Killing the body (as you'd kill a human) leaves a doll.  An injection of "uisce beatha" 'kills' the doll.  The process cannot be repeated on the same doll, but if carefully washed-out and kept the doll does not decay, as long as the doll was 'killed' by a second injection.
Stage Three
As Stage Two, but the salts are held within a special container (inside the doll) instead of mixed with the water.  Pure water (warmed UK tap water will do) of about body temperature is used, and the initial injection causes the salts to mix with the water and become flesh, the second separates the salts back into the container leaving pure water.  If the paired injection process is used then the doll can be used (by the same person) repeatedly.  Death of the body by other means leaves a salty water-filled sex doll.  Its unclear what using the second injection on a significantly injured body would do, particularly one with a wound in the skin.

'Stage One' is quite well known in some circles, 'Stage Two' is known to a smaller group, probably no more than a dozen.  These are all mystics who have created handwavium-based rituals; try (Hermatic or alchemical?) mystical circles in the UK.  'Stage Three' was developed by Brains, and he also added the belly pouch to include a half brain, as used by his design of robots to backup themselves.  Brains hasn't (late 2008) informed anyone else about the 'Stage Three' process.
Brains has used 'Stage Three' squish-bots to give his design of robot temporary use of the closest thing to living human bodies as they're likely to get.  He has put some effort into customising bodies to their requirements; the Kei and Yuri bots may strike terror into some hearts.

Why do the squish-bots (Uran chose this name) die?  One mystic theory, not known to Brains (or associates), is it's because they have no souls.  Starvation and dehydration likely don't help; smart people would treat them like the persistently unconscious.  If this is true then one with a half brain in it has a soul, and might go on living indefinitely.  Though, after three days half brains need resynchronising again by a backup, so that is an issue as well.  But, maybe a manageable one...

Questions about Stage Two or Three:
What can you do with a squish-bot?  (Almost) anything you could do with an unconscious normal human body which has not been biomodded.
Can you biomod a squish-bot?  Yes, as long as the mod is principally physical, as opposed to mental, behavioural or 'spiritual'; even those might be allowed if someone was 'living' in the squish-bot – activating a squish-bot is not a biomod process, because to biomod you start with a living creature, and beforehand you've just got a plastic sex doll and some chemicals (and, of course, some handwavium).
Do wavium abilities and quirks carry over into a squish-bot?  Yes, but only if they are principally mental, behavioural or 'spiritual' (i.e. not those rooted in the physical structure of the body); this only applies while that particular person is 'living' in the squish-bot, and they go away when they leave (they take them with them), even if the body had been made a perfect duplicate of their handwavium-created or biomodded one.
Where is the handwavium?  There is a very small amount of highly specialised locked-purpose 'tidy-up' handwavium, tied-up in the bones, and particularly the skull; there is none anywhere else in the body; this self-destructs as the bot reverts to a doll or otherwise dies.
Can you use a squish-bot as a blood donor?  Yes, as long as you don't take enough blood to kill them - they follow the same distribution of blood types as the general population, unless they've been carefully made to resemble a particular person, when they'll have that persons blood type (unless the blood type is something weird as a result of a biomod).
Can you use a squish-bot as an organ donor?  Yes, as long as you don't kill them by harvesting the organ - taking one of paired organs works best; organ tissue types follow the same distribution as the general population, unless they've been carefully made to resemble a particular person, when they'll have that persons type (unless the tissue type is something weird as a result of a biomod).
Can you get biomodded by using donated squish-bot blood or organ?  Not as long as the waving process is done rigorously enough; the risk of using excess handwavium or botching the bot creation process is probably greatest – running blood/organ past a sensitive handwavium detector before use would be wise; bone transplants should definitely be avoided, followed by connective tissue, and the liver if you're being really cautious.
Does anything strange happen if you keep a squish-bot alive for a long time? Yes, though even total life support in an ICU wont extend their basic seven day life span; if you somehow extracted all the handwavium tied-up in the bones (how?) then you'd have a normal human body that you could keep alive indefinitely (biomodding has this extraction effect, getting one pregnant doesn't) - if someone 'lived' in a squish-bot at least 98% of the time for at least seven months (more than half a year) then this flushes-out/destroys the handwavium, leaving only a normal human body.
Can you use a squish-bot for biomodding research?  Yes, but seeing as the squish-bot hasn't any personal intentions (unless someone's 'living' in there) the range of biomods tends to be rather limited, and mostly related to healing any injuries - be careful as some biomodded squish-bots suddenly wake-up with full personalities (and souls?) and typically take a very dim view of being involved in medical experimentation (though one Mad supposed acquired an Igor this way; "Just put that lab coat on.  Yes, you can start sweeping-up over there").
How do you put someone into a squish-bot?  Brains obviously has this covered for his specialist use of Stage Three, for Stage Two a hard tech brain transplant followed by biomodding to grow it all together is likely simplest, otherwise consult a Mad about something involving 1950s hair-dryer helmets and lightning, or mince the original brain and extract the 'essence' (RNA?) with handwavium to feed into the new body (this is a biomod), or spend hours in a waved 'brain programmer' based on a reversed brain scanner (immense, very noisy and needs cryogenics), or fast-forward through a full sensory recording of someone's life to date, or...  (Brains doesn't know how to do this, and doesn't know how to do a non-destructive read of a human brain.)
Is there anything weird about the squish-bot creation process?  The weirdest thing is that its surprisingly stable and reliable, and you can dress it up with all sorts of added ritual and get the same result, something which to almost all scanning and detection resembles a non-biomodded unconscious human adult (try extracting some bone then doing a very detailed handwavium scan); note the need for a supply of unused sex dolls (and they must be sex dolls), basic handwavium, and the ritually waved (Celtic) whisky.
Are there any problems with using squish-bots?  There aren't any obvious ethical problems, as there is 'no one there' - but you might be wise to watch out for the lynch mobs.

Usage Note
'Stage One' and 'Stage Two' squish/bio-bots are 'Open Source' and can be freely used by anyone for Fenspace stories, including making variations on these.
Its not recommended making the (uninhabited) lifespan of a variant squish-bot more than four weeks, and preferably no more than ten days or two weeks; ditto not less than three days.  You might have fun with the drama of "I've only got three more days to live!".
Please ask about use of 'Stage Three' because this may involve Brains or associates.
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind
META "Squish-bot 2nd draft"

I've tried to incorporate various comments and clarifications into this, and I think it's pretty workable.

No, I haven't reduced the 'squick factor' [grin]
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind
Is the lifetime of a Squish-Bot limited, especially if it gets a brain (and maybe a physical biomod)? Maybe there should be some restrictions how easy they are to make...
The easiest thing to restrict is the special waved whisky. Brains doesn't know how to make it, and he's completely failed in his attempts to analyse it (it keeps coming up as just 'insulin'). Whoever is making it is handing out very limited supplies, and hinting that this is for both practical and 'religious' reasons. It's possible that it's very, very, difficult to copy.

Fortunately, you don't need very much. But whoever has a supply will likely hang on to it.

Getting a brain into a squish-bot is a risky process for all but the most expert biotech Mad, or someone who needs to be lucky to live. Biomod does give an indefinite lifespan, but is unpredicatable, and likely gives you an unconscious empty body that heals well, and can't be further biomodded to get a brain into it. Good for medical research, assuming handwavium contamination isn't a problem, but useless for much but brain-only cyborgs (the sort with an inorganic (upper) brain in an otherwise living body). Cyborging a biomodded squish-bot is going to require pretty good med tech.

If you want a really interesting restriction say that Stage Two squish-bots can only be activated in contact with 'living' soil (including at least a handful from the Celtic country the whisky was made in). And, for even more fun, only on Terra; need enough spare 'life force' or something. Need for a desecrated ex-holy place for variant rituals is up to you... [grin]
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind

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