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[Story][Season 0] In The Bluff
[Story][Season 0] In The Bluff
In The Bluff - 13/Jul/2012
He felt a bit naked.  Standing there near the air lock.  Only second time 'up'.  And this time no adrenaline armour.  They were making him wait.
Eventually, a woman in a red-marked uniform came in.  Attractive, of course. Looked like they'd adopted that design the Hollywood Machine had put on the AI remotes.  A practical but stylish grey, with colour markings that would be visible from any angle.  Puckish, he wondered about the underwear.  Was that uniform, too?  He never did find out what The Machine had the AIs wearing.
She indicated he should follow.  No introduction.  No handshake.  Had she been carefully ordered what to do?  He'd noticed she'd checked a pad, presumably to, at least, see if he matched his photo.  It wasn't clear why she bothered, security cameras, at least linked to the AIs, covered this entire area.  But, he guessed it was good procedure.
She left him in a security office, not far down the corridor.  A long mirror on the wall, nice to see someone respected tradition, and multiple security cameras.  He politely nodded to the mirror, and took a seat.  As expected someone burst in, a woman in a blue-marked uniform, sat, then spent time reading papers before looking at him.
It was a waiting game.  He'd decided on this, early on.  They made him wait over night, so there wasn't anything immediately time-critical.  He made them wait until noon, as he slaved over the Body Builder and Mather's frustrating AI plans.  Making sure there was nothing he'd over-looked.
His transport had been efficient.  Dublin airport, into a waved Cessna, conventional flight to Shannon, then out over the Atlantic and a climb to space avoiding any airways.  Then a short hop to L5.  He must somehow find time to get a pilots license.
As predicted, they wanted him to sign a whole new set of paper work.  When he asked about consulting a lawyer she said he'd never used one before.  On the surface it was a non-disclosure agreement, and a restatement of his existing contractual arrangements, adding some provisions about repair and support - it would supposedly 'clarify the legal position', and, 'protect both him and them'.
He brought out his own copy of the previous NDA he'd signed, and his contract. The woman across from him got a little flustered.  Comparing the two he remarked that the NDA was unchanged, and that there were a considerable number of sub-clauses in the new contract.  The unintroduced woman appeared to be fighting hard to look calm and in control.
"I think we need to discuss this with your manager."  Hurriedly, the woman gathered her papers, and left.  As expected, Jane stepped in.  Arthur tried for a Zen state, and when he looked at her imagined seeing a spot an inch behind her forehead.  He'd read about it in a Sunday paper, while idly looking for something worth reading, and, it seemed to work.
Jane didn't look shaken, but he'd expected as much.  She was made of much stronger stuff.  He explained that the NDA covered the privacy and confidentiality issues, and he wasn't prepared to sign any new contracts without full disclosure of the situation.  He suspected Jane was quietly satisfied.
It was Del, the first AI in White Team.  Or, to be more precise, her humanoid remote.  The reports were contradictory, but there'd been an airlock problem, after Mr O'Neill's transport had arrived.  Possibly due to it being clipped by a poorly piloted visitor, the previous day.  She'd fought to hold the main airlock closed, so they could get O'Neill into the station, even though she was already injured, by flying debris.
She's succeeded, but collapsed with asphyxia, then bled-out.  There were hints that O'Neill had implied his health was more important than some robot.  He'd been treated by Kelly, Nurse Genny had tried to help Del, but failed.  By the time Kelly got to her there was nothing she could do.
The AI core that was Del's mind went into shock.  Defensively the other two White Team AIs, Epsi and Eta, had voted her off-line.  Then they had disagreed about what to do next.  That locked them off-line, and put Zeta, the Black Team AI, in control of their responsibilities.  "Nice to know all that logic worked", thought Arthur.
Jane was a little shocked to be told there hadn't been an AI logic cascade failure, it was a basic feature of the design.  She got Kelly in, and Arthur showed them on their copy of the AI operations manual, a detail Kelly admitted she'd overlooked.
Next, Arthur asked to see the actual White Team AI cores.  In person, this time, rather than by studying the system displays.  Then he followed up with the rest of the cores; the Black Team AI core was particularly difficult to get to.  Someone had added locked retaining straps, to hold the cores in place.
Kelly wasn't sure, but she thought it was an external technical inspection team, that went around after everything was installed.  She hadn't looked into it herself because none of the AIs commented.  Arthur pointed out that it explicitly broke the AI core installation specification.
Kelly got out the cutting tools.
After things were put to rights Arthur spoke to Epsi and Eta's remotes.  Epsi had been in a bio dome, working on her little garden patch, Eta in a kitchen, making pecan and chocolate chip cookies.  Neither were very happy.  He explained what he thought had happened, and they agreed that matched their experiences.  They said they were still in contact with Del, but she seemed in a semi-conscious state.
"I'll need use of your workshop" remarked Arthur to Kelly, and she led him there, with what looked like a numb expression.  Sweeping the contents of a workbench into a bin, she indicated it to him.  Two of White Team wheeled his luggage in, as he'd requested.
The Hollywood Machine responded in a positive but cautious way to Arthur.  Kelly explained she'd put Del's damaged remote through, but nothing happened.  Arthur shook his head, "It's not magic you know", though that was a bit of a cheap shot.  The new Del remote was processed in five minutes, after Arthur checked everything was OK with a test remote.
Back in Kelly's workshop the extracted Del AI core was open on the bench, and quickly had its new half-pair phone installed, the other half-pair having been processed into the new remote.  A quick AI core cycle, and Del leapt to her feet, and threw herself sobbing into the arms of Epsi and Eta.
Kelly was a bit bemused, and commented that she didn't think they worked like that.  Arthur gave her a sour look.  After a while they all calmed down, and thanked Arthur, who was a little embarrassed by the hugs.  Arthur pointed out Del was only dressed in a robe, seeing as he hadn't been able to match the original sports wear, and she'd need her spare clothes.  Then was shocked to find she didn't have any.
Jane was called in, and agreed there needed to be a re-think on the way the AIs were managed.  Arthur also asked her to witness him starting up another AI, using the test remote that he'd processed, and an AI core from his luggage.
"This is Consultant Engineer Janet.  She is an expert on the maintenance of the AIs, and knows as much as I do about the Hollywood Machine.  I think you need to get on with drawing-up a contract with her.  She nominally works for me, and she will not be resident on this station."
Jane and Kelly looked at each other.  He could almost feel them working the recent events into their story.  He held his breath, unsure what would happen, maybe even violence.  Kelly looked thoughtful.  Jane spoke.
"I suppose this means you wont be signing the revised contract terms with us."
"Yes, and I want all the AIs to read this."
He handed Jane a paperback copy of "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance".
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind
META "In The Bluff"

This is the first real story of the second 'Arthur' chapter.

Do you think Arthur is acting a bit too effectively, on the station, or, is he just on a roll?

Is Arthur being too cruel to Kelly?

(I'd admit Kelly isn't too good at realising her own limits, but, does Arthur know this?)

This follows "Defective Work, and is (currently) the last story.
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind
His personality is a big change from the first series -but in a good way. He was too pasive then, clearly out of his depth, and he ended up being, basically, used by O'Neill.
Now, he has been burned once, and is reacting to prevent a second trick. He is a bit too forceful, but that may be a front, to cover his nervousness. A scene at the end, or in the next chapter, here he gets the shakes once he is alone and safe may be a good idea.
If he is using a front, then Kelly will probably notice; her detectine "experience" should be able to spot the signs, and not be too hurt. And realising she has limits with someone safe -ideed, far safer than her Boss- will be very good for her.

Now, and that is an important plot point, wich may destroy all of Arthur's attempts at secrecy... did she recognice Arthur's voice?
Many AIs are good at voiceprint identification, and such tech does fit the "Charlie's Angels" paradigm... but, deep down, Kelly might not want to recognize Arthur's voice.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
robkelk Wrote:Many AIs are good at voiceprint identification, and such tech does fit the "Charlie's Angels" paradigm... but, deep down, Kelly might not want to recognize Arthur's voice.
Now I suddenly rememerbred a short Harry Potter/James Bond crossover, where McGonagal was M. And the wizards who had to deal with the MI6 keep thinking then M reminded then of someone. "Hey, Professor Dumbledore, don't  you think M looks a lot like Profesof McGonnagal? Of course not, my boy, she does not wear glasses"
I can see it. "Hey, this Arthur guy sounds a bit like Charlie".
Rakhasa Wrote:His personality is a big change from the first series -but in a good way. He was too pasive then, clearly out of his depth, and he ended up being, basically, used by O'Neill.
Now, he has been burned once, and is reacting to prevent a second trick. He is a bit too forceful, but that may be a front, to cover his nervousness. A scene at the end, or in the next chapter, here he gets the shakes once he is alone and safe may be a good idea.
If he is using a front, then Kelly will probably notice; her detectine "experience" should be able to spot the signs, and not be too hurt. And realising she has limits with someone safe -ideed, far safer than her Boss- will be very good for her.

Now, and that is an important plot point, wich may destroy all of Arthur's attempts at secrecy... did she recognice Arthur's voice?
He is using a front, forethought, and a number of mental tricks to stop himself being intimidated.  Then he's cruising on technological outrage.
Kelly is initially in shock.  She's made a number of mistakes, some big, some smaller, and she can't put them all down to the conflict between her Steam Punk engineering, and her modern scientific viewpoint.  She'll need to think very carefully when writing-up the report on this one, and will maybe need Jane's help to word things right.  She's also not looking forward to dissecting the remains of Del's old remote, and wondering if Janet should be involved in that.
Then there is the matter of timescales.  She suspects, correctly, that Arthur built two AI remotes in the time since he was informed about the problem, and possibly designed and built an AI, or, at least finished one.  All in less than eighteen hours.  Could she do the equivalent, using Steam Punk?  She's not sure.
Is Arthur one of the people they are in deep cover to find out about?
Jane had doubts about his competency, but that turned into concern about how the station is managed.  She thinks Arthur is an engineer, not a businessman, and was interested to see him evade the legal traps, while still acting in good faith.  Jane is still discussing with Sarah about whether they will sue the designer or the installer of the hanger bay airlock.
Arthur is worth future watching.
Quote:robkelk wrote:

Many AIs are good at voiceprint identification, and such tech does fit the "Charlie's Angels" paradigm... but, deep down, Kelly might not want to recognize Arthur's voice.
Neither of them have yet recognised Arthur's voice.  His 'Charlie' piece was carefully written, and something he'd practiced a lot.  It didn't use his normal speech patterns, and was in a lower key than his normal voice.  They don't have any better ability to recognise voices than a really good detective, without perfect pitch, would have.
Kelly will notice Arthur is speaking differently here, than he did when she supervised the relocation of the Hollywood Machine.  She put that down to him being intimidated by her powerful female presence.  Now they are talking tech, and that is presumably an area where he is far more confident.
Arthur's problem is that he has now definitely attracted their attention...
[cut to commercial break Smile]
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind
META "In The Bluff"

Some small edits made to the text, one to fix an inconsistency with the previous inspection Arthur did in "Master Of All", others on the basis of feedback, and one or two typos.

This follows "Defective Work", and the next story is planned to be "Project Engineering".
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind
Rakhasa Wrote:
robkelk Wrote:Many AIs are good at voiceprint identification, and such tech does fit the "Charlie's Angels" paradigm... but, deep down, Kelly might not want to recognize Arthur's voice.
Now I suddenly rememerbred a short Harry Potter/James Bond crossover, where McGonagal was M. And the wizards who had to deal with the MI6 keep thinking then M reminded then of someone. "Hey, Professor Dumbledore, don't  you think M looks a lot like Profesof McGonnagal? Of course not, my boy, she does not wear glasses"
I can see it. "Hey, this Arthur guy sounds a bit like Charlie".
Or, at least, not quite yet. [grin]
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind
Ace Dreamer Wrote:No.
Or, at least, not quite yet. [grin]
Now, this is a question to wonder about both the AI Angels and the original ones... when the three girls are off work, and all the important topics on hot guys, trashy clothes and shanky neighbours have been used... do they ever wonder what Charlie does when he is not talking to then?
Rakhasa Wrote:
Ace Dreamer Wrote:No.
Or, at least, not quite yet. [grin]
Now, this is a question to wonder about both the AI Angels and the original ones... when the three girls are off work, and all the important topics on hot guys, trashy clothes and shanky neighbours have been used... do they ever wonder what Charlie does when he is not talking to then? 
Charlie is a shadow, Bosley is a bumbling asexual friend.
The AI Angels are in deep cover - even if they are 'off work' they need to censor what they do.  Finding a 'Boz' on the crew is probably one of the things keeping them sane(ish).
Charlie works best for them as a mysterious icon, almost like an imprisoned king, who can only work in the world through them.  Mystical.  I think that mystery is an important part of their relationship with him, and there are serious limits to how much they're prepared to strain it by speculating.
But, I might be completely wrong! [grin]
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind
Ace Dreamer Wrote:Charlie works best for them as a mysterious icon, almost like an imprisoned king, who can only work in the world through them.  Mystical.  I think that mystery is an important part of their relationship with him, and there are serious limits to how much they're prepared to strain it by speculating.
But, I might be completely wrong! [grin]
Oh... oh! I just had an Idea. Charlie, in a way, and for both the Angels and the show viewers, does not exist. He is only ever "seen" as a disenbodied voice in a phone.
In other words, a perfect job for an accidentally born AI, living in the Internet, than no one, including the creator (maybe Arthur in his first experiment? Mabye Arthur's friend Dave?) knows even exist.
Except the Angels, of course, because he is Charlie. Deep covers do end eventually, and Charlie will have to phone then and give then their new mission...
Rakhasa Wrote:
Ace Dreamer Wrote:Charlie works best for them as a mysterious icon, almost like an imprisoned king, who can only work in the world through them.  Mystical.  I think that mystery is an important part of their relationship with him, and there are serious limits to how much they're prepared to strain it by speculating.
But, I might be completely wrong! [grin]
Oh... oh! I just had an Idea. Charlie, in a way, and for both the Angels and the show viewers, does not exist. He is only ever "seen" as a disenbodied voice in a phone.
In other words, a perfect job for an accidentally born AI, living in the Internet, than no one, including the creator (maybe Arthur in his first experiment? Mabye Arthur's friend Dave?) knows even exist.
Except the Angels, of course, because he is Charlie. Deep covers do end eventually, and Charlie will have to phone then and give then their new mission...
Charlie has to be real, at least in the Angels minds, for them to work.
I wouldn't call Dave Mathers Arthur's 'friend', more someone he's found useful, and is deeply terrified of.
The accidental AI idea is interesting.  You do have the problem, you mentioned, of what it does when its not being Charlie. [grin]
Dave Mathers only waves sane AIs (and other stuff, far, far, weirder).  I'm not sure a Charlie AI would be sane.  Arthur is pretty strong on AIs having an embodied independence, so I don't think he would create one.
Maybe Kelly will have a psychotic break, and create a Steam Punk Charlie, but not remember, afterwards?
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind
Ace Dreamer Wrote:The accidental AI idea is interesting.  You do have the problem, you mentioned, of what it does when its not being Charlie. [grin]
It is always Charlie, of course. No, more seriously, for a literary standpoint - Charlie does nothing. In hindisght, Arthur is a bad Charlie: We are learning about him, his personality, his dreams, his fears.. The real Charlie is just a voice in the phone, which sends the Angels to missions, and then congratulates their success. And he should remain that way.

Quote:Ace Dreamer wrote:

Maybe Kelly will have a psychotic break, and create a Steam Punk Charlie, but not remember, afterwards?
That is a good idea. The point of Charlie is than no one knows him. And the Angels need him. And they are very intelligent. So a small psychotic break, where all three (all three togehter feels better somehow) realize they are living a lie, create their own Charlie and their own Townsend Detective Agency (possibly in Arthur's main frame), and then forget it all, has posibilities. Cue much head sctarching form Arthur when he tries to make sense ("Where did that AI come from? And how?")
Rakhasa Wrote:
Quote:Ace Dreamer wrote:

Maybe Kelly will have a psychotic break, and create a Steam Punk Charlie, but not remember, afterwards?
That is a good idea. The point of Charlie is than no one knows him. And the Angels need him. And they are very intelligent. So a small psychotic break, where all three (all three togehter feels better somehow) realize they are living a lie, create their own Charlie and their own Townsend Detective Agency (possibly in Arthur's main frame), and then forget it all, has posibilities. Cue much head sctarching form Arthur when he tries to make sense ("Where did that AI come from? And how?") 
Doesn't sound quite right, But I'll think about this.
On a different subject, do you think we could get 'Angel' Sarah to cosplay a Slayer, in Marduk? [grin]
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind
Ace Dreamer Wrote:On a different subject, do you think we could get 'Angel' Sarah to cosplay a Slayer, in Marduk? [grin]
That depends - Lina, Amelia, Sylphiel, or Naga?

(What? "Wrong Slayers?" Oh.)
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
On the topic of Charlie, I had a strange idea.
- Charlie manifests as a sort of hivemind AI, one part in each of the Angels' subconscious. 
- With a Sherlock Holmes like ability to take scattered data and extrapolate, combined with all the information the Angels absorb (even the stuff they can't consciously recall) enables him to determine the next target for the Angels to investigate.
- When the 3 Angels are together, he is able to wirelessly transmit to nearby speaker systems so as to talk to them.
"I've always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific." - George Carlin
"Hello.  I'll be your Slayer, today."
SfX: spins wooden stake
"Huh?  Where did he go?"
[very big grin]
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind
~looks around form the corner~ is the nasty slayer gone? Good.

I love Timote's idea. The Angels themsleves, due to their own quirk, are not using the processors in their brain at AI speed... but that does not mean all this processing power stands idle.
Rakhasa Wrote:~looks around form the corner~ is the nasty slayer gone? Good.

I love Timote's idea. The Angels themsleves, due to their own quirk, are not using the processors in their brain at AI speed... but that does not mean all this processing power stands idle.
She wouldn't really stab you.  Not unless she was sure you were a real-life, not a cosplaying, vampire, that is. [grin]
The Angels appear to he human to all medical tests.  Flesh and blood brains.  No detectable processors.  Not even biomodded.
Which, is a bit funny because Sarah has abilities difficult explain without a biomod...
Technically, the Angels are AIs.  Their processors might be around somewhere, even if not in 4D space-time.  The only one showing any evidence of this is Sarah, when she goes Terminator on things.  And, she is, honest, just channelling Sarah Conner. [grin]
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind
Ace Dreamer Wrote:The Angels appear to he human to all medical tests.  Flesh and blood brains.  No detectable processors.  Not even biomodded.
Which, is a bit funny because Sarah has abilities difficult explain without a biomod...
Technically, the Angels are AIs.  Their processors might be around somewhere, even if not in 4D space-time.  The only one showing any evidence of this is Sarah, when she goes Terminator on things.  And, she is, honest, just channelling Sarah Conner. [grin]

Is this even possible in Fenspace? Bio-AIs with processors in "pocket dimensions" without any handwavium involved a detector could smell?
Ace Dreamer Wrote:The Angels appear to he human to all medical tests.  Flesh and blood brains.  No detectable processors.  Not even biomodded.
HRogge Wrote:Is this even possible in Fenspace? Bio-AIs with processors in "pocket dimensions" without any handwavium involved a detector could smell?
Not that way, no... but use a bio-processor instead of a silicon processor and it becomes quite possible. There's even precedent for it.

(Speaking of which, I wonder what would happen if Arthur ever met]Kurumi Asahina...)
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Ace Dreamer Wrote:She wouldn't really stab you.  Not unless she was sure you were a real-life, not a cosplaying, vampire, that is. [grin]
The Angels appear to he human to all medical tests.  Flesh and blood brains.  No detectable processors.  Not even biomodded.
Which, is a bit funny because Sarah has abilities difficult explain without a biomod...
Technically, the Angels are AIs.  Their processors might be around somewhere, even if not in 4D space-time.  The only one showing any evidence of this is Sarah, when she goes Terminator on things.  And, she is, honest, just channelling Sarah Conner. [grin]
That was sort of my point. They are AI... but they do not act, think, or even use their Ai parts; for all intents and purposes, they are intelligent humans. So all that extra computing power... does it just stand idle?

P.D: Ace, Oscar Vykos is a real-life vampire, or at least the closest thing you can get with a biomod.
Which is interesting for you, given the last fic you posted... because Oscar got this biomod by accidentally mixing a papercut's blood and handwavium...
robkelk Wrote:Not that way, no... but use a bio-processor instead of a silicon processor and it becomes quite possible. There's even precedent for it.

Yeah... but there would be still lots of (detectable) Handwavium involved. ^^

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