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There are already a lot of that sort of entry in the Official Timeline on the wiki...
If somebody else wants to edit out the items of lesser importance, I don't mind - as long as the big list is available somewhere. (Maybe as a GoogleDoc.)
Rob Kelk
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The revised version of the 77 Frigga timeline's on the discussion page.... and actually goes back as far as Ford's first discovery of handwavium and includes details of the other Knight Sabers and what they were doing. The Tanalloy in Shinji's Judy is now an actual chunk of salvaged gate metal, rather than a copy. Because there isn't enough time for anything else, and it makes more sense. And having the destructive test of the battery emit an energy signature that can be detected across Fenspace by the Mads lets me set up a secret test of character for Shinji...
EDIT: Most of it was intended as personal data. (And I do retcon a lot anyway)
EDIT II: Wait.... Yuu and Shinj have a daughter Nana?.... Bawww. I just hope granny Aggie has enough sense not to bother the pair.
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It's a wiki, it's not as if there is a finite number of pages... we can have the "official" timeline and a link at the end to an extended version.
Also, Magic is released? YAY! And no mention of how the Wizards react? Boooo! Hiss!
For the record, Oscar has secretely (and not-so.secretely) believed that HAndwavium was magic all along. As soon as he can get his hands of a copy of the unedited catalog, he will expand the Plyenan Polygnostic Univertity t ahve a full magical facutly; as early as 2019 the Arcane University and the Tower or Art will begin construction, trhogh it will be a while before they are finished.
"Magic and Technology are just to sides of Science that start far from each other but will combine in the end."
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Rakhasa Wrote:Also, Magic is released? YAY! And no mention of how the Wizards react? Boooo! Hiss! One of these days, somebody's going to write something about the Wizards... and I'm going to stare in amazement.
(One of these days, somebody's going to write something about the Fivers... One of these days, somebody's going to write something about the Belters... etc, etc, etc... Maybe we have too many factions.)
Rakhasa Wrote:For the record, Oscar has secretely (and not-so.secretely) believed that HAndwavium was magic all along. As soon as he can get his hands of a copy of the unedited catalog, he will expand the Plyenan Polygnostic Univertity t ahve a full magical facutly; as early as 2019 the Arcane University and the Tower or Art will begin construction, trhogh it will be a while before they are finished. I doubt Noah will ever release a fully-unredacted version of the Catalog - he's too far dug-in to his position to back away from it, and I doubt Dee will ever make public everything that's going on at Black Mesa.
Helen, OTOH...
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
I think the catgirls of Catgirl Industries will be excited about the idea of real magic... a lot more things to research and toy around with!
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The Macrossians will be ecstatic about the possibility of genuine Bardic Magic. 
Sucrose Octanitrate.
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robkelk Wrote:I doubt Noah will ever release a fully-unredacted version of the Catalog - he's too far dug-in to his position to back away from it, and I doubt Dee will ever make public everything that's going on at Black Mesa.
Helen, OTOH... Just the knowdeledge that there is magic will be enough for, the the very least, the Wizards, the Magical Girls, the goths in Marduk and almost certianly the Supers to start their own research institutes. And while you can get away with keping something secret, triing to keep everything coming out of Black Mesa secret would be a diplomatic disaster -and, for that matter, the equivalen to shouting a Dare to all the hackers in Fenspace...
The "Arcane University" in Marduk, by the time the new season ends, will be an university in name only, because they only have started to research the basics, and probably so will be any other group in fenspace that has no access to the full catalog. But being able to detect the existence of mana levels is a startng point. But actually it comes in a good moment: By 2020 Vykos has finished building Marduk, has a succesfuyl company, even the Hellfire Club has already gone through the frst years of growth. It will be a good time to ponder "and now, what do I do?"... when suddenly, Magic! Ever since Handwaviu appeard and turned him in a vampire, Oscar has believed in Magic,but never quite dared to actually say it out loud. But it is real, and it is here. That is something new he can keep busy on for the next few decades...
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While it's a given that the Catalogue doesn't have the Unified Theory of Magic in it, it probably has enough different systems described that a team similar to the one in Warriors' World might well be able to derive it -- given enough time and effort.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
One thing I worry about magic is Fenspace is that it will allow to sidestep the "rules" of Handwavium a lot... do we introduce an "everything goes" into the scenario or do we create a new rule of thumb whats possible with magic with a certain amount of research?
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I think magic should be like Hard Tech -using pure magic you can sidestep all the handwavium rules if (IF) you can discover the proper spells/theory. Which, since it is starting a compleely unknown "scientific" system from zero, will take a long, long time. Using the whole Fenspace Cathalog you can build dangerous hard-tech weapons, after all, if you manage to learn the necessary theories and build the necessary machines.
It's as Bob said: Time and effort. Maybe in 2030, 2040 or 2050 magic will be a real setting changer. Until then, people are still discovering the basics. For many Wizards it will be enough to know it is possible, for now. They can keep working on it for the rest of their lives. This may bring back their faction back to the big leages after the losses of the War and the years they have been lickng their injuries (see? It's not that no one cared to write about then, there is a Reason we have not heard about WIzards for years...)
Of course, you can speed this by several order of magnitude mixing magic and handwavium... but then you face the rules once again, just like what happened for the rules of physics and the 'wave.
Rakhasa Wrote:I think magic should be like Hard Tech -using pure magic you can sidestep all the handwavium rules if (IF) you can discover the proper spells/theory. Which, since it is starting a compleely unknown "scientific" system from zero, will take a long, long time. Using the whole Fenspace Cathalog you can build dangerous hard-tech weapons, after all, if you manage to learn the necessary theories and build the necessary machines.
It's as Bob said: Time and effort. Maybe in 2030, 2040 or 2050 magic will be a real setting changer. Until then, people are still discovering the basics. For many Wizards it will be enough to know it is possible, for now. They can keep working on it for the rest of their lives. This may bring back their faction back to the big leages after the losses of the War and the years they have been lickng their injuries (see? It's not that no one cared to write about then, there is a Reason we have not heard about WIzards for years...)
Of course, you can speed this by several order of magnitude mixing magic and handwavium... but then you face the rules once again, just like what happened for the rules of physics and the 'wave.
If it goes this way, I am okay with it...
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Rakhasa Wrote:I think magic should be like Hard Tech -using pure magic you can sidestep all the handwavium rules if (IF) you can discover the proper spells/theory. Which, since it is starting a compleely unknown "scientific" system from zero, will take a long, long time. Using the whole Fenspace Cathalog you can build dangerous hard-tech weapons, after all, if you manage to learn the necessary theories and build the necessary machines.
It's as Bob said: Time and effort. Maybe in 2030, 2040 or 2050 magic will be a real setting changer. Until then, people are still discovering the basics. For many Wizards it will be enough to know it is possible, for now. They can keep working on it for the rest of their lives. This may bring back their faction back to the big leages after the losses of the War and the years they have been lickng their injuries (see? It's not that no one cared to write about then, there is a Reason we have not heard about WIzards for years...)
Of course, you can speed this by several order of magnitude mixing magic and handwavium... but then you face the rules once again, just like what happened for the rules of physics and the 'wave. +1
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
Depends what flavour of magic we are talking about. There are so many it is difficult to "shake a stick" at them all.
Of course, you might try using a meta system, and seeing what you get out of that:
If you are interested in "Real World" magic, I strongly recommend you reading a copy of "Real Magic". I'm pretty sure it is the libraries of quite a few of the more mystically inclined Fen...
If you can't get you hands on a copy of "Real Magic", you could try and see what you learn from:
which is the same theories applied to (tabletop) role-playing games.
A potentially interesting question is "what is the cross-over between magic and psionics?". Some consider magic to be a ritualised way to access psionic powers, others that they are at root the same thing. The dividing point tends to be the question of whether "magic objects" can exist; things which are magic in and of their own selves. It is generally considered that there are no "psionic objects", though there may well be things like amplifier crystals.
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind
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It just means some fen will have to adapt themselves or their lifestyles. As soon as mana driven technology becomes a thing, it shouldn't be too hard. Either to buy basic magic hardware, like defence fields and the like, up to more complex objects, or to get it fitted.
While some things which were dismissed as 'wave effects' now come to be understood as early uncontrolled or unintentional forms of 'magic'.
The only struggle will be keeping characters relevant to the changed setting without the ninja-pirate-zombie-robot effect kicking in. And there are plenty of people who might feel their established positions might be threatened.
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Dartz Wrote:EDIT II: Wait.... Yuu and Shinj have a daughter Nana?.... Bawww. I just hope granny Aggie has enough sense not to bother the pair. I was wondering whether somebody would actually read the list. 8) Has anyone spotted the other additions yet?
Nana - just "Nana", no family name - is taller than her mother but shorter than her father, and quite cute. ("Pretty as a picture," according to her picture-drawing mother.)
She isn't a Scott-series android; she's primarily Whole-Fenspace-Catalog tech... possibly the first. Thus, she can symbolically call Mecha-RinRin and BiBi "aunts" or "sisters"... (That's a hint as to what she can do physically, as well.)
And, yes, Agatha is not invited to the christening. Neither is Noah, for that matter. And representatives from the Vesta Institute of Robotics are requested to call ahead and book an interview.
Rob Kelk
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Just thinking about how many people that would automatically make extremely angry is probably enough to discourage her from kidnapping the newly awakened 'for study anyway'. It's one thing everyone could agree on.....
Even if the thought of it's making me grin stupidly, because that's something we could really throw everyone at.
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While doing some Wiki-adding, I realized that there's another mercenary group out there - the SEBureau. What's going to happen to them once the Boskone War is over? Normally, I'd let the person who came up with the group make the decision, but Griever hasn't been around here for a half-decade or so...
These guys are not the type of mercenaries who can adapt easily into either the regular forces or civilian society. (Trigon is amongst their number, as is an AI patterned after Harley Quinn. So is "N," the biomod victim who shapeshifts into whoever the person (s)he's touching thinks is an ideal mate.) They aren't part of a group that's large enough to keep them as "internal security" or any of the other dodges the factions use to maintain their factional cadres. They're definitely anti-Boskonian, so they aren't going to turn pirate.
My first inclination is to say "war's over, we won, cashier the troops and start telling stories about how they have trouble in post-war life"... but that's rather dystopic, considering who's involved.
Any ideas?
Rob Kelk
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the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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Quote:[b]robkelk wrote:[/b]
Any ideas?
I have one, which I had been planning for Genesis and the war. Genesis, as a company whose main business was in the Belt in the war, would create its own security to protect its ships and construction sites -for all purposes, a proper Evil MegaCorp Mercenary Army.
It would be a small one as far as Evil MegaCorp Armies go, but it would have several ships and dozens -possibly even a few hundred- but it would continue after the war, because Oscar was not going to get caught with his people undefended by pirate attacks ever again. I suspect the weapons, personnel and operation restrictions for such a thing would be a hotly debated part of the negociatiosn between Genesis and the Convention when the weapons limitation treaty was signed, but we can take for granted that the setting won over the forces of emo and dystopia, and the "security" is compliant with Great Justice needs.
That said, Genesis is not the only company which deals with the more isolated parts of the Solar System -and unlike then, Stellvia or Greenwood, few of the smaller companies can afford to build the kind of security you need to protect a transport against pirate raids -there is a niche for mercenary groups. They probably would have the be licensed, and face whatever restrictions private companies have with heir security, but the place for then is there
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I don't think 'War's over, What now?" is too dystopian of a question to answer. Although that depends on where it ends up.... I sort of skirted around such things without going right head on.
Licensed mercenaries have been mentioned before.... they have to exist and be reputable, restricted and accountable enough for groups like the Knight Sabers being unlicensed to be a worthwhile issue for Maico Tange to mention. There're bound to be multiple smaller outfits, trading off of reputation from Great Justice or the like, who're willing to guard particularly valuable shipments. That's one of the ways the Panzer Kunst Gruppe keep themselves running, post-war.... even going in the other direction and setting up a full-time dedicated secure transport service using a Space Shuttle.
Somebody's got to compete with them.
With proper oversight from Great Justice and the Space Patrol, of course.... it also has the benefit of keeping GJ and the patrol dedicated to their missions, rather than having to bother with minutiae and basic security
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It's where it ends up that I'm worried about with some of these folks. The three that I mentioned, at the least, aren't going to get "happily ever after" endings without some sort of deus ex machina...
Rob Kelk
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the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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I always assumed something more of an 'earn your happy ending' at worst..... it takes time and effort and occasional interference from an outside source within the fandom to nudge them on the right path. But it's doable. It's just a matter ofhooking the right quirk.... or inventing the right technology, or meeting the right person at the right time. In Fenspace, there're plenty of right people out there.
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Ok, might as well toss in the personal timeline of my open character, Cerrate. This is extremely rough, so as to allow maximum use by others while ensuring he remains true to my concept.
May 16, 2014 - Cerrate first appears in Port Luna, purchasing transport to Marsbase Sara. First time he gives his name as Cerrate. As there are no records of someone under that name on Earth, it is assumed that he's one of the numerous Fen who adopt a new name upon leaving Earth.
June 1, 2014 - Goes in for a job interview with one of the larger Mecha repair bays maintained by the Marsbase Sara administration. Gets hired as an assistant technician. Begins drawing up plans for constructing the Gundam Heavyarms mecha.
October 7, 2014 - Construction begins on Gundam Heavyarms. Given the alarming amount of firepower concentrated in a single mecha, Cerrate is quietly put on a watch list, but is given low priority due to his seeming well-adjusted personality.
December 17, 2014 - Cerrate takes his first two weeks of paid vacation, and promptly vanishes off the map. He returns on New Years Day. This event occurs every subsequent year. Speculation is that he's visiting family on Earth.
March 15, 2017 - An accident in a Mecha repair bay crushes Cerrate's left arm below the elbow, neccesitating cybernetic replacement. New arm has a personal-use wifi-capable computer built in.
July 9, 2020 - Construction of Gundam Heavyarms completed. Cerrate begins taking lessons in mecha piloting. Various law enforcement agencies quietly upgrade priority on watching him, but nothing comes of it.
January 1, 2021 - Takes the test to become a licensed mecha pilot. Finally realizing how it would look to outside observers for a private citizen to have such a heavily armed Mecha as Heavyarms, voluntarily schedules an apointment for psycological review.
January 18, 2021 - Passes the psychological exam, the tester finding Cerrate to be of sound mind, with no reason to deny a mech piloting license on mental grounds.
Candle in the Dark timeline
1. Becomes one of the many, many people who get physically taped to a wall by Marsbase Sara authorities in an attempt to keep them from rushing to the crew of the dropship Drakon and jumpship Rogue Elephant and spilling the beans on the Battletech universe.
2. Heads out at the controls of Gundam Heavyarms to guard Mars during the Invasion of '25. Is almost dissapointed that none of the invading pirates target Mars.
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Dartz Wrote:I always assumed something more of an 'earn your happy ending' at worst..... it takes time and effort and occasional interference from an outside source within the fandom to nudge them on the right path. But it's doable. It's just a matter ofhooking the right quirk.... or inventing the right technology, or meeting the right person at the right time. In Fenspace, there're plenty of right people out there. True, true...
Most of the SEBureau can just dissolve at the end of the Boskone War, with the drydock reverting to StellviaCorp control; the only loose end that's been mentioned in-universe is the Kobayashi Maru and its crew. After a night to sleep on this, I've come up with this possibility - does anyone have any objections?
The Kobayashi Maru itself and its AI Viola - She joins Great Justice full-time, with a very-carefully-selected crew.
Katz and Trigon - They return to Hermes Universal Deliveries.
N - (s)he drifts for a few months, accepts an offer from the Vesta Institute of Biotechnology to be a "guinea-pig in residence" for a half-year, hates the experience, drifts for a while longer, ends up in a quiet dome not-too-close to Aria Field, writes hir memoirs, discovers a talent for writing, and ends up a career writer.
Pepita Ingless - She stays on Stellvia, gets a job working for Kohran, and is promoted to the station's Chief Engineer position in 2018.
J. Hawking [size=smaller](still needs a given name)[/size] - He finds his daughter Kyliea [size=smaller](let's give her some background, too)[/size] on Liberatrix, but they never find the rest of their family. They find a place to live in Liberty, he gets a job flying a shuttle on the Liberty / Port Ceres run, and she continues her studies at the local college.
'A dozen "marines" who'd been Senshi once upon a time' - They return to the Senshi, where they end up part of the crew of the Hornblower-class ship Le Reve.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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Terrace Wrote:Ok, might as well toss in the personal timeline of my open character, Cerrate. This is extremely rough, so as to allow maximum use by others while ensuring he remains true to my concept. Thanks! If Cerrate ever gets posted to the FenWiki, this will be very useful...
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012