"My Little Pony" biomod
09-02-2012, 05:08 PM
Some of the MLP Fen seem to be really, really, fanatical...
What would happen if a group of them got together and tried to biomod themselves each into their favourite Pony?
Is this the sort of thing that would happen in Fenspace in keeping with it being a positive non-noir setting?
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind
META: "My Little Pony" biomod
If I'm not supposed to mention MLP:FIM in connection with Fenspace, my apologies, and I withdraw the question.
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind
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It could be a difficult life without poseable fingers or an assistive technologies. Quite a few individuals would consider them to be foolish for doing it.
Cutie-mark tatoos might be far more popular
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I knew I should have avoided that throwaway joke when designing the Hellfire Club...
But let's avoid hypocresies, all fandom has the same rights. I will leave the existence of MLP biomods on the open, but I will state that the joke was true: There is a vault under the Genesis Ziggurat with weird things that may be useful for the future, and two of then are a (cyborg) unicorn horn able to use telekinesis, and wings able to glide and fly short distances (both using anti-gravity tech and adaptations of the Kineitic cannon), the right size for a pony. (that vault also has, among other things, a handwaved vat of glitterdust that should , theoretically, allow a vampire biomod to sparkle under sunlight. I ha had to choose, Oscar quite honestly prefers the ponies...)
And once the Jenga catgirs discover Eezo, Oscar will try to create organic versions using ME eezo biotics, ready to be implanted.
On a related note, there already are several examples of cats and dogs getting human intelligence after an accidental biomod. So there is not reason that all the MLP fen needed to be origanly human to start with...
I'm sure you could add a harness that gave control of a robot remote with hands...
if it works for cats (sorry "ka'ats") it should work for ponies...
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I seem to recall it being mentioned in the Martian casino thread from a month or two ago, that there was something pony related, but that the Bronies didn't grow as big/fst as in RL due to so many Fen having already left Earth.
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There's plenty of more useful and directly related fandoms to indulge in when it comes to space travel (I'm sure there's a couple of Kamen Rider Fourze space suits around, and lots of Super Sentai/Power Rangers even among non-Gearheads) but there's probably just as much of an interwave following - gotta pass the time somehow while the autopilot takes you from cislunar orbit to to the Starbase 1 ATC zone after all. If someone ever gets a Pretender system working WC might consider a secondary brony shell.
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Ace Dreamer Wrote:META: "My Little Pony" biomod
If I'm not supposed to mention MLP:FIM in connection with Fenspace, my apologies, and I withdraw the question. No need. It's more "nobody's said much" than "nobody's supposed to ask"...
I'd be hesitant to set up a "Conversion Bureau" - that's too close to the Catgirling Machines for my taste - but I wouldn't say no if somebody wanted to biomod into Twi or Pinkie (or Derpy, for that matter).
Rob Kelk
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Bronies make up a substantial fraction of the Crystal Millennium's male population (and a smaller but still significant fraction of the female population). Most bronies are fans of the show naturally and their interest doesn't go beyond that - despite what Fox News might say when they run a wave-fear segment, the average Fen isn't looking to turn themselves into a bizarre creature because they like a certain property. Cutie mark tattoos are fairly common among bronies and have even started to filter into mainstream Senshi culture. Brony biomods when they happen (because they always do) interestingly enough don't go full-pony but are rather more like catgirl transformations. Horselike ears and/or tails are common, wings and horn structures are less common but they do happen - the wings are usually small compared to the size and mass of the person getting them, but they're still capable of flying. Gender shift happens in about 25% of cases, which is a little more on average than the usual rate. The most interesting side effect is cloning, on multiple occasions group biomods among bronies have produced identical copies of one basic template; VIB researchers call this the "background pony effect."
The number of people interested in full-pony biomods is, shall we say, limited at best and so far nobody's come out and actually said they've accomplished it.
robkelk Wrote:I'd be hesitant to set up a "Conversion Bureau"
I don't want the Conversion Bureau anywhere near my nice clean Fenspace! I've read some of that stuff and good fucking god!
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(Asks with narrowed, suspicious optics) Is this something I'll be happier if I don't Google for?
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
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Quote:M Fnord wrote:
The number of people interested in full-pony biomods is, shall we say, limited at best and so far nobody's come out and actually said they've accomplished it.
It is likely that any full pony or carebear are actually biomodded horses/bears. Teddy bears, too.
Because small children can use handwavium, specially fenkinder wich either are too sneaky or have inatentive/busy/Mad parents. The 'wave may even protect in its own way the kid's safety, but that only means the inevitable biomods will not fall on then, but on the surrounding area.
An a five year old girl wich gets her hands in daddys' newest Solid strain provably is not very interested in FTL drives or giant Mecha...
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ClassicDrogn Wrote:(Asks with narrowed, suspicious optics) Is this something I'll be happier if I don't Google for?
Yes. Emphatically yes.
Mackie is a brony. Naturally. Jet utterly hates the series. Naturally. Ford prefers the original. This is where the fun begins.
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VF enjoys it. It helped him cope with some of his "dark place" issues after Karen/Kara passed, especially since Lime adores it.
As far as he knows, most of the ponies at The Canterlot Resort and Casino are telepresences built to his specifications.
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I think biomodding yourself into a pony and then hoping to use assistive tech to be able to continue to life is just above a "Joker biomod".
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There're a few who'd be quite happy with it. And a few who'd be "Oh God I've ruined my LIFE". A biomod is in the eyes of the modded really, and one man's joker is another man's ace....
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[Story] FTL Is Magic
09-03-2012, 12:35 AM
FTL Is Magic - 02/Sep/2012
Dora looked at her pony, Bella. She knew she might never see her again. Mummy and Daddy had explained - they were "going up". And Bella couldn't come.
Daddy had tried to explain. He was an engineer, a really good one, but there weren't any jobs for him. Mummy was a teacher, and she was working as hard as she could, just to keep them going.
"I know you love that pony, sweetie. But, she's not really yours, she's shared with a lot of other kids. You only get to ride her because Auntie Gwen is a family friend. We can't afford to pay her, these days."
They were taking the family camper van, and Daddy's old SUV, loaded up with engineering stuff. Daddy had "waved" them up. Their first stop was somewhere called "Stellvia", that Dora had never heard of. She couldn't find it in Mummy's old atlas, either, so it couldn't be very important.
She'd heard Daddy and Mummy talking, about what to take, what to leave behind. About something called a "second mortgage". About a "magic green gunk", that was for use if they had a really emergency.
Leaving Bella behind was a real emergency. So, Dora had soaked some slices of apple, in the magic stuff. Bella ate them up. Now everything would be alright.
Dora didn't know what happened. Just before they left, she kept looking out. Nothing. There was a phone call from the stables. Bella had fallen ill and they were calling a vet. Mummy and Daddy wouldn't let her go and see. They had to leave.
"Would you mind coming down here?"
"I think this is is one of those 'executive decisions'."
"There's a pony knocking on the outside of the airlock. I think she wants to come in."
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind
META "FTL Is Magic"
So, is this a valid Fenspace story? [grin]
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind
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I don't know about anyone else, but I like it. The inevitable question becomes, what sort of pony did Bella mod into?
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
One that can fly and isn't bothered by vacuum would be one answer. How about nearly invisible wings made of energy? (There's so many sorts of flying MLP, including the ones with the snap-on wings.) I'm prepared to accept suggestions. MLP:FIM isn't an area I'm technically expert in. [grin]
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind
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There's nothing to say she absolutely must be one of the preexisting types, I suppose. Bella could be a Tinkerfairy Pony, who flys within a globe of colored light that happens to hold in an atmosphere, and which forms fluttering brighter bands that look from a distance like a hummingbird's blurring wings, for instance.
Perhaps it forms when she jingles the bell on her necklace?
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
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So Bella is going to move to the Moon and call herself Princess Luna, I assume?
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*looks up*
Could we please.... not do this, maybe?
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M Fnord Wrote:*looks up*
Could we please.... not do this, maybe? *very quietly*
Thank you.
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Okay then, how about this?
Elaina Sparkle, female, twenty-two years old. Elaina doesn't really like to talk about her past, but it is on record that she was a member of the Brony contingent and one of the very few that managed a successful MLP-based biomod. In her case, she is a unicorn. Unfortunately, she lacks any sort of real telekinesis. However, she is able to use a set of custom-made manipulators made of hadwaviumized metals. The control method is through a specially designed terminal she wears over her horn.
Thanks to this creation, she has been able to lead something resembling a normal lifestyle.
Her stock in trade is that of an electrical engineer, and she has been primarily responsible for 36 Atalante's power systems, as well as standardizing power systems in all BAT designs. She is also a charter member of the Roughriders' Corps of Engineers, the Roughnecks, heading up their electro-engineer department. She has her own command ship, a BAT Outlaw-class ship fitted for major power-system construction, christened Brilliant Spark. it is from this ship she oversees major projects and tackles tasks that require her 'special touch' (thanks to daily use, she is debatably one of the best grapple-jocks out there).
Her greatest achievment thus far is the electro-plasma conduit system for power distribution. Because it has only been deemed useful for high-density power needs, it is primarily being sought after by larger colony efforts (such as the Mars Teraformation Project), and a few Fen-Friendly Mundane Countries (such as Australia).
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Quote:Okay then, how about this?
While I am not disposed against bronies existing in Fenspace, I would honestly prefer not having full-pony biomods running around. Something about the concept just rubs me very much the wrong way.
Mr. Fnord interdimensional man of mystery
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