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[RFC] Supers/Senshi Sub-Faction "Super Sentai/Power Rangers"
09-17-2012, 11:19 PM
I really hope that there isn't already a group like this.
Initially formed by Japanese and American Fen who idolized the Super Sentai and Power Rangers franchises, the Super Sentai/Power Rangers sub-faction (they haven't agreed on an official name yet) was created in the post-Boskonian War era. Maintaining membership in both the Justice League Interplanetary and Crystal Millenium, they are seen as the clearest example of the diplomatic bond between the two "Superpowers" faction (pun not intended, but inescapable). Their most heavily promoted goal is to eventually create an actual Super Sentai/Power Rangers team, such as those seen in the two franchises. To this end, they focus on the creation of super-low-profile power armor, and have a heavy presence in the study of using biomods to create superpowers (when they can be dragged away from doing group poses, anyway). Creation of "morphers" to store the armor in a subspace pocket when not in use is a secondary objective. Storage and shipping companies are particularly interested in this secondary objective, which would allow them to drastically increase the amount of space they would have to work with.
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I suspect everybody has assumed this was the case, but nobody's actually written it down...
Sure, why not?
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Are they interested in a 'super secret sponsor', who will supply the power armour, which unfolds from a compact 'morphing disc'?
Sorry, I'm not sure handwavium will do 'subspace pockets', and similar dimensional twiddling. [grin]
The sponsor, by the way, will require some very accurate body measurements for the suits, and, if might be a bit painful if people gain or loose weight later... [grin]
His mysterious girl assistant can appear to demonstrate the suit tech to you, if you like. [grin]
So, what do you want the suits to do? [grin]
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind
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handwavium as of season 1 and 2 explicitly will not do 'subspace pockets', is my understanding.
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ECSNorway Wrote:handwavium as of season 1 and 2 explicitly will not do 'subspace pockets', is my understanding. The subspace pocket thing would pretty much be a distant second on their list of priorities when it comes to making a Power Ranger. First they gotta make a mimimum of five power armors/space suits with the bulk of spandex (except for the helmet). If they can make the subspace pocket, great! If they can't, well, they won't worry about it too badly, as that can slide in the interest of practicality. Besides, who says the Super Sentai team can't wear the uniforms under their normal clothes like Spiderman?
If you are prepared for the suits to be made of really thin, but still sufficiently protective, ultra-materials, then they can fold-up to fit into something like a 'morphing disc'.
The disc then contains a specialist expert system which scans the disc user, and folds the suit up when it is no longer used, or unfolds it and puts it on the wearer. The folding or unfolding process does use energy, which could be released as a flash of light, and air will be forced out of the way which will make a sound; with careful design the colour or pattern of the light or sound could be shaped. Extra work would be needed to remove, or replace, other clothes or foot wear that were worn, or supplied, but that would be do-able.
The actual suit effectively includes a set of highly specialised robot joints that do the (un)folding process - this could be done with micro engineering, without resorting to a suit made of nanobots, or needing nanotech, as long as you can get strong enough materials for the suit. Diamonoid would be the IRL material, but with access to handwavium you could use something better, that is closer to the properties you want. This is seriously cutting-edge technology, though.
Seeing as the suit has robot joints that have to move very quickly, anyhow, with very carefully applied force, the obvious abilities for the suit are strength amplification, enhanced reflexes, sentai-type leaping around (up or down several stories in height), etc. Any weapons would also be implemented via ultra-light material 'origami', but if you want them to have any 'heft' that would have to be faked-up using some sort of inertia manipulation.
One problem these suits might have would be effective heat dissipation, so the early models might have timer, which would show how much time was left before the circuits overheated. Getting rid of heat as bursts of infrared, or light, maybe even sparkles, might be one option.
Using the same sort of tech "monster of the week" could be made to unfold from quite a small 'seed', and when wrecked disintegrate or self-destruct to almost nothing.
Sorry, in these designs you would be wearing a suit that was stronger than spider silk, but about as light, or even lighter. Depending on the design, you might even be able to wear (standard shaped) underwear under it! But, no spandex, I'm afraid. [grin]
There are all sorts of possibilities. [grin]
All without having to use any sub space pockets. Though, you could lie and say that is what you were doing! [grin]
Please make use of the above as might work for your ideas - there is no obligation that you use this (or don't use this) in any particular way.
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind
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ECSNorway Wrote:handwavium as of season 1 and 2 explicitly will not do 'subspace pockets', is my understanding. Unless they are very heavily quirked, such as the closet aboard the ... l_Heinlein]Admiral Heinlein...
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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robkelk Wrote:ECSNorway Wrote:handwavium as of season 1 and 2 explicitly will not do 'subspace pockets', is my understanding. Unless they are very heavily quirked, such as the closet aboard the Admiral Heinlein... If it was done once by accident, then many people will try to make it on purpose. They may not suceed for years, but subspace pockets are too useful to ignore....
Ace Dreamer Wrote:If you are prepared for the suits to be made of really thin, but still sufficiently protective, ultra-materials, then they can fold-up to fit into something like a 'morphing disc'. Everyone in Fenspace has access to "better than should be" materials... thats what make thinks like lightweight power armor and Hardsuits possible.
This still doesn't easily allow the whole mechanics of such a system "to fold up". Even a passive armor with this scheme would have problems dealing with impacts because of the missing crush zone.
So please don't pretend something like this would be easy.
HRogge Wrote:Ace Dreamer Wrote:If you are prepared for the suits to be made of really thin, but still sufficiently protective, ultra-materials, then they can fold-up to fit into something like a 'morphing disc'. Everyone in Fenspace has access to "better than should be" materials... thats what make thinks like lightweight power armor and Hardsuits possible.
This still doesn't easily allow the whole mechanics of such a system "to fold up". Even a passive armor with this scheme would have problems dealing with impacts because of the missing crush zone.
So please don't pretend something like this would be easy. I never said it was easy... [grin]
The real killer for armour like this is energy weapons - there just isn't enough material there to dissipate the energy, unless you are using programmable superconductivity. Maybe via something like wellstone, but that opens a whole can of worms, nearly as bad as nanotech.
One trick is to use the dynamic nature of the armour to distribute the force of kinetic impact - "active" dissipation. This is without inertia damping fields, which would be tricky to get working on armour this thin, but might be worth researching.
I can see several ways of making this work, but, you run in to the meta problem of "hogging all the cool stuff", or letting things out into Fenspace that could be abused in... unfortunate ways.
Bit of a pity the armour isn't made of something like a programmable liquid...
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind
Ace Dreamer Wrote:Bit of a pity the armour isn't made of something like a programmable liquid... * HRogge is suddenly feeling a bit guilty because CI is working with/on some programmable liquid.
How about:
Boris Jones was a researcher of sentai armour and technologies. One day he cracked, probably as the result of uploading into his brain all known sentai recorded material, in a period of only three hours. Having the 'viewpoint' switch set to 'villain', instead of 'hero', probably didn't help.
Boris disappeared, stripping his research lab, after several Blue Hair all-night sessions. He left a note "You Fools! You haven't heard the last of me! Signed - Malefico", and someone found a waved 'Hello Kitty' USB stick, kicked under a bench, with complete plans for sentai suits and support equipment. On it was a small sticky label "Please stop him before it is too late", signed with a kitty-heart symbol.
Will our heroes step up to the challenge? [grin]
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind
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Duh. to quote a line thats been used and abused constanly in City of Heroes of late
"We're heroes. ITS WHAT WE DO!"
That said, I'd include some reference to suspected remains of Klatchian coffee and or other notes that generate a feeling of "How can we have Heroes if there is no one for them to fight" to boot.
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Quote:"How can we have Heroes if there is no one for them to fight"
I just sort of assumed people played the 'villains' the same way some people play the Space Pirates. A good villain makes a good story, after all. They menace birthday parties and public occasions (With prior permission of course), put on a great show, provide the opposing force for training exercises, never do any lasting harm and are ready to team up with the heroes to kick arse in unison when someone truly malignant and evil comes along.
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?
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Dartz Wrote:I just sort of assumed people played the 'villains' the same way some people play the Space Pirates. A good villain makes a good story, after all. They menace birthday parties and public occasions (With prior permission of course), put on a great show, provide the opposing force for training exercises, never do any lasting harm and are ready to team up with the heroes to kick arse in unison when someone truly malignant and evil comes along. Ah, like
Which works, to an extent, but I still stand by my inital position. Heck, go read the final chapter of DW 2 again.
Hear that thunder rolling till it seems to split the sky?
That's every ship in Grayson's Navy taking up the cry-
-- "No Quarter", by Echo's Children
second draft:
Boris Jones was a researcher of sentai armour and technologies. One day he cracked, probably as the result of uploading into his brain all known sentai recorded material, in a period of only three hours. Having the 'viewpoint' switch set to 'villain', instead of 'hero', probably didn't help.
Boris disappeared, stripping his research lab, after several Blue Hair all-night sessions. He left a note "You Fools! You haven't heard the last of me! Signed - Malefico", and someone found a waved 'Hello Kitty' USB stick, kicked under a bench, with complete plans for sentai suits and support equipment. On it was a small sticky label "Please stop him before it is too late", signed with a kitty-heart symbol.
The only other signs were a coffee stain, that smelled suspiciously like Klatchian coffee, and the erased white board, which, when you looked at it from the right angle, showed faint images of hideous monsters...
Will our heroes step up to the challenge? [grin]
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind
Oh my good... prototype sentai armor suits with a Hello Kitty quirk!
The above plot bits are what I believe is referred to a a "plot bunny", which is released into the wild. I certainly don't have any real ideas for sentai stories (bar some really silly stuff, which I'm deliberately not thinking about too much). Much like I've not bothered with my sailor senshi stuff, as it's of limited compatibility with Fenspace.
So, if the above is of use or interest to anyone, have at it!
If it was put into the wiki, where would you put the above, so people could find it for reference?
(It's not really a story, after all, and certainly not a full faction write-up.)
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind
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There's another bit for this faction that completely slipped my mind until now. The construction of the Megazord would have to be contracted out to the Gearheads, who'd stuff it full of all sorts of prototype equipment that are under consideration for mass production? Honestly, would you trust anyone else with the construction of a bunch of giant vehicles that combine to create a skyscraper-sized Mecha? Hell, some Gearheads would chip in for free, simply for bragging rights.
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Ace Dreamer Wrote:The above plot bits are what I believe is referred to a a "plot bunny", which is released into the wild. I certainly don't have any real ideas for sentai stories (bar some really silly stuff, which I'm deliberately not thinking about too much). Much like I've not bothered with my sailor senshi stuff, as it's of limited compatibility with Fenspace.
So, if the above is of use or interest to anyone, have at it!
If it was put into the wiki, where would you put the above, so people could find it for reference?
(It's not really a story, after all, and certainly not a full faction write-up.)
I tend to put the abandoned plotbunnies into the list of Adventure Seeds, here:
Edit: But, on reflection, this might not be suitable for that page. Maybe write it up as a sidebar for the Supers page? (Or the Senshi page, but I'm still revising that one...)
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Quote:I just sort of assumed people played the 'villains' the same way some people play the Space Pirates. A good villain makes a good story, after all. They menace birthday parties and public occasions (With prior permission of course), put on a great show, provide the opposing force for training exercises, never do any lasting harm and are ready to team up with the heroes to kick arse in unison when someone truly malignant and evil comes along.
Huh. That's an interesting concept.
And it gives me a neat idea...
Space Kaitou.
Elaborate and showy heists, city-wide chases, acts of magic and trickery.
All for the sake of the show.
Each 'Kaitou' is publically one person, but in reality are tightly coordinating teams. Tech, gymnastics, prestidigation, planning, vehicle operation- each part of the plan is meticulously thought out weeks in advance of the actual performance. Each team member being an expert in their field, taking great care that only one is seen wearing the brilliant clothing of the master thief.
Of course, there are no dry-runs. Certain parts of the 'heist' might be practiced in advance, but there's only shot at the real deal. So, on top of being able to create and follow plans, improvisation is a must.
Then, there's the heist warnings. Before each theft, a riddle is delivered that will tell the time, location, and target of the Kaitou. It's like doing an ARG.
I can expand on this for ages. There's business models to consider, the idea of Detectives, characters to fill these roles... I might have to write something for this.
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Oh, I love it.
There's got to be an Ocean's 11 team among the Kaitou, too. They aren't SF/F, but they're damned cool.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
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shaderic Wrote:Huh. That's an interesting concept.
And it gives me a neat idea...
Space Kaitou. You aren't the only one to have had this idea... ( ... Shegomania]see here)
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Bob Schroeck Wrote:Oh, I love it.
There's got to be an Ocean's 11 team among the Kaitou, too. They aren't SF/F, but they're damned cool.
And they are dreaming to do a "big thing" in Mars Vegas!