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[Story RFC][Season 1] Nuevo Amanecer
01-31-2013, 08:39 PM
"Sometimes it's better to rebuild from nothing but the cloths on your back."
This is still sort of rough and unfinished, but figured I'd share to show that I do actually write things. Quote:-snip- see newest post for redux.
Sabre Fang
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Dakota Jaguar?
Jet: "No Relation"
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?
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Dakota: "Related to who? What! No! That's not my last name, I don't HAVE a last name. Jaguar is what fuzzy huggable cat of death my biomod is."
Sabre Fang
Dihydrogen monoxide
Containment Vessel
I am already looking forward to read more about his time with Dr. CLAW (MUWHAHAHAHA *thundercrash*) and the Tesla Labs!
Hmm... I wonder if this was a good hacker of a Quirk that also work over telephone.
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Quote:Nuevo AmanecerSouth Carolina, Feb 7, 2013
Gasping for breath and wincing at the aches as I cracked first one, then the other eye, open. Staring blurry-eyed at at the ceiling. It looked.. damaged.. blinking my eyes a few times didn't make it go away. Still blurry-eyed I pulled myself upright and staggered towards the bathroom. Everything felt.. funny, even walking. I tried to rack my mind for what had happened as I stepped into the bathroom in a pain filled daze, but nothing came to the fore of my mind.
Hands fumbling at the faucet for a moment before sticking cupped and shaking hands into the flow of cold water. Splashing it on my face left me sputtering and sneezing as it went right up my nose. As I started trying to wipe the water away the dawning realization that the shape of my face was wrong crept into my mind. Slowly opening my eyes, I gazed at the fox's face in the reflection. Who's ears started to droop and jaw slowly sag.
-my ears-
-My Jaw-
"oh FUCK.."
I 'd been turned into a fox morph.. my brain locked up upon seeing two tails behind me, before giving myself a good shake. I'd been turned into Dakota, my Champions Online character. I can roll with this even if a biomod wasn't something I'd been seeking. Letting out a deep breath, I then did the only reasonable thing someone in my position could so. I poked one of my ears and watched it flick away from the offending claw tipped digit.
Heee, right enough of that.
The bodily aches had started to fade along with the sense of oddness. A quick examination made it clear everything was intact, if changed. My head, height, and legs being the heaviest changes. I stood a clear foot taller then I use to, covered almost solidly in chocolate colored fur. Somehow the shorts I'd put on yesterday had changed to fit. While the shirt was a complete write off.
There went my wardrobe, I carefully removed the destroyed shirt, dropping it in the trash. As I padded from the bathroom, moving as if I'd been born with digitigrade legs and a pair of tails. Pausing at the door to my room, I took in the damage. Racking my memories, I remembered waking up to find the mixer on of it's own accord and trying to turn it off. Everything after that a blur until waking up this morning. Given the splatter patterning, it must have ejected the wave rather violently right into my face when I reached over it. Any damage not a wave stain looked like it was a result of flailing, my flailing.
The mixer had fried itself and it's attached laptop. No use getting any info from it to figure out what happened exactly. While the damage to the room was cleanable there was no fixing me. With that thought on my mind. I waved my hand over a modified webcam on my desk as I stepped by to get my Bug Out duffle bag from the closet. While I had never planned on leaving 'daneside. I'd put together a Bug Out bag anyway.
Hated that it ended up being necessary in the end.
Setting it on my bed as holograms shimmered into view above the desk. A error beep alerted me to the fact that the re-purposed satellite TV dish was out of alignment. A quick jerk put it back into proper place. A female electronic voice sounded from speakers. Sound files I'd gotten from a Trekkie engineer Up Stairs.
"Interweave connected, Ping! You have one new message."
I began emptying the bag of most the cloths. They didn't fit me anymore do to my 'mod. "Computer, Case Omega, Auth code - Oh God I Screwed Up." Lt. Liz was going to kill me, mainly because I still didn't have any interest in joining Star Fleet. Like she'd expect for pulling my ass out of the fire. That just meant giving up samples of my holotech to keep death by angry Klingon engineer at bay.
"Case Omega Activated. Message Sent, Backing Up Files To Off Planet Site."
Setting a pair of dark camo pants to one side. Those may still fit do to having been large on me when I was human. "Computer, total shutdown once back up is complete."
{..Two Nights Later..}
Happy Klingon scares me more then Angry Klingon and Lt. Liz hasn't even gone through with the biomod yet. She did managed to arrange a ride for me through a independent courier that was willing to slip into the US.
With my bag slung over a shoulder I strolled into the darkened park under a new moon. My 'mod's enhanced night vision let me pick out the vague shapes of the playground equipment by the streetlights dim glow. I padded up to the sandbox and paused as I strained my ears for any sign of someone else being here. Nope, nothing, just me, insects, and the distant sounds of traffic.
Nodding I drew the road flare from a pocket. In one swift motion ignited and tossed it into the middle of the sandbox. Few minutes later a shape darker then the night sky descended into the park.
Sabre Fang
Dihydrogen monoxide
Containment Vessel
Dakota, first accidental biomod in the US that already had an emergency plan to be extracted to the Moon?
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Quote:HRogge wrote: Dakota, first accidental biomod in the US that already had an emergency plan to be extracted to the Moon? 
Well, he's probably not the only one that had a plan in place. I've not been able to put it to paper yet, he's been playing with the wave for a few years 'daneside.
As for "Liz" the name is a sort of placeholder, but I've got this image of a currently non-biomoded Five foot nothing trekkie that had thrown herself into Klingon subculture with both feet years ago. Which I need to do some more research into before writing anything dealing with her direct.
Sabre Fang
Dihydrogen monoxide
Containment Vessel
Still unsure about what biomod Dakota has?
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Rewrote this part.
Quote:Kirby Memorial Spaceport, Kandor City
Feb 9, 2013
I watched my ride lift into the lunar sky. Then hefted the battered duffle bag over one shoulder. It contained everything I owned that I could carry. Mostly cloths, wave samples and two very carefully wrapped harddrives. Everything else had been left behind after fleeing 'daneside do to my accidental biomod. Seven feet of fox morph isn't easy to hide and that isn't counting the two tails. Upside is that I remained male despite everything going on.
Sighing I followed the rest of the passengers into the Kirby Memorial Spaceport terminal building. Pausing to take in the hustle and bustle of the roomy, but utilitarian main hall. Info desks where all clustered in the center. Seller and recruitment booths lined the walls. Two angled secondary departure halls led off ether end.
The mental gawking was cut short by having to dodge out of the way of a Storm Trooper squad heading for the Fen departures hall. Nearly bumping into a young couple doing so, "Whoops sorry." The man just gave me a dirty look and had the following mutter cut off by a elbow from his wife. I had to look away to keep from laughing as she gave him The Look(TM) as she smiled sweetly. Slipping away from the two with my ears flicking in amusement.
Threading my way through the crowd a voice called out.
"Dakota you baktag!*
I cringed, I really didn't want to deal with her until I had some sleep. As said female five feet nothing of Star Fleet Engineer headed my way. Having known her for years still doesn't prepare you for her in person.
There was a odd sensation in response to my cringe. *FHUMP!* and found myself flailing as my balance was suddenly thrown backwards. The nearest people to me scattering away from the sudden mass of tails behind me.
"Oooo." Lt. Liz never even missed a step as she pulled out a tri-corder and dove into the twitching tails like a clown fish. "Spontaneous extra body part manifestation do to negative stimulation. Bio would be interested in these readings." With practiced ease she danced out of the way, her gaze fixed to the tri-corder, as I fell on my ass. "There are nine tails."
Without even looking up she let loose a string of cruses in Klingon and cuffed me upside the head with a open hand. It wouldn't be the only time someone smacked me for my biomod.
"That's for turning yourself into a kitsune."
"It was a accident and my Champions Online character was a -half- kitsune gadgeteer. I'm only suppose to have two tails." I gave the flicking tail mass a glare.
"Doesn't matter."
I managed to fend off another cuff aimed at my head. Then pulled the duffle bag around to retrieve the holoemitter. Barely even getting it out before it was snatched from my hand. The USB stick that went with it also vanished into Lt. Liz's satchel.
"You're still a baktag and the offer still stands."
She just shrugged tossing a HEROS comm unit, a map, and paperwork into my lap. "Already made housing arrangements with Kandor City authorities, basic ones." She disappeared into the gathered crowd.
I gave said crowd and the number of cameras a glare as I climbed back to my feet. They parted out of my way as I headed for the Maglev terminal. Later I found out that trying to use a seat was a pain in my tails, pun intended.
Kandor City
Feb 13, 2013
The dorm wasn't bad, built for four, I was the only one in it at the time. The bunks where built into the walls by the small bathroom with a sonic shower. The whole space was about the size of a average RV. I was lounging on a small folding chair in the combo living area and kitchenette. My tail count has finally returned to a rather normal two.
Building a house of cards on the fold out table. When the HEROS comm unit began playing the superman theme. Turning slightly and leaning my chair back, I snagged it off the small shelf behind the couch. A simple text message flashed on it's small screen when I hit the Send button.
"Congratulations! You are now the newest employee of Tesla Labs, You will report to work Tomorrow for orientation. - Dr. CLAW"
I fumbled the comm when it gave off a loud thunder crash when the text ended. Making my ears go tight against my skull as my chair tipped past the point of no return. All I could do was flail for a moment before landing flat on my back.
The half built house of cards collapsed as I was engulfed in a mass of flicking tails.
"God damnit!"
Working for Tesla Labs wasn't bad, except the getting shaved bald part when one of the mads tried to study how I changed the number the number of tails I have. I looked like a multi-tailed drowned rat for a week. To a lot of people's amusement and youtube video view hits.
Sabre Fang
Dihydrogen monoxide
Containment Vessel
HERO comm unit... great loudspeakers... lousy security.
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Quote:Unnamed Con
My first con where I wasn't here as a dealer. Which means I'd come in costume, of which there wasn't may that where a natural fit for me do to my biomod. There are some, I'd carefully dyed my fur, tied my two tails together, and found a pair of string tied shorts.
I was browsing a table of sci-fi props. When my first warning was the Ninja to one side of me grapple hooking up to the ceiling. The second was the trekkie on the other side performing a dramatic and well practiced diving roll under the dealer's table. The last warning?
"Ooh ~Talbain-san~." in creepy female stereo chorus.
Doing the reasonable thing in such an tactical environment..
..I ran like hell.
Sabre Fang
Dihydrogen monoxide
Containment Vessel