I was just wondering if it was possible to make beamsabers for your mobile suit with Fenspace tech?
Are BeamSabers possible in the Fenspace tech?
I suppose you could have a Sabre that emits a beam of something. But it won't do much more than scorch things.... Slapstick effect.
The more weaponiseable you want, the more 'real' physics you've got to add in the mix. ________________________________ --m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?
With extremely careful manipulations of forcefields, one can do quite a few things... (ref. http://www.fenspace.net/index.php5?title=Yomiko_Readman]R. Yomiko Readman) However, you'll need a computer with a fast CPU to do anything fancy (ref. R. Yomiko Readman), and a hand-held forcefield projector won't have very much range or duration, especially if you're using it for a high-energy application.
So... yes, but not very well. -- Rob Kelk "Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of the same sovereign, servants of the same law." - Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
That's why I said beam saber for mobile suits. Something that big computer power is guaranteed.
If you're using the mystery chemical, I suspect a beam sword would only do Bonk.
Edit: Waitaminnit... A chemical which, when used to create weapons, cannot do lethal damage, but could still wreck the ever-living crap out of anything nonliving. Is Nanohaverse magic powered by Handwavium? And does that mean you could have a Nanoha cosplayer with the Giant Pink Beam of Friendship? ![]() --- Those who fear the darkness have never seen what the light can do.
We've been avoiding opening that can of worms, because we're nowhere near ready for unlimited universe-hopping... but I can't say you're wrong.
-- Rob Kelk "Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of the same sovereign, servants of the same law." - Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
So it's possible? Say with shield tech or Hardlight?
In a similar vein There are Wolkenritter. And they are lethal....
Though I introduced them solely so I can end a story with the swing of a hammer. I' sure someone could find a way to achieve a Strike Freedom in Magical Girl format. The light show alone would be worth it for the dazzle effect ________________________________ --m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig? kashim27 Wrote:So it's possible? Say with shield tech or Hardlight? Hardlight can be touched, but is (at least in ~2020) easily broken by pushing hard against it. So its value in combat would be limited.
So Mobile suit handle emits shields with super hot plasma between?
kashim27 Wrote:So Mobile suit handle emits shields with super hot plasma between?Do you really want to have real superhot plasma that close to your mecha? This might be as dangerous to you than to your opponent. ^^
I'd think that would describe any energy sword design, actually.
-- Bob --------- Then the horns kicked in... ...and my shoes began to squeak. Bob Schroeck Wrote:I'd think that would describe any energy sword design, actually.Field "filled with super hot plasma" sounds like a good target for a shotgun... Bamm, your shotgun just got updated to Plasma Shotgun! ![]()
Sooo just shield tech emitters that shape a blade would work?
kashim27 Wrote:Sooo just shield tech emitters that shape a blade would work?The problem with a forcefield blade is that most of them would not be "sharp" and like every other forcefield they can be penetrated itself when hitting something armored.
Since nobody else has asked, why are you so interested in handwavium lightsabers?
Mr. Fnord interdimensional man of mystery FenWiki - Your One-Stop Shop for Fenspace Information "I. Drink. Your. NERDRAGE!"
Because they're cool?
-- Sucrose Octanitrate. Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode. Quote:M Fnord wrote:Cause you can't have a gundam without one.
Aaanndd that draws attention to the other white elephant in the room.
Why do you want to have a full-size Gundam? I mean, one thing the geeks in Fenspace might not quite have a handle on, is that if you can successfully build a giant combat robot which can be mass-replicated by anyone with the sudden need to have a giant combat robot available, two things happen: 1) Anyone with an axe to grind starts building giant robots. Before you think that's cool, think about what that would mean. 2) How long do you really think governments would turn a blind eye to these weirdos flying around in space with giant robots armed with heavy guns and beam swords, before they decided this whole 'fandom in space' thing constituted an unreasonable threat to international security, and acted militarily? I'd give it less than a week, even if they had to kitbash something together with the "banned substance" tricked out with as much lethal force as they could arm it with. The moment you put a device which just screams "military" into the mix, the governments will stop pretending the Fens don't exist, will officially recognize the threat they pose, and will take military action against them, even if it means adapting their weird pseudoscience chemical to do so. Edit: drat, now my imagination is fleshing out a short story involving the military getting into the act once the governments have positive proof the weirdos space-side are introducing military tech. --- Those who fear the darkness have never seen what the light can do. Quote:DRAG0NFLIGHT wrote:Seriously?! Fenspace has a transformer, VF-1 transformable Valkyries, Marsbase Sara as the Gearhead faction base. Not to mention A Baoa Qu, where the gundam faction Anti-Earth Union Group is. Also where they just got off of a war with the organized criminals. kashim27 Wrote:Cause you can't have a gundam without one. The hell you say you can't have a Gundam without a beamsaber. Of course you can have Gundams without beamsabers. My favorite Gundam of all time doesn't have a beamsaber, just fuck-huge chainguns and enough missiles to give a Macross fanboy wood. Also, ignore DRAG0NFLIGHT, you're right on all counts. Mr. Fnord interdimensional man of mystery FenWiki - Your One-Stop Shop for Fenspace Information "I. Drink. Your. NERDRAGE!" Quote:M Fnord wrote:The one from After war Gundam x panzerish one right?Quote:kashim27 wrote:
I think he means Gundam Heavyarms from New Mobile Report Gundam Wing, actually.
Heck, I may not have written it into the material, but in story both MHI and the Ozies have pretty much given up on beam sabres baring any significant breakthroughs or any discoveries in the WFC and are now focusing on vibroblades and Sandrock/Epyon-style superheated weapons, respectively.
Nah, Heavyarms Kai from Wing. That was the... third Gundam I'd ever seen (after Char's Counterattack and SD) and the first one I had the time to watch all the way through.
But anyway. We're not here to talk about which Gundam series was the best (Hint: It's SD), we're here to talk beamsabers. And now that I know what you're aiming for, the Word of Mod can issue a preliminary ruling: Beamsabers made with straight handwavium tech are possible, they'll look cool and provide +5 intimidation bonus to people who don't know better, but that's all they can do. A pure-wave saber is basically a really fancy prop weapon, like a light saber with a neon bulb. Pretty, but as a weapon you're probably better off trying to throw it at somebody. Now, the technology is out there that would provide a proper Gundam style[1] beamsaber is out there. I'll leave the technobabble up to the technobabble experts; pseudo-Minovsky particle field bottle trapping high-density plasmas or whatever. The catch is, this is Catalog tech and wouldn't be available to the mech jock on the street until the 2020s. Naturally if the Gundam's a pre-2020 model upgrading is possible, but independent operators would get mean looks from law-enforcement and military pros, so probably want to reup on that AEUG membership or maybe just sign on with Great Justice and cut out the middleman. [1] [url= if I can't help thinking of it, then neither can you.[/url] Mr. Fnord interdimensional man of mystery FenWiki - Your One-Stop Shop for Fenspace Information "I. Drink. Your. NERDRAGE!" Quote:M Fnord wrote:......I sorry were you saying something?.... ![]() |
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