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[Storyline] Fenspace Infinities: Strange New Worlds
05-03-2013, 12:11 AM
Ok, I'll be done with my Spring Semester classes after my 8am final exam in U.S. Constitutional History on Wednesday. After this, I'll be looking for work until my Fall Semester classes start... sometime in August, I forget the exact date. During this time I plan on working on my own version of an Infinities timeline that I hope others can join in and enjoy alongside the mainstream timeline.
I don't want to give out too many details as I am still shifting through them in my mind and scratch paper. In a way, it will be a 'mega'crossover but it also won't (see below) as most of the subjects to be included will not necessarily ever see acknowledgement outside of the planning sheets or an idle mention as a sort of 'cameo'.
The working title of this project is Fenspace Infinities: A Patchwork in Time. It will include as several of its points:
- A Counter-Earth that wasn't there a second ago...- A sudden discharge from Nth Space of a $hitload of reality shards...- The Celestial Workers Union Local 758 pulling in overtime...- Harry Struve making a Faustian pact with a Fallen named Samael (Other Aspects: Nekron, Shinigami [Narutoverse], Baron Samedi, etc), taking advantage of the current chaos...- His divine mirror and brother Azrael (Other Aspects: Death of the Endless, Grim Reaper [Bill & Ted; Billy & Mandy; Last Action Hero], Joe Black, Papa Ghede, etc) making a deal with Alex Xanatos to counter it...
I will also finish a Master List of worlds merged to create Counter-Earth which will be up for debate for a certain amount of time before they are considered to be set. This list contains two categories, each with a set number of spaces to be filled: Worlds to be Used (Identifiable to those in Fenspace) [C1] and Worlds to be Used (Unidentifiable to those in Fenspace) [C2]. Some in these two categories will be purely cameo in appearance, if that. For example, Gunsmoke is in C1, but is unimportant to any storyline as the events occurred so long ago in the past. The debatable part will consist of another two categories which will cease to exist come the end of the to be set amount of debate time: Worlds Which Must Be Convinced To Use [C3] and Worlds Which Will Not Be Used [4]. Those in C3 I will concede to add to one of the Master List categories if I am given a well argued reason. Those in C4 I might be willing to change my mind about, but I would need one hullava reason.
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SNEAK PEAK THEATRE (some a possibility that may arise)
"We're sure there's no chance of it becoming airborne or anything?"
A snort, muffled by the lab HAZMAT suits each were wearing. "Not in the slightest. This little bastard's only transmittable by an exchange of bodily fluids. Specifically, just like most of the fictional material available to our Earth and the not-so-fictional material we've been able to gain from the other one suggests, saliva and blood. We don't have any idead about sexual transmission, however. In addition, all the tests we've been able to conduct since we isolated it last week indicate it cannot survive outside of a human host and only a human host - we've been using heated blood packs as test mediums - for longer than several minutes." You could almost hear him frown at that point. "Though we still don't know why. Whenever it is outside of a human biological culture for longer than three to five minutes, it literally dissolves."
The first figure turned to look at him. "'Dissolves?'"
Figure numero deuce nodded. "Like an Alka-Seltzer in water."
"Well that's interesting," he muttered back. "I know that these kinds of studies can't be rushed, but can I assume that you and your team are ready to make a preliminary report on your findings considering you called me down here? As the only organization in Fenspace with an infectious diseases study program, we don't only have an image to maintain, but to create to begin with, you know."
"Yes, sir. A report on our preliminary findings will be ready for presentation to the council by sometime tomorrow."
"Very good, then," the authority figure responded. Light glinted for a moment of an ID pass on his chest.
The CEO of WilPharma perked up suddenly. "Oh, by the way, have you decided on a proper scientific name for it yet?" He still couldn't believe that such an historically recognized disease - on the other Earth, at least - could lack such a basic designation.
"Sure have, sir"
Idly tapped the screen hat showed the magnified image of a retrovirus labeled HLV-1.
"Human Lycanthropy Virus One."
Hmm... contagious biomod?
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Maybe if it mutates if it infects a biomod or somebody with enough handwavium already in their system. At which point it becomes HLV-2. *makes note of potential plot idea* Thanks.
This clip is about B-RAD (Biological Research And Development) identifying the magic virus responsible for werewolves on the Counter-Earth mentioned in the previous post.
Which does reveal one thing about the hybrid world I'm working on creating: magic exists there. I intend for the existence of magic in this world to be semi-secret from the world's populace. Not HP-level secret society, but possibly close. If anyone knows how the existence of magic is handled in the RPG Beyond the Supernatural, kinda like that.
Also, no, one of the worlds hybridized into Counter-Earth will NOT be a Harry Potter world. Only a few seconds of thinking about using HP and then realizing just how the Fen-Wizards would get involved almost had me searching for the Tylenol.
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There are 18 slots to fill for worlds
that will be used to make the hybrid Counter-Earth mentioned in the first post.
Of these 18, 9 will be worlds recognizable to those from Fenspace Earth and 9
will not be recognizable, i.e. it doesn't exist on Fenspace Earth as a form of
fiction, even in the WFC. I will post a list (which I will continuously update
as a discussion hopefully develops in this thread) of the two groups of 9.
Also, please note that while worlds may
be confirmed to be a part of Counter-Earth, that doesn't mean they will ever
receive any 'screen time,' and that even if they are in the 'Known' category,
that doesn't mean they will necessarily be identified/noticed.
Please note that {BG} in a slot
indicates Background Worlds. These are those worlds in which the canon events have
taken, will take, are taking, or can take place, but whose main characters, setting,
etc. are considered off-limits and not to be interacted with. Minor cameos are
discouraged, but possible, and exceptions are also possible, but not likely and
will be judged on a case by case basis. The purpose of this is to encourage originality.
{BG}s are intended to serve only as an acknowledgement to provide knowledge (whether
researchable or already known) of the world being interacted with. If, for example,
the world contains creatures or organizations which do not exist in real life, the
acknowledgement of that world being a part of Counter-Earth indicates that it is
permissible to use the creatures or organization present in that fictional world
as a character or plot point, so long as the canon characters are not utilized.
In addition to this, I will present a
list of worlds that I have considered adding to the previous lists, but for which
I would need a sound argument to do so. What I'm looking for are suggestions
for worlds to be added, whether they should be known or unknown to those in
Fenspace, at what point in their timelines the worlds should be at in the
present (Prior To / In Progress / Post Canon), as well as reasonable arguments
why a world should be removed from the lists.
The lists will be considered LOCKED as
of 12:00am on June the 1st. Any free slots at that point will be considered
filled, but never to be noticed by anyone in the storyline.
-Worlds Unknown To Those In Fenspace-
4. Rush Hour (Movie Trilogy) [Post Canon]
5. Neil Gaiman's American Gods and Anansi Boys (Two Novels) [Timeframe Unknown]
6. Tattoon Master {BG} (Two OVA
Episodes) [Post Canon]
7. Inukami! {BG} (Anime/Novels) [Post
Canon {Possibly with Some Events Altered}]
8. Kanokon {BG} (Anime) [Post Canon]
9. Omamori Himari {BG} (Anime/Manga) [In
-Worlds Known To Those In Fenspace-
8. Wild Wild West (TV Series) [Way Post Canon]
9. Gunsmoke (TV Series) [Way Post Canon]
-Must Be Convinced To Use-
Zero no Tsukaima/The Familiar of Zero
King of Fighters (Games/Anime)
Street Fighter (Games)
History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi
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Quote:Okay, here we go. I _REALLY_ want some feedback and opinions on this.
I'm going to approach this from a tangent and ask "why are these properties on your must-have list?" I don't recognize any of the anime on your list (a weeaboo who doesn't keep up with anime, a shameful weeaboo) so I can't really judge why they're there. The stuff I do recognize I don't get where, how or why Fenspace would interact with them in any meaningful way; they're all very small-scale stuff and self-contained to the point where interaction would basically devolve to "and Bob was there too" stuff.
Mr. Fnord interdimensional man of mystery
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Believe it or not, I think you're correct, Mal.
This why I added that comment about opinions and feedback. I thought had something when I first came up with the idea, but when I looked at what I'd written... it seems rather "bleagh," doesn't it?
So, I decided to post it anyway and see if anyone had any ideas they thought could salvage the concept. I just didn't point that out in order to try and keep a positive outlook on it all.
Any ideas from a 'salvage' angle? If not, I say feel free to delete the thread.
Merging lots of stuff "just because you can" can be either a lot of work or a lot of pain... or both.
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*shrug* No worries, it happens. South Is Rising was an idea I honestly shouldn't have posted, but did anyway.
Now, let's see if we can't salvage this before we call it quits.
The core idea of a patchwork Earth (or patchwork counter-Earth) and Fenspace is fairly solid. The main question is first what kind of plot do we want to hang off this idea, and then we can get into the more fiddly details of what goes where and why. The main focus seems to be the NERV Group ending up as pawns of higher powers while reality fluctuates around them, or at least that's what I pick up from the OP. As a beginning that's... well, it's a start. Far better than the "and hilarity ensues" which is how most of my projects start. It's NERV-centric which might cause problems with participation but honestly that doesn't bug me. The main question within the plot structure is how does it relate to Counter-Earth: how and why does this event cause the various supernatural pacts to kick off and what effect does it have on the patchwork?
FWIW the idea of having large chunks of the patchwork being things Fenspace has no knowledge of (despite being things we as writers know about) is a really good idea and one that ought to be expanded if this keeps running.
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One of my rules of thumb for developing a story is to figure out what the big climactic sequence is going to be or going to look like. What bad guys' asses get kicked, and how, and why? What is everything in this story going to lead up to? And what permanent changes to the world does it cause?
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
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I finished my last final exam this morning, so.... Yeah, I'll have at least a basic something ready by around Friday.
In any case, the main focus of the story was going to be around the emergence of magic into Fenspace and the results of the boons granted to Harry Struve by Samael and the hopefully counter-acting/damage-controlling boons granted to Alex Xanatos (with advice from two former residents of Sunnydale in his employment) from Azrael. The spontaneous creation of a Counter-Earth was going to be a semi-natural phenomenon: reality shards from the-space-between-universes (De Sitter Space?) breaching the universal barrier weaken by certain incursion. The 'semi' part comes into play by various higher powers deciding that, since they're perfectly happy with the present state of temporal affairs on Fenspace Earth. they would not allow the usual to happen and let the shards alter history to allow their existence, but pull a cosmic string here and there and use the shards as the foundation of a new Earth.
Samael takes advantage of the distraction to sow some seeds of chaos both big and small (As he is the infernal incarnation of death, he naturally has to involve necromancy in some form and possibly the revival of certain bad guys to 'stir things up'). Azrael notices, panics, and does his best to counter his counterpart's actions as best he can within the boundaries of The Rules, but still manages to step on a number of toes in the process (Most celestials consider his rush job counter-moves to have actually caused more chaos than he tried to prevent)...
Again, I'll try to gather more of my thoughts together by Friday.
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Day late, sorry. Here's what I got as a revision.
Keep in mind that bellow lie SPOILERS for the story for those who don't want to
read them.
I intend my part of the story (again, I encourage
others to write their own stories in the same setting) to involve four things:
the set-up for the entire Fenspace Alternative, the emergence of magic into
Fenspace, the fallout of both Struve's and Xanatos' boons, and the results of
the arrival of Counter-Earth.
Counter-Earth's origins are same as earlier. A
semi-natural phenomenon: reality shards from the-space-between-universes
(DeSitter Space) breaching the universal barrier weakened by certain previous
incursions. The 'semi' part comes into play by various higher powers deciding
that, since they're perfectly happy with the present state of temporal affairs
on Fenspace Earth. they would not allow the usual to happen and let the shards
alter history to allow their existence, but pull a cosmic string here and there
and use the shards as the foundation of a new Earth. A "Double your
pleasure, double your fun = Double your Earths, double your entertainment"
mindset. Since Fenspace Earth would be the Counter-Earth to them, I figure an
eventual, mutual, semi-official agreement on designations like Earth-Terra and
Earth-Tellus, to borrow an idea from CitD.
As for how Counter-Earth is made up, I'll [EDIT] the
earlier post to what I've got now. Wait a couple of minutes after I post this
The situation for the granting of the boons is
likewise the same. The infernal celestial Samael takes advantage of the
distraction of the divine celestials with the above to sow some seeds of chaos
both big and small by granting a black hat type, i.e. Struve, five boons
(essentially 'I'll give you any five things, so long as they fall with a certain
criteria'). Harry chooses:
[An alteration to the status of the universe: “The
environment of Mars shall be altered to create the maximum amount of
long-lasting chaos possible in a manner which I shall find entertaining.”
A physical or mental alteration to oneself: “A
major, but not too major I suppose, magegift” (Note that he forgot to ask for
the knowledge to already be able to use it… *smirk* Gotta watch that wording,
One metric ton of a substance in a condition of your
choice: “Raw Handwavium, to appear dispersed on Counter-Earth as it was on our
Earth in a way which I will find entertaining in the long-term”
Two sources of magical knowledge (nonliving; I hold
right to demand you change your choice if I don’t like/can’t deliver what you
ask for, and will give a list of pre-approved options):
The Arts of Necromancy for Fun and Profit: A
Grimoire for Beginners and Adepts
So You Want to be a Combat Wizard…
His divine counterpart Azrael notices, panics, and
does what is the modus operandi in this local portion of the multiverse and
does his best to directly counter his counterpart's actions as best he can:
[An alteration to the status of the universe: “None
of the boons granted to one Harry Struve, except in a decision made after the
granting by the free will of a sapient individual, shall cause, either directly
or indirectly, the cessation or alteration of existence of any sapient
individual m existence prior or concurrent to the granting of said boons,
whether that be in a physical, mental, or spiritual manner, with physical
alteration including a sapient individual’s body, home, property, or finances,
and with mental alteration including a sapient individual’s personality and the
existence and recollection of memories.”
A physical or mental alteration to oneself: “Umm, If
I have any potential future health concerns, I’d like them gone”
One metric ton of a substance in a condition of your
choice: “Pure Nth Metal, to appear in 20oz ingots in a NERV HQ secure storage
Two sources of magical knowledge (nonliving; I hold
right to demand you change your choice if I don’t like/can’t deliver what you
ask for, and will give a list of pre-approved options):
Mind Magic Counters for Dummies
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Ward Stones and their
Creation and Maintenance
Note that all of Struve's boons reflect his desire to entertain himself. The character Harry Struve is an undiagnosed sociopath who is an excellent actor and tactician, whose only motivating force in anything is just that: to, in the end, be entertained by the universe and whoever or whatever happens to share it with him, without regards to those same whoevers and whatevers except as to how they may continue to entertain him in the future.
...Suggestions, Critique, etc..
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(removed by original poster)
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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Timeline of events start 1 June 2025.
Speaking of timelines, I'll probably need to write a minor one detailing several notable divergence points between the two Earths.
Just floating one possible divergence: what do you think of Counter-Earth having an EndWar-style European Federation? Doesn't affect the storyline I'm thinking of, just more of a side note, really.
Just a thought I had. It has nothing to do with the thread except in its subject matter.
In an Infinite Worlds scenario, if a universe has an Earth and Counter-Earth, do you think world jumpers, possibly depending on their method of travel, might occasionally arrive in the right universe but the wrong planet?
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oh i so want in on this, and the great thing is i can do shadowrun in practically any setting
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Got a preliminary timeline for Counter-Earth here. Still working on completing it.
Antiquity: While some
remain hidden amongst humanity, sapient magical creatures, whether aggressive
or passive towards one another or humanity, begin to form enclaves separate
from both one another and from humans. Over time, methods of magically hiding
these enclaves will be discovered and utilized as humanity begins its assertion
of dominance over the Earth.
to 1600:
In many cases around the world – but especially in western civilizations –humans
capable of magic take a page from magical creatures and begin to hide, not
themselves, but their activities from the non-magical majority. Eastern
civilizations follow suite at a much more sedate pace. To enforce the worldview
of the non-existence of magic, families and groups begin to utilize memory
repression, alteration, and outright erasure spells to cover-up magic-related
incidents, including those involving magical creatures. Despite this, even up
to the late 20th/early 21st century many non-mages around
the world know of the existence of magic, but remain hush about the subject to
those they do not know are ‘in the loop.’
(The Twelve Clans):
Go-Nara, 105th Emperor of Japan, gathers the first of what will
eventually be the “Twelve Onikiriyaku Clans,” declaring these twelve families
to be “honored guardians of the Our Realm, charged by Us with the punishment
and destruction of those of non-human descent who violate the laws of Our
Realm, possessing the unique abilities necessary for the fulfillment of their
appointed tasks,” and grants them a status of nobility.
(Pride before Fall):
Despite it not being the intent, a hierarchal structure slowly but surely
develops among the Twelve Onikiriyaku Clans. While some, whether individually
or the entire clan, do not become involved, the majority of the twelve clans
see themselves as superior to even other noble clans due to being personally
chosen by the Emperor. They further see themselves as superior to other members
within the twelve based upon the order in which they were added to the twelve
clans, with the Tsuchimikado being ranked first, and the last to be added to
the clans, the Jinguji, being last at twelfth. This attitude continues through
the Tokugawa and Meiji eras and even survives the end of WWII despite half of
the clans themselves not surviving. Most disturbing, however, are the gradual
humanocentric views developed by the majority of the clans, eventually coming
to see their charge of policing non-human magicals as a mandate of ‘extermination.’
1870s: The events of Gunsmoke occur.
(Dark Tidings Begin):
A group of magic-users in the Nazi Party known as the Knights of Faust
essentially become the “Magic Division” of the party. They are charged with the
consolidation and utilization of magic in the preservation and expansion of the
Third Reich. Their public face will become known as the Thule Society.
1945 (A Vanishing Act): Records both official and unofficial regarding the Knights
of Faust and the Thule Society begin to disappear from circulation. Actual
members follow suit.
May 1945 (The Reich Falls): Nazi Germany surrenders to the Allies.
& 9 August 1945 (Children of Trinity): The only atomic weapons used in
warfare are dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, respectively.
August 1945 (The Empire Falls): Imperial Japan surrenders to the Allies.
October 1945 (New World Order): The United Nations officially comes
into existence with the ratification of its Charter.
1940s (Heirs of Evil): Military and police behind the Iron Curtain “in the
know” regarding magic begin to respond to crimes of various severity throughout
the Eastern Bloc. These cases are connected by the ‘calling card’ of various
forms of graffiti indicating “Faust Lives!” In cases of attacks and vandalism,
targets are always related to either the Communist Party or those of Jewish
August 1951 (Tides of Woe): A disbelieved KGB study indicates the belief that the
“Faust Attacks” are a remnant Nazi group utilizing anti-Party sentiment to
recruit and expand its numbers. This report is not widely circulated and the
author later vanishes without a trace.
October 1954 (Ten Years Post-War): The State of Japan creates the Public
Peace Agency, an agency supposedly under the control of the National Public
Safety Commission, and supposedly meant to promote cooperation and
understanding between the public and the police. In reality, it is the cover
name for an agency directly under the Office of the Prime Minister’s control
which is meant to handle all manner of supernatural issues. It has several
branches, among them the Defense Branch for Public Peace (?????4??), which
handles such things as the cover-up of supernatural incidents and acting as
intermediaries between the government and the remnants of the Twelve
Onikiriyaku Clans.
September 1976 (The Space Shuttle): The prototype for the first reusable
space vehicle, Enterprise, is rolled
out of its assembly facility in Southern California.
(The Next Step):
In his State of the Union address, United States President Ronald Reagan
announces the construction of a permanent American space station.
January 1986 (The Challenger Disaster): Space Shuttle OV-099 is destroyed; all seven crew members are
killed. An in-depth examination of the shuttle fleet and the accompanying
service-life extension program delays the construction of the American space
May 1988 (Connections Most Curious): On Friday, authorities in eastern
Ukraine investigate a large explosion at an industrial warehouse. Seven bodies
of local missing persons are identified, killed via beheading, in a circle
composed of pure sea salt and ground silver shavings. The perpetrators are never
identified. Never connected to the incident, no Faust Attacks occur after this
April 1990 (A Far-Seeing Eye): The Hubble Space Telescope is deployed.
July 1994 (Ten Years Later): Despite being plagued with financial
problems, naysayers, and continuous redesigns, Freedom Space Station is
completed by the United States of America.
August 1995 (The USSR Dissolves): Despite holding out for longer than in
other timelines, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics formally declares its
dissolution in a press conference the world had been predicting for over two
years. The newly organized Russian Federation will absorb the USSR’s nuclear
arsenal, its UN Security Council seat, and its space program.
May 1997 (The Luxembourg Conference): Nations of western Europe meet in
Luxembourg to discuss the future of pan-European cooperation in the wake of the
collapse of the USSR.
to March 1998:
Rumors begin to circulate about a “permanent coalition of governments” being
formed in Luxembourg in response to the cross-national attitudes that began to
emerge in the early 90s.
May 1998 (The Luxembourg Declaration): One year to the day since the start of
the talks, conference participants confirm the rumors which had been
circulating the past four months. As of the first day of the new millennium, a
presidential republic in the form of the European Federation (EF) will exist,
with its capital in Paris.
July 1999 (The Second Peace): The Russian Federation completes its Mir-2
Space Station. Rather than deorbit her predecessor, she is connected to her
successor via the Generation Module.
January 2000 (The Unification Treaty): The nations of France, Germany, Norway,
Sweden, Switzerland, Greece, Italy, Austria, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, the
Netherlands, Luxembourg, Andorra, and Liechtenstein sign the Traité
d’Unification at the Palace of Versailles. Over the course of the next year, a
unified currency known as the Euro will come to be, as will the European
Council, the Office of the President of Europe, the European Parliament, and
the combined military known as the EF Army, Navy, Air Force, and a special
forces/marine hybrid unit known as the Enforcer Corps.
January 2000 (The Next Generation): From seemingly nowhere, NASA declares
that the present fleet of ‘Enterprise-class’ space shuttles will be retired at
the end of the year. A new generation of shuttle will replace them at the same
time. Unlike the previous generation, legislation is passed to have the new
shuttles bear the United States Ship designator.
November 2000 (With Honored Memory…): The first of the new generation
shuttles, Orbital / Space Vehicle USS Challenger
(OSV-01), is delivered to NASA at Cape Canaveral. USS Voyager (OSV-02), USS Pioneer
(OSV-03), USS Adventure (OSV-04),
USS Frontier (OSV-05), USS Journey (OSV-06), and USS Resolute (OSV-07) will follow over the
course of the next five years.
September 2001:
Undercover federal air marshals force a landing of not one, two, or even three,
but four hijacked aircraft. Two crash into New York’s East River with an 83%
loss of life. A Congressional movement to halt the funding of the air marshal
program is quietly withdrawn from the table.
May 2002 (The E.F. Expands): The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and
the Republic of Finland sign the Traité d’Unification.
June 2002 (Countdown to Moonwalk): The European Federation Space Agency
(EFSA) and China National Space Administration (CNSA) announce an agreement to
begin a joint space station development program, with the goal of eventually
establishing a “permanent, international moon base.” Other nations are invited
to participate in the second phase of the project.
October 2002 (E.F. Expansion Continues): Iceland signs the Traité d’Unification.
2003 to 2019: Being Written
January 2020 (The Modern Clans): By this point in time, the Twelve
Onikiriyaku Clans have been reduced to seven: Tsuchimikado (1st Rank;
Onmyouji), Kagamimori (3rd Rank; Shinto Magic), Amakawa (6th
Rank; empowerment of objects into weapons), Kawahira (7th Rank; Some
Magic, and Pacts Formed With Inugami Partners), Jibashiri (8th Rank;
Super-Strength; survived only by the Mikari branch family, whose powers are
inactive), Yakouin (11th Rank; Rapid Data Gathering and
Interpretation [Near-Precognition; Kills Brain Cells]), and Jinguji (12th
Rank; ‘Dark’ Magic; looked down upon by most of the other clans).
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(removed by original poster)
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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(removed by original poster)
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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Quote:Suddenly a glow appeared in Noah's coffee cup, expanding into a human-sized field above the conference table. Everyone but Yayoi winced at the light, which disappeared as quickly as it came... leaving behind a beautiful young woman with long black hair. "Things aren't going to stabilize any time soon, Mr. Scott."
Noah offered his hand to the Visitor, helping her down to the floor. "You honor us and out timeline with your presence, milady Skuld. I assume this isn't a social call?"
I'd respectfully suggest that this potential deus ex exposition be removed. Part of the fun here is nobody involved knowing what the hell, and something like this is a fun-killer. We as readers don't necessarily need to know this stuff, and while the characters might want to know this stuff having a literal god show up and explain it to one of the resident masterminds is, like, the worst possible way to do it. So don't do that. Make the characters work for the info.
Mr. Fnord interdimensional man of mystery
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"I. Drink. Your. NERDRAGE!"
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Well, I think I can get away with it... but, for now, we'll pretend the last two paragraphs in my snippet don't exist.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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Quote:"Not a lot, Katie. The continents are all still there, but some places don't have city lights at night any more. We aren't picking up radio signals from some large areas any more, and some of the signals we are picking up don't make any sense."
"In what ways?"
"Some of them are in languages we don't understand. Others are in what seems to be English, German, or Japanese, but are dialects nobody on Freedom has ever heard and are coming from places that didn't have large populations that speak those languages. And some of what's being broadcast in languages we can understand are reports about ... well, things that are scientifically impossible. And there's something else, something that isn't on Earth. We've detected a Solar observation satellite where we never put one."
I think I see what happened here. The term 'patchwork' I used got misunderstood and taken out of context. The worlds/timelines themselves are seamlessly fused. Perhaps 'hybrid' would have been a better term than patchwork...
Most of what you've got can still be used though - just not divine intervention. Azrael and Samael are going to be in enough trouble with their higher-ups (lower-downs in the second case?) from what they're about to unleash. As for what they're about to unleash, let me just say that it involves five things: the wording of Struve's universal alteration boon, Samael doing a rush job while the other celestials were distracted, Azrael using the previous to his advantage because he borderline hates his job, the Laws of the Conservation of Magic and Matter, and the 'plural' nature of the revised title to this Infinity.
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I have no problem with adding the two Neil Gaiman books to the -Worlds Unknown To Those In Fenspace- List as a single entry. I also have no problem with the Wild Wild West TV Series (I never saw it, myself) to either list, but I'm slightly curious as to the why.
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(removed by original poster)
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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Hope this doesn't step on any toes.
Quote:The Lunar Fox202*, Somewhere in the deep black of the Sol System
I was bored, Vanessa and one of her Mad friends had shanghai'd me into taking them out into the black of the system. Something about trying to filter out some odd signals away from the Earth-Lunar mad house. So here I lounged in the Lunar Fox's cockpit with the gravity field off. One foot hooked under a console to keep me in place as my tails flicked lazily under me. Most of the ship's system where offline except for the really important, like life support. With everything off there wasn't much else to do but watch the stars and the sole planet shine. Something about it kept eating at the back of my brain.
Frowning, It's awfully bright.
A flicked tail brought the NAV systems back online as I used my anchor point to swing around to it. It's holo display springing to life and a flash of fingers brought up the Sol system overlay.
"So what planet are you?"
I searched the overlay and found none that matched the planet shine I could see.
"Computer bring all systems online. Run diagnostic of the NAV system and then compare current reported location to all visible light landmarks via external cameras."
Settling to the deck as the gravity field returned to and a muted "HEY!" echoed up from the vehicle bay.
Foot steps sounded on the gangway, but went mostly ignored as my hands flew over holo keyboards. The four docked sensor drones deployed themselves from the bow of the Fox. They spread out in a circle around the ship with on board camera's pointed at the planet shine.
Van stormed into the cockpit. "What the bloody hell mate? We nearly had the signals isolated.." Then paused at my focused attention on the displays. Her gaze swept across them in confusion. The other mad had finely made his way up to the cockpit. He noticed how I was lining all the cameras together and focusing them on one point in space. Voice hissing from a implanted voice box, "A improvised distributed telescope array?"
Not even bothering to look up as the image started to come into focus of a bluish-green planet, "Planet shine where there shouldn't be any!"
"Bloody fuzzball, that's earth."
I Jabbed a finger at the NAV's Sol system overlay, "Earth is over there, this is in front of us and none of the other planets line up with it."
There was a pause, ".. oh shit."
Sabre Fang
Dihydrogen monoxide
Containment Vessel
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Dakota, I have no problem whatsoever with your snippet.
I would like to ask that everyone else interested in posting a bit of story to the thread please wait a few days, however. Since I wasn't as clear as I thought I was when explain just what Counter-Earth is (as well as something else I want to do), I will post my Prologue for the story in a few days which will hopefully clear these questions up. I still need to complete said Prologue, however, as I hadn't planned on having to post it until June 1st.
Quote:Everybody keeps telling me that I'm good at this type of writing, so why doesn't anybody trust me to write this sort of thing?
Robkelk, please do not in any way think that I don't like your writing.
Quote:If what I understood wasn't what you meant, then I need it explained in different words...
Counter-Earth is a crossover world. It is, however, a crossover world that did not exist prior to being injected into Fenspace's universe. Counter-Earth is the result of celestials taking the reality shards that would have otherwise merged with Fenspace Earth and molding, trimming, and spit-shining them until they were their own, separate Earth with their own, intact timeline.