[New Company]Hyperlight Industries & Associates
08-09-2013, 05:18 AM
Officially founded during the Boskone War, Hyperlight Industries is a multifaceted organization dedicated to spreading humanity out from Earth, and hopefully eventually into the stars. Primarily, it currently operates helping to move migrant workers from Earth out to the Jovian system, along with transport of mundanes who are looking for a job in the more fertile market of space work. Secondary fields include a mining, refining, and small-scale construction division led by the company's AI [Insert Name Here], and planned in the future is an extra-solar division dedicated towards large-scale colonization of other worlds, hopefully via convincing Mundanes to join with Fen on joint projects; the chief of which is the nearly Black Project Yorktown.
It's CEO is the relatively reclusive Captain Jonathan Rich. Native to Northwest Florida, he left Earth shortly after Grover's Corners alongside his XO Leroy Davis by handwaving an airliner parked in the Bob Sikes Airport in Crestview Florida over the course of a weekend, replacing the forward hatch with a standard airlock, and then stealing most of the Airport's aviation gas supply to launch. The pair are wanted for Grand Theft Aircraft in the US and associated territories, and have not set down on Earth since.
Said Airliner became the start of their business after several months of participating as a contractor for Operation Great Justice during the War. The Viridian Fool, as it came to be known for the distinct paintjob, served as an AWACS craft and recovery vessel for some time, until Rich and Davis declared they were satisfied with their performance and quit after the incidents that led to OGJ getting kicked off Stellvia, citing the behavior and actions of the leadership as being 'Unconcinable, Unacceptable, and no better than what we left behind'.
Looking for work, they picked up a small AI-run independent mining operation as a part-time source of income, retrieving it's drones and helping them back into the field. They served in this capacity, making runs on small asteroids far off the Ecliptic until the end of the war. At that point, they helped in the acquisition of an improved mining drone carrier and began refitting their airliner into something approaching a state of business readiness. Their time during the war endeared them to the Browncoats and Belters, who were both in need of a dedicated travel line to and from their primary transportation hubs. Taking up the challenge, they hired on several flight attendants and began offering $250 dollar tickets to and from the belt, and $300 dollar tickets to Ganymede and back. They weren't expecting to be sold out entirely on every outbound flight as workers flocked to the relatively high-paying jobs available.
To facilitate the nearly unmanagable load, they consulted with their AI-led mining branch for the construction of a limited set of additional spaceframes based off of their original aircraft to match demand. By 2018, between their main offices and maintence on Ceres, the aircrews of their 15 spaceliners, and travel offices the company boasts nearly 300 human personelle, and anywhere from 30-50 AI's in the travel sector and mining sector. Rumors persist, though, that the Mining Operations are vastly larger than they let on, from fanciful tales of a hidden base in the Oort Cloud working on something, to semi-confirmed reports of mining drones that refuse to identify themselves in the belt that loosely match the configuration of their mining craft. In addition, as the company has grown in size, several former workers report having come across plans for a 'Project Yorktown', which they claim to be plans for a massive colony ship for hunting down and colonizing worlds beyond the Solar System. However, any proof of these plans in the form of files or hard-copies has yet to turn up.
While they cooperate as much as they possibly can with the Space Patrol, they refuse any and all OGJ passengers, and have made it publically known that they will not do business with the organization until it's current leadership is removed and harsh oversight is put into place. They are attempting to file Criminal Trespassing charges against someone believed to be an OGJ 'Troubleshooter' who broke into their offices on December 12, 2017 and attempted to steal several files from the CEO's office.
With most other factions, they have neutral to positive relations, and are somewhat loved by the Browncoats and Belters for the spaceline services at relatively cheap rates they provide.
However, despite their services, they go out of their way to remain off of the major and minor faction's collective radars, attempting to maintain as low a profile as possible while still remaining profitable. It is unknown as to whether or not this is due to their relations with OGJ, or if there is something more to this active image control.
(more to come tomorrow)
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Quote:Officially founded during the Boskone War, Hyperlight Industries is a multifaceted organization dedicated to spreading humanity out from Earth, and hopefully eventually into the stars. Primarily, it currently operates helping to move migrant workers from Earth out to the Jovian system, along with transport of mundanes who are looking for a job in the more fertile market of space work. Secondary fields include a mining, refining, and small-scale construction division led by the company's AI [Insert Name Here], and planned in the future is an extra-solar division dedicated towards large-scale colonization of other worlds, hopefully via convincing Mundanes to join with Fen on joint projects; the chief of which is the nearly Black Project Yorktown.
90% OK. There's something we can work with here. Even if my opinion on the biggerprise is unchanged.
Quote: handwaving an airliner parked in the Bob Sikes Airport in Crestview Florida over the course of a weekend, replacing the forward hatch with a standard airlock, and then stealing most of the Airport's aviation gas supply to launch. The pair are wanted for Grand Theft Aircraft in the US and associated territories, and have not set down on Earth since.
Buying a wreck and handwaving it sure.
Stealing one parked up over a weekend and filling it full of stolen fuel is likely to draw unwanted attention. Theft is something that is.... frowned upon. Airliners are big expensive things and stealing one is likely to get noticed in a way that far exceeds the usual for Fen. There're plenty of hulks in the boneyard. Buy one of those for pennies on the dollar and nobody will bat an eyelid. Steal an operating airliner, along with all the fuel in an airport and people will loudly demand you be turned over to face justice on grand larceny. And unlike Wave Convoy - there's no denying our intrepid Captain did it.
At best, he'll have trouble working with anybody because nobody wants to associate with a known criminal - including GJ. At worst, he'll be arrested by someone and turned over to the authorities pretty sharpish by someone with an interest in no having mundane law enforcement sniffing around.
A lot of early characters are 'wanted' on some level. In cases, usually unjustly. Or for the sort of thing nobody really cares enough about to do anything more than grumble.
Quote:Said Airliner became the start of their business after several months of participating as a contractor for Operation Great Justice during the War. The Viridian Fool, as it came to be known for the distinct paintjob, served as an AWACS craft and recovery vessel for some time, until Rich and Davis declared they were satisfied with their performance and quit after the incidents that led to OGJ getting kicked off Stellvia, citing the behavior and actions of the leadership as being 'Unconcinable, Unacceptable, and no better than what we left behind'.
Not something I can find objections to, however be aware that he is leaving right before things 'get serious'. He may genuinely feel he's leaving for one reason - but history may have a different judgement. Those who stick it out to the end, or lose friends towards the end may have an entirely different opinion. One which does not lead to him being popular amongst the browcoats. From an outside viewpoint, it appears that he left right before things got genuinely tough....
Quote:Looking for work, they picked up a small AI-run independent mining operation as a part-time source of income, retrieving it's drones and helping them back into the field. They served in this capacity, making runs on small asteroids far off the Ecliptic until the end of the war. At that point, they helped in the acquisition of an improved mining drone carrier and began refitting their airliner into something approaching a state of business readiness.
AI run independent mining company. That's rather interesting in its own right. I'd like to hear more about this AI and why and how they work.
Quote:Their time during the war endeared them to the Browncoats and Belters, who were both in need of a dedicated travel line to and from their primary transportation hubs. Taking up the challenge, they hired on several flight attendants and began offering $250 dollar tickets to and from the belt, and $300 dollar tickets to Ganymede and back. They weren't expecting to be sold out entirely on every outbound flight as workers flocked to the relatively high-paying jobs available.
What may have endeared them to Browcoats and Belters would be sticking it out to the end. As it is, they left in a huff right before things got really difficult. If your fares are cheap enough for people not to care, money might be tight. Otherwise , expect empty seats. Unless you're dealing with mundanes - who want to take you to prison for stealing the jet plane that became your spacecraft. There's your problem. You've already alienated the people you want to do business with.
Not an insurmountable problem... As plenty of companies with the -soft suffix in their name have proved. But they did so by being popular before being dicks, by having a monopoly, and now being ubiquitous enough that they can get away with it.
Quote:While they cooperate as much as they possibly can with the Space Patrol, they refuse any and all OGJ passengers, and have made it publically known that they will not do business with the organization until it's current leadership is removed and harsh oversight is put into place. They are attempting to file Criminal Trespassing charges against someone believed to be an OGJ 'Troubleshooter' who broke into their offices on December 12, 2017 and attempted to steal several files from the CEO's office.
With most other factions, they have neutral to positive relations, and are somewhat loved by the Browncoats and Belters for the spaceline services at relatively cheap rates they provide.
However, despite their services, they go out of their way to remain off of the major and minor faction's collective radars, attempting to maintain as low a profile as possible while still remaining profitable. It is unknown as to whether or not this is due to their relations with OGJ, or if there is something more to this active image control.
There are still some critical difficulties. Again - you don't get to tell the local military to go spin without it being worried that you're either going to turn evil, or get up to something - unholesome. He's definitely giving off suspicious signals. A known thief, who abandoned Great Justice right when it starts getting difficult and who has some sort of secret 'black project' going on.
They sound suspiciously like minor villains. Especially the peculiar sort that never really understands why people think they're villains because their moves have made sense to them the whole way along.
Your AI might be interesting if developed, as are the people who decide to follow him along. Make them characters in their own right, rather than as enablers to your personal vision. People going along with your avatar rarely if ever agree with every single aim they have, and should have their own goals and opinions that make them want to come along with you, or for that matter, do their own thing. And if your avatar tries to force their vision, they may get angry.
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?
richardson Wrote:Said Airliner became the start of their business after several months of participating as a contractor for Operation Great Justice during the War. The Viridian Fool, as it came to be known for the distinct paintjob, served as an AWACS craft and recovery vessel for some time, until Rich and Davis declared they were satisfied with their performance and quit after the incidents that led to OGJ getting kicked off Stellvia, citing the behavior and actions of the leadership as being 'Unconcinable, Unacceptable, and no better than what we left behind'.
Quote:While they cooperate as much as they possibly can with the Space Patrol, they refuse any and all OGJ passengers, and have made it publically known that they will not do business with the organization until it's current leadership is removed and harsh oversight is put into place.
The same event which made GJ be kicked from Stellvia also let to the reorganization of GJ and the creation of Space Patrol.
(see http://fenspace.net/index.php5?title=Gr ... ce#History)
So I am not sure the reason they quit for still exists.
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Welcome to the madhouse, richardson!
Dartz Wrote:Quote:While they cooperate as much as they possibly can with the Space Patrol, they refuse any and all OGJ passengers, and have made it publically known that they will not do business with the organization until it's current leadership is removed and harsh oversight is put into place. They are attempting to file Criminal Trespassing charges against someone believed to be an OGJ 'Troubleshooter' who broke into their offices on December 12, 2017 and attempted to steal several files from the CEO's office.
With most other factions, they have neutral to positive relations, and are somewhat loved by the Browncoats and Belters for the spaceline services at relatively cheap rates they provide.
However, despite their services, they go out of their way to remain off of the major and minor faction's collective radars, attempting to maintain as low a profile as possible while still remaining profitable. It is unknown as to whether or not this is due to their relations with OGJ, or if there is something more to this active image control.
There are still some critical difficulties. Again - you don't get to tell the local military to go spin without it being worried that you're either going to turn evil, or get up to something - unholesome. He's definitely giving off suspicious signals. A known thief, who abandoned Great Justice right when it starts getting difficult and who has some sort of secret 'black project' going on.
They sound suspiciously like minor villains. Especially the peculiar sort that never really understands why people think they're villains because their moves have made sense to them the whole way along.
There are ways to keep this overall background without looking like you're putting together a villain group. (If you are putting together a villain group, then never mind this.)
In the matter of walking away from GJ, one can leave their area of interest (the way the Soviet Air Force did), one help can set up an organization that acts as a balance to GJ (the way StellviaCorp and others did with the Space Patrol), one can "turtle up" and not make any impression on current affairs (which is boring from a story perspective), or one can seek the patronage of a group that's more powerful than Great Justice (but the only such group I can think of would be the US Armed Forces, and Mr. Rich and Mr. Davis have reason to avoid them). There are likely to be other solutions to this matter that I haven't thought of...
As for the matter of being wanted criminals, the crimes are property crimes - an offer to make restitution, carried through if it's accepted, will help improve Hyperlight's standing in some circles. It won't remove all of the legal issues, but it would show they're willing to try to make things right.
Quote:Your AI might be interesting if developed, as are the people who decide to follow him along. Make them characters in their own right, rather than as enablers to your personal vision. People going along with your avatar rarely if ever agree with every single aim they have, and should have their own goals and opinions that make them want to come along with you, or for that matter, do their own thing. And if your avatar tries to force their vision, they may get angry.
From a meta-story point of view, having more characters means having more story options.
When I started writing Fenspace stories, the AIs I created were there to enable my viewpoint character. Now, that original "viewpoint character" is pretty much along to enable the AI characters, I think the stories are better for it, and I'm enjoying writing the stories more than I did at the start.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
To answer a couple of questions:
The OGJ issues end up stemming first from the semi-leak of the intelligence withholding. That pretty firmly throws the group into Noah's camp and convinces them to back the Space Patrol when it is set up. It's not until later (2015-2016) that they get ahold of a full transcript to include Haruhi's "Fenspace should stop resisting me and do everything as I say" that throws them further into the 'dismantle the whole damn organization!' group. When I get a chance, I'll edit the Op (which is the Public Knowledge, not the full story) to reflect that.
They'll end up taking a bit of all three options; Leaving OGJ operations to independantly support belters, partnering to help form the Space patrol (whom they work closely with since they are properly checked and balanced), and pissing off everybody in Fenspace by trying to massively increase the US's presence in space via trying to get an aerospace contract along with a partial contract for helping to build a space carrier for the navy (with an aerospace manufacturing group they pick up late in the war)
As for why they pick late 2012 to break the law and blast off? They'll make no excuses for it, other than to say that they went up to rescue someone close to them. Which is entirely correct, as the 'independant' mining operation they 'pick up' is in fact an AI that they created in late 2008/early 2009 and sent ahead of them to prepare the way. She was attacked by an early Boskonian raid on a small mining outpost on Mercury that ended up with her captured and barely able to call for help. They will try to return the aircraft after the war, but BAE turns them down. They do accept a $25 million payment in compensation and agree to drop the charges in exchange for being the senior partner in the starfighter contract.
As for the group:
You've got the CEO/Captain of the group, Jonathan Rich. Ex-military, discharged medically due to an inoperable piece of shrapnel in his chest from Iraq. Pretty solidly fendane, sees space as a new work frontier, not the goal in and of itself (other than colonization.). Cold and calculating, save for a few that worm into his heart. He fights with the AI (Currently calling her Twilight) over social issues, and sees her as his daughter by early 2012. Tends to get the everliving crap trolled out of him by her. Believes that overall the average human is good, but that humanity's potential has been spoiled by special interests and mass media intentionally pulling the everyday joe into a frenzy. Doesn't trust easily, but will die for anyone who has earned it gladly. Lawful Good (and not the Lawful Stupid kind of LG), and really really sorry about the whole 'stole the plane' incident. Can't fly for shit. He WOULD be a trekkie, and designs like he is. But he doesn't sign on with them because of their 'Prime Directives' (the show one and the fen one), as well as the heavily state-pushed atheism. He falls more towards the TOS end of the scale than the TNG era. The 'Spock' of the group.
Then you've got: Leroy Davis. Outright mundane who went up because his friend asked him to. Loyal to the Captain, and to their accidental AI spawn. He's the public face of the company, better able to inspire random joe off the street than the Captain is. (Jon's public speaking skills... leave much to be desired, though he's got the sheer force of personality to work as a leader) Sort of MLK meets Morgan Freeman in terms of public speaking when he puts his mind to it. He does find handwavium fascinating, and slowly migrates towards Ninjafen (he can sort-of follow along with the fandoms, but doesn't 'get' why they would so closely follow their source material). He's the 'Kirk' of the group. And a damn good pilot.
Then there is Twilight. Aka: Genki. Loves people in every form they come in. And lists and checklists and organizing things into terrifying perfection, like the namesake she picked out. She's the logistical brains of the outfit, and the one who is working a long-term social engineering project on the Captain to lighten him up. Progressed from seeing him as a master in 2009 to seeing him as a father in 2012, and knows that he has a hard time resisting her putting on a cute face and pouting when she wants something. She's the one who leads them to the fourth member of the team in late 2013/early 2014. Agrees with the Captain that the average human is good, but disagrees with him on the matter of whether or not current civilization can be fixed without a lot of work. She goes out of her way to pick up hard luck cases and bring them back to help instill better habits in them (to include non-violent felony offenders to the Captain's irritation).
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Now that I know all this, I do believe that I like these people...
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Officially founded during the Boskone War, Hyperlight Industries is a multifaceted organization dedicated to spreading humanity out from Earth, and hopefully eventually into the stars. Primarily, it currently operates helping to move migrant workers from Earth out to the Jovian system, along with transport of mundanes who are looking for a job in the more fertile market of space work. In secondary roles, it operates as a multifaceted conglomerate with divisions in mining, manufacturing, aeronautics, research and development into necessary technologies for setting on other 'M' class worlds, and a well-known caffeinated slushy department. While this seems like a potentially diverse and fracturing portfolio, almost all aspects of the company are aimed towards settling an extra-solar colony of between 50,000-500,000 people by 2028, with possible candidate locations to include Chara and Rho(1) Canceri.
Led by it's president, Captain Jonathan Rich (formerly a resident of Crestview, Florida), it's CEO Leroy Davis, COO (Chief Organizational Officer) Twilight (AI), along with a small departmental board, the company has grown steadily through buyouts, semi-shady deals with the US Armed Forces and other groups, and through growth and manufacturing via its internal mining and manufacturing arms Twilight Solutions and Thunderbolt Aeronautics. The company has grown from the initial pair who Went Up in late April 2012, shortly after Grovers Corners This is in spite of the rocky start for the company due to the methods used by its founders to leave the United States.
Though the full reasons behind their liftoff remain unknown, what is known is that over the course of a weekend, Captain Rich and Mr. Davis broke into the Bob Sikes Industrial Airport in Crestview, and via a combination of handwashing and selectively intensively handwaving an airliner parked for deconstruction and scrapping prepared a vehicle for takeoff, and notably armed it. Upon takeoff, they were set upon by a flight of F-15E and F-16 aircraft out of Eglin AFB, and barely escaped being shot down. After a short stopover at New Yavin for refueling and the installation of a fixed mount autocannon which was mounted aboard the aircraft before the station's owners found out about the theft, the pair departed for an automated AI-run mining operation on Mercury, which had been attacked on Friday of the week previous.
After 4 days, the pair returned with an AI in tow who went by the designation Twilight, but were refused docking permission by all stations in Earth Orbit, forcing them to divert to the Main Belt just ahead of the USS Stingray. There, they picked up the rest of Twilight's mining and moving vessels, and returned to Mercury after a refueling operation, moving out a substantial amount of material which has since disappeared into what is believed to be known as the Yorktown Project (the construction of a Fusion Torch powered Colonization vessel). They once again returned to the Main Belt, and Ceres, where they explained themselves as having lifted off as a rescue mission short on time and options, and attempted to contact the former owners of their new spacecraft, BAE, and offered restitution or the return of their airframe.
On March 13th, 2013, BAE accepted a restitution payment of $25 million dollars and arranged for the felony charges to be dropped. In a private meeting with Captain Dodge of the USS Stingray on neutral territory on Ceres, Captain Rich and his small crew agreed to serve out their misdemenor charges via temporary conscriptment into the US Navy for the duration of the war, serving as a patrol and early warning AWAC spaceship for the Belters. Here, they met up with the construction arm of their future company; at the time known as Starstreaker Aeronautics. The small asteroid Starstreaker Aeronautics had based themselves on had been completely demolished by an attack, leaving only a single AI that had hidden itself away during the fighting. This AI, (insert Name here) had become slightly unhinged by the experience, leaving it seeking revenge on the Boskonians responsible for killing its parents and friends.
Over the course of the war, the group would go on to earn many small-scale victories and awards, only coming into the major fleet battles during the fall of Boskone Prime.
(more to be redone tomorrow)
richardson Wrote:(more to be redone tomorrow) Is the current (edited) version the redone version or not?
HRogge Wrote:richardson Wrote:(more to be redone tomorrow) Is the current (edited) version the redone version or not? No, I've been too busy to work on it at the moment. Dead on my feet.
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When you're happy with the version you come up with, could you post it to a new post in the thread, please? That way I'll know to copy it over to the wiki...
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
robkelk Wrote:When you're happy with the version you come up with, could you post it to a new post in the thread, please? That way I'll know to copy it over to the wiki... Everything before the history section is good to go.
Operation Wagon Train:
The ultimate goal of Hyperlight Industries, and everything Captain Rich has been working towards since he successfully booted Twilight up. In brief, Operation Wagon Train/ The Yorktown Plan/ Project Yorktown are all geared towards the construction of the necessary logistical machinery needed to manufacture, move, and settle a self-sustaining population of Biologicals on an M-class planet outside of the Sol System with a minimum population of 250,000 by 2025-2030.
Originally, this was intended to be aimed at Alpha Centauri, or another close-by star due to the perception that FTL didn't exist when the plan was concieved in 2008. At the time, resupply would have been impossible due to the multi-year transit times, forcing the prospective colony to bring everything needed to set up a logistical base capable of sustaining 1st world living conditions in a single massive package.
The Yorktown Project is the primary vehicle of the plan. Originally designed as a sublight Fusion Torch ship; it was partially redesigned in 2013 to take advantage of FTL in order to free up internal space from fuel tankage, increase the available range, and to increase the pushing capacity of the craft. Due to the thrust of the ship, best described as 'one Castle Bravo per second', towing would have been out of the question, and any towed container would find itself rapidly vaporized under a relativistic iron ion stream from the fusion torch drives. Instead, the ship is designed to push a train-like container assembly ahead of it, allowing it to push enough cargo to make the plan viable.
The Yorktown Plan is both a smokescreen for the project, and also serves as the study, design, and manufacturing of all necessary infastructure modules and supplies needed for the journey and settlement. Key in the objectives of the Plan is the commonality of as many components being sent as possible, so that there are as few points of failure as possible. Additionally, a secondary aim of the planners is to recruit as broad a spectrum of settlers as possible, to include danes and fen, in order to create a snapshot of the time period that they left in their demographics.
Further objectives include analyzing the target world, and determining what staple crops will grow there, comparison of local pathogens, biosphere, and trace elements against the human race to identify possible incompatibilities, as well as targeting potential landing sites.
To that end, a six month survey by the AI-controlled Thunderhawk squadron Fuzzyhawk ventured to the Rho Canceri system. Despite the four gas giants within 1 AU of the star, tantilizing glimpses of water vapor and an oxygen atmosphere were detected by long range telescopes operating in Alpha Centauri, Delta Pavonis, and other systems. The Fuzzyhawks discovered a complex moon system around Rho Canceri IV, which included two terrestrial planets that had been captured during planetary formation in an outer orbit around the planet. One, was a mars-like world, with a thin atmosphere and an extremely low water ratio. The other was the motherlode, a planet closely resembling Earth.
richardson Wrote:The Yorktown Project is the primary vehicle of the plan. Originally designed as a sublight Fusion Torch ship That reads like something that could originally have been part of the "Century Starship" project...