I am developing a Mads calendar of pictures of exposed technology ; towards that end I am curious as to just how closely Shizuka Hayama's inner workings correspond to human anatomical systems. Has anyone...touched upon this level of detail or is the subject body open for...vivisection?
Android anatomy
i think the closest anyone came to touching on that subject was back during the 0 season but that wasnt very deep to my recollection
I have a few thoughts here, but don't want to poison the wellspring of creativity ... so I'll wait until a few others (fingers crossed, including Cobalt) offer their thoughts.
-- Rob Kelk "Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of the same sovereign, servants of the same law." - Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
I don't think very many people have bothered, although it's implied that the Handwavium treating process for the body will "analog" certain organs in the body's final form. At bare minimum, many androids tend to have ways to "ingest" food and drink, presumably using it as fuel, or at least to serve as some form of maintenance "consumable".
A big part of it is how much "hardtech" work was done on the body prior to "anointing" with 'wavium, and how much is just the picture held in the head of the person doing the anointing. The vast majority of androids would probably object (some very strongly!) to the very idea of undergoing "vivisection". -- "You know how parents tell you everything's going to fine, but you know they're lying to make you feel better? Everything's going to be fine." - The Doctor
Wouldn't it depend strongly on the builder, the android's personal preferences, and how much money they're willing to put into upgrades or how much they can influence one of the pro-rate builders to do something for them?
There's also the possibility of design/construction faults... Though I only realised the uncomfortable implications of some after starting a story featuring an Elpeo Ple with bad electronic shielding. ________________________________ --m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?
I use vivisection as a double entendre. Drakken intends to poke a few playful holes in the 'male gaze' by presenting a hyper feminine android stripped of its exterior sexual characteristics and prepared for interior systems maintenance. No surgery is involved...beyond the removal & reapplication of one (1) completely ridiculous animé inspired blimp-bosom-ed bod.
Brilliant, Dartz! I'll have to insert an...oddity somewhere within her torso. Now what will it be? Hmmmm!
I like the idea of at least one high-biomimetic android having its endoskeleton painted like a Dia de los Muertos sugar skull...
''We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.'' -- James Nicoll
Whatever it is that gets the October calendar slot will be something akin to a candy coloured sugar skull.
Of the two existent entries, Shizuka Hayama will possess the pullout June position ; the other, a scale model vibratory Genesis device, will grace January's page. Other nude devices will be allocated as I think them up, or as they are suggested.
There are several methods of construction, with varying levels of bio-mimetic conformance. As Dartz has mentioned it depends on various factors.
In Shizuka’s case there is a large amount of bio-mimicry, at least in outward appearance. This is a legacy of A.C.’s background in cybernetics. However, without all the mushy stuff you have to deal with in a biological form you can be more efficient in getting the same result. This makes for more free space inside, which then needs filling. With Shizuka, this is somewhat filled with heavy duty components and armouring, plus the relevant shock-absorption and floatation devices (And NO, I’m talking the real things). One thing most people don’t have is access hatches, which are normally indistinguishable on the body. However, these are for access to major junctions and parts that need direct access. With her skin off, Shizuka looks like an armour plated posing doll-slash-skeleton. However, having her skin off should only happen for major work like a full reconstruction. Like, got smashed between two spaceships or just fought several Class 1 combatants to the death. (Or, if we’re being boring, after 30 years of general use according to her last check-up.) Remember, she’s a COMBAT chassis. If you want to have her open up her abdomen and show off her bio-reactor, you can. Otherwise Drakken will have to borrow an un-templated chassis from A.C. Quote:Cobalt Greywalker wrote:Good, as I designed her mechanism as a technological analogue of biological systems. She'll look like a Terminator by way of Ray Bradbury! I'll make sure to apply some interior armoring and a bio-reactor. As a combat model, she should be built with a T-34ish capability to easily swap out components : such a build would allow for relatively easy battlefield repairs. Hmmm, this also suggests alternate power source capabilities on top of the bio-reactor. This is fun! Now all that's left is the inclusion of a quirky bit of techno-appendix.
The bio-reactor isn't her primary power supply.
As to field repairs, not as easy as that. You need specialised tools just to get in to those components (the skin's part of the armouring), and proper spares aren't in most stores (although you could kludge things with lesser grades). Quite frankly, outside those components with access hatches anything else is a bit dangerous to do without a cybernetics shop if the internal self repair won't cut it (which can be the case if you're in a hurry). If she's in that sort of situation expect a PO'ed Scarlet Angel demanding to know why she didn't have proper support. Probably after leaving a mess getting Shizuka out of it. Structural work is actually easier, as by that point you're replacing body parts.
I only see one way out of this:
Have A.C. help with the photo shoot. -- Rob Kelk "Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of the same sovereign, servants of the same law." - Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Completely not the topic at hand, but when I read "Android Anatomy" in the title, I had a picture of an Android phone opened up with parts all over the place.
Silly me. ![]() Oh, in another barely-Fen related topic, has anyone done stories about the non-Fen environment? Not governments or major plot elements, but... well... I had this idea the other day. I'll try to post a few thoughts here. === Jason counted bills and nodded, a grin on his face. "That's five hundred here, nice and pretty." He put the stack of bound bills back in the case, and sealed it. "Add the others, a nice, even ten thou." He nodded and flipped a two-finger salute to the man sitting across from him. "Pleasure doing business with you again, Will. When do you need us again?" Director William McTaggart, current head of the NASA space program, sighed and pulled off his glasses, pinching the bridge of his nose with a sound somewhere between laughter and frustration. "Probably a couple months from now. We've got another Italian satellite they want put up in orbit. And now that I think about it, JPL was saying something about wanting us to de-orbit a couple of old tin cans they've had spinning up there since the eighties. Bringing them back means less junk up there, which is good for everyone." The entrepreneur nodded and made a couple of notes in his iPad. "Got it." He glanced up at the older man. "I take it payment is still in cash? You know, I could just set up an account with you guys. Bank transfer's just as good for me." McTaggart shook his head and glanced out the window of his office at the Canaveral launch complex, a twisted grimace on his face. "I'd love to, but I can't. The Administration still doesn't want to admit publicly that the whole fan-spaceforce thing is real. Or at least, if they ignore it as much as possible, maybe they won't get smacked upside the head so much in the news over it. So I can't very well tell them the only reason we're staying within our ridiculously tiny budget is because I'm outsourcing the launch phase of our satellite program to you." Jason chuckled and stood, shaking McTaggart's hand before securing the handcuff attached to the briefcase around his wrist. "Well, I'll see you next month, then. Let me know if you get those requests from JPL, and I'll handle it. Oh, I've also heard some really interesting things about a guy who's built a large cargo carrier which can make the Mars run in about a week. If you like, I'll ask around, and see if he's up to doing milk runs. If so, you might get a team on Mars sooner than 2020." McTaggart sighed again, ignoring the grin on Jason's face. "Out with you, kid." He made a half-hearted swipe at the younger man as Jason laughed and started to duck out the door. "Wait!" McTaggart held up a hand in a 'hold' gesture as he pinched the bridge of his nose one more time, before settling the glasses back in place with yet a third sigh. "See if this friend of yours is interested, would you? I'd love to get boots on Mars if I could." The space entrepreneur grinned and nodded to the Director as he left, closing the door behind him. --- Those who fear the darkness have never seen what the light can do.
What?! Actually involve an established Fen character in my story?! I'll research old A.C. and slot her into the action.
I'm too busy vivisecting cell phones & chasing green German girls to be at all interested in non-Fen concerns, but I should think that there's definitely a place for 'Dane plots in Fen. -Dr. Drakken aka Donald Van Loan
DRAG0NFLIGHT Wrote:Completely not the topic at hand, but when I read "Android Anatomy" in the title, I had a picture of an Android phone opened up with parts all over the place.We've had a couple of stories about what the ESA is doing, but nothing about the other space powers... except NASA, which got into some congressional trouble in 2014 and was forced to sell its space-operations arm to Artemis. -- Rob Kelk "Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of the same sovereign, servants of the same law." - Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012 robkelk Wrote:We've had a couple of stories about what the ESA is doing, but nothing about the other space powers... except NASA, which got into some congressional trouble in 2014 and was forced to sell its space-operations arm to Artemis.There were also some hints about a "stealth vehicle" program of the Chinese space agency... but I left it vague so someone else could build on it.
Hmm. So nothing's really been done about the Chinese, or more than hints about a possible stealth program? I can probably work with that. I need to know if I'm allowed to write "sinister", though. It should stand to reason that Communist China won't be developing Handwavium-based space resources to explore the potential of humanitarian space exploration...
--- Those who fear the darkness have never seen what the light can do. DRAG0NFLIGHT Wrote:Hmm. So nothing's really been done about the Chinese, or more than hints about a possible stealth program? I can probably work with that. I need to know if I'm allowed to write "sinister", though. It should stand to reason that Communist China won't be developing Handwavium-based space resources to explore the potential of humanitarian space exploration...I will open a new thread about the China topic. |
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