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Starfleet Planetary Classification Index (Revised)
Starfleet Planetary Classification Index (Revised)
Something I idly worked on for a while. I figure, what with the Trekkies now having actual planets to explore and catalog, they'd need a better version of the PCI that was presented in Star Trek: Star Charts.
It still has some holes in it, so be free to make suggestions for inclusion or altering.
{Planet Name} = Fictional ExampleU.F.P. STARFLEET PLANETARY CLASSIFICATION INDEX (REVISED)Class A (Planetoids): Asteroids / Sub-Planets---Class A1 (Carbonaceous): more than 80 percent carbon---Class A2 (Metallic): more than 80 percent metallic---Class A3 (Silicaceous): more than 80 percent silicon---Class A4 (Cryonic-HO): more than 80 percent water-ice---Class A5 (Cryonic-CO): more than 80 percent frozen carbon dioxide---Class A6 (Cryonic-Gas): more than 80 percent frozen methane---Class A7 (Cryonic-Mix): mix of various types of icesClass B (Geomorteus): tectonic activity extreme; little/no permanent surfaceClass C: ???Class D (Geoinactive): no tectonic activity, no atmosphere---Example: Luna. MercuryClass E: ???Class F: ???Class G: ???Class H: ???Class I: ???Class J: uninhabitable rocky superterrestrials, gravity more than 2.0 G---Class J1: no atmosphere---Class J2: thick atmosphere---Class J3: thin atmosphereClass K (Adaptable):---Class K1 (Martian): tenuous atmosphere, little/no water, cold, low G------Example: Mars---Class K2: tenuous atmosphere, little/no water, hot, low G---Class K3 (Cythonnan): tenuous atmosphere, cold, low G------Example: Cythonna---Class K4: tenuous atmosphere, hot, low G---Class K5: tenuous atmosphere, water heavy, cold, low G---Class K6: tenuous atmosphere, water heavy, hot, low G---Class K7: thick-likely-vanishing atmosphere, no water, low G---Class K8 (Venusian): thick atmosphere, no water, normal G---Class K9: thin atmosphere, cold, normal G---Class K10: thin atmosphere, hot, normal G---Class K11: standard atmosphere, cold, normal G---Class K12: standard atmosphere, hot, normal GClass L (Locked): tidally-locked worlds, may have multiple Class characteristics---Class L1: tidally-locked Class Ms------Example: Gatewood (specifically Class L1/M3)---Class L2: tidally-locked Class Ns---Class L3: tidally-locked Class Os---Class L4: tidally-locked Class Ps---Class L5: tidally-locked Class Rs---Class L6: tidally-locked Class Qs---Class L7: tidally-locked Class Ys---Class L8: tidally-locked Class Zs---Class L9: tidally-locked Class Bs---Class L10: tidally-locked Class Cs---Class L11: tidally-locked Class Ds---Class L12: tidally-locked Class Ks------Example: Gliese 581g (specifically Class L12/K11)---Class L13: tidally-locked Class JsClass M (Minsharra): Terran life habitable---Class M1 (Terran): surface water between twenty and eighty percent------Example: Earth, Gallifrey---Class M2 (Oceanic): surface is eighty or more percent water------Example: Vulcan {Anpathos}---Class M3 (Desert): surface is less than twenty percent water------Example: {Gunsmoke, Tarak}Class N: superterrestrial Class Ms, gravity more than 2.0 GClass O (Pelagic): water worlds, no land---Class O1: liquid surface, rocky interior, thin atmosphere---Class O2: liquid surface, rocky interior, thick atmosphere---Class O3: liquid surface, rocky interior, standard atmosphere---Class O4 (Europan): frozen surface, liquid interior, thin atmosphere------Example: Europa, Triton---Class O5: frozen surface, liquid interior, thick atmosphere---Class O6: frozen surface, liquid interior, standard atmosphere---Class O7: liquid surface, frozen/complex ice interior, thin atmosphere---Class O8: liquid surface, frozen/complex ice interior, thick atmosphere---Class O9: liquid surface, frozen/complex ice interior, standard atmosphere------Example: Davros---Class O10: frozen surface, frozen interior, thin atmosphere---Class O11: frozen surface, frozen interior, thick atmosphere---Class O12: frozen surface, frozen interior, standard atmosphere---Class O13: frozen surface, rocky interior, thin atmosphere---Class O14: frozen surface, rocky interior, thick atmosphere---Class O15: frozen surface, rocky interior, standard atmosphereClass P (Superpelagic): superterrestrial Class Os, gravity more than 2.0 G---Class P3: frozen surface, liquid interior------Example: New AlaskaClass Q (Supercomposit): superterrestrial Class Rs, gravity more than 2.0 GClass R (Composit): worlds both rocky and icy in make-up---Example: Titan, CeresClass S (Gas Giant): gaseous planet that does not produce its own heatClass T (Gas Supergiant): gaseous planet that does produce its own heatClass U (Unique): ??? {Hecatonchires; Bizarro Earth}Class V (Living):---Example: {Mongo, Ego, Zonama Sekot}Class W: ???Class X: ???Class Y (Nonadaptable): rocky planets, has not Terran life friendly conditions---Class Y01: overabundance of heavy metals; no biosphere---Class Y02: overabundance of incompatible salts; no biosphere---Class Y03: overabundance of toxic chemicals; no biosphere---Class Y04: atmosphere nonbreathable; no biosphere---Class Y05: radiological contamination; no biosphere---Class Y06: spacetime anomalies; no biosphere---Class Y07: lacks necessary minerals---Class Y1#s: as Class Y0#s, but has a biosphere---Class Y2#s and Class Y3#: combinations of conditions of Class Y0#s---Class Y4#s and Class Y5#s: Class Y2#s and Y3#s with biosphereClass Z: superterrestrial Class Ys, gravity more than 2.0 G
Edit July 15: added Class K9 through Class K12 and Example to Class L12
DeputyJones Wrote:...
Class C: ???
---Example: Mercury
Class D (Geoinactive): no tectonic activity, no atmosphere
---Example: Luna
"[N]o tectonic activity, no atmosphere" describes Mercury and Ceres as well as it describes Luna.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Like all things Starfleet, it's what the disparate cultures that make up the Federation can all agree on is the best solution, not necessarily what is the best or most efficient solution.
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?
*blinks* I have no idea how I missed the Mercury and Luna thing - now correcting.
I'll admit it: I'm a lazy bastard and a filthy cheater. When it comes to doing planetary classification I like to use the Non-Luminary World Classification Scheme from Orion's Arm, because this thing covers everything. The only things it doesn't cover are the really absurd/bizarre space opera classifications.
Mr. Fnord interdimensional man of mystery

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I like Orion's Arm, too... for all that I've known it existed since I read about in CitD.
The Trekkies, though. *shrugs* They'd still want to be able to at least use the trappings of the fandom - much like any Fen.

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