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If this is true, then thank you, National Media. You rule our hearts and minds and you ruled justly.

Oops, victory speech

Congratulations Mr. Obama. You've won.

Hereby I declare that from me and those like-minded, that starting now and for the next 4 years, you will be given every ounce of respect, charity and support
that the media and the left have given President Bush, Senator John McCain and Governor Sarah Palin.
It certainly makes you feel like your vote counts when states are declared after... what, 15% of the precincts had reported?

Wait, no it doesn't.

Sense? What're you talking about, "sense"?
This is AMERICA. We don't do "sense" here. We do Non-Sense.

Anyway: yes, nation-wide news services "call" it before all the votes are in, before even 1% of the votes are in, before even the ballots close in
some states. Why? It makes better television, that's why. It's what they did in 2004, 2000 (to their chagrin when they called it for Gore), and so
on. It's what they do and have done for years and years. You want sensible people doing this? Move to Canada, where they have nice, sober elections
based on issues and not ones based on crazed cults of personalities and hate rallies. Where they don't talk about lipsticked pigs and million dollar

Also, to put paid to the myth of the liberal media. Don't you think it. The media is neither left nor right, but rather a laughing sadist ready to prop
you up just to see your gasp and choke on a hangman's noose. They picked up on Obama because he had the better story. And so did Palin. Better, simpler
story equals more media coverage. POW turned Statesmans is a good story, but not nearly as sexy as First This-and-That.

Anyway. Can we make a thread on the main board about having a new president? Is there a point where it moves beyond "politics" and into

You know, like "USA has new President-Elect. Obama victorious after liberal ivory tower elite communist terrorist muslims run by zionists force american
people at gunpoint to vote for him. Small child cries" as its thread title.

Ha ha, nice, sober election based on issues? Not in Canada. The biggest issues in the last campaign were a pooping puffin, a sweater, a moustache, a
commercial, and President Bush.

Congratulations to the president-elect. I see our conservatives are as gracious as always, but meh, why argue? You lost. I'm not Obama and I don't feel
the need to reach across the lines. I'd love this to be another historic seismic shift in your country, but we'll see - I still suspect this is largely
just a backlash against one of the most unpopular presidents in history. I do admire the trick of pretending the media is anti-Bush, though. That's a
pretty good one. I still remember the slobbery blowjobs the so-called leftist media gave your commander-in-chief for the Mission Accomplished stunt. I guess
you weren't complaining then.
Quote: Logan Darklighter wrote:

Congratulations Mr. Obama. You've won.

Hereby I declare that from me and those like-minded, that starting now and for the next 4 years, you will be given every ounce of respect, charity and
support that the media and the left have given President Bush, Senator John McCain and Governor Sarah Palin.

Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
... You know what? It's done. let the left and the haters do their crap. Bush

is gone. Let the hate go with him because in the words of one of the best

Sci-Fi series out there ' It doesn't matter who wins or loses, all that matters

is people are hurting'. It's time to get the crap done and hope we

don't blow up the planet in the process..

I paraphrased that line btwTongue
Quote: Logan Darklighter wrote:

Congratulations Mr. Obama. You've won.

Hereby I declare that from me and those like-minded, that starting now and for the next 4 years, you will be given every ounce of respect, charity and
support that the media and the left have given President Bush, Senator John McCain and Governor Sarah Palin.

What you say with irony I say with conviction.


Incidentally, one other thing to celebrate:

On January 20th, for the first time in the last 20 years, there will be neither a Bush nor Clinton in the White House.

Now that's change I can et cetera.

(And nope, that's not a shot at Hillary. But still.)

(Edit: hell, come to think of it, it's actually been almost 30 years since there hasn't been a Bush or a Clinton in there. Cripes.)
Quote: Logan Darklighter wrote:

Congratulations Mr. Obama. You've won.

Hereby I declare that from me and those like-minded, that starting now and for the next 4 years, you will be given every ounce of respect, charity and
support that the media and the left have given President Bush, Senator John McCain and Governor Sarah Palin.

Bush earned that degree of respect, charity, and support during his years in office. Give Obama some
time, for cryin' out loud.


"A cow just ate them both."
One of my best friends, Rei has been ecstatic. You
can see it in his livejournal here.

Y'know, as much as I still believe a horrible mistake has been made (mainly in terms of socialist, radical agenda)by the people as a whole. Rei's
enthusiasm is infectious. And y'know what? I'm glad for him. This is obviously FAR more important for him than it was for me. I can't really feel
it like he can, but knowing he's that happy... Well, hell dudes. Who am I to trample on that? Celebrate,
you've earned it in spades. I really mean it.

And, more importantly -- We just PEACEFULLY made a change in power that in almost every other country would have led to blood running in the streets and
violence unimaginable. That's something to be proud of. No matter that I don't like who we elected. Our system WORKS. It has ALWAYS worked, and, God
willing, it will continue to work.

As for we conservatives. We should be a LOYAL opposition. We should not express the conservative counterpoint of Bush Derangement Syndrome. We're better
than that. And we should prove it. We can honor this decision by the American people, be it ever so bitter. We can argue the issues from principle, not rancor
as we have always tried to do. This is not the end of all things. The republic still stands. Now we make sure that Obama does right by it.
America does not have the tradition of a Loyal Opposition, more's the pity. It's one of my favorite things from the Honor Harrington books (which means
it's a romanticized look at the Horatio Hornblower era Brits, but I digress).

And no, this isn't an 'end to racism' in America. This is a step, but there's still an active group of people that think we just 'Put a
Nigger in the White House', regardless of Obama's actual ethnic background. I'm ashamed of that, but there it is.

Personally, I have some hope for this working out 'well', but it's gonna be ten plus years before we can say whether or not it did.
"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman
FWIW, I like Rei - seems like a very neat humanoid.

Excellent choice of pic on the Fuck Politics, Post A Pic meme.
"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman
That was a very good statement, Logan. Cheers to you, and I mean that. I hope the next few election cycles aren't nearly as divisive as the last few were.
Quote: Wiredgeek wrote:

And no, this isn't an 'end to racism' in America. This is a step, but there's still an active group of people that think we just 'Put a
Nigger in the White House', regardless of Obama's actual ethnic background. I'm ashamed of that, but there it is.

I don't think you need to be as ashamed about that as you say. After all - those racist idiots are marginalized in our society these days. They are not
taken seriously by the vast majority of people. 40 years ago, racist idiots would be respectable. Now they are seen (properly) as nutbars. They have NO real
power anymore at all.

I think we have a LOT to be proud of on that score. No shame at all.
Ah - I've always liked Bill Whittle, and I KNEW he'd be able to say
it better than me.
Excellant link Logan. Tis a brave new world now.. and a new start.
America FUCK YEAH!
America FUCK YEAH!
People who know me do not often see me whoop and dance but I did that tonight.

Unabashed joy and happiness!

Thank you, America. After the non event of our election I needed this, I really did.


I refuse to whoop and dance. I feel that the National Media has decided this election, not the voters. Perhaps, in the morning, IF the numbers do support them,
I might relent.
Hear that thunder rolling till it seems to split the sky?
That's every ship in Grayson's Navy taking up the cry-

-- "No Quarter", by Echo's Children
Quote:Thank you, America. After the non event of our election I needed this, I really did

I think we needed it more than you do, but you're welcome man. You're totally welcome.
Mr. Fnord interdimensional man of mystery

FenWiki - Your One-Stop Shop for Fenspace Information

"I. Drink. Your. NERDRAGE!"


"I have a dream this afternoon..."
Obama victory
Well, thank goodness for that. During the primaries, I voted for Clinton, but I said before that I would stick with my party's choice and I'm glad
I did.

Now let's make gains in the Senate and Congress.


I refuse to whoop and dance. I feel that the National Media has decided this election, not the voters. Perhaps, in the morning, IF the numbers do
support them, I might relent.

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