Luckily the cops here in Maryland, where I live) seem to take their jobs seriously enough that they are not normally bullies, but kind enough to know when someone just needs a break.
Veni, vidi, vici. [I came, I saw, I conquered
Quote from Julius Caesar
Thesilentjackofalltrade Wrote:Luckily the cops here in Maryland, where I live) seem to take their jobs seriously enough that they are not normally bullies, but kind enough to know when someone just needs a break.
You must live in a different Maryland.
Sure he was driving dangerously but, and it is not shown in this video but a marked police car showed up behind him as he stopped for the light. No need for a plain clothes cop to wave his gun around like that, and when he posts the video (including some of the stunts he pulled. He definitely earned that ticket, possibly should have his license yanked. Threatened with a gun is way way way over the line.) they raided his house and took his stuff.
My few experiences with Maryland police tells me he got of so light because of his skin color, if he had been black chances are he would have been shot, or at least tazed a few times.
E: "Did they... did they just endorse the combination of the JSDF and US Army by showing them as two lesbian lolicons moving in together and holding hands and talking about how 'intimate' they were?"
B: "Have you forgotten so soon? They're phasing out Don't Ask, Don't Tell."
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Jack's talking about a county here in Maryland that seems to be a bastion of civility under the Democratic Party in a commonwealth that is dominated by foaming-at-the-mouth-rabid Republicans.
Of course, once we get to San Antonio it's gonna be a whole 'nuther ball game. At least the bureaucracy of the State of Texas has nothing on that of the Commonwealth of Maryland. I f***ing hate commonwealth states for that very reason.
Quote:You must live in a different Maryland.
I can't view youtube videos at work, so I'm gonna hazard a guess that this is Anthony Graber.
Who should be a millionaire, and go to sleep every night after wiping his feet on a cop-hide rug, after he does some time in prison for reckless endangerment.Wire Geek - Burning the weak and trampling the dead since 1979
Kokuten Wrote:Who should be a millionaire, and go to sleep every night after wiping his feet on a cop-hide rug, after he does some time in prison for reckless endangerment.
Don't recall his name, but that does sound about right. As I said he deserved more than just the ticket he got, but having a gun waved in his face like that is at the line, having it done by a plainclothes cop in an unmarked car pushes it over the line. Doing that while there is a marked car right behind him means even more that the unmarked cop shouldn't have gotten involved.
Having his house raided and his stuff seized after he posted a video of it on youtube (which to his credit includes the recklessness, I just can't find the video on short notice.) is way way way beyond what is reasonable.
It's not the only case of the police pulling stuff like that, but it's one that is on video and made the news.
To be fair I spent a lot of my time in MD in PG county, which is the bad part of Maryland pretty much, so stories about police brutality where not that uncommon. Neither was incompetence, such as the case where the police would take an hour or so to respond to a robbery right in front of the police station.
There is also the fact that after riots the police apologizes for using excessive force and a lot of black students are injured, and usually one or two of them are hospitalized. Granted the students are idiots for rioting and should be giving a stern talking to or kicked out of the school, and they should definitely pay for all the damage that they cause, but in general that should not include beatings that necessitate they go to the hospital.
E: "Did they... did they just endorse the combination of the JSDF and US Army by showing them as two lesbian lolicons moving in together and holding hands and talking about how 'intimate' they were?"
B: "Have you forgotten so soon? They're phasing out Don't Ask, Don't Tell."
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Somewhat related. ... 67020.html
SWAT breaks down the door of an innocent mans home on some no-knock warrant... he initially mistakes them for intruders, realises their cops.... and then gets riddle with about 60 bullets and left to die for an hour for his troubles while the coppers put up the blue wall around themselves.
I really would not want to live in a country where law enforcement would get away with pumping 70 rounds of automatic fire into someone whom they haven't even ascertained was close to hostile yet.
There's a video of it here, but bear in mind what it's a video of before clicking it.
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Oh hell no. I'd be packing up and getting the hell out of dodge - screw that bullshit.
Personally, I think that's the greatest statement that any taxpayer can make: tell them to screw themselves by moving to another state. No one in the offending state gets your vote, your taxpayer dollars, or the jurisdiction to raid your place.
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I can understand shooting a man who's actively intending to pose a threat.... but just riddling a guy with bullets because he happens to be armed inside his own home, after 2 relatives of his had been murdered in a home intrusion. That's not a police force, that's not even a bunch of Judge Dredds... at least Dredd was a professional... these guys where just a bunch of trigger-loving cowboys who each think they're Dirty Harry or something.
It shouldn't be necessary to move to another jurisdiction to get away from them. It's despicable that people are that afraid of the police in what is supposed to be a civilised country. And it doesn't help matters than any politician who might immediately try and reign in the police will immediately get attacked by their opponent for being 'soft on crime'. The first sign of a society gone bad is when honest people have reason to be afraid of the police.
It's nice to have a piece of paper saying 'you have such and such rights'... but if there's one thing the law is quite capable of, it's finding the loopholes in those pieces of paper.
In contrast, there's on average
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The shooting was apparently triggered off when one of the cops accidentally fired, and others thought the guy in the house was shooting.
It started as a tragic misunderstanding, and escalated to Conspiracy To Commit Murder when they kept the EMT's away from the victim.
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Followed your links, WG. Followed some follow-up tangents from some of those. Becoming rather alarmed.
My friend in the Fort Worth PD is a very cynical guy and comes off as being amused at corruption when he hears of it. Even says his fellow cops are "terrible people, personally" and includes himself in that number. But I think it's a front. A face he puts on. I've known him a long time, and I think he's secretly "one of the good ones", though he'd be loath to admit it.
I'm interested in his take on things in some of these links. At worst, he'll have some entertainingly horrifying anecdotes to pass along(entertaining only because of the way he tells them). He's utterly contemptuous already of the people in SWAT. And his stories about their level of mentality jibe with what your links show.