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Ohio's official stance on diabled vets: Go kill yourself
Ohio's official stance on diabled vets: Go kill yourself
Ohio's governor refuses Federal aid to disabled vets, tells them to go kill themselves.

I have no more words.
Quote:“I think most of the hard working, decent people in Ohio agree with me that there are better things we could be spending our tax dollars on than war veterans crying for a handout. ‘Ooooh, I want to be able to walk up to my house to see my child for the first time.’ Please. Watch out for the land mine next time, idiot,” Kasich said. “And what are these veteran amputees going to do to stop me? Walk up to the voting booth on imaginary legs in three years? Press the button for another candidate with the arm or hand they don’t have? Not if I can help it."
I...what? Is this for real? This sounds like it's from some stand-up comedian's act. Like, you could put that exact text in an Onion article. Seriously, what the fuck is this guy thinking?
Quote:Sergeant Tim Mentos was the most visibly upset veteran during the
speech. A 2004 explosion in Iraq left him without his legs or vocal
cords. Lacking the verbal and ambulatory means to properly demonstrate
his outrage, he signed to his son who was standing at his side to toss
him toward the governor in order to deliver an elbow drop. He was caught
in midair by the governor’s security detail and nearly beaten to death
by guards who were wielding some of the newly confiscated prosthetics.
one veteran asked whether he should go ahead and kill himself, Governor
Kasich shrugged his shoulders and said, “Whatever floats your boat.”
The response prompted the man to grab a security guard’s gun and shoot
himself in the skull. As he was wearing one of the four prosthetics left
in the building, the gun shot induced a scramble as other veterans
fought viciously for its use.
I'm calling joke. There is no way this actually happened.
This has got to be satire. I'm almost certain it is.

Quote:When one veteran asked whether he should go ahead and kill himself, Governor Kasich shrugged his shoulders and said, “Whatever floats your boat.” The response prompted the man to grab a security guard’s gun and shoot himself in the skull. As he was wearing one of the four prosthetics left in the building, the gun shot induced a scramble as other veterans fought viciously for its use.
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?
This is not a real news story. This - and the whole website - are satirical. (In extraordinarily bad taste, but satirical.) This is projection. 

(I mean - here's a clue - big note on the right-hand sidebar:  "Join Our News Cult."  Yeah.)
Okay. This was forwarded to my by my wife, and I didn't do that much digging into it. Too much rage, because I *can* see someone doing something like this, really...
I did my own digging after following the link (and not coming back for the rest of the thread here). I determined two things: one, it's very definitely satirical, and two, it's being repeated as gospel truth by loads of sites.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
It says something sad about the state of current politics that something like this can be accepted as truth. I'm not sure on which it is more damming, the republican brand, current political discourse, human gullibility, or something else.

No one of any party would make statements like this it would ruin their reelection campaign.
E: "Did they... did they just endorse the combination of the JSDF and US Army by showing them as two lesbian lolicons moving in together and holding hands and talking about how 'intimate' they were?"
B: "Have you forgotten so soon? They're phasing out Don't Ask, Don't Tell."

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