...can go in this thread.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: I was talking with Jimmy about his "VIIOR Avatar"
[The Legendary] Jimmy Amp: you were? when?
[The Legendary] Foxboy: This morning
[The Legendary] Jimmy Amp: and why don't I remember this?
[The Legendary] valles: Which's that?
[The Legendary] Foxboy: You play Electroeagle don't you?
[The Legendary] Jimmy Amp: not I
[The Legendary] Foxboy: My bad.
[The Legendary] valles: Speaking of which...
[The Legendary] valles: ...how aware is Nogi of her ninja?
[The Legendary] Jimmy Amp: no worries... haven't slept in 36 hours or so
[The Legendary] valles: Emotional state?
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Well she's gotta have some equivalent to the "pet window"
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Knowing when her pets are mezzed, damaged, buffed, etc.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: So... lessee
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Hive mind-ish
[The Legendary] valles: I'm planning to write Akai as knowing when Nogi's about to cap off about the Spines guy, so.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Semi autonomous drones with Nogi as the "queen mind"
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Perfectly allowable.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Even if Nogi were "natural" origin, it could be assumed her ninja know her well enough to look underneath the underneath and know what she's about to do
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Hm.
[The Legendary] valles: Great! *blinkblink* ...could they survive without her? Assuming a power source.
[The Legendary] valles: A la FSN's Servants.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Presumably, so...
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Oho! For later when Nogi discovers her serial immortality.
[The Legendary] valles: I'd had a throwaway line to that effect, though I -hadn't- formed that connection.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Or the relationships that may develop between her ninja and "real people"
[The Legendary] valles: It was... just something that followed from the assumptions I was making.
[The Legendary] valles: I figure that if Nogi -does- end up developing her own Epic Pool...
[The Legendary] valles: Brightsky'll ask for Akai.
[The Legendary] valles: Hm. More generally, I'm working from the assumptions that...
[The Legendary] valles: The kunoichi's bodies are physically real.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Or close enough as makes no difference
[The Legendary] valles: That is, they have all the right biological and neurological functions to be real people.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Clarke's Law and its inverse
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: ...indistinguishable from a rigged demo
[The Legendary] Foxboy: HUH? That one eludes me.
[The Legendary] valles: The magic involved in sustaining them is all about connecting the departed spirit to the summoned meat.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: I can't remember the whole thing ;.;
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Got it
[The Legendary] valles: Psychologically...
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from a rigged demo
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Or meat-like food substitute product
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Spam ninja?
[The Legendary] valles: ...the girls don't think of themselves - aren't, in a meaningful sense
[The Legendary] valles: ...enslaved.
[The Legendary] valles: They're -retired-.
[The Legendary] valles: They're quite capable of defining and working towards their own goals, but...
[The Legendary] valles: They've already -done- all that.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: They've been part and parcel of Nogi;s goals for so long her goals are their goals
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Actually the serial immortality is gonna SCARE the bejeebers out of the core of myself that's still there.
[The Legendary] valles: Not as bad as the girl that gets jumped to. ^_^
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Right but let's say that Nogi has a "nictuslike" incorp state.
[The Legendary] valles: I'm dead.
[The Legendary] valles: HOLY FUCKING SHIT, I'M DEAD!!
[The Legendary] Foxboy: And... I AM not getting Judged for my life as my beliefs tell me. I am damned.
[The Legendary] valles: or, 'Waaaaahhh! Where'd the world goooo!!'
[The Legendary] Foxboy: THAT one is gonna cause some difficulty.
[The Legendary] valles: 'cause the good girls go to heaven, but the bad girls go everywhere...'
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Essentially V!Nogi will eventually find out why she didn't go to final judgement:
[The Legendary] Foxboy: She "aten't all the way daid"
[The Legendary] valles: *blinkblink*
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Sorry my Discworld fennishness kicked in
[The Legendary] valles: Ah. She doesn't -really- die until some magical heavy zarks the ghost?
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Pretty much
[The Legendary] valles: The thing that's gonna scare Brightsky shitless is...
[The Legendary] Foxboy: I mean the "possessing ghost" isthe Natural state of a Nogitsune
[The Legendary] valles: ...I approach my emotions about the same way as a rigid Jedi.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: And Sky wears her heart on her sleeve.
[The Legendary] valles: They are unambiguously The Enemy.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Ohhhh.
[The Legendary] valles: So, not only is she emotive, but...
[The Legendary] valles: her temper.
[The Legendary] valles: Sky - canon Sky - is terrified of herself.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: That's something that I hope Dead!Nogi can pull off: the moral search for a host.
[The Legendary] valles: She is just one step short of being an outright berserker....
[The Legendary] valles: ...and she knows it.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Right.
[The Legendary] valles: She -knows- that when she loses it, she'll hit whatever gets in her way.
[The Legendary] valles: Including civilians.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: So a better written Skysaber Akane, eh?
[The Legendary] valles: I don't read Skysaber, but it sounds apropos. ^_^
[The Legendary] valles: And... 'To serve and protect'... that's her -life-.
[The Legendary] valles: Thats -why she feels she exists-.
[The Legendary] valles: ...compared to, I literally cannot remember the last time I sincerely lost my temper.
[The Legendary] valles: In a wierd way, I think each of us wants to be the other.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: So a Yin and Yang balancing act.
[The Legendary] valles: ...in a washing machine.
[The Legendary] valles: Which is why, when Akai actually draws blood...
[The Legendary] valles: ...kaboom.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: On heavy load?
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Still mezzed right?
[The Legendary] valles: Yep.
[The Legendary] valles: Sky's still mezzed - though thinking more in terms of 'I'm fine, -they're- being controlled'
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Messy.
[The Legendary] valles: Uh-huh.
[The Legendary] valles: Akai spends a moment or two thinking, 'Eep.'
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Like 'Why can't they see they're working with a VILLAIN?'
[The Legendary] valles: I actually do have her using the AV line.
[The Legendary] valles: She makes a beeline, Akai gets in the way...
[The Legendary] Foxboy: The Holy [excrement] it's an AV!
[The Legendary] valles: They fight a bit...
[The Legendary] valles: Then everything goes all cold and shadowy.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Darkest night or Shadow fall?
[The Legendary] valles: Whichever one Nogi's going to be dropping - can't recall off the top of my head.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: OR the Howling Twilight
[The Legendary] valles: I figure she gets the entire battlefield with it.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Howling Twilight for the mass res.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: And disorient.
[The Legendary] valles: Aagh! Can't -see-!
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Letting Shizuru get some mad containment action
[The Legendary] valles: Which would, I figure, include demezzing the Legendary who'd gotten got.
[The Legendary] valles: ...sky pulls up short, thinking, ohh... shit...
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Some impassioned speech by one of the heroes counts as giving you a BF insp
[The Legendary] valles: Telepath vs. Telepath wouldn't cover it?
[The Legendary] Foxboy: That works too.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Right, Shi is a sonic she can do clarity
[The Legendary] valles: Or I could go with the original plan for how that happens...
[The Legendary] valles: chu! [3
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Ah the Madmartigan tactic
[The Legendary] valles: Don't recognize the reference, but sure. ^_^
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Willow?
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Dingding!
[The Legendary] valles: I saw that... once... how long ago?
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Val kilmer in a Celtic-inspired medieval starwars/snow white combo
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: You misplaced "starwars" and "celtic"
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Details!
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker:
[The Legendary] valles: Of course, this is -after- Akai tried to talk her out of it, thought she'd succeeded... and then barely missed getting kicked int he stomach.
[The Legendary] valles: Faking a ninja isn't going to happen, of course, but Sky tried.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Good thing she isn'ta pirate or it would have been to the death
[The Legendary] valles: Snrk.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: ...There will be so many Real Ultimate Power flipouts out there...
[The Legendary] valles: RUP?
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Google it.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Mostly from Nin/nin stalkers and kat/regen scrappers.
[The Legendary] valles: Okay, one sec.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Nin nin! [3
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: ...sorry, too much Disgaea
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Inconceivable!
[The Legendary] Foxboy: No such thing!
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: A *large amount* then
[The Legendary] valles: Oh, -those- guys.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: The purpose of a ninja is to flip out and kill people.
[The Legendary] valles: In a lot of ways, it's a real shame I've never been able to really get into Negima.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: It is.
[The Legendary] valles: I mean, deliberately transparent hot ninja Xellos babe.
[The Legendary] valles: It's perfect.
[The Legendary] valles: But the book just bores me to tears.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker:
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Ah well...
[The Legendary] valles: I'd've done a little teary face, but the game punches those into local for wierd reasons.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: ;.;
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: No it doesn't
[The Legendary] valles: ...gah.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: You need to put a space before the first ;
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: (I can see Negima being called a lot of things, but boring? A first)
[The Legendary] valles: ...D'OH!
[The Legendary] valles: I had a thought about how to handle the big Legendary Discussion Scene.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: ...Yes?
[The Legendary] valles: Rather than show it...
[The Legendary] valles: ...show the TV interview(s) where the participants talk about it.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: (And I think I can get the King over to the east coast without marooning him in his kingdom... excellent...)
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Ah, nice.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Hm. Depends on who can do what Talk show host/reporter
[The Legendary] valles: It'd be much easier if we still had the logs of that argument I got into about what the govt would do...
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Well, let's see. How long would it take the so-alled "real govv't" to believe it was actually happening?
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Becasue the local is going to pass the buck and it goes all hte way up
[The Legendary] valles: At the national le-
[The Legendary] valles: Hm.
[The Legendary] valles: I would guess... not long.
[The Legendary] valles: Hour or two, tops.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: And this is pre-"Surge" right?
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Vazhilok and Clockwork teamup in this mish. Makes sense, they have different recycling lists.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: ^_^
[The Legendary] valles: Um... I need to pay closer attention to the news?
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Oh man... were any *troops* playing CoH?
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Oh dear.
[The Legendary] valles: Probably.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Even worse good RP'ers playing CoV
[The Legendary] valles: Definitely.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: "Iraq is MINE!'
[The Legendary] Foxboy: No.
[The Legendary] valles: Merc MM.
[The Legendary] valles: In the military.
[The Legendary] valles: In Iraq.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: *snerk*
[The Legendary] valles: Eep?
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Say it with me: "COOOOBRAAAAAA!"
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Yo, JOE!
[The Legendary] valles: LOL.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Female model... I Oncssssse wassss a man.....
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: *dies*
[The Legendary] valles: Uh.... okay....
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Quote from the GI Joe movie
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Cobra.... LALALALALALALA!
[The Legendary] valles: ...That was even longer ago than Willow.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Cobra commander became a snake creature at Serpentor's whim
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Thoughtt hat was Golobulus
[The Legendary] valles: With... this... giant clamshell thing?
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: (The comic was SO much better.)
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Yeah
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Either way is fine with me
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Exactly
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Mutation spores in the clam
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: ...that just doesn't sound right.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Another question how many Cease and desists for N00bs in the tutorial at the time of the event?
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: ...A lot.
[The Legendary] valles: Um? Like, would-have-been-generics?
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Yup
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Lotta short hairy Canadians, eh?
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: ...help me...
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: I do not want even my avatar to live in a world overrun with Logan
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Laughing that hard, Lurker?
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Yep
[The Legendary] valles: Their attempts to escape the legal action of the Marvel corporation would become known as...
[The Legendary] valles: ...the Logans' Run.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: OWWW!
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: *can no longer breathe*
[The Legendary] valles: Score!
[The Legendary] Foxboy: I simultaneously LOVE and HATE that movie
[The Legendary] valles: Never seen it. ^_^
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Book, better
[The Legendary] valles: Never read it. ^_^
[The Legendary] Foxboy: The also-ran sci-fi movie of 1977
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Eh, I said "better," not "great"
[The Legendary] valles: Just -knowing that it existed- was enough. ^_^
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: The chase scene in the finished Crazy Horse memorial...
[The Legendary] Foxboy: [-- real first name is Logan
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: --]Wolverine's isn't
[The Legendary] Foxboy: I'm glad most of my "teasing years" were in Oklahoma rather than New England
[The Legendary] valles: Eh?
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Otherwise I'd be stuck wiht "Airport" as my nickname
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Ouch!
[The Legendary] Foxboy: SO glad my last name isn't O'Hare
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: I need to use that now
[The Legendary] Foxboy: The name Logan O'Hare?
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Ues
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Yes
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Iteven fits an Irishman
[The Legendary] Foxboy: 'Y'great gobshite! Say't agin an I'll cosh and pandy ye smartly, boyo!"
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: I can't do Irish
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Just barely Scottish
[The Legendary] valles: Hmph. Well sure and you're a fool, then, or you'd not be sayin' somethin' so daft.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Believe it or notit took a british puppet show for me to get a "Modern" Irish accent down pat... oog I punned myself
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: And that's only because I have some Scot ancestry
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: ...well, and some Irish, but a lot less
[The Legendary] Foxboy: I Cannae rrrrrrroll me arrrrrrrs prrrrrroperly.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Scot pirates!
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Stage Scots is pretty close to stage Pirate
[The Legendary] valles: Sans rum.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Plus whiskey.
[The Legendary] valles: But... why is the -rum- gone...?
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Horrible band name for Oh My Goddess just popped into my head
[The Legendary] valles: Oh?
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Bob Whaley and the Marllers
[The Legendary] valles: *laughs*
[The Legendary] valles: Nice thing about playing an MM:
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Another mini arc for VIIOR just came to mind
[The Legendary] valles: Plenty of time to chat.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: I was just wondering what Redemption Song might do for Doug, and it snjowballed
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: A Schrodinger
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: 's Whale with a mini Marller backup group
[The Legendary] valles: Ooh, ooh, arc, arc!
[The Legendary] Foxboy: 'Two Weeks Notice'
[The Legendary] Foxboy: The last two weeks some of the Virtues have at their old jobs
[The Legendary] valles: Wherin many employers conclued that ... ooooooh. I like that better.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Clever
[The Legendary] Foxboy: See Ninja mastermind at a supermarket help desk
[The Legendary] Foxboy: 'This one must not kill the customers"
[The Legendary] valles: Hee.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Flip out and greet people!
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: (coined by Chibi Konatsu)
[The Legendary] valles: Might it be best to use only rough approximations of real people?
[The Legendary] Foxboy: 'This one is Japanese and not Chinese...
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Well chain stores will have to be fictionalized
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Will they? We're not publishing, are we?
[The Legendary] Foxboy: If it's on the web? It's published or as good as.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: So could count as badmouthing the company etc.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: I'm pretty sure 7-11 doesn't care about fanfic...
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Though one of my best bits includes a supervisor not believing that Nogi's ears are real
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Heh
[The Legendary] valles: Oooh.
[The Legendary] valles: Mebbe a five year old or two has the same problem?
[The Legendary] Foxboy: And a nice Kansai war bride encountering a Kitsune for the first time since 1936
[The Legendary] valles: Or worse, doesn't?
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: ...wait, what?
[The Legendary] Foxboy: 'Momma lookit her ears!'
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: What *is* the status of magic pre-Virtue, anyway?
[The Legendary] valles: 'Itaiiiiiiii... Please, Kodomo-chan, release this oNE!'
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Pretty much wiped out
[The Legendary] Foxboy: I figure Europe was zorched during WWI
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Zorched?
[The Legendary] valles: Probably shaky long before then.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Right
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: I suspect I missed a lot of discussion
[The Legendary] valles: To keep from getting consistent results when tested.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Let's say that some of the Ley line kookswere SORT of right
[The Legendary] valles: You're not alone. ^_^
[The Legendary] Foxboy: The old flows of magic were along the lines connected by churches graveyards, etc.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: For example, has the Virtue thing actually *changed* the laws of physics? Are colliders turning up new kinds of particle]?
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Hm.
[The Legendary] valles: Ooh.
[The Legendary] valles: That would be -fun-.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Newtonian physics are relatively unscathed.
[The Legendary] valles: The blood in Uni physics departments would get knee deep, but it'd be fun!
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker:
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Let's jsut say that exotic radiation will be more common
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: See, I am just this nosy, so King-me will be asking himself all the hard questions
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Allowing for totally native supers down the line
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: And concluding "On some level, this was a deliberate action."
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Someone DID this to us.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Which is true/
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Even if it was an accident
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker:
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Lessee. Falwell will get a few shots in on the Virtues before he dies.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Bleh.
[The Legendary] valles: Hah. Hahahaha.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Verisimilitude.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: How many of them will shoot back?
[The Legendary] valles: Bets someone ends up taking exception to his language?
[The Legendary] valles: In person?
[The Legendary] Foxboy: If it's Nogi, she might actually divine his time of Death
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: And tell him?
[The Legendary] valles: That's twisted and perfect.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Yup.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Yikes.
[The Legendary] valles: Also, tell his insurance company.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: ^_^ All of them ^_^
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: ...*owie*
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Hm. We may have a few suicides among the Virtues.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: ESPECIALLY the "vampires"
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: There was one like that in Ed Becerra's thing...
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: The convention...
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Yup
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Where I got the idea.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Steal shamelessly and from the best.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Also a couple of Buffy Fans might do in one of their friends who got "turned"
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: But then there's the vamps and infectious werewolves who *like* their state...
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Could get *ugly*
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Fortunately, the Virtuesthemselves are likely immune
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Could be worse. Could have been a populous WoW PVP server.
[The Legendary] valles: Eegh.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Yes MUCH worse
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Raidtards on the march...
[The Legendary] valles: And I just Killed DEATHSURGE! Woo!
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: *applause*
[The Legendary] valles: *bow*
[The Legendary] valles: Thought:
[The Legendary] Foxboy: The pocket D arc for VIIOR should coincide with the Valentine's event
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Pocket D arc?
[The Legendary] valles: You have cases where young kids had adult characters, like in Rev's bit.
[The Legendary] valles: You also have cases where people were _RPing_ kids.
[The Legendary] valles: ...age of majority laws.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Right. And hte Pocket D arc is when someone gets the guts to use the Pocket D VIP pass
[The Legendary] valles: Consent, responsiblity, custody, etc.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Another question to ask oneself... were the characters *cloned* from their world, or *transferred and merged?*
[The Legendary] valles: I've been assuming 'cloned'
[The Legendary] valles: -then- merged.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Personally I prefer "cloned" but the question is valid for character angst.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: But people who don't know can be worried...
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: If I get rid of the King, does that set him loose on his world again?
[The Legendary] valles: Brightsky's attitude towards that question will be pretty much...
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Becasue if in a later arc Nogi!Me encounters Nogi!Prime
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Could be amusing or not pretty at all.
[The Legendary] valles: 'Neither of the people who made me did this on purpose, and neither of them would want me to worry about it. So. I won't worry.'
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Heh.
[The Legendary] valles: Anyway, I figure that the law -should- decide to count a person as -either- their real or character age, -whichever is younger-.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: I would have hoped that they'd take actual maturity level into account. Oh well...
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Or perhaps apply the emancipated minor rules in cases wehre body and mind mismatch
[The Legendary] valles: How on -earth- do you -determine- something like that?
[The Legendary] Foxboy: For more liberal places.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Good question
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Besides, assuming someone was "minored" that might make them wards of the state if the don't have relatives willing to take them in
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: If you can prove your identity and are acting your age...
[The Legendary] valles: Really, that suggestion is just an excuse to toss V!Sky and O!Sky into the same freshman dorm room.
[The Legendary] valles: Sometime way later.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: And V!Nogi as guest professor in Comparative Thaumatology.
[The Legendary] valles: From which Comedy Ensues.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: No, no. Hijinks.
[The Legendary] valles: ...QB would -spaz-.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Heh.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: As would Crey.
[The Legendary] valles: I think Crey would spaz just on general principles....
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Nogi's current body might be considered stolen property aftre all
[The Legendary] valles: ...an entire new world full of markets and victims...
[The Legendary] valles: ...all of them -Preconditioned to hate the brand name-!
[The Legendary] valles: It's not -fair-!
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: *ha!*
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Ooog. Rikti invasion on hte Heels of Nemesis....
[The Legendary] valles: In -our- -world-?!
[The Legendary] valles: ...woah.
[The Legendary] valles: That's kinda scary, yeah.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Mebbe. but MUCH later on
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: ouchie
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: So what *does* the Pocket D pass do?
[The Legendary] valles: I want to see some V-Earth native organization knock Arachnos back on its heels, though.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: ...That'd be a nice trick.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: For one thing a lot of the portals from *A* Paragon City wid up in a state park in Rhode Island
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Uh-oh...
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Protected Salt-water marsh
[The Legendary] Foxboy: IIRC
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Is there even room in Rhode Island for anything that isn't Paragon City?
[The Legendary] valles: They've placed it to real geography?
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Croatoa would be like on the Connecticut/RI/Mass. border.
[The Legendary] valles: Probably not...
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Heck, I'll go google for a map.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: No but the closes match to the Geography I found was a state park in western Rhode Island
[The Legendary] valles: IIRC, Paragon's supposed to be the largest city in its world...
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Random Factoid: The Circle of Thorns has almost NO interest in V!Earth
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: No Mu, No Oranbega, different Gods if any
[The Legendary] valles: Oranbega never existed, and datamagic has -fuck all- to do with what they practice.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Right
[The Legendary] valles: ....wait.
[The Legendary] valles: Datamagic.
[The Legendary] valles: ...nanoha.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: run away!
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: (I think I see it. There's a river almost the right shape.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: You know...
[The Legendary] Foxboy: nvm i lost my train of thought
[The Legendary] valles: Creating an Intelligent Device or something clsoe to it would be an absolutely logical thing to do.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Okay. Datamagic might be V!Earth's "Breakthrough!"
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: So... people from V-Paragon will be able to get to V!Earth from Pocket D?
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Hmmmm.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Trying to figure out what you meant
[The Legendary] Foxboy: I'm guessing that DJZero can get people "home" from the Pocket D
[The Legendary] valles: Two questions:
[The Legendary] valles: Breakthrough?
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Issue 9
[The Legendary] valles: And, what the heck -is- DJZ, anyway?
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Inventions system
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: DJ Zero runs the Pocket D
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: He has dimensional travel powers
[The Legendary] Foxboy: DJ Zero is a Mxyzptlk-type actually for CoH
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Ah, didn't know that
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Or REALLLY powerful mutant
[The Legendary] valles: ...y'know, I kinda wish it were possible to attack people in Pocket D.
[The Legendary] valles: Not, I hasten to add, to damage them, merely to attack.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Storywise, you can but you'll get banned depending on the severity.
[The Legendary] valles: ...leading immediately to your being dumped where you were when you entered, with a load of debt for your trouble.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Hm. First arrival to Pocket D from V!Earth might have to stay a bit longer than they wanted to while DJ Zero sets up the portal connections
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: And might have to deal with a lot of questions about why he's dressed up like person X
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Hmmm. I'm trying to think of "celebrity" level Virtues... like Ascendant
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: ...yeah, I can't reconcile this geography with real RI at all
[The Legendary] Foxboy: It's too big, yeah.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: And no part of the coast does anything *remotely* like it even if I assume the compass points are wrong
[The Legendary] valles: As long as the surrounding states are correspondingly smaller...
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Heh
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Did you see the state park in the west?
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Becasue ther is MORE tectonic activity in COH!RI than real
[The Legendary] Foxboy: So more varied coastlines...
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker:
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: I did find a few golf courses and a very small state park
[The Legendary] valles: Not neccessarily -natural- tectonic activity, either.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: The closest match is in an area with some golf courses and small towns
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Potowomut River almost looks like whatever the Independence Port body of water is called
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Oh... OW
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Hm?
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: If there are connections... if the Mirror Kingdom is connected to both...
[The Legendary] valles: Six shadows.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: The REAL King of 3 Shadows will be pissed!
[The Legendary] valles: Not, in an of itself, such a bad thing. Merely inconvenient.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Fortunately, transit via the two mirror kingdoms is harderthan between MK and Earth whatever
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Can be spun that way
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: I was thinking there was only the *one*
[The Legendary] valles: Fox, you weren't here for my earlier...
[The Legendary] valles: ...commentary about how Sky's defensive powers work, were you?
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Nope or if I was I was SF-ing
[The Legendary] valles: In short, she can painlessly deflect anything she sees coming.
[The Legendary] valles: But, to have the unconcious 'go away!' reflex that stops most damage she'd receive...
[The Legendary] valles: ...she needs to feel it.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: ... Street sweeping is the way to go for salvage it seems]
[The Legendary] valles: This means that, one, Sky ends up with a lot of superficial bleeding.
[The Legendary] valles: And two, medkits mean than she's usually in better shape than her clothes.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Ah, just like "empowered" by Adam Warren... sorta.
[The Legendary] valles: Dunno it.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Wait didn't we discussthis vis-a-vis Icon versu JCPenney?
[The Legendary] valles: ...don't think so.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: That COH costume "slots" are more durable than "normal clothes"
[The Legendary] valles: I didn't realize she'd suffere the Fairchild Effect until -after- I'd worked out the logic of it, actually.
[The Legendary] valles: Yes, but, unconcious deflection relies on the pain trigger.
[The Legendary] valles: Its like how the 'pull your hand back' reaction....
[The Legendary] valles: ...to a 'yow that's hot' stimulus doesn't even need to reach the brain before the muscles go into action.
[The Legendary] valles: Hm.
[The Legendary] valles: Her outfit's probably pretty durable vs. most things.
[The Legendary] valles: ...subject to Theiss Theory.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Incidentally, y'want this chatlog saved and posted?
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Might be a good idea.
[The Legendary] valles: ...sure, go ahead.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Perhaps a seperate thread like VIIOR Chatlogs?
[The Legendary] valles: I don't think I blurted anything -too- embarrasing....
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Alright, I'll handle that before logging off
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Nogi's not powerful at all, she just soloed three 50 bosses! Whooo!
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Sweet!
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Losing her Oni TWICE early in the fight!
[The Legendary] valles: Heh. You have to wonder how many -other- topped out 50s were on that night...
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Scary Akai and Kuroi is RIGHT!
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Yee.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: I'd like to make the assumption that theres MAYBE 5 others
[The Legendary] Foxboy: And GW and GM_Emily
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: I'd *like* that, sure...
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: But how *likely* is it?
[The Legendary] valles: After accounting for whatever differences are made by character concept, etc.
[The Legendary] valles: A stock 50 is just a stock 50.
[The Legendary] valles: Breaking that barrier requires something underlying the mechanics.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: I can handwave and say they were on Alts, nw Khelds or switching characters/servers
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker:
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Or even testing respecs on Test
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: ...Khelds in a world with *no Nictus*.
[The Legendary] valles: Happy space squids?
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Which reminds me, there should be recipes for temp power quantum weapons
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Well, except for the angsty Power gamers who became Khelds
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Of course
[The Legendary] valles: Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: I was talking with Jimmy about his "VIIOR Avatar"
[The Legendary] Jimmy Amp: you were? when?
[The Legendary] Foxboy: This morning
[The Legendary] Jimmy Amp: and why don't I remember this?
[The Legendary] valles: Which's that?
[The Legendary] Foxboy: You play Electroeagle don't you?
[The Legendary] Jimmy Amp: not I
[The Legendary] Foxboy: My bad.
[The Legendary] valles: Speaking of which...
[The Legendary] valles: ...how aware is Nogi of her ninja?
[The Legendary] Jimmy Amp: no worries... haven't slept in 36 hours or so
[The Legendary] valles: Emotional state?
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Well she's gotta have some equivalent to the "pet window"
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Knowing when her pets are mezzed, damaged, buffed, etc.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: So... lessee
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Hive mind-ish
[The Legendary] valles: I'm planning to write Akai as knowing when Nogi's about to cap off about the Spines guy, so.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Semi autonomous drones with Nogi as the "queen mind"
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Perfectly allowable.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Even if Nogi were "natural" origin, it could be assumed her ninja know her well enough to look underneath the underneath and know what she's about to do
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Hm.
[The Legendary] valles: Great! *blinkblink* ...could they survive without her? Assuming a power source.
[The Legendary] valles: A la FSN's Servants.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Presumably, so...
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Oho! For later when Nogi discovers her serial immortality.
[The Legendary] valles: I'd had a throwaway line to that effect, though I -hadn't- formed that connection.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Or the relationships that may develop between her ninja and "real people"
[The Legendary] valles: It was... just something that followed from the assumptions I was making.
[The Legendary] valles: I figure that if Nogi -does- end up developing her own Epic Pool...
[The Legendary] valles: Brightsky'll ask for Akai.
[The Legendary] valles: Hm. More generally, I'm working from the assumptions that...
[The Legendary] valles: The kunoichi's bodies are physically real.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Or close enough as makes no difference
[The Legendary] valles: That is, they have all the right biological and neurological functions to be real people.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Clarke's Law and its inverse
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: ...indistinguishable from a rigged demo
[The Legendary] Foxboy: HUH? That one eludes me.
[The Legendary] valles: The magic involved in sustaining them is all about connecting the departed spirit to the summoned meat.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: I can't remember the whole thing ;.;
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Got it
[The Legendary] valles: Psychologically...
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from a rigged demo
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Or meat-like food substitute product
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Spam ninja?
[The Legendary] valles: ...the girls don't think of themselves - aren't, in a meaningful sense
[The Legendary] valles: ...enslaved.
[The Legendary] valles: They're -retired-.
[The Legendary] valles: They're quite capable of defining and working towards their own goals, but...
[The Legendary] valles: They've already -done- all that.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: They've been part and parcel of Nogi;s goals for so long her goals are their goals
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Actually the serial immortality is gonna SCARE the bejeebers out of the core of myself that's still there.
[The Legendary] valles: Not as bad as the girl that gets jumped to. ^_^
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Right but let's say that Nogi has a "nictuslike" incorp state.
[The Legendary] valles: I'm dead.
[The Legendary] valles: HOLY FUCKING SHIT, I'M DEAD!!
[The Legendary] Foxboy: And... I AM not getting Judged for my life as my beliefs tell me. I am damned.
[The Legendary] valles: or, 'Waaaaahhh! Where'd the world goooo!!'
[The Legendary] Foxboy: THAT one is gonna cause some difficulty.
[The Legendary] valles: 'cause the good girls go to heaven, but the bad girls go everywhere...'
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Essentially V!Nogi will eventually find out why she didn't go to final judgement:
[The Legendary] Foxboy: She "aten't all the way daid"
[The Legendary] valles: *blinkblink*
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Sorry my Discworld fennishness kicked in
[The Legendary] valles: Ah. She doesn't -really- die until some magical heavy zarks the ghost?
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Pretty much
[The Legendary] valles: The thing that's gonna scare Brightsky shitless is...
[The Legendary] Foxboy: I mean the "possessing ghost" isthe Natural state of a Nogitsune
[The Legendary] valles: ...I approach my emotions about the same way as a rigid Jedi.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: And Sky wears her heart on her sleeve.
[The Legendary] valles: They are unambiguously The Enemy.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Ohhhh.
[The Legendary] valles: So, not only is she emotive, but...
[The Legendary] valles: her temper.
[The Legendary] valles: Sky - canon Sky - is terrified of herself.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: That's something that I hope Dead!Nogi can pull off: the moral search for a host.
[The Legendary] valles: She is just one step short of being an outright berserker....
[The Legendary] valles: ...and she knows it.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Right.
[The Legendary] valles: She -knows- that when she loses it, she'll hit whatever gets in her way.
[The Legendary] valles: Including civilians.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: So a better written Skysaber Akane, eh?
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[The Legendary] valles: I don't read Skysaber, but it sounds apropos. ^_^
[The Legendary] valles: And... 'To serve and protect'... that's her -life-.
[The Legendary] valles: Thats -why she feels she exists-.
[The Legendary] valles: ...compared to, I literally cannot remember the last time I sincerely lost my temper.
[The Legendary] valles: In a wierd way, I think each of us wants to be the other.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: So a Yin and Yang balancing act.
[The Legendary] valles: ...in a washing machine.
[The Legendary] valles: Which is why, when Akai actually draws blood...
[The Legendary] valles: ...kaboom.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: On heavy load?
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Still mezzed right?
[The Legendary] valles: Yep.
[The Legendary] valles: Sky's still mezzed - though thinking more in terms of 'I'm fine, -they're- being controlled'
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Messy.
[The Legendary] valles: Uh-huh.
[The Legendary] valles: Akai spends a moment or two thinking, 'Eep.'
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Like 'Why can't they see they're working with a VILLAIN?'
[The Legendary] valles: I actually do have her using the AV line.
[The Legendary] valles: She makes a beeline, Akai gets in the way...
[The Legendary] Foxboy: The Holy [excrement] it's an AV!
[The Legendary] valles: They fight a bit...
[The Legendary] valles: Then everything goes all cold and shadowy.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Darkest night or Shadow fall?
[The Legendary] valles: Whichever one Nogi's going to be dropping - can't recall off the top of my head.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: OR the Howling Twilight
[The Legendary] valles: I figure she gets the entire battlefield with it.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Howling Twilight for the mass res.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: And disorient.
[The Legendary] valles: Aagh! Can't -see-!
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Letting Shizuru get some mad containment action
[The Legendary] valles: Which would, I figure, include demezzing the Legendary who'd gotten got.
[The Legendary] valles: ...sky pulls up short, thinking, ohh... shit...
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Some impassioned speech by one of the heroes counts as giving you a BF insp
[The Legendary] valles: Telepath vs. Telepath wouldn't cover it?
[The Legendary] Foxboy: That works too.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Right, Shi is a sonic she can do clarity
[The Legendary] valles: Or I could go with the original plan for how that happens...
[The Legendary] valles: chu! [3
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Ah the Madmartigan tactic
[The Legendary] valles: Don't recognize the reference, but sure. ^_^
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Willow?
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Dingding!
[The Legendary] valles: I saw that... once... how long ago?
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Val kilmer in a Celtic-inspired medieval starwars/snow white combo
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: You misplaced "starwars" and "celtic"
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Details!
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker:
![[Image: smile.gif]](http://www.ezboard.com/intl/aenglish/images/emoticons/smile.gif)
[The Legendary] valles: Of course, this is -after- Akai tried to talk her out of it, thought she'd succeeded... and then barely missed getting kicked int he stomach.
[The Legendary] valles: Faking a ninja isn't going to happen, of course, but Sky tried.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Good thing she isn'ta pirate or it would have been to the death
![[Image: wink.gif]](http://www.ezboard.com/intl/aenglish/images/emoticons/wink.gif)
[The Legendary] valles: Snrk.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: ...There will be so many Real Ultimate Power flipouts out there...
[The Legendary] valles: RUP?
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Google it.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Mostly from Nin/nin stalkers and kat/regen scrappers.
[The Legendary] valles: Okay, one sec.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Nin nin! [3
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: ...sorry, too much Disgaea
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Inconceivable!
[The Legendary] Foxboy: No such thing!
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: A *large amount* then
[The Legendary] valles: Oh, -those- guys.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: The purpose of a ninja is to flip out and kill people.
[The Legendary] valles: In a lot of ways, it's a real shame I've never been able to really get into Negima.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: It is.
[The Legendary] valles: I mean, deliberately transparent hot ninja Xellos babe.
[The Legendary] valles: It's perfect.
[The Legendary] valles: But the book just bores me to tears.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker:
![[Image: smile.gif]](http://www.ezboard.com/intl/aenglish/images/emoticons/smile.gif)
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Ah well...
[The Legendary] valles: I'd've done a little teary face, but the game punches those into local for wierd reasons.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: ;.;
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: No it doesn't
![[Image: smile.gif]](http://www.ezboard.com/intl/aenglish/images/emoticons/smile.gif)
[The Legendary] valles: ...gah.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: You need to put a space before the first ;
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: (I can see Negima being called a lot of things, but boring? A first)
[The Legendary] valles: ...D'OH!
[The Legendary] valles: I had a thought about how to handle the big Legendary Discussion Scene.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: ...Yes?
[The Legendary] valles: Rather than show it...
[The Legendary] valles: ...show the TV interview(s) where the participants talk about it.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: (And I think I can get the King over to the east coast without marooning him in his kingdom... excellent...)
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Ah, nice.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Hm. Depends on who can do what Talk show host/reporter
[The Legendary] valles: It'd be much easier if we still had the logs of that argument I got into about what the govt would do...
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Well, let's see. How long would it take the so-alled "real govv't" to believe it was actually happening?
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Becasue the local is going to pass the buck and it goes all hte way up
[The Legendary] valles: At the national le-
[The Legendary] valles: Hm.
[The Legendary] valles: I would guess... not long.
[The Legendary] valles: Hour or two, tops.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: And this is pre-"Surge" right?
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Vazhilok and Clockwork teamup in this mish. Makes sense, they have different recycling lists.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: ^_^
[The Legendary] valles: Um... I need to pay closer attention to the news?
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Oh man... were any *troops* playing CoH?
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Oh dear.
[The Legendary] valles: Probably.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Even worse good RP'ers playing CoV
[The Legendary] valles: Definitely.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: "Iraq is MINE!'
[The Legendary] Foxboy: No.
[The Legendary] valles: Merc MM.
[The Legendary] valles: In the military.
[The Legendary] valles: In Iraq.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: *snerk*
[The Legendary] valles: Eep?
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Say it with me: "COOOOBRAAAAAA!"
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Yo, JOE!
[The Legendary] valles: LOL.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Female model... I Oncssssse wassss a man.....
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: *dies*
[The Legendary] valles: Uh.... okay....
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Quote from the GI Joe movie
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Cobra.... LALALALALALALA!
[The Legendary] valles: ...That was even longer ago than Willow.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Cobra commander became a snake creature at Serpentor's whim
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Thoughtt hat was Golobulus
[The Legendary] valles: With... this... giant clamshell thing?
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: (The comic was SO much better.)
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Yeah
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Either way is fine with me
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Exactly
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Mutation spores in the clam
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: ...that just doesn't sound right.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Another question how many Cease and desists for N00bs in the tutorial at the time of the event?
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: ...A lot.
[The Legendary] valles: Um? Like, would-have-been-generics?
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Yup
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Lotta short hairy Canadians, eh?
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: ...help me...
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: I do not want even my avatar to live in a world overrun with Logan
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Laughing that hard, Lurker?
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Yep
[The Legendary] valles: Their attempts to escape the legal action of the Marvel corporation would become known as...
[The Legendary] valles: ...the Logans' Run.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: OWWW!
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: *can no longer breathe*
[The Legendary] valles: Score!
[The Legendary] Foxboy: I simultaneously LOVE and HATE that movie
[The Legendary] valles: Never seen it. ^_^
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Book, better
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[The Legendary] valles: Never read it. ^_^
[The Legendary] Foxboy: The also-ran sci-fi movie of 1977
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Eh, I said "better," not "great"
![[Image: smile.gif]](http://www.ezboard.com/intl/aenglish/images/emoticons/smile.gif)
[The Legendary] valles: Just -knowing that it existed- was enough. ^_^
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: The chase scene in the finished Crazy Horse memorial...
[The Legendary] Foxboy: [-- real first name is Logan
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: --]Wolverine's isn't
[The Legendary] Foxboy: I'm glad most of my "teasing years" were in Oklahoma rather than New England
[The Legendary] valles: Eh?
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Otherwise I'd be stuck wiht "Airport" as my nickname
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Ouch!
[The Legendary] Foxboy: SO glad my last name isn't O'Hare
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: I need to use that now
[The Legendary] Foxboy: The name Logan O'Hare?
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Ues
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Yes
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Iteven fits an Irishman
[The Legendary] Foxboy: 'Y'great gobshite! Say't agin an I'll cosh and pandy ye smartly, boyo!"
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: I can't do Irish
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Just barely Scottish
[The Legendary] valles: Hmph. Well sure and you're a fool, then, or you'd not be sayin' somethin' so daft.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Believe it or notit took a british puppet show for me to get a "Modern" Irish accent down pat... oog I punned myself
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: And that's only because I have some Scot ancestry
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: ...well, and some Irish, but a lot less
[The Legendary] Foxboy: I Cannae rrrrrrroll me arrrrrrrs prrrrrroperly.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Scot pirates!
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Stage Scots is pretty close to stage Pirate
[The Legendary] valles: Sans rum.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Plus whiskey.
[The Legendary] valles: But... why is the -rum- gone...?
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Horrible band name for Oh My Goddess just popped into my head
[The Legendary] valles: Oh?
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Bob Whaley and the Marllers
[The Legendary] valles: *laughs*
[The Legendary] valles: Nice thing about playing an MM:
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Another mini arc for VIIOR just came to mind
[The Legendary] valles: Plenty of time to chat.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: I was just wondering what Redemption Song might do for Doug, and it snjowballed
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: A Schrodinger
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: 's Whale with a mini Marller backup group
[The Legendary] valles: Ooh, ooh, arc, arc!
[The Legendary] Foxboy: 'Two Weeks Notice'
[The Legendary] Foxboy: The last two weeks some of the Virtues have at their old jobs
[The Legendary] valles: Wherin many employers conclued that ... ooooooh. I like that better.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Clever
[The Legendary] Foxboy: See Ninja mastermind at a supermarket help desk
[The Legendary] Foxboy: 'This one must not kill the customers"
[The Legendary] valles: Hee.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Flip out and greet people!
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: (coined by Chibi Konatsu)
[The Legendary] valles: Might it be best to use only rough approximations of real people?
[The Legendary] Foxboy: 'This one is Japanese and not Chinese...
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Well chain stores will have to be fictionalized
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Will they? We're not publishing, are we?
[The Legendary] Foxboy: If it's on the web? It's published or as good as.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: So could count as badmouthing the company etc.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: I'm pretty sure 7-11 doesn't care about fanfic...
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Though one of my best bits includes a supervisor not believing that Nogi's ears are real
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Heh
[The Legendary] valles: Oooh.
[The Legendary] valles: Mebbe a five year old or two has the same problem?
[The Legendary] Foxboy: And a nice Kansai war bride encountering a Kitsune for the first time since 1936
[The Legendary] valles: Or worse, doesn't?
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: ...wait, what?
[The Legendary] Foxboy: 'Momma lookit her ears!'
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: What *is* the status of magic pre-Virtue, anyway?
[The Legendary] valles: 'Itaiiiiiiii... Please, Kodomo-chan, release this oNE!'
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Pretty much wiped out
[The Legendary] Foxboy: I figure Europe was zorched during WWI
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Zorched?
[The Legendary] valles: Probably shaky long before then.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Right
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: I suspect I missed a lot of discussion
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[The Legendary] valles: To keep from getting consistent results when tested.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Let's say that some of the Ley line kookswere SORT of right
[The Legendary] valles: You're not alone. ^_^
[The Legendary] Foxboy: The old flows of magic were along the lines connected by churches graveyards, etc.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: For example, has the Virtue thing actually *changed* the laws of physics? Are colliders turning up new kinds of particle]?
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Hm.
[The Legendary] valles: Ooh.
[The Legendary] valles: That would be -fun-.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Newtonian physics are relatively unscathed.
[The Legendary] valles: The blood in Uni physics departments would get knee deep, but it'd be fun!
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker:
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[The Legendary] Foxboy: Let's jsut say that exotic radiation will be more common
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: See, I am just this nosy, so King-me will be asking himself all the hard questions
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Allowing for totally native supers down the line
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: And concluding "On some level, this was a deliberate action."
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Someone DID this to us.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Which is true/
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Even if it was an accident
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker:
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[The Legendary] Foxboy: Lessee. Falwell will get a few shots in on the Virtues before he dies.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Bleh.
[The Legendary] valles: Hah. Hahahaha.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Verisimilitude.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: How many of them will shoot back?
[The Legendary] valles: Bets someone ends up taking exception to his language?
[The Legendary] valles: In person?
[The Legendary] Foxboy: If it's Nogi, she might actually divine his time of Death
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: And tell him?
[The Legendary] valles: That's twisted and perfect.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Yup.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Yikes.
[The Legendary] valles: Also, tell his insurance company.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: ^_^ All of them ^_^
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: ...*owie*
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Hm. We may have a few suicides among the Virtues.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: ESPECIALLY the "vampires"
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: There was one like that in Ed Becerra's thing...
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: The convention...
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Yup
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Where I got the idea.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Steal shamelessly and from the best.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Also a couple of Buffy Fans might do in one of their friends who got "turned"
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: But then there's the vamps and infectious werewolves who *like* their state...
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Could get *ugly*
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Fortunately, the Virtuesthemselves are likely immune
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Could be worse. Could have been a populous WoW PVP server.
[The Legendary] valles: Eegh.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Yes MUCH worse
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Raidtards on the march...
[The Legendary] valles: And I just Killed DEATHSURGE! Woo!
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: *applause*
[The Legendary] valles: *bow*
[The Legendary] valles: Thought:
[The Legendary] Foxboy: The pocket D arc for VIIOR should coincide with the Valentine's event
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Pocket D arc?
[The Legendary] valles: You have cases where young kids had adult characters, like in Rev's bit.
[The Legendary] valles: You also have cases where people were _RPing_ kids.
[The Legendary] valles: ...age of majority laws.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Right. And hte Pocket D arc is when someone gets the guts to use the Pocket D VIP pass
[The Legendary] valles: Consent, responsiblity, custody, etc.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Another question to ask oneself... were the characters *cloned* from their world, or *transferred and merged?*
[The Legendary] valles: I've been assuming 'cloned'
[The Legendary] valles: -then- merged.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Personally I prefer "cloned" but the question is valid for character angst.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: But people who don't know can be worried...
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: If I get rid of the King, does that set him loose on his world again?
[The Legendary] valles: Brightsky's attitude towards that question will be pretty much...
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Becasue if in a later arc Nogi!Me encounters Nogi!Prime
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Could be amusing or not pretty at all.
[The Legendary] valles: 'Neither of the people who made me did this on purpose, and neither of them would want me to worry about it. So. I won't worry.'
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Heh.
[The Legendary] valles: Anyway, I figure that the law -should- decide to count a person as -either- their real or character age, -whichever is younger-.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: I would have hoped that they'd take actual maturity level into account. Oh well...
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Or perhaps apply the emancipated minor rules in cases wehre body and mind mismatch
[The Legendary] valles: How on -earth- do you -determine- something like that?
[The Legendary] Foxboy: For more liberal places.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Good question
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Besides, assuming someone was "minored" that might make them wards of the state if the don't have relatives willing to take them in
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: If you can prove your identity and are acting your age...
[The Legendary] valles: Really, that suggestion is just an excuse to toss V!Sky and O!Sky into the same freshman dorm room.
[The Legendary] valles: Sometime way later.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: And V!Nogi as guest professor in Comparative Thaumatology.
[The Legendary] valles: From which Comedy Ensues.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: No, no. Hijinks.
[The Legendary] valles: ...QB would -spaz-.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Heh.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: As would Crey.
[The Legendary] valles: I think Crey would spaz just on general principles....
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Nogi's current body might be considered stolen property aftre all
[The Legendary] valles: ...an entire new world full of markets and victims...
[The Legendary] valles: ...all of them -Preconditioned to hate the brand name-!
[The Legendary] valles: It's not -fair-!
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: *ha!*
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Ooog. Rikti invasion on hte Heels of Nemesis....
[The Legendary] valles: In -our- -world-?!
[The Legendary] valles: ...woah.
[The Legendary] valles: That's kinda scary, yeah.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Mebbe. but MUCH later on
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: ouchie
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: So what *does* the Pocket D pass do?
[The Legendary] valles: I want to see some V-Earth native organization knock Arachnos back on its heels, though.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: ...That'd be a nice trick.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: For one thing a lot of the portals from *A* Paragon City wid up in a state park in Rhode Island
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Uh-oh...
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Protected Salt-water marsh
[The Legendary] Foxboy: IIRC
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Is there even room in Rhode Island for anything that isn't Paragon City?
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[The Legendary] valles: They've placed it to real geography?
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Croatoa would be like on the Connecticut/RI/Mass. border.
[The Legendary] valles: Probably not...
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Heck, I'll go google for a map.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: No but the closes match to the Geography I found was a state park in western Rhode Island
[The Legendary] valles: IIRC, Paragon's supposed to be the largest city in its world...
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Random Factoid: The Circle of Thorns has almost NO interest in V!Earth
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: No Mu, No Oranbega, different Gods if any
[The Legendary] valles: Oranbega never existed, and datamagic has -fuck all- to do with what they practice.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Right
[The Legendary] valles: ....wait.
[The Legendary] valles: Datamagic.
[The Legendary] valles: ...nanoha.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: run away!
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: (I think I see it. There's a river almost the right shape.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: You know...
[The Legendary] Foxboy: nvm i lost my train of thought
[The Legendary] valles: Creating an Intelligent Device or something clsoe to it would be an absolutely logical thing to do.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Okay. Datamagic might be V!Earth's "Breakthrough!"
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: So... people from V-Paragon will be able to get to V!Earth from Pocket D?
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Hmmmm.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Trying to figure out what you meant
[The Legendary] Foxboy: I'm guessing that DJZero can get people "home" from the Pocket D
[The Legendary] valles: Two questions:
[The Legendary] valles: Breakthrough?
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Issue 9
[The Legendary] valles: And, what the heck -is- DJZ, anyway?
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Inventions system
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: DJ Zero runs the Pocket D
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: He has dimensional travel powers
[The Legendary] Foxboy: DJ Zero is a Mxyzptlk-type actually for CoH
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Ah, didn't know that
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Or REALLLY powerful mutant
[The Legendary] valles: ...y'know, I kinda wish it were possible to attack people in Pocket D.
[The Legendary] valles: Not, I hasten to add, to damage them, merely to attack.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Storywise, you can but you'll get banned depending on the severity.
[The Legendary] valles: ...leading immediately to your being dumped where you were when you entered, with a load of debt for your trouble.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Hm. First arrival to Pocket D from V!Earth might have to stay a bit longer than they wanted to while DJ Zero sets up the portal connections
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: And might have to deal with a lot of questions about why he's dressed up like person X
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Hmmm. I'm trying to think of "celebrity" level Virtues... like Ascendant
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: ...yeah, I can't reconcile this geography with real RI at all
[The Legendary] Foxboy: It's too big, yeah.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: And no part of the coast does anything *remotely* like it even if I assume the compass points are wrong
[The Legendary] valles: As long as the surrounding states are correspondingly smaller...
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Heh
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Did you see the state park in the west?
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Becasue ther is MORE tectonic activity in COH!RI than real
[The Legendary] Foxboy: So more varied coastlines...
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker:
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[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: I did find a few golf courses and a very small state park
[The Legendary] valles: Not neccessarily -natural- tectonic activity, either.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: The closest match is in an area with some golf courses and small towns
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Potowomut River almost looks like whatever the Independence Port body of water is called
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Oh... OW
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Hm?
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: If there are connections... if the Mirror Kingdom is connected to both...
[The Legendary] valles: Six shadows.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: The REAL King of 3 Shadows will be pissed!
[The Legendary] valles: Not, in an of itself, such a bad thing. Merely inconvenient.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Fortunately, transit via the two mirror kingdoms is harderthan between MK and Earth whatever
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Can be spun that way
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: I was thinking there was only the *one*
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[The Legendary] valles: Fox, you weren't here for my earlier...
[The Legendary] valles: ...commentary about how Sky's defensive powers work, were you?
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Nope or if I was I was SF-ing
[The Legendary] valles: In short, she can painlessly deflect anything she sees coming.
[The Legendary] valles: But, to have the unconcious 'go away!' reflex that stops most damage she'd receive...
[The Legendary] valles: ...she needs to feel it.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: ... Street sweeping is the way to go for salvage it seems]
[The Legendary] valles: This means that, one, Sky ends up with a lot of superficial bleeding.
[The Legendary] valles: And two, medkits mean than she's usually in better shape than her clothes.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Ah, just like "empowered" by Adam Warren... sorta.
[The Legendary] valles: Dunno it.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Wait didn't we discussthis vis-a-vis Icon versu JCPenney?
[The Legendary] valles: ...don't think so.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: That COH costume "slots" are more durable than "normal clothes"
[The Legendary] valles: I didn't realize she'd suffere the Fairchild Effect until -after- I'd worked out the logic of it, actually.
[The Legendary] valles: Yes, but, unconcious deflection relies on the pain trigger.
[The Legendary] valles: Its like how the 'pull your hand back' reaction....
[The Legendary] valles: ...to a 'yow that's hot' stimulus doesn't even need to reach the brain before the muscles go into action.
[The Legendary] valles: Hm.
[The Legendary] valles: Her outfit's probably pretty durable vs. most things.
[The Legendary] valles: ...subject to Theiss Theory.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Incidentally, y'want this chatlog saved and posted?
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Might be a good idea.
[The Legendary] valles: ...sure, go ahead.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Perhaps a seperate thread like VIIOR Chatlogs?
[The Legendary] valles: I don't think I blurted anything -too- embarrasing....
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Alright, I'll handle that before logging off
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Nogi's not powerful at all, she just soloed three 50 bosses! Whooo!
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Sweet!
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Losing her Oni TWICE early in the fight!
[The Legendary] valles: Heh. You have to wonder how many -other- topped out 50s were on that night...
[The Legendary] Foxboy: Scary Akai and Kuroi is RIGHT!
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Yee.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: I'd like to make the assumption that theres MAYBE 5 others
[The Legendary] Foxboy: And GW and GM_Emily
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: I'd *like* that, sure...
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: But how *likely* is it?
[The Legendary] valles: After accounting for whatever differences are made by character concept, etc.
[The Legendary] valles: A stock 50 is just a stock 50.
[The Legendary] valles: Breaking that barrier requires something underlying the mechanics.
[The Legendary] Foxboy: I can handwave and say they were on Alts, nw Khelds or switching characters/servers
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker:
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[The Legendary] Foxboy: Or even testing respecs on Test
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: ...Khelds in a world with *no Nictus*.
[The Legendary] valles: Happy space squids?
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Which reminds me, there should be recipes for temp power quantum weapons
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[The Legendary] Foxboy: Well, except for the angsty Power gamers who became Khelds
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Of course
[The Legendary] valles: Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke.