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Deuce Ex Machina - CoH Comic Creator Contest
Deuce Ex Machina - CoH Comic Creator Contest
Hi folks! ^_^
For anyone interested, I have crafted something of MechaDeuce's origin story and entered it into the NCSoft Comic Book Creator contest. [Image: smile.gif]
Rather than point everyone to the Hypercomics website though, I did an end run around the Comic Book Creator trial software and crafted my own PDF version. I think it's a LOT better looking. [Image: smile.gif]
So click this link to download the comic:
Read and enjoy. ^_^
(Oh yeah, and comment! [Image: wink.gif] )
Bert V.V.
Re: Deuce Ex Machina - CoH Comic Creator Contest
That ROCKS on TOAST!!! [Image: happy.gif]
The front cover alone.... WOW!!!!!
But that was some ingenious use of the in-game screenshots!!
Loved how you made the prototype suit look enough like the final version, and yet look less advanced and slightly clunky at the same time.
I'm going to run out of superlatives and exclamation points, so just to wrap up - that is awesome work!!-Logan
"Wake up! Time for SCIENCE!"
-Adam Savage
Re: Deuce Ex Machina - CoH Comic Creator Contest
I'm usually against "me too" messages, but I want to give my opinion, and yet have little to say that hasn't been said already.
I agree entirely with Logan, and I like the use of city elements to illustrate your point. Like the tombstone or the rubble.
Re: Deuce Ex Machina - CoH Comic Creator Contest
Hi folks! [Image: smile.gif]
Thanks for the compliments guys! Makes the late nights working away on it worth it. [Image: smile.gif]
Now I just need to keep my fingers crossed and wait. And I've never been accused of having patience.... [Image: tongue.gif]
The contest entry deadline is midnight tonight, and I've already sent my comic in, so wish me luck! ^_^
Bert V.V.
Re: Deuce Ex Machina - CoH Comic Creator Contest
I downloaded it, but I haven't had a chance to look at it yet. Sight unseen I wish you good luck...

-- Bob
The Internet Is For Norns.
Re: Deuce Ex Machina - CoH Comic Creator Contest
Well done, Bert.--
Christopher Angel, aka JPublic
The Works of Christopher Angel
"Camaraderie, adventure, and steel on steel. The stuff of legend! Right, Boo?"
Re: Deuce Ex Machina - CoH Comic Creator Contest
Hi Bob! [Image: smile.gif]
Not to've got time. I doubt their contest winners will be announced THAT quickly. Last time I checked there were at least a couple-hundred entries that the poor sods doing the initial judging have to wade through. [Image: smile.gif]
But I still wanna hear what you think when you get a chance. [Image: wink.gif]
Bert V.V.

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