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Re: Caverns of Transcendance -- This time for real
11-10-2006, 09:01 AM
We did it.
But not successfully.
We took so long getting everyone into place that when we had the obelisks triggered we only had five minutes to rescue Sam Wincott. And we all died well before that.
Major, major kudos to Starshot Dove for going far, far above and beyond the call of duty with her teleporting and flying about. She must have taken at least three times as much debt as anyone else on the team. In at least partial recognition of the effort she made, I saw to it that she was promoted two grades to "Myth". If there's more we can do for you, Dove, let us know.
The only good thing to come out of this was my discovery that Sailor Null can start the whole thing over again just by talking to Karsis -- unless a test for "you've done this once already" happens after he tells you that you need 8 people... so I'd like to give this another try. Having gone all the way up to the endgame, I think we've got a better idea of what we need, now. More stealth, more teleport, and a lot more firepower to clear out the big room.
-- Bob
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Re: Caverns of Transcendance -- This time for real
11-10-2006, 09:41 AM
A strong recommendation: Have EVERYBODY who plans to go hit Bloody Bay and run a Patrol mission, pick up the Stealth temp power from that. Do it, say, the day before we try again.
Make getting through that cavern SO much easier... now if only I could nab Tachi a flight pack...--
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Re: Caverns of Transcendance -- This time for real
11-10-2006, 09:54 AM
The doctor confirms that I'm off work till Monday... so if there's another try over the weekend, I may be available for it. (Heck, Lincoln may even be *eligible* for it by then.)
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Re: Caverns of Transcendance -- This time for real
11-10-2006, 04:44 PM
You can simply restart the thing by talking to Karsis again, yeah.
I'd like to be in on the second run at this, if possible - yesterday I realised I have two characters Virtue heroside with stealth and port: Space Mage and Dusker.
Space is redundant, though. Don't need another dark defender. But Dusker's a warshade - with Nova form - so he's pretty good as a pocket blaster.
-- Acyl
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Re: Caverns of Transcendance -- This time for real
11-10-2006, 04:50 PM
It won't be this weekend -- I have parental obligations (as in to them, not as them), plus a helluva lot of yardwork. I won't make promises I'm not sure I can keep. Other than that, I'm pretty sure I can make the time for it most any night -- Why don't we see what works for the most people? (And maybe we can also do the Bloody Bay thing en masse, too, the day before...)
-- Bob
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Cave Redeux.
11-10-2006, 04:57 PM
I would be up for it again - either as a participant or as support.
Getting to the trial can be simplified by having a high level blaster (Bella is a good choice if I am not actually doing the TF); run ahead of the group and exterminate anything that might get in the way. Having Min along as a healer was fabulous (Shout out to Min from her Peeps; and chocolate bunnies), but a blaster means not having to slow down to get from the cavern entrance to the trial itself.
Once in the trial stealth and a teleporter would rule.
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Re: Cave Redeux.
11-10-2006, 06:31 PM
Oh, and to solve Tachiko's big problem... anyone know where one can get a temp Flight power? I thought I saw Emi with a jump pack...--
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Re: Cave Redeux.
11-10-2006, 07:51 PM
Sorry I couldn't be there, but I haven't had a chance to level Shining Binary up anyway. Been one of those weeks. Didn't even get to log in last night.
At least I'll get more time to work on SB this weekend and get him levelled up.
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Re: Cave Redeux.
11-10-2006, 09:50 PM
Quote: Once in the trial stealth and a teleporter would rule.
In particular, a stealth teleporter would conquer and rule.
Question for those in the know: Is it at all possible to permanently clear the main cave? We thought there were respawns, but I'm not sure. And I can't remember from the one other time I was in the trial.
-- Bob
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Re: Cave Redeux.
11-10-2006, 11:15 PM
Quote: In particular, a stealth teleporter would conquer and rule.
Sigh... now I really wish I'd made SB a Warshade instead of a PB. I just HAD to try a PB, since I already had a Warshade on Freedom...... gorramit.
Global: @Jimmy Amp
"Broad-minded is just another way of saying a fellow's too lazy to form an opinion." -- Will Rogers
Re: Cave Redeux.
11-11-2006, 03:55 AM
As far as I know, the main cave (and one or two of the side caves) will respawn indefinitely.
(If anyone else wants to try the Cavern trial sometime, Badb has it unlocked, I think.)
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Re: Cave Redeux.
11-11-2006, 05:29 AM
Joy. Okay, flight and invisibility are musts...
Oh and news on the weekend front. Weather reports are predicting rain starting Saturday night, which means that I might well be available on Sunday. More on this as it develops...
-- Bob
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Re: Cave Redeux.
11-11-2006, 05:45 AM
The easy way of doing it is to have someone with Recall Friend who can turn (or be turned) invisible.
(Though trying to get 8 people to click on something at the same time is occasionally harder than you would think.)
Another useful trick. At the end, you don't have to beat Koago and all his minions... just the two Igneous guarding Sam Wincott. So get past them, beat the mission, and -then- have fun duking it out with the angry giant monster.
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Re: Cave Redeux.
11-11-2006, 05:25 PM
Question: does Shadow Fall stack?
Shadow Fall's the +stealth/+res/+def that Dark Defenders can get - it's what causes you to go all transparent-ish if you're standing near one.
See, I'm thinking...Sailor Null's a DD, right? Does she have Shadow Fall? Space Mage does. Now, if the two Shadow Falls stack, that's a zone of perfect group invisibility, right there. That'd be great to start TPing people in.
But I don't know if they stack... e_e
-- Acyl
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Re: Cave Redeux.
11-12-2006, 05:35 AM
Null's Shadow Fall went away when she got autoexemped for the trial, dammit. I was counting on that, too.
-- Bob
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Re: Caverns of Transcendance -- This time for real
11-13-2006, 04:30 AM
I thank you for the promotions and also thanks to Bella for the half million inf. It will help me to keep current with my enhancments.
Also I am willing and able to go for another run at the Caverns.
Starshot Dove
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in re: Sewer Trial
11-13-2006, 10:05 AM
Wide has it available until he outlevels it, so if we get our 32's through 34's up to 36, we can run it again, as Our core biggies have an idea of how to run it.
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Re: Caverns of Transcendance -- This time for real
11-13-2006, 04:49 PM
Quote: I thank you for the promotions and also thanks to Bella for the half million inf. It will help me to keep current with my enhancments.
You're welcome for the promotions, and I thank Bella for providing you with "monetary" recompense. Quote: Also I am willing and able to go for another run at the Caverns.
I think I will make a second try this Thursday (11/16), again at 9 PM. (Or a bit later, if folks need it, since it's timed and only 90 minutes.)
-- Bob
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Re: Caverns of Transcendance -- This time for real
11-13-2006, 06:48 PM
When would you like to make the Bloody Bay run, then?
I'm free tonight and possibly Wednesday... not sure about tomorrow (having some dental work done, not sure what frame of mind I'm going to be in afterwards).--
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Re: Caverns of Transcendance -- This time for real
11-13-2006, 09:47 PM
Ooh, right, I'd forgotten about that. Hm. Wednesday's not good -- Mythbusters at 9. Tuesday? (And I might need a little hand-holding in Bloody Bay, at least at the start -- I've avoided the PVP areas for the most part.)
-- Bob
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Re: Caverns of Transcendance -- This time for real
11-13-2006, 10:11 PM
Hmmm. I'm sure there are others who've been there, but if I'm sane enough I'll be glad to give you a hand, sure.
I'll be going in tonight to make sure I get it done before tomorrow, just in case, though. (You can run Patrol and such missions as many times as you like.)
Tomorrow I'm getting three extractions under full anesthesia. The joys of modern dentistry.--
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Re: Caverns of Transcendance -- This time for real
11-13-2006, 10:31 PM
Mmm... Since I'm planning on being there Thursday, and have absolutely no experience with PVP areas, would you mind if I join in for the hand-holding session?
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Re: Caverns of Transcendance -- This time for real
11-13-2006, 11:39 PM
Not at all.
One useful thing: Bloody Bay automatically SK/Exemps everyone to level 25. So there's no need to worry about overpowering the zone or getting tackled by over-levelled villains.--
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Re: Caverns of Transcendance -- This time for real
11-14-2006, 05:02 PM
Oh, great, right. I lose some of my more useful attacks. Gah.
-- Bob
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Re: Caverns of Transcendance -- This time for real
11-14-2006, 06:02 PM
Yeah. And I need to push Tachi up to level 15 before we go in, I found out the hard way. So I may need to run around for a bit beforehand. (Anyone up for a bit of troll-thwacking?)
The helicopter pad is at the south end of Skyway City.--
"I give you the beautiful... the talented... the tirelessly atomic-powered...
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