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I have decided
Re: I have decided
I have no free will:
Sasha of the Storm - (Controller: Gravity Control/Storm Summoning)
"Life's not fair, so why should I be?"
Chosen durring a class trip to Paragon City (becuase all young children should be shown good roll models, and scared straight at the same time). She has come to the conclusion that staying to carry out whatever plan the 'powers' have in store for her is the best option. And then once she has enough skill and understanding of how her new 'gifts' work she can rid herself of them and return to normal life.
* Stalization is fun *-Terry
"Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away." - Antoine de Saint Exupery
"Luge strategy? Lie flat and try not to die." - Carmen Boyle (Olympic Luge Gold Medal winner - 1996)
Mary Sue's theme music
"so listen up boy, or pornography starring your mother will be the second worst thing to happen to you today"
TF2: Spy
Re: I have decided
I have no free will:
Hmm. Well... I like the character concept, and the look you gave her.
But, well, I don't think that 'Smoke' really fits with the other titles already established. All of them - even now, with 'Stars' thrown off the way I'd initially concieved it by my misremembering the associations of that Tarot card (I'd confused it with The Moon) - are more significant concepts than that seems to me. It might pass as a rephrasing - view 'Wildfire' - but Morganni's already claimed shadow...
OTOH, it's already well established that any correlation between powers and personality in this group are strictly coincidental, so she could work quite well as a tanker, if you want to smash things personally, or a Storm/Dark defender if you're concerned more with the powerset.
If neither of those really interest you, then... *shrugs* We have enough people to fill a team; the remaining two/three can be let lie while you build a Kamen to whatever specs you like. 'Storm' can even be thought of as expressing through thunder and lightning rather than wind and such like I'd been thinking, though it wouldn't've been my first pick to fold out of the running.
Ja, -n
(*thrilled at the idea of running a Task Force with a full team of eight Senshi*)

"Puripuri puripuri... Bang!"
Re: I have decided
Here's a proposal for the villain side:
Bishonens - names of the format:
(name) the (adjective) (noun)
So an Elec/Fire Brute would be something like:
Jack the Burning Spark--
Christopher Angel, aka JPublic
The Works of Christopher Angel
[Image: Con.gif]
Re: I have decided
(*thrilled at the idea of running a Task Force with a full team of eight Senshi*)
"(Insert Team Name Here,) SANJOU!" [Image: smile.gif]
...So what should the group name be when one or more of us reaches clearance 10? And can you give us more details on the backstory? ^.^
(Inez just hit 6. Combat Jumping ahoy. Works quite well with the pack.)
Re: I have decided
Oh yeah... must cajole C-K into actually posting here, but his toon is Yin of the Spheres. Zhong Yin, meaning "heavy gravity" at my suggestion. [Image: smile.gif] Extremely traditional Chinese girl, very fatalistic.
"And you don't eat crackers in the bed of your destiny!"
Re: I have decided
And one last thing...
I have another character on Triumph who might show up now and then, strictly in a backup role.
Y'see, after the Rikti War, Merlin Ambrosius was a bit puzzled -- Arthur hadn't stirred from his sleep, and that had been one heck of a dustup. If that wasn't England's greatest peril, what was?!
He did some research, and cast a few divinations, and finally figured out that the spell wouldn't trigger until the sun expanded into a red giant and vaporized the British Isles along with the rest of the Earth.
Fat lot of good Wart would do there.
So Merlin said to heck with it, cancelled the spell, brought Arthur up to date over a few weeks of intense cultural immersion, and asked him what he wanted to do with his life now.
And that's why the streets of Paragon City have a new defender... Rex Quondam, Private Eye. ^.^
(Sword/Regen scrapper, will be getting a trenchcoat as soon as the issue rolls in.)
"Hell of a place you got here, Chip."
Just something wierd
Well, those of you who have been grouping with Satomi of the Stars may have noticed I've been stating "A little more radiance has burst through." whenever I level. Just as a small idea, what if we had that as kind of a group level macro. Just say something that applies to your chracter in the context above, like "A little more power in the winds" for Sasha, and so on. Just a little wierd idea from your neighborhood Star-Senshi.When engaging, nothing beats a full frontal.
In the epic rage of furious thunder
legends create their tales
when the twilight calls and the dark lord falls
our glory will prevail

[Image: strikersetcfinal9_th.jpg]
In the epic rage of furious thunder
legends create their tales
when the twilight calls and the dark lord falls
our glory will prevail

[Image: strikersetcfinal9_th.jpg]
Re: I have decided
Oh yeah... must cajole C-K into actually posting here, but his toon is Yin of the Spheres. Zhong Yin
I'm sincerely hoping the poor girl's parents didn't actually name her Zhong Yin, because that sounds incredibly goofy from Chinese linguistic sensibilities. Well, mine, anyway.
Not wrong - that's a spot-on translation - it just sounds silly as a name. Phonetically, those words are 'heavy' sounding - as opposed to, say, the light lilts Chinese pronunciation can give you, yeah? The way you'd say 'Zhong Yin', it actually gives it a sorta weighty emphasis. Appropriately enough.
There's also the fact female names are generally more flattering than that. It'd be more appropriate as a boy's name, though it'd still sound odd...
But, mind you, it's not like Westerners have a monopoly on giving their kids exceedingly stupid names, and some of those traditional families get really weird. =)
Grace of the Spirit would probably tease her about it. Yeeees. I like it. Bwahahahaha. RP HOOK!
-- Acyl
Re: I have decided
Here's a proposal for the villain side:
Bishonens - names of the format:
(name) the (adjective) (noun)
So an Elec/Fire Brute would be something like:
Jack the Burning Spark
That's a good idea. Though it does bring to mind the question of...what naming scheme we'd use for hero-side Kamen, if any? I think, if we're scratch-building characters anyway, some sorta unified naming pattern and at least a few standard costume pieces are a good idea.
'course, we'd need to figure out backstories for how they're empowered, if the girls are getting the main technomagic gemstone Guyver-unit-thingies.
-- Acyl
Re: I have decided
The villians might be an equivalent of Queen Beryl; local agents (in the Yrmaw) of some outside force that's trying to stage an invasion, who have been sent to disrupt Paragon in general and the Facets in particular enough to open a path through the Earth-Plane.
Also, there's no guarantee that the Gems' host-selection mechanism is foolproof. ^_^
I figure the Kamens are mostly either backup chasing the villians or locals (ie, Paragon-world natives) who've gotten tangled up in the whole mess.
Now, what'd be the closest bad-side equivalent of an illusion controller...
Ja, -n
(aka, hopefully, Aaron the Shining Moon)

"Puripuri puripuri... Bang!"
Re: I have decided
Now, what'd be the closest bad-side equivalent of an illusion controller...
Probably a Mind Dominator.
The whole mystical empowerment of magical warriors usually involves a rival side. I'm assuming the magical girls are empowered by some kind of classical magical kingdom, so...
But it might not simply be a matter of Good versus Evil. There might be politics involved.
What if the Villain-side characters consider themselves, quite honestly, to be the good guys?
What if they're all volunteers? The girls were drafted, but maybe these guys signed up on their own accord.
Oh, sure, they're not saints. After all, they're operating in the Rogue Isles, and forging alliances with the so-called villain groups.
But that's just Realpolitik. It's not like they're out to rape, kill, and pillage. Just the practicalities of any power struggle in an anarchic self-help system. =)
Who says they're working for any kinda analogue of Beryl? Maybe they answer to the government of some kinda magical... I dunno, republic. An oligarchy, possibly even a democracy.
Yes, yes, so they're trying to take over this dimension, but is there anything wrong with expansion and acquisition of power? They're just looking after their own national interests, after all. Surely you can't fault them for that...
-- Acyl
(In this, I'm kinda inspired by Cyberteam in Akihabara. The initial villains of the series were this Evil Kamen and three Evil Magical Girls. Except episodes centering on them and their pasts made it clear...Kamenboy was the best thing to ever happen to 'em. And that he wasn't a bad guy himself. The four of them pretty much defected at the very end of the series, and fought alongside the heroes.)
-- Acyl
Re: I have decided
Maybe they answer to the government of some kinda magical... I dunno, republic. An oligarchy, possibly even a democracy.
I like that idea.
Re: I have decided
's fun, isn't it? Of course, as I noted, their political agenda...miiiiight not be in the best interests of this dimension. But that doesn't mean it's evil.
And that's the point. They're not evil.
Mmm. Realist politics.
-- Acyl
Re: I have decided
Jack the Burning Spark
Aaron the Shining Moon
Sadly, both those names exceed the twenty-character limit.
"Well that guy's nekkid."
Re: I have decided
What if the Villain-side characters consider themselves, quite honestly, to be the good guys?
Rule one of good stories -- the villain always thinks he's the good guy, and that he's got a good justification for what he does. Makes things more interestingly complicated that way.
Maybe they answer to the government of some kinda magical... I dunno, republic. An oligarchy, possibly even a democracy.
Reminds me a little of part of my defunct Narth 2000 D&D campaign -- over in the southeast part of the campaign continent, there was an entire nation of orcs experimenting with Athenian Democracy...
-- Bob
...The President is on the line
As ninety-nine crab rangoons go by...
Re: I have decided
Rule one of good stories -- the villain always thinks he's the good guy, and that he's got a good justification for what he does. Makes things more interestingly complicated that way.
Complication is always good. =D
If we fill in more details about the power that's backing the girls, we can figure out...exactly who their rivals are, and what's going on with this whole mess. But I really like the idea of making the villain bishounen boys...volunteers. Forging alliances, preparing the ground, gathering information - willingly. Some, I'm sure, would just be in it for the power. Others might actually sympathise with their employers' philosophy...
We want to make these guys complex and interesting in their own right, not just an enemy group for the sake of it.
-- Acyl
Re: I have decided
Yup, it's been said many times that Nemesis thinks he's the hero, and superheroes are bad for the world. Of course, this is the same guy who

started the Rikti War, so he's a wee bit full of himself.
Global: @Jimmy Amp
"Broad-minded is just another way of saying a fellow's too lazy to form an opinion." -- Will Rogers
Re: I have decided
The Facets of Yrmaw are now an official super group on Triumph Server. Suggestions as to group colors, motto, logo, titles, and all that other stuff are eagerly solicited.
Not that, y'know, the girls will be using them much - their standard gear is their uniform - but it'd be useful for their backup to have an identifying trait.
Ja, -n

"Puripuri puripuri... Bang!"
Re: I have decided
Okay, (name) the (adjective) (noun) doesn't work.
Other ideas:
(adjective) (name) (noun) - e.g. Jumping Jack Flash
rare metals - e.g. Rhodium, Tantalum, etc.
Christopher Angel, aka JPublic
The Works of Christopher Angel
[Image: Con.gif]
Re: I have decided
"My rare metal is Afraidium. It's color is yellow and it tastes like chicken."- Fender (Robin Williams) from 'Robots'
"I've always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific." - George Carlin
Re: I have decided
Hmm. A thought Acyl and I cooked up while I was starting up Sara, our resident Dark Magical Girl (sort of):
Name the Noun, the format used for Trigun's Gung-Ho Guns, might make an excellent option.
Ja, -n

"Puripuri puripuri... Bang!"
Re: I have decided
Name the Noun, the format used for Trigun's Gung-Ho Guns, might make an excellent option.
Like Valles said. I really really like this idea.
Gives a great deal of flexibility in what we can fit. And as Valles noted, allows just about anything in the long run, and usually short enough to fit in the name limit.
And -yet-, it's -still- a consistent naming format.
Some of the examples from Trigun...Chapel the Evergreen, Rai-Dei the Blade, Zazie the Beast, Caine the Longshot...and so on. Full list here.
-- Acyl
Re: I have decided
Some of the examples from Trigun...Chapel the Evergreen, Rai-Dei the Blade, Zazie the Beast, Caine the Longshot...and so on.
Along those lines... I can't remember where I found this, but it seems an appropriate moment to pull it out of my quotefile:
"You know what I just realized? You can make anyone's name automatically
cooler by adding the words 'the Stampede' on the end of it."
"Beth the Stampede?"
"Hell yes!"
"Poodle-Hunter the Stampede?"
"Shut up."

-- Bob
...The President is on the line
As ninety-nine crab rangoons go by...
Re: I have decided
Here's a suggestion for the villain guy's costume.
The idea is armour over fabric, a counterpoint to what the girls have. Except, instead of skirts and bare legs, what the guys have is a military-style uniform underneath.
I wanted to do something like a marching band on crack - like the Nemesis army - but I couldn't get it right. So I tried this:
[Image: facetvillians.jpg]
Head:Normal (Maybe face tattoo-markings as standard?)
Upper Body: Armored, Chest: Medieval (Plus any pattern), Chest Detail: Jewel
Shoulders: Any, Gloves: Any (Though shoulders and gloves should both look armored)
Belt: Jewel
Lower Body: Pants, Camo
Boots: Work Boot
I'd like to standardise the gloves as large robotic as well, as in the first guy (the blue and gold one) but that might not work for everybody. Does it look too bulky?
I kept the jewel thing - they're probably using similar 'technology' to their rivals, no?
-- Acyl
Re: I have decided
So I spoke with His Lovely Wife, and she doesn't like the bulky large robotic gloves...well, yeah. I figured that wouldn't work for everybody. So I guess, if we use that design, 's still better to let folks choose whatever shoulderpads and gauntlets they feel fit.
Colors, 'course, should match the powers in some way... but that's a given, I suppose.
-- Acyl
(any ideas for the hero-side kamen outfit? or will that not be standardised?)
-- Acyl

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