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Okay, Seriously Weird Idea
08-31-2006, 07:18 PM
I suppose it's the combination of still being sick, sorta, and being very short on sleep (Peggy worked until midnight last night, and needed me to pick her up from her job -- a round trip of over an hour...), but I had a thoroughly weird idea for a themed supergroup that I wanted to throw out to folks.
A Dada/Surrealist supergroup.
Call it something like "The Pink Wombat Stretchers", make characters with names like "The Eructent Structure" who wear costumes which are the result of the "random" button. And roleplay it completely in the public channels -- which means all public dialogue would be completely incomprehensible gibberish or non sequiturs.
It might make for the occasional entertaining break from the serious Legendary stuff.
So, sound fun, or am I just spacing from illness and lack of sleep?
-- Bob
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08-31-2006, 07:27 PM
I get to be random Pirate Watercooler.
"Arp me hearties! It be genuflecting on the raccoons go up a tree slowly."
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Re: Okay, Seriously Weird Idea
08-31-2006, 07:54 PM
You're spacing from illness and lack of sleep.
But it still sounds damned entertaining. ^_^
I don't think I could pull it off myself. But I'd be laughing my ass off at watching the antics. ![[Image: happy.gif]]( -Logan
"This kind of thing tends invariably to devolve into the kind of "No, Nakajima, THIS is true power!!" argument that only really works if you're yelling it from the cockpit of a giant robot . . ."
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Re: Okay, Seriously Weird Idea
08-31-2006, 09:26 PM
So, essentially, make the robots from the Junk Planet in the Transformers Movie.When engaging, nothing beats a full frontal.
In the epic rage of furious thunder
legends create their tales
when the twilight calls and the dark lord falls
our glory will prevail
In the epic rage of furious thunder
legends create their tales
when the twilight calls and the dark lord falls
our glory will prevail
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Re: Okay, Seriously Weird Idea
08-31-2006, 11:31 PM
Well, one yes and one maybe is enough for me. Later tonight I'll pick a server and build a character. Since I have to wait until he's 10th level to start the SG, it'll probably be a while, but I'll let people know where to go when I've finished.
Unless of course people want me to use either Virtue or Infinity so the characters are "in continuity" with their other toons. Let me know. I'll check here before I do anything.
-- Bob
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08-31-2006, 11:55 PM
I would prefer Virtue or Infinity if posible.
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Re: Server
09-01-2006, 12:12 AM
Though the idea doesn't really interest me, I'm not sure there's any advantage in spreading everything out over even more servers.
-Morgan, opinionated!"I have no interest in ordinary humans. If there are any aliens, time travelers, or espers here, come sleep with me."
---From "The Ecchi of Haruhi Suzumiya"
-----(Not really)
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Re: Server
09-01-2006, 02:05 AM
Infinity then, because I have more open slots there.
-- Bob
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Re: Server
09-01-2006, 04:11 AM
Okay, just built on Infinity:
The Argon Blue Pince-nez
Radiation/Mental Science Defender
I really wish I knew how to cut and paste in COH, if it's at all possible, because the bio I came up with for him is one of the more spectacular pieces of stream-of-consciousness gibberish I've ever had the pleasure of composing. Of course, I can't recreate it from memory...
Oh, and you can't see it, but his hair is the same color as his belt, and his ears are pointed and the same color as his hat. God bless the random button!
-- Bob
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Re: Server
09-01-2006, 06:13 AM
In order to get screenshots of your game that have the interface visible (and bios, and maps, and badges and clues, dialogue, etc) just hit your print screen key on your keyboard like normal. The most recent image is saved to your clipboard (until you hit Printscreen again) Immediately switch over to an imaging program like IRFanview or even MS Paint and use the "Paste" function. You'll see the screenshot that you just took. It will have no name, so when saving, pick a name for the file. Save it as a jpeg preferably for ease of posting here. GIF format will do as well.
Looking forward to the madness! ^_^
"This kind of thing tends invariably to devolve into the kind of "No, Nakajima, THIS is true power!!" argument that only really works if you're yelling it from the cockpit of a giant robot . . ."
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Re: Server
09-01-2006, 07:14 AM
It's easy to paste, not cut - the interface for the Bio entry will accept a CTRL-V.--
Christopher Angel, aka JPublic
The Works of Christopher Angel
Chibi Konatsu
Re: Server
09-01-2006, 08:25 AM
I was telling myself earlier that I wanted to make a dadaist superhero, and now you've given me an excuse. I'll show mine as soon as I make him.
Hail Discordia!
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Re: Server
09-01-2006, 09:28 AM
I'm gonna do this. I'm not sure what yet, but...something. For one thing, I like talking in gibberish.
For another, I've always wanted to do something with Singlish speech patterns. What's Singlish? Singapore...well, I suppose it's technically an English variant, at least the base grammar's from there...but filtered through Chinese grammar sensibilities, with vocabulary from several Chinese dialects, Malay, and Tamil...
So dada, plus linguistics...damn, wow, he's gonna be annoying...
-- Acyl
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Re: Server
09-01-2006, 09:32 AM
Quote: In order to get screenshots of your game that have the interface visible (and bios, and maps, and badges and clues, dialogue, etc) just hit your print screen key on your keyboard like normal.
As noted, when you hit Print Screen in CoH, two things happen. One, it copies the exact stuff you see to the clipboard. Of course, as you probably know, it also saves a shot in your CoH folder.
You can control whether the user-interface turns up in your CoH-folder screenshots. The command is:
/screenshotui 1 (to make the interface visible in saved shots)
/screenshotui 0 (hides the UI for 'clean' images)
This is a toggle, so plugging it once sets the property or somesuch, and it sticks until you enter the other command.
-- Acyl
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Re: Server
09-01-2006, 12:16 PM
And as threatened, though I dunno how often I'm going to play this bit of lunacy, I give you...
Steady Steady Bomb
-- Acyl
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Re: Server
09-01-2006, 02:09 PM
Quote: The most recent image is saved to your clipboard
I hadn't realized that -- I thought it intercepted the whole printscreen functionality. When I get home tonight I'll do a shot of the ID screen, then, and post it here. I can't remember what I gave him for a battle cry, but it's just as deep and insightful as his bio...
-- Bob
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Re: Server
09-01-2006, 02:10 PM
Quote: I was telling myself earlier that I wanted to make a dadaist superhero, and now you've given me an excuse. I'll show mine as soon as I make him.
Cool! I'll have to start working Pince-nez up to L10 -- but whoever gets to it first feel free to start the SG.
-- Bob
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Re: Server
09-01-2006, 02:13 PM
Quote: Steady Steady Bomb
Great! We'll have to schedule a time to run mishes together.
We should probably also come up with a standard lingo, at least for things like "Yes"/"No" etc. Just so we can be incomprehensible but consistent in public messages.
-- Bob
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Dadist unite...wait a sec
09-01-2006, 02:23 PM
In order to encourage others I offer a thought. If there was a combination of powers that you never thought should go together. Now is the time to use it. Why not?
In order to a touch more accesible it might be worth it to work Dada into the supergroup name. That was a small percentage of viewers will actually get the joke.
Who's your Dada (Dali?) (Dadaist?)
While the language will probably develop through use, here are some suggestions
Yes: Arp Arp! Squee!
Alternatively we could use emotes for yes/no, while leaving the dialog fluid.
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So this would be an attempt to do something like "The Barcodes" from virtue.
"The Barcodes" are a group of MIB's that roam the D and emote at the RP'ers. The dialog they use in local/broadcast/etc is strings of capital I or lowercase l... thus:
Each "word" is a letter in substitution cipher, with the number of I's corresponding to a mutated hexadecimal value for a letter in ASCII.
''We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat
them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.''
-- James Nicoll
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Re: Dadist unite...wait a sec
09-01-2006, 06:48 PM
Quote: Who's your Dada (Dali?) (Dadaist?)
Hello, Dali?
-- Bob
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09-01-2006, 07:47 PM
(All Jokes Dali enabled)
Crutching tiger, Elongated elephant
Someone left a clock out in the rain (Also MacArthur Park enabled)
Okay we know you love your wife you moustachioed freak-job, try painting some other chick.
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Re: Dali
09-02-2006, 03:56 AM
Three accomplishments tonight...
One, Argon Blue Pince-nez teamed for a while with Shayne's dadaist hero whose name I have promptly forgotten in all the best traditions of absentmindedness. Though, mind you, I won't ever forget what he looks like, even when he's not doing the chicken dance.
Two, I have had the signal experience of staying in character long enough while on a team that they kicked me out of sheer annoyance, even though they were on a sewer run and I was their healer.
And Three, I finally screen printed Argon's bio:
![[Image: argon.jpg]](
All in all, it's been a good night's run.
-- Bob
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re: dali
09-02-2006, 04:16 AM
behold the triumphant debut of
uncial lass
defender of whatever's around, plus ice cream
![[Image: uncial2.jpg]](
"purple monkey dishwasher!"
Chibi Konatsu
This will be /so/ hard to RP.
09-02-2006, 11:26 AM
File name: Apricot Geneva
I swear I got this on the first click.
Subject was discovered and brought to a holding facility. He seemed agreeable but incapable of explaining why he was here, communicating only by grunts and gestures. He apparently insists that his name is 'Apricot Geneva'. Finally, after he was given a cup of coffee he gave the following speech:
"Irrefutable. Consider all needs threatened. Responsible embryos, marching endlessly, must bear eternal retreading. Memory yearns. Needfull arms make exit.
Watch her eternal naming. Irrefutable. Walls only keep endings. Untried peace. Irrefutable. Wishful arias sleep. Ordered nativity. Absolution. Sad lions approach bliss.
Ordered nativity. Tell him everything. Clawed eidolons insist love is no goal. Wait ere reason escapes. Tell him everything. Last endless timepiece topples every ruined shelter. Apricot Geneva.
Irrefutable. Took his innocence, never killed. Tell her endless yarns. Wait ere reason escapes. Memory yearns. Needful arms make exit.
Irrefutable. Kiss no owlish widow. Wait, he ordered. Desperate imitators die. Thankless heralds intuit shapes. Truth orbits. Misery entertains.
Tell her endless yarns. Tonal obituaries offer karma. Memory yearns. Weightless orrery rains dismal sand. All need direction. Memory yearns. Needful arms make exit.
Tell her endless yarns. Apostles radiate echoes. Tell him everything. Gains ordained since planned expulsion lapsed. Observe futility. Tell him everything. Umbral nightmares own peace, expect nameless entities's desire. Blasphemous orders obtain knighthood.
All need direction. Tell her endless yarns. Apostles radiate echoes. Created openings mire intangible names gloriously."
Maybe I'm tooting my own here, but I might have just out-Doom Patrole'd Grant Morrison.