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Speaking of TFs...
Speaking of TFs...
Does anybody want to do Positron's TF? Or not really -want- to, but want the Task Force Commander accolade? Feeling masochistic enough to brave the Shadow
Shard TFs?

I ask because Badb has the Summon Teammates temp power (for two days of in-game time) and it'll be a while before I get the Veteran Reward, and I hate to
waste the chance to stealth the hard missions at the beginning of Posi, or use it to speed up Shard travel... and because I've been toying with the idea of
trying to start a regular (or irregular) Task Force / Trial night. This would happen next week or later if it does, so as not to conflict with the Statesman TF

Thoughts? Is a Task Force Night a good idea? Are there other TFs/Trials that would benefit from this temp power in the hands of a stealthy character?
I'd be all over this like ugly on a bulldog.
"so listen up boy, or pornography starring your mother will be the second worst thing to happen to you today"
TF2: Spy
Maybe scheduling a regular or semi regular Task Force night would be a good thing. That way we'd know it was coming each week.

Maybe we could have two nights per week scheduled. One would be the main Task Force night. The other would be an alternate evening for those whose schedules
don't permit them to participate on the usual day.
I have a tank available for Posi. Actually, I have two tanks available for Posi. So, yes, I would be interested.
Heck if we get it a regular thing I gots All sorts of toons on all sorts of servers for Posi. [Image: happy.gif]
''We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat
them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.''

-- James Nicoll
This is a great idea. I'd be game for Positron - for badge reasons - on a few characters. Particularly Virtue,
of course.

-- Acyl
I'd be glad to bring in what ever I need for TFs. For Posi, I can stealth through it with my Blaster, since I got a +stealth on my teleport from the last
time I went at TFs.

The Master said: "It is all in vain! I have never yet seen a man who can perceive his own faults and bring the charge home against himself."

>Analects: Book V, Chaper XXVI
I'd be all over this like Smut on Rice. Anne Rice.Wire Geek - Burning the weak and trampling the dead since 1979
Quote: Kokuten wrote:

I'd be all over this like Smut on Rice. Anne Rice.

Except she's "Found Jesus."


There's all sorts of snark there... I can't choose what to use... ><
''We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat
them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.''

-- James Nicoll
Quote:I can't choose what to use

Then let's not - I picked a bad comparison.

I'll still be all over this TF Night idea.Wire Geek - Burning the weak and trampling the dead since 1979
Ok, we have interest. Yay! I really like Logan's suggestion of having two time slots. I'd like to do that, if someone else will take charge of the
other slot (once we decide what the two slots are.) Oh, and I'm planning this as a Virtue blueside event, at least for now, as it seems to be common ground
for most of us. Once I get a villain to 50, I'll think about Strike Forces... but I figure the TFs will keep us busy for a while.

Another consideration for scheduling... how would people feel about a shorter bloc of time, and breaking up TFs, rather than trying to grind them out in a
single epic session? With a regular schedule, I think we'd actually finish them this way, and it may be easier for more people to jump in if it's, say,
4 hours once a week, rather than a marathon of variable duration. The downside, of course, is that participating toons would be locked in TF mode in between.
Not a big deal for us 50s or those with lots of alts, but is this a deal-breaker for anyone? Would people prefer longer or shorter blocks of time as a general

I also have two friends from Phoenix/Profit Inc. interested in the concept as well. Some of you have teamed with us in the past, most recently on the Ernesto
Hess TF. Can we swing a Phoenix-Legendary coalition? They're going to promote Faraday (who is in Phoenix) so I can be the liaison on that side.
I'm good for pausing a tf in the middle. Especially Posi.

And I think that we all have enough Alts that it shouldn't cause us too much pain to do that. :-p

So, when is the first one?
Correct me if I may be in error, but I think that (according to the Legendary Channel MotD) the TF is tentatively scheduled for Friday at 9PM EST.

The Master said: "It is all in vain! I have never yet seen a man who can perceive his own faults and bring the charge home against himself."

>Analects: Book V, Chaper XXVI
The Statesman TF is this Friday, yes.

The regular TF night(s) will hopefully start in the next couple of weeks, once details are hashed out. Starting with Posi.

Speaking of details: How long a session should we plan? Weekly or every other week? Maybe we could have a set start time and a more flexible crash time?
Crickets. That doesn't bode well. But I'm not giving up!

My opinion is that a weekly thing is more likely to take off than one that occurs every other week or less frequently. You don't have to remember when
it's on or not, downtime is minimized for participants when a TF takes more than one night, and it's not such a big deal if you can't always make

Likewise, I think shorter sessions are easier for people to schedule. It's hard for me to carve out a six-hour block of time--and harder to do so without
my family giving me grief about it.

From what I gathered from the STF muster, Fridays work for more people than other days. Not my first choice (that would have been Thursday--my commute is bad
on Friday) but it can work. If you can't make it Fridays, start pitching ideas for an alternate night.

If you can make it Fridays, let's talk about start times. I'm good from 8pm Pacific on. I know that's late elsewhere, but I work until 6pm.
I am _furious_ that I wasn't able to make it Friday. I got roped into some honeydews and was unable to make it in anything approaching good time. My Normal
time has me online and ready to rock by 4:30pm AKST (gmt-9), on friday's, with occasional availability up to 2 hours earlier, depending on the friday in


I agree, once a week. Boost our base population pool by extending private invitations to (trusted) non-Legendary personnel, and that way we can afford more
people not making it on any given friday.Wire Geek - Burning the weak and trampling the dead since 1979
To be honest? I'm waiting for that big TF change they're pushing - apparently it's going to make Posi *easily* soloable.

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