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A Call To Hands - Stop Levelling, Please!
A Call To Hands - Stop Levelling, Please!
At level 40, anyway.

We've got a lot of alts and lower characters making the run up to 50 in a big hurry - I'm consistently impressed by how fast 'you people' level
for a group of _non_ powergamers.

Anyway - please stop levelling at 40. Why?

The Abandoned Sewers Trial

I was under the impression, due to P-Wiki, that we could 'cheat', and use 50s with one level 39 to round-robin exemplar to to get the weapons -
Vyperpunk informs me that this will not work.

So, instead, we need 'some' (Pwiki says 'one', see earlier statement on Pwiki reliability), Red Tomax doesn't have much to say -

But it appears that only heroes of level 40 and below can get the temp power for hitting the Hydra, regardless of SK status.

So. Save your 40s! I'd like to run this trial a few times, get everyone who's interested in it covered. It's a goofy trial, as it's _not_ in TF
mode. So getting the group together is easy - anyone can come, who's 36+ for the abandoned sewers.

Roy will be hitting 40 soon, and I'm gonna stop him there until we can get this trial knocked down! I'd like the badge on Mag and Pooky as well,
though, so..

Save your Forties!
"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman
I'll pause when I get Faraday to 40, then. The Hydra Trial is on my list of things I haven't done yet.

I seem to remember reading somewhere that there were 4 thermite cannons (for the tentacles) and only 2 particle cannons (for the head) but haven't been
able to find that reference again to verify. If true, the team would benefit from having a level 50 or two for tanking Hatched Krakens or setting Rikti on
fire. According to City of Heroes Online, you can get the temp weapons up to level 42, but I've seen 40 other places. *shrug* In any case, I'm in.
I figure 4 40s, and 4 50s, and we're set. I can't imagine that our 'average' player isn't quick enough to bounce from the Force Field
generator to the Hydra Head in short order.

Especially with 50s doing buffs and crowd control..
"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman
Braende is approaching 40,(Well, at least 36 =P) if you need one low level. Otherwise I can mez what little the Hydra have for brains on Amber.

The Master said: "It is all in vain! I have never yet seen a man who can perceive his own faults and bring the charge home against himself."

>Analects: Book V, Chaper XXVI
Another one Eva didn't do...
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
And another one Eva would be VERY welcome on.
"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman
I have Glass Lass (Blaster, 40), and Superball (Scrapper, 38) in the range. Superball's pretty much
parked there until I either: a) do a severe rebuild (quite possibly with IOs) or b) reroll him entirely, since Powerset Proliferation brings with it the
promise of powersets that'll fit his concept better. Either way, there's no real issue dragging Supes out of mothballs if neccessary. He's not
going anywhere.

I can't promise Glass won't level past 40, tho, since I do actively play her.

Note it is POSSIBLE to defeat the Hydra head with just two or three guns firing, owing to most of the team not having the appropriate power. I believe when we
last ran this as an SG, it was only Foxboy, me, and one other shooting. First time I did it was rather similar; only me and one other guy blasting...and he did
most of it, since I had to go back up the shaft and look for a gun. That does take a while, mind you, and the trial /is/ timed, though in both cases we had a
significant margin of success even under such conditions.

-- Acyl
I remember this trial. It was funky. Trying to remember who was one the team.....Wide, Min, Bella, Superball, and then a bunch of non-Legendary whose
powersets/ats have totally left my memory. I could certainly find someone to bring to the next party though. :-)
Lora'Lai is level... darn. I think she leveled to 41 already. I'd have to boot the game to be sure. But I'm pretty sure of it. I could possibly get
Kara Skye up to that level soon. Oh man, the alt-i-tus is KILLING me! Tongue

Speaking of odd trials and whatnot for that level: has anyone else considered the Eden Trial? NOT the Hamidon, but the actual Eden Zone Trial? The one that you
pick up from The Spirit of the Woodsman at the far west end of Eden? I've done this one all of ONE time with my original level 50, Lora Doubet. The word
EPIC doesn't do it justice! And level 40 is the perfect time for it. It's really only for level 39, 40, and 41 characters. Look it up at the Red Tomax

Incidentally, as a point of wonderful convenience, our Teleporter drop point for Eden is RIGHT THERE at the Woodsman himself, standing at the entrance to the
main part of the trial itself in the Hive - that big termite mountain at the far end of Eden.

It's a trial versus the Devouring Earth. And when they say trial, in this case they REALLY MEAN IT. We're talking about going up against a Devouring
Earth ARMY. Think about invading the world's biggest termite hill. Except it's filled to the brim with Crystal Titans, Lesser and Greater Devoured,
rock monsters, the works. And the interior of that environment... Jeez... it's both utterly alien and yet amazing to look at. There is nothing else like it
in the entire game. Remember that Eye of the Leviathan that we fought on redside yesterday in that Strike Force? Well the entire Hive is built on the scale of
that final cave. Swooping arches of stone bridging over acidic waters. Caves on a scale that allows something even taller than a Malta Titan to stomp around...

Anyway. Most people seem to forget this trial even exists anymore, and like the sewer trial, that's a damn shame. I've done both. And they're both
a lot of fun.
Eden's one I somehow missed out on with Eva, too. I'd be happy to bring her in on that, as well as the sewer trial.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Hmm. This sounds like it's made of Fun. Emerald Blast is *almost* in the right level range... given a little bit of time, I can probably get her
there. She's 35 right now. And hey, who *doesn't* like glowy green healing goodness coming along on a Trial?

So, yeah, once she hits 40 I'll park her unless she's done it by then. Do we have any sort of tentative event scheduled yet? Sounds like
there's enough interest...

--"Listening to your kid is the audio equivalent of a Salvador Dali painting, Spud." --OpMegs
at this point, I'm almost gonna make a swing for Sunday
"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman
I'm not likely to hit 36 before Sunday, myself.
I *might* make 36 before Sunday, but I can't be certain. I've got about 1/4 of the bubbles filled through 35; if I find a good team or three
Friday/Saturday night, then I'll make it, but otherwise, I'll be just under it, I imagine.

Guess I'll have to wait and see. [Image: smile.gif]

--"Listening to your kid is the audio equivalent of a Salvador Dali painting, Spud." --OpMegs
good team, huh?

have to see what we can do about that ; )

Sofa, what's your availability Saturday? I'm thinking you + Mag + Mag + Enkili, and we'll need another 35-37, and we'll go do Rikti War Zone

(I'm using this as an excuse to group with Mag Taser, my EEeeeevilll counterpart, who is 36)
"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman
On Sat I've got an old friend coming in from out of town during the day, so I'm not quite sure when I'll be on. Probably around 8-ish pm Pacific
and through the night until I pass out, heh. I'm taking Friday and Monday off from work this weekend (see above re: old friend), and I plan to spend a big
portion of Friday afternoon on CoX -- during the day while my son's at school, taking a break for a couple hours when he gets out, then back on around
5-ish, probably (he's spending the weekend elsewhere). And again with the 'until I pass out' duration.

If you want to schedule something, let me know (keeping the above in mind) and I can arrange things. I'm not so sure on the Rikti War Zone stuff -- never
been there -- but I'll give anything a try twice.

--"Listening to your kid is the audio equivalent of a Salvador Dali painting, Spud." --OpMegs
let's pencil for friday evening and saturday evening.
"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman
That will will work for me good and well. You can Count Braende in on your jovial festivities. She's 36, and Rikti burn good and well.

The Master said: "It is all in vain! I have never yet seen a man who can perceive his own faults and bring the charge home against himself."

>Analects: Book V, Chaper XXVI

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