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"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman
Yeah, when Badb ran this, someone (not me!) aggroed him before we were ready and he whomped half the team before we regrouped and took him down. But we did
recover and win without disengaging or a team wipe--he's nowhere near as dangerous as the free-roaming Giant Monster in Crey's Folly.
I would suggest avoiding the Numina TF, if possible, during the Rikti Invasion period.

An ill-timed zone invasion will bring the hunting part of your TF to a halt.
-- Acyl
Re: the Hunts

The Vhas in Faultline only come out at night. That's the ONE part of the hunts that hang up every team doing this TF everything else about it is a cake
walk including Jurassic.
True, true. It is rather straightforward fights, the Vhaz in Fault come out only during the night (10-15 min or so, with 10-15 of 'day'). Although the
problem with hunts is, if a Rikti Invasion happens to occur in the zone we are hunting, all the mobs go *poof* and we'd have to wait for it to end. If we
were all in the same zone, it could be useful for a side of Watchman Accolade, but seeings as the general strategy is to disperse, it would be more an
annoyance than it would a helpful tangent.

The Master said: "It is all in vain! I have never yet seen a man who can perceive his own faults and bring the charge home against himself."

>Analects: Book V, Chaper XXVI
Quote: Acyl wrote:

I would suggest avoiding the Numina TF, if possible, during the Rikti Invasion period.

An ill-timed zone invasion will bring the hunting part of your TF to a halt.

How long is the current Invasion event on for? I assumed it would be over by then.
Actually, you're right, it's supposed to be over:-

Brace yourselves as the full fury of the Rikti Invasion Force is set to descend upon Paragon City™ and the Rogue Isles™ starting on Friday, April 18th and continuing through Thursday, April 24th.

If that's accurate, then it should be fine. My bad, I didn't check the dates!

No problem then.
-- Acyl
Task Force Friday: Numina
Task Force Friday: Numina
Numina's TF requires only 4 people, level 34-38. But you probably want more because of the gratuitous hunting and the monster at the end, Juassik. There
are 23 missions, which sounds awful, but 16 of them are Defeat X missions taking you on a grand tour of Paragon City. Assuming of course, you go to all of
them. Send everyone to a different zone to look for targets in advance, and they fly by.

Red Tomax lists them in this order: Perez, Atlas, Steel, Galaxy, Kings, Skyway, Faultline, Brickstown, Crey's Folly, Terra Volta, Independence Port,
Boomtown, Talos, Dark Astoria, Founders' Falls, Eden. I don't know if the order is randomized or not. Jurassik is found in the last mission, indoors in
everyone's least favorite natural cave map. At least it's not Oranbega. He's Monster tough, not Giant Monster tough, but it can be hairy if he
attacks before you've cleared some breathing room, and he will try to hit you with a Buick on a stick.

This is the other of the original six TFs that I've already done with Badb, so I'll probably bring Faraday since she just hit 35 (Power Sink, yay!)
Jurassik is a candycane; Spoiler-coated strat below.


[Image: Jurassik-1.jpg] Defeating Jurassik: Strategy

The boss, Jurassik, is in a large room with several floors, and he's
surrounded by Devouring Earth. A team needs only to clear the first floor and the basement floor (the one Jurassik is on).

After that, pulling with Taunt is a good idea--the author's team pulled
with a blaster snipe and he went down in seconds.

Once the tanker has Jurassik's full attention, the battle is smooth sailing, as long as no defenders or blasters get to close to Jurassik's
swinging car: he has a devastating cone attack.

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